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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    it has been updated to 1.8.1, guess some bugs have been fixed.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    discovered that you can used bonemeal on tree saplings. may be this is old and for all this time i've never known
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Want to play 1.8 Early? Here's How!
    the game crashes for me every so often. I'll be going about my minecraft business and it will just go to saving chunks screen and then after a couple seconds it goes black. So hopefully they fix this by the release.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Want to play 1.8 Early? Here's How!
    the game crashes for me every so often. I'll be going about my minecraft business and it will just go to saving chunks screen and then after a couple seconds it goes black. So hopefully they fix this by the release.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Want to play 1.8 Early? Here's How!
    the game crashes for me every so often. I'll be going about my minecraft business and it will just go to saving chunks screen and then after a couple seconds it goes black. So hopefully they fix this by the release.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    so i guess if you are going to attempt a big build or make a big mine shaft you can put it on peaceful so hunger doesnt get annoying, then put it back to what ever difficulty and go adventuring. though i'll just keep it on one difficulty and stick it out
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    i feel there needs to be a middle ground for the food bar. there obviously needs to be a down side to sprinting so you dont spam. i reckon if the hunger bar depletes really slowly when just doing normal stuff like mining and walking, say one bar every half hour may be. and when you run its rapidly starts to go away, one bar every 30 seconds.

    i like the hunger bar, but if i have to eat every 5 minute then that will be annoying.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    yeah i know there isnt much in them but though it would be easier to make an existing mob drop something then make a new one. could make a whale mob and use its blubber as fuel for a lamp.

    its a game, doesnt need to be completely correct
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    YES! poison tipped arrows would be heaps sick. there should some way of upgrading your bow and arrow. maybe diamond tipped arrows for extra damage? however, the poison should be definitely implemented.

    Also a better use for squids should be thought of. one idea i had has was that they drop fat, so you can make lanterns out of it (if lanterns are to be implemented and torches no longer provide permanent light). the recipe should be something along the lines of glass block + torch + fat (stacked vertically). the lanterns could be placed like torches, a small box that emits light.

    overall 1.8 sounds heaps good
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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