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    posted a message on Commands executed by region.
    Quote from Lord_Ralex

    Thank you so much! I would really appreciate your effort in trying! Let me know if there is anything I can do!
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Commands executed by region.
    Quote from Survivzor

    That was a great idea! Unfortunately your flaw stands true. I need a way to force them in and out of gamemodes.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Commands executed by region.
    Hello MCForums Genius',

    I'm running a small (for now) survival server. I don't have a ton of ram on it because it is only a 6 man server (for now). I was at one point trying to run MultiVerse so I could have a redstone foolery world, but the plugin was to resource hungry for my server. I was hoping there was a plugin available that would allow me to execute server commands by the player entering or exiting a region (I use WorldGuard atm). The plugin also needs to understand string variables (For example, player name, group, level) And I'm also hoping this might be a little easier on the server.

    I.E. Player enters region A, server executes command "gamemode %PLAYER_NAME% 1". Player exits region A server executes "gamemode %PLAYER_NAME% 0".

    If such a thing exists, or someone would be willing to write it for me. Please let me here.


    P.S. If someone is willing to write this for me I will be willing to negotiate compensation.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on serous problem please help!
    Quote from TheGregSkinner

    OK SO my minecraft lags way to bad! ive never gotten this much lag.. i am running it off of a command promt. just to start it with more ram and ya look at the pic...


    i have 1650m of memory allocated and only 470 bieng used! is wont go higer than this i need tome help!
    i dont want to lagg anymore is therea way to make or force it to use more of the alocated memory?


    Give us some hardware specs.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Redstone - A Suggestion
    Quote from 1dra7

    As most puzzle mappers have issues with Redstone, hopefully my suggestion would work out for you.

    Redstone wiring is used for mechanics and traps and double doors. Well, when it comes to neatness you wanna hide your redstone. Well, In my custom map, the map is going upwards in a tower like format, and I have to hide my redstone through the ground. Well, it goes down slightly and into the room below since hiding it isn't easy. The redstone made me lower parts of the ceiling in my map so I could hide the redstone without ruining anything. And since it goes down, I can't hide the first bit of it since putting a block over a block with redstone going down through it ruins the circuit. So here is my suggestion:

    MAKE HIDING REDSTONE EASIER! It could happen in a few ways.
    1. When Redstone goes down, allow us to place a block above and next to it. I don't like removing it and showing the obvious circuit in my floor.
    2. This probably will not ever happen, but I would even accept redstone blocks. For instance, in crafting, combining redstone and a stone block together would make a redstone block. Same thing with wood, brick, logs, etc. There would be redstone inside of the block, so no wiring is shown. The block would have a slight glow so you would know how far your wiring is reaching. This would be helpful for hiding/disguising it.

    Share your ideas on this. I can always add another suggestion. :smile.gif:

    The problem with suggestion one is that some times it is crucial to be able to cut off redstone circuitry from one side of a block. There the "above and next" rule is very handy.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Im a Redstone Teacher
    Quote from manrat

    Hello im I redstonest and for manny people redstone is a tricky concept to grasp thats why im hear just leave your applicaton in the coments


    Ill PM you the ip of the server we will meat on and I will teach you the bacics and a bit more.

    IGN: praticle
    Age: 20

    I don't really need a tutor but I am having a strange problem on my own server and I would like someone else to take a look because I can't figure the damn thing out :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Redstone Consultant Required. [Inquire within.]
    So, I'm not a redstone novice by any means. I consider myself pretty advanced, but I just purchased a new server and I'm working on a very simple redstone project but I can't for the life of me get it to work.

    All I want is when you stand on a pressure plate the wall opens up and reveals my infinite water source. Easy enough right? Wrong. Either the top piston opens and the bottom closes when the pressure plate is active or the top one moves and the bottom one stays in a constant on state even when not powered. I don't know if this is a glitch, if I'm just missing something simple or even if it's server lag. I worked on this on Monday and couldn't get it, left it alone all day and went back in with fresh eyes tonight and still can't get it.

    If someone is willing to give me a hand with this I'd really appreciate it. Quote me here or pm me and I'll send you the IP.

    P.S. Our server is also looking for mature and responsible admins so ask about that as well if your interested.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Changing the Color of Lapis Luzul Blocks
    Quote from xujays

    I noticed that lapis luzil blocks look pretty cool and I thought it would be pretty cool if you could have different color blocks that had the same texture as lapis luzul blocks. Maybe red could come from redstone or maybe you could just dye lapis luzil blocks to change their colors. What do you think?

    Idk, If I would like to be able to dye any particular block it would be glowstone. Especially with the new lighting engine that can have different coloured lights :ohmy.gif:
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on [Survival] SkyChunk
    Quote from SnowLinxy

    SkyChunk is a 16*16 chunk surrounded by void. Please give it a try! Much alike SkyBlock!


    - Make a portal to nether

    - Make an house

    - Expand the chunk

    - Make a string factory

    EXTREME CHALLENGE- Completly digg out sky chunk, therefore getting rid of it completly-

    NOTE: SkyChunk was purposly reduced in ores. This is to make life a little easyer.

    SCREENSHOT: http://www.flickr.co...N06/6240175487/

    Download: http://adf.ly/3BFg7

    This map is not perfect YET so please post suggestions and help me out! If you see any problems please report them to me!

    Yeah sorry, skyblock is better. Try something original!
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Would this be a good investment?
    Quote from Wervenyt


    I am hoping to install a video card, and use it as a gaming machine/home server.
    What do you think?

    I agree. If your going to run it as a server it would be fine. But it would not make a good gaming computer. Especially if the drives went...
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on Need Partner for Skyblock Survival
    Quote from mrklutchster


    Do you have a sense of Humor? No, I like the spend my time reading dictionaries and discussing philosophy.

    What is your Age: 19

    IGN: praticle

    I joke/prank quite a bit can you deal with that? Absolutley, that's part of the fun of doing a duel-com

    UjellyBro? Well that isn't proper grammer :tongue.gif:.. But yes, raspberry if you please!
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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    posted a message on 999 Uses for Wood
    4) Whacking pigs.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on (1.8.1) The Box Survival
    Quote from zrex

    Post screens and I might try it out.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Far view distance tons of lag
    Quote from epicopter

    Hey, when I set the view distance to far my game lags out horribly, it almost freezes completely. It freezes for about 10 seconds then unfreezes for 1 second, etc...

    I have no idea what is causing this, it's mostly fine on Normal view distance except after a long period of playing it will lag out and i will have to restart my client.

    I'm running it on an 17 2600k, intel 510 ssd, 8gb ram and a gtx 580.

    Try updating to Java 7. Fixed my problem ^^
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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