Just happened upon this after thinking of a similar idea, +1 support!
There are some things that could be added to give the rails full functionality. I do think the rails should be able to be placed on the underside of the blocks as well - without that, this idea is missing a lot in my opinion.
The sticky idea should probably expand to all of the rail types in order to let rails be powered and detectors to function whether they're upside-down, right-side-up, or sideways.
Since all rail recipies have at least one empty slot left, this would be easy to fit in:
Of course, the end result would look different as well, but I'm too lazy to go through the trouble to 'shop that in from a sticky piston. The amounts (especially for the normal rail) could probably be lowered, but slime balls are still pretty rare.
Stalactites are formed by the deposition of calcium carbonate and other minerals, which is precipitated from mineralized water solutions. Limestone is the chief form of calcium carbonate rock which is dissolved by water that contains carbon dioxide, forming a calcium bicarbonate solution in underground caverns.
I just discovered a bug where hitting a door from the side (hinge area) makes purple particles. please make this more known.
I've seen it too. It doesn't affect gameplay, so it's not that major. They probably just forgot to map the texture on certain areas of the door.
If you want to make it more known, you'd probably get further faster if you notified them on twitter. Notch and Jeb stay pretty up-to-date on that.
i think some cool mods would be (some mainly for SMP)1. (this one is for SMP) the OP's can turn invisible and invincible... 2. players/OP's (OP's only in SMP) can zap anything they want with lightning including creepers and pigs... and when creepers and pigs r zapped they turn giant... 3. TV's and video Cameras... this one would be awesome for SMP, and singleplayer... 4. weather control (look back to request #2)... 5. Extra weapons... that would be very helpful... 6. cannons... with cannon balls... 7. light bulbs... 8. extra monsters... (especially for SMP)... 9. speed boats... this one is just for fun...
if people are interested in these mods... i would really like them made... i think alot of people would think these were cool... they would all have to be for SMP though... cuz im making a hunger games server... and these would all be very cool and help with the server
If you're looking for SMP mods, then get Bukkit and look around at their plugins. I guarantee you most of these already exist. Except for boats. There is a major lack of boat-improving plugins last time I checked. http://bukkit.org/http://plugins.bukkit.org/
Nope. As a few unfortunate people have found out if you try to use this un updated mod with the 1.7 mod loader your MC account will be banned and all your maps will be erased.
Are you sure? I tried this, just to see if BTW would work, and all my maps are still here and my account has not been banned.
Just because ModLoader is updated doesn't guarantee that this'll work, it's just likely that it won't run into compatibility issues.
In this case, it doesn't work. At least not for me.
The sword is what might be more accurately described as concept art rather then attempting to be a faithfull rendition of a diamond sword
(shortened the images to URLs just so I didn't make the page unnecessarily long)
Wow... what modeling program and renderer were those done with?
My first little experiment with Blender-Minecraft stuff, with a rig I made (yes I know one exists already, but it's nice to have your own sometimes), of the original 4 ops on our server. Leftmost is my skin. I got lazy and didn't pose any of the characters much.
This is some Blender work I did this afternoon, left to right the users are: playbass06, nvahren0102, paul62626, and tanmaker. Not sure if any of you are on the forums... but who knows.
I got lazy and did no character poses. Just some quick torches. These rigs are actually ones I made, so they're UV-mapped correctly and all meshes are separate so as to stay true to the MC in-game movement style.
You... have to actually upload things. Linking to the location of the file in your PC does not make it work. Try MediaFire or Dropbox, or something.
Just thought I'd let you know that.
Right, exactly - remove the edge/border where glass meets glass.
I second this!
I modified the texture of glass on my client to be borderless, but it still doesn't look right on edges where glass meets air or another material.
I could connect yesterday (couldn't at first but then it came back up later), but I'm experiencing the same issue. Site's up, yet the client won't connect.
BUT if you use Minecraft on minecraft.net (don't download it, just play in-browser), you can log in.
Im playing on a custom map called Minecraft Island Adventure Playset. Anyway when i've died a couple of times and when i go to the spot i died all my items are gone, sometimes the night comes before i can get to them do they delete during the night?
There are some things that could be added to give the rails full functionality. I do think the rails should be able to be placed on the underside of the blocks as well - without that, this idea is missing a lot in my opinion.
The sticky idea should probably expand to all of the rail types in order to let rails be powered and detectors to function whether they're upside-down, right-side-up, or sideways.
Since all rail recipies have at least one empty slot left, this would be easy to fit in:
Of course, the end result would look different as well, but I'm too lazy to go through the trouble to 'shop that in from a sticky piston. The amounts (especially for the normal rail) could probably be lowered, but slime balls are still pretty rare.
Yes you do.
I've seen it too. It doesn't affect gameplay, so it's not that major. They probably just forgot to map the texture on certain areas of the door.
If you want to make it more known, you'd probably get further faster if you notified them on twitter. Notch and Jeb stay pretty up-to-date on that.
If you're looking for SMP mods, then get Bukkit and look around at their plugins. I guarantee you most of these already exist. Except for boats. There is a major lack of boat-improving plugins last time I checked.
http://bukkit.org/ http://plugins.bukkit.org/
I hate internet sarcasm. I never catch on.
Are you sure? I tried this, just to see if BTW would work, and all my maps are still here and my account has not been banned.
Just because ModLoader is updated doesn't guarantee that this'll work, it's just likely that it won't run into compatibility issues.
In this case, it doesn't work. At least not for me.
Or maybe this applies only when they are killed by wolves. Not sure.
(shortened the images to URLs just so I didn't make the page unnecessarily long)
Wow... what modeling program and renderer were those done with?
My first little experiment with Blender-Minecraft stuff, with a rig I made (yes I know one exists already, but it's nice to have your own sometimes), of the original 4 ops on our server. Leftmost is my skin. I got lazy and didn't pose any of the characters much.
I got lazy and did no character poses. Just some quick torches. These rigs are actually ones I made, so they're UV-mapped correctly and all meshes are separate so as to stay true to the MC in-game movement style.
AFAIK, Vanilla MC can't do it, but if you install Single Player Commands and type in "seed" it'll display the map seed.
You... have to actually upload things. Linking to the location of the file in your PC does not make it work. Try MediaFire or Dropbox, or something.
Just thought I'd let you know that.
I second this!
I modified the texture of glass on my client to be borderless, but it still doesn't look right on edges where glass meets air or another material.
BUT if you use Minecraft on minecraft.net (don't download it, just play in-browser), you can log in.
Yes, they only last for 5 minutes, then despawn.