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    posted a message on Minecraft with a Wiimote + Nunchuck
    I made a GlovePIE Script for minecraft. :smile.gif:
    For those who don't know, you can connect your wiimote to your computer via bluetooth (If your computer doesn't have bluetooth you can find a bluetooth dongle for cheap.)
    There are programs that map certain inputs from the wiimote to something on your computer.
    Here's the GlovePIE script:
    If you don't trust the download:
    //Turn the sensitivity down!!
    //Nunchuck joystick is movement
    //Z jumps C crouches
    //A mines B places
    //Minus opens the inventory
    //Home is pause
    //One drops things Two chats (buggy)
    WASD = nunchuck1.Joy
    Space = nunchuck1.Z
    LeftShift = nunchuck1.C
    I = wiimote1.Minus
    ESC = wiimote1.Home
    T = wiimote1.Two
    Q = wiimote1.One
    if wiimote1.Right {
       Wait 200 ms
       if var.ItemSlot = 9 then var.ItemSlot = 1 else var.ItemSlot++
    if wiimote1.Left { 
       Wait 200 ms
       if var.ItemSlot = 1 then var.ItemSlot = 9 else var.ItemSlot--
    if var.ItemSlot = 1 {
    if var.ItemSlot = 2 {
    if var.ItemSlot = 3 {
    if var.ItemSlot = 4 {
    if var.ItemSlot = 5 {
    if var.ItemSlot = 6 {
    if var.ItemSlot = 7 {
    if var.ItemSlot = 8 {
    if var.ItemSlot = 9 {
    mouse.RightButton = wiimote1.B
    mouse.LeftButton = wiimote1.A
    mouse.RightButton = wiimote1.Plus
    var.Speed = 75   // 0 to 100
    PIE.FrameRate = 100hz
    if wiimote.PointerVisible but not var.PointerBump then
      mouse.x = wiimote.PointerX
      mouse.y = wiimote.PointerY
    end if

    You WILL need a sensor bar if you don't have one, you can use a couple of candles as the wiimote is basically an IR camera and the sensor bar is a couple of IR lights.
    If anything isn't clear here, feel free to ask.

    EDIT: V2.
    //Turn the sensitivity down!!
    // Z jumps C crouches
    // A mines B Places
    // D-pad picks block Up is 1 Down is 9
    // 1 Drops the block 2 Chats
    // Home Pauses Minus is Inventory
    WASD = nunchuck1.Joy
    Space = nunchuck1.Z
    LeftShift = nunchuck1.C
    I = wiimote1.Minus
    ESC = wiimote1.Home
    T = wiimote1.Two
    Q = wiimote1.One
    One = Wiimote1.Up
    Nine = Wiimote1.Down
    Mouse.WheelUp = Wiimote1.Left
    Mouse.WheelDown = Wiimote1.Right
    mouse.RightButton = wiimote1.B
    mouse.LeftButton = wiimote1.A
    mouse.RightButton = wiimote1.Plus
    var.Speed = 75   // 0 to 100
    PIE.FrameRate = 100hz
    if wiimote.PointerVisible but not var.PointerBump then
      mouse.x = wiimote.PointerX
      mouse.y = wiimote.PointerY
    end if
    Posted in: Discussion
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