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    posted a message on Woman in Minecraft
    Quote from Coyfish40

    Steve=Male name
    Steve=Looks like a male
    If it looks and sounds like a guy than it probably is a guy.

    "Steve", the default character, is gender-neutral, and skins are user-made. Judging by His/her/its appearance, he/she/it could just as easily be a large woman. He/she/it doesn't make any noises to indicate gender, save for in early versions of the game. Steve isn't even his/her/its real name, it's a fan nickname.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Nukes
    I might be able to support this if you could explain how Steve could jump from chemical reaction (aka gunpowder) to nuclear fission. It makes absolutely no sense.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Official Gun Thread
    Quote from Jedisilvr

    Minecraft is not a FPS game.

    What an astounding observation. Did you know there are games from every genre including puzzle games and survival games that contain firearms?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Official Gun Thread
    Quote from yoshi9048


    As true as that may be, I'm just glad he actually puts thoughts into his arguments, rather than screaming "no guns no guns no guns no guns..." or "yes guns yes guns yes guns yes guns..." like most people.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Into the Belly of the Beast (work in progress, ideas welcome)

    Seriously, this would be an optional mod, it isn't going to be a compulsory addition to the game.

    "Suggest and discuss new ideas for Minecraft, new Minecraft game modes and the Minecraft website. Only one suggestion per topic."
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Official Gun Thread
    Quote from GrimerZ

    1. The game is E rated, and guns in minecraft would drive away a kid friendly audience, parents would not be pleased. This would lessen income, and less would buy the game. The Young audience is the most abundant out of all the people who play minecraft, this is obvious. If parents caught their children playing a game rated E that included guns, they would be outraged.

    Why not remove bows and swords, as they're just as inherently violent as firearms? Also, Minecraft isn't rated E. The Xbox version is rated E10+, and the PC version isn't rated.

    Quote from GrimerZ

    4. The game is not in ancient era. It is in the Medieval Era. (Minecarts and Mines is the furthest Minecraft has come in technology.) Guns entered the world in the Rennaissance Era.

    Nope, guns existed long before the Renaissance, and many things in Minecraft (such as pistons and electricity (redstone))

    Quote from GrimerZ

    5. Why add guns in Minecraft? It is akward, and above all else would ONLY cause bad things to happen (Everything I listed above.) Guns seem like a major risk to take rather than upgrading a bow.

    Have you actually read some of the suggestions? You know, guns don't have to be a direct upgrade to bows, but rather, they could be a sidegrade.

    Quote from GrimerZ

    Use a mod.

    "there's a mod for that" is a reportable offense.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Official Gun Thread
    Quote from Spinosaurus4

    but if we add them it'll cause a Chain Reaction. First Rifles than More advanced guns than even More advanced guns than eventually High tech level that ruins the game for 75% of the people who play MC, who now have to play single-player or on small servers where guns are disabled.

    Quote from AnelReal

    I don't like the idea of guns in a "sort of medieval game".. Next thing you know.. We will be suggesting TV's to be added to the game and freakin' lightsabers! (Which would be awesome though..(The Star Wars part))

    But if we add redstone, people will want computers that can be coded in C++.
    But if we add TNT, people will want nukes.
    But if we add the Nether, people will want ghosts, demons, poltergeists, and such.
    But if we add minecarts, people will want modern trains.
    But if we add enchantments and XP, people will want grinding, leveling up mining skills, dungeon raids, and turn based combat.
    But if we add boats, people will want submarines.

    Anyone else want to play the "'if x is added people will want y' excuse" game?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Ban Cursing In Minecraft?
    If it bothers you, just go to a server where it isn't permitted. Mojang isn't going to force servers to ban people for using profanity just because it offends or annoys a few people.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Official Gun Thread
    Quote from Lifeless_Toro

    Guns werent in the 14th century, were they.

    Firearms have been around since the twelfth century, and other gunpowder-based weapons have been around since the ninth.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Official Gun Thread
    Really, it's not that complicated. Pull trigger, create spark, light powder, make explosion, launch projectile. The TNT cannons in Minecraft right now are technically guns.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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