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    posted a message on Why is Minecraft so laggy for me now?
    Quote from Tainted Kril

    I used to not have a problem with minecraft. I used to play in Far distance but now i cant it gets to laggy. Now i have to toggle fog every 5 seconds. Help?

    On October 18th Notch is going to put a halt on adding anything to the game and do an entire month of nothing but performance boosting and bug fixes. Just wait for that.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Thatsss... a nice everything... (Update: Baby Creeper)
    Quote from tlishman

    I was honestly only coming to this thread to mock you for using an unoriginal joke... Now I'm here to say +1 for you. If Minecraft left block land and creepers ended up like this, I would NEVER play again. Scary scary isht bro. Good F'ing Work.

    Posted in: Fan Art
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    posted a message on Why all the automation?
    Quote from callmejeed

    I'm admittedly still pretty new to MC, but I don't know why so many people have thee elaborate systems to automatically harvesting one thing or another. I mean, props to whoever develops one of these systems (not so props if you just looked it up on the wiki), but I'm lost as to why. I play on a server that is only three people so far, and we have a small village (I run the tavern, Endermans' Drinkery and Eats) and handle the farming there and at our mansion further away. I have two wheat fields with a yield of one stack per harvest, and sugarcane fields at both locations, as well as two cows at the mansion, and I just planted melons in the village. I don't even harvest as soon as the wheat is ready half of the time, and yet we have no shortage of food.

    Is it simply a scale thing? Are people feeding whole cities here? Or is it simply to say "I made a wacky device that automatically harvests cacti?" Inquiring minds want to know.

    It's the last one. People do it just for the hell of it. Some people like to build huge citites and castles while others just like to build redstone devices.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Minecraft Lag Help
    Quote from Saxguy101

    CPU around 54% and memory 2.32gb.

    Sorry dude. Sounds like your in the same boat as me. If I find a solution I'll let you know. And I hope you'll do the same :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft Lag Help
    Quote from Saxguy101

    15-20 FPS.

    Okay. And out of the game, press ctrl+shift+escape. Go to performance and tell me what your memory usage and cpu usage is at.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft Lag Help
    Quote from Saxguy101

    Kinda hard to tell. It seems somewhat better, though not near as smoothly as my old computer rendered it.

    Edit: I'm really not noticing a difference at all.

    Hmm... while your playing press F3 and tell me what your fps is.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.8 Sheep?!

    I go exploring every day. D:

    You might have to go far. It took me 3 [minecraft] days to find a chicken, but when I did holy isht... There was like 30.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on 1.8 Sheep?!

    Okay, so when I was playing in 1.7.3 I didn't have any sheers, and was too lazy to make any. There was ALOT of sheep. I mean A LOT. So I killed sheep to get wool which only gave me 1. Which was really dumb because sheering gives 2-4. I updated to 1.8 and started playing. There has been one sheep that spawned. One. I read in the minecraft wiki that they show up in larger groups, and only one has spawned. Is there something wrong with my game? I'm near dirt, water, sand & trees. I'm also on peaceful because i'm more interested in building than killing. I'm so confused, because I only have 1 white wool left and i'm making a carnival. So if anyone can, help! D:

    Just go exploring. You will find a flock.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Minecraft Lag Help
    Quote from Saxguy101

    I had tried that also, but still the same results.


    Download the x64 version and install it. That should help a bunch! If not write me back :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Sad pic (somewhat)
    Quote from my nose

    way is the rain purple

    Because rain is evaporated water. And the lake outside his window is clearly purple. So, purple lake evaporates, purple rain falls.
    Posted in: Screenshots
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