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    posted a message on Biomes O' Plenty - Over 50 new biomes, with new trees, plants, mobs, and more!
    Quote from TheGreyAsteroid

    The Aether came out about a year before this mod and the conflicting block is the portal block that lets you enter the aether which is kind of important :/

    Anyway I'm kind of new to minecraft modding so I'm not exactly sure how to change the block IDs

    ID's are fairly easy to change, try a google search and see what you come up with! If you're going to be adding mods to minecraft, you really need to know how to do this yourself. Otherwise you're in for a few headaches...
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MC 1.12.x] Minecraft Comes Alive v6.0.0 (MILLIONS OF PLAYERS!)
    Quote from WildBamaBoy

    It doesn't work like that, and the video is not outdated. Installation has not changed since then.

    Unless testificate villagers randomly spawn, I don't know why they would be appearing.

    ...WOW. I'll check this out.

    hey wildbamaboy thanks for your concern. It appears that when I sent three kids hunting in rapid succession the problem started and I just couldn't get them back home and stay there lol. I'm wondering is there a limit to how many kids you can have? I had 6 at that point if that makes a difference. I finally made a whistle to call everyone over and they never came so at some point they perhaps died but I don't remember seeing a message stating that. oh well lol, ain't nothing like some good ole fashioned procreation to get the numbers up hehe... thanks again for an awesome and staple mod in my minecraft world!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Biomes O' Plenty - Over 50 new biomes, with new trees, plants, mobs, and more!
    Quote from EntropySeattle

    Respectfully I disagree with everything you just said. Drop BoP from your mods if you're not happy.

    Laziness or spitefulness. Those are the only two options?

    If you think the BoP team is lazy do it yourself. The code is open source. Right there on GitHub.

    Rather than spiteful I'd say they own the mod, do it on their own time for no monetary benefit, and since no one is a paying customer they don't want to waste personal time in their own lives to appease angry complainers that are getting additional MC awesomeness for free.

    We, as mod consumers, are unpaying customers. We should walk with our feet if we don't like the direction a mod is going.

    This, like i don't understand the nerve of some people who demand things like configs, options or complain about the updates break my world etc... I mean here is an absolutely free mod that effectively doubles or triples the playability of vanilla minecraft. Its like telling an artist to change his vision to suit your personal preference. I just dont get it. It's absurd, a false sense of empowerment and then no matter how the modders choose to reject the idea, it turns into a girl scout hissy fight. I think the modders here have been more than accomodating in terms of listening to the bop community base, as well as doing what they can to make bop compatible with other mods. I for one am content with bop. It is the first mod i install and it always will be because it's that good. Ty bop team for the wonderful mod!!!

    Oh and to round out my rant, its a MOD! When you add one you add the risk of world corruption/breakage. Like, i thought that was adding mods 101 but maybe I'm wrong. If you don't want that risk, don't add mods period n stay vanilla...

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Biomes O' Plenty - Over 50 new biomes, with new trees, plants, mobs, and more!
    Quote from urmamasllama

    well I've got it working now. apparently i was just overthinking it. tell me though that second set of biome stuff the guy had in his post. is there some way that we are supposed to use that as well?

    No i don't think so. It was more of a guide to let people know similar biome groupings for reference... Sorry for answering late, work has been hell lately... Happy hunting!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MC 1.12.x] Minecraft Comes Alive v6.0.0 (MILLIONS OF PLAYERS!)
    Quote from The_Nanobots

    They should disappear and come back later, but they do have a chance of dieing if they are not wearing good armor. Wait around 20 minutes, and if they don't show up use a whistle.

    This is a known bug, and is being worked on.

    This is also a known bug, please be patient as it is being worked on.

    yea, so I sent 3 kids hunting and it got weird, one died which is fine but the other two came back, yet not visually. come to find out that one was below my house while the other one "appeared in a few days outside. I moved them back into the house and reset their homepoints and to stay. the one that was underground kept disappearing back to that same spot underground. So I brought her back again. When I did, the other one started sinking through the ceilings while still staying. Then one morning they were both gone. that night it said the usual that both are staying and won't teleport home. I checked all the spots I originally found them in but neither are there anymore. Whats more is my other kid is wearing a gold helmet on his crotch (I think I gave him the helmet when he was still small, although when I transferred the helmet to another young adult kid he wore it normally until night time and then he put it on his crotch)?

    I don't even know what kind of help to ask for lol it's so bizarre!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Gravestone mod
    Quote from NightKosh

    Up to 2.3.0

    GraveStone 2.3.0 for minecraft 1.5.2

    • add BiomesO'Plenty compatibility
    • add ExtrabiomesXL compatibility
    • fix "out of memory" bug.
    • fix chisel reciep.
    • some optimisation
    From now you can found catacombs in next biomes too:

    Biomes O'Plenty
    • Arctic
    • Bamboo Forest
    • Birch Forest
    • Boreal Forest
    • Brushland
    • Chaparral
    • Cherry Blossom Grove
    • Dead Forest
    • Deciduous Forest
    • Dunes
    • Fen
    • Field
    • Frost Forest
    • Grove
    • Heathland
    • Maple Woods
    • Meadow
    • Mystic Grove
    • Ominous Woods
    • Orchard
    • Origin Valley
    • Prairie
    • Savanna
    • Scrubland
    • Seasonal Forest
    • Shrubland
    • Snowy Dead Forest
    • Steppe
    • Thicket
    • Woodland
    • Autumn Woods
    • Birch Forest
    • Forested Hills
    • Ice Wasteland
    • Meadow
    • Pine Forest
    • Savanna
    • Shrubland
    • Snow Forest
    • Tundra
    • Woodlands

    Please back up your world if you use "Biomes O'Plenty" or "ExtrabiomesXL"!

    nightkosh I love ya!!!!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Biomes O' Plenty - Over 50 new biomes, with new trees, plants, mobs, and more!
    Quote from urmamasllama

    as i said I followed those instructions and added the biomes to the relevant configs however it proved innefective. I came here to see if anyone had any new insight.

    for reference this is in theory how they should be set up (this is how i've set it up)
    #Biomes, put biome names separated by comma, example:
    #biomes = Plains, Forest, Hell, Desert,
    #Will try to find the highest position to spawn, better avoid any biome with hills
    #Needs at least 20 blocks underground, so it not recommended to use in biomes with height lower than 25

    #biomes = Plains
    biomes = Plains, Deadlands, Drylands, Desert, Field, Garden, Grassland, LushDesert, Meadow, Oasis, Outback, Pasture, Prairie, Savanna, Scrubland, Taiga, Wasteland

    #chance: define the ratio at wich the dungeon spawns, if set to 0 the dungeon will be disabled.
    #The formula goes like that: every 5 chunks there is 1 between the number set to chance probabilities to spawn a dungeon.

    chance = 10

    #mob: defines the mob spawned in that dungeon
    mob = default

    #icon: used as the item icon intex in the dungeon spawner item. (look at textures/items/bd/ d1, d2..., only the number is required)
    icon = 5

    #Builder allows you to choose what builder does the dungeon use
    builder = templateSurface

    #Special data for templateSurface

    #folder: the folder containing the templates
    #underGroundOffset: how many block will be used under the ground.

    folder = castles
    underGroundOffset = 20

    Within the 127 mods im running currently, i simply did the edit config posted in the better dungeons thread and i have no such problem with structures spawning in bop biomes- thats with several other structure generating mods such as goblins, dungeon pack and forimores ancient ruins and great wall, oh not to mention nightkoshs graveyard mod. Not sure what you're doing differently, but it works fine for me and i can barely change item ids...

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Greg's Lighting 1.11.2 for Minecraft 1.7.10
    Quote from Greg_Ewing

    I'm actually too busy writing mods at the moment to have a lot of time for playing (this seems to be a common problem among mod authors!), but when I do play, my favourite tech mod is Redpower -- it does so many things in a really nice way. Unfortunately, it seems to be taking its time about catching up with 1.5, so unless you want to stick with 1.4.7 it's not an option right now.

    In the meantime, I may give MineFactory Reloaded a try -- it looks like it has a wiring and logic system that's at least as compact as Redpower, although not as nice-looking.

    For general power and piping systems, you probably can't go past the two classics, Buildcraft and IC2, although I don't have much personal experience of them.

    Some others I'll probably try at some point include Factorization for its ore-multiplying abilities and Applied Energistics for its auto-crafting.

    I'll still be missing Redpower, though... if it doesn't get updated soon, I may have to start a tech mod project of my own...

    thanks for the response greg, a tech project sounds promising though a TON of work I bet lol
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.5.1/1.5.2] PowerCrystals' mods - The updates never stop
    Quote from power crystals

    Those are big and small mushrooms (39/40 small, etc). But yeah when you start the game FML is telling you that stuff changed as a warning, You can safely ignore that warning, it doesn't matter. If you want to, you can turn off these overrides in the config.

    Hey power crystals, thanks for the response! Now I'm off to make my slaughterhouse MUAHAHAHAHA
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.5.1/1.5.2] PowerCrystals' mods - The updates never stop
    Quote from Shurhaian

    Milk buckets, ice, and glass panes all have different functions added by MFR (pouring out, unmelting ice, connecting with stained glass panes. respectively). It accomplishes this by adding its own versions of those same things. It shouldn't be anything to worry about - it's not an ID mismatch/conflict, it's an overloading of vanilla items.

    I'm not sure what's going on with mushrooms, though. Are you sure it's not glass panes?

    first off thanks for helping! yea im sure its mushrooms. I did an NEI ID map dump today and that is what has id number 100. I actually have two pairs of tile id's for mushrooms at 39 and 40 and at 99 and 100. then I also have thing.glass at 102. Not sure if any of that is substantial....
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.5.1/1.5.2] PowerCrystals' mods - The updates never stop
    hey everyone.. I'm getting a weird id mismatch, I believe, when I put in minefactory reloaded. The game starts up just fine but right when I'm about to enter my world it says Id mismatch between world and game, ID: 102, 335, and 79. What I don't understand is that these are all vanilla ID? Ice, milk, and mushroom. Does minefactory reloaded overwrite these or am I missing something?

    Thanks in advanced for the help!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on GrowthCraft - [JUL-15-2014] Proper 1.7.10 release
    Quote from harley9699

    You can do an ID dump for all of the ids, all of the way up. Sounds like you might have a conflict with this mod and Thaumcraft. You have to turn on which IDs you want in the dump, so turn them all on, unused included. Hope this helps.

    Hey Harley, thanks! Yea for some reason I had item id's on hide but the others weren't lol This really helps a lot- 107 and going strong!! thanks again
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on GrowthCraft - [JUL-15-2014] Proper 1.7.10 release
    Thanks for the help so far, i talked to xerxes and he fixed the problem.rather quickly, and for.the id conflict i just dropped what i had and extracted the entire mod as one and it solved that issue. However, when i started to play i recieved a number of id errors right before the world.loaded, stating that there are mismatched ids between world and game with the id numbers being 31912 and up... Ive never changed 5 digit numbers before because the nei map dump only goes to 4095 i believe. Then when i opened the world up i noticed that my thaumcraft wand of the apprentice was an apple core lol... This was yesterday so maybe the update fixed that? Or am i missing something entirely maybe an issue with static ids (not sure what the difference is).

    I.apologize for being a problem child... I really dont want to be "that guy."
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Greg's Lighting 1.11.2 for Minecraft 1.7.10
    This might not be the place for this and i apologize, but i wanted to ask you greg, or any of the other technically savvy mine crafters, what technical mods do you personally run? Being relatively new to the minecraft mod world (1.5.1) i am literally overwhelmed by the number of technical mods, addons, compatibility mods, and plugins that the word confusion is an understatement.

    As far as i know these such mods bring modern, auomated gameplay to.minecraft, which is what I'm looking for, but again, whats the best approach? So far i have buildcraft, factorization, thermal expansion, applied energetics, forestry, computercraft, and about a half dozen smaller addons which stress compatibility for these mods, plus minefactory on the horizon and now your mods, ic2, and all its add ons...

    Is there a general theme for one set of mods over another, or do most play with all of them (seems that some overlap in some fields)? Like this mod is brilliant, but whats the best way to get here?

    I apologize about the misplacement of this post, but in the othe mod questions sub forum, i get drowned out by a sea of "hai this isnt workin k
    thx bai! " topics...

    Thanks in advanced to any response to my post....
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on GrowthCraft - [JUL-15-2014] Proper 1.7.10 release
    Ok, still running into some issues here as well. I began loading core and then was just going to add the mods minus the cellar-core. However when I added apples and tried to create a new world, I could no longer select biomes o plenty or beter world generation 4 in the more world options.

    I also plugged a way at seeing what I can use and cant with the mods here and I ran into this when I had core, fishnets, and bamboo installed

    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 4092 is already occupied by growthcraft.bamboo.BlockGrCBambooBlock@3d8bb8c9 when adding growthcraft.fishnet.BlockGrCFishnet@2010b3b0

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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