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    posted a message on [Server] MCSharp
    Quote from Starayo »
    Hey, I've been loving MCSharp after my clanmates requested some more features than the basic server package provides, but I've had one problem with it. I added "public = false" to server.properties but it's still showing up on the server listing.

    Any ideas on what's going wrong? Anyone with a working private server want to show me their server.properties? (with identifying parts hidden)

    Put "public = false" as the last line in the file. That worked for me.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on [Server] MCSharp
    @ fotoply: Stop harassing the developer. That accomplishes nothing.

    @Ulrich200: (balancing out with positive reinforcement) Don't let one person wear you down. You've done a great job on the server so far. Keep up the good work.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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