In Into the Depths, you play as an escaped convict who, while running from the authorities, stumbles across a cobblestone path in the forest. Suddenly he's attacked by grotesque creatures and follows the path hoping it would take him to civilization. Instead he arrives at a castle owned by a man named King Arnold Schuster. There's only one problem, there isn't anyone inside. Layers of dust cover everything, the place seemingly abandoned for a long time.
Abandoned by people at least.
Through some exploration, you discover that King Schuster apparently opened a portal to the Underworld, and the only way to close it is to bring the four Golden Apples to God, or so they say. However, as you progress, you'll discover things are not what they seem, and darker twists than you could have imagined are inevitable.
This map is heavily influenced by the silent hill games, so by setting the brightness to moody, you'll get pitch darkness. This is what makes torches absolutely critical in the map as it is a very limited light source and you must use them wisely, especially since you're not allowed to pick them back up once they're placed. This constant darkness is meant to make the player feel claustrophobic, and from what the people who've tested the beta said, it works.
2. Money system
Basically, throughout the map there will be gold bars a' plenty, and these gold bars will be what you use to buy yourself some nice new armor, food, torches, weapons, potions, and even snowballs in case you lack a weapon or money for one. You'll be buying these things from chests marked as "stores" and next to each store you'll find a price list of everything that's available at that store.
This isn't completely true. There will be no diamond swords, they make it too easy, however, there will be one full set of diamond armor, with each piece of armor hidden separately throughout the map, but they will be extremely difficult and dangerous to find.
4. The Nest
Optional rooms where you'll find tons of cobwebs and enough spider and cave spider spawners to give you arachnaphobia. These rooms will be very difficult if not properly equipped, but the treasure inside these rooms will make it well worth it.
5. 4-6 hour gameplay
This is not just another minecraft custom map, i'm trying to create an experience that can be treated as a game in itself, and its going to be a huge map, with multiple areas you make your way through, all of them being sections of the castle. This isn't just all filler though. There is a deep and layered character-driven story backing it that will take some twists and turns throughout. And with all of the hidden goodies and rooms that were too hard to go into earlier, there's hopefully going to be reasons to go back to it.
6. Alternate World
Kind of like the Silent hill games, as you travel through certain areas, they will turn into the "nightmare" version of the area, which will be hellish, even darker, and filled with nether monsters. This is not done with mods.
DegenTP's playthrough is something special, and VERY entertaining. This one really shows off the map very well and gets freaked out plenty of times throughout, but he'll have you laughing all the way through as well!
Beautifully designed, atmospherically near-perfect, and flat out creepy, Into the Depths has proven to be a fantastic rpg experience. The best part of the map is it is still a W.I.P., meaning that the best is still to come. Before I get into the details, I must point out that I have been given a map version that has not been released yet. So think of this review and rating as a preview of what is to come in Into the Depths. At the moment, Into the Depths has about 750 downloads, and that really needs to change. The creator deserves substantially more credit then what he is getting currently.
Into the depths creates an amazing and intriguing rpg experience. In fact, it almost felt like I was in a completely new game. With almost 3 hours of content, there was a couple of cool features that helped to make Into the Depths as immersive as it was. One of those features was the gold and shop system. Throughout the map, observant players may find gold ingots. These ingots are usually found in tricky places, and reward those who take a good look around. At specific points in the map, players may come across a shop. Here they can put those gold ingots to use by buying new equipment, food, potions and armor. The shops were implemented with great care, as it was never easy to buy the best materials. In general, shops really made me look around, creating a greater appreciation for the stunning and realistic architecture.
Another interesting feature was some of the rules. In order to make for a creepier experience, the creator implemented some rules that I have never seen, nor thought of before. One addition was that you must turn your render distance down to tiny. Another is that you must turn you brightness down to moody. Now, I realize that these are only small additions to a very large map, but really, the difference were noticeable, and really made me think to myself "I wish I thought of that."
Now on to the story. Being such a vastly large map, exploring gave you two rewards, one being ingots, and the other being notes. Yes, finding notes is a reward, at least for me it was. The story was very compelling and constantly had me wondering what was going on in the castle. The notes were well written, and I was pleased to see that each character was written with its own personality in mind, each unique in their own way. My only complaint is that, despite having minimal spelling errors and typos, the creator seemed to inconsistently capitalize his "I's." But that is a minor trifle compared to the brilliantly formulated story that can be found consistently throughout the map.
So why an 8.2 and not higher? Well, for one, I found it quite confusing at times. It is understandable, as the map is so large and complex, but it really doesn't follow a clear linear path. With so many places to go and explore, and with such a large castle, it can sometimes be overwhelming. At minimum, my suggestion to the creator would be to create a walk through on his thread, to aid those who get lost or off track. And the only other other substantial reason why this map didn't get a higher score, is it's not done! At least in the version I played, there is no end, and many parts are still unfinished. If the creator finishes the map with a solid conclusion, I am sure the score will be even higher.
Overall, Into the Depths is a rpg/horror masterpiece, and deserves way more credit then it is currently getting. I would love to see this map go big, because it really has the potential to earn a spot amongst some of the best maps. I would recommend this map to anyone who is looking for a long, entertaining, and atmospherically creepy map.
This is now the official page for the map and the only one i'll be updating. Have fun, i love feedback
Support my map? Copy and Paste one of these codes into your signature!:
<a href=""><img src='' /></a>
<a href="http://http//"><img src=' Into the Depths!/mca.png' /></a>
<a href="http://http//"><img src=' All Four!/mca.png' /></a>
+ I feel should be added.
- Should be removed.
* Should be changed.
! Important.
~ Maybe should be added/removed.
So here's my suggestions:
+ Add type: Boolean (true/false variables)
~ Add type: Float (Numbers with decimal values)
~ Add type: String (Words/Letters together)
~ Make it not case-sensitive.
+ Add display in left hand side of screen.
* Allow changing of health. Currently it is very difficult to say, remove 1 heart. You can't use instant harm effect, and have no choice but to use poison. However, this is a very inefficient method.
+ For Strings, input a string (durp).
+ For Boolean, input 'true' or 'false'.
+ For float, input value.
+ For Strings, input a string and it will add that string to the existing string for that player. For example, if the player has "d4" and you do /scoreboard players add <player> <Objective> jio, the player would now have "d4jio" as their score.
+ For Boolean, input 'true' or 'false' and it will set it to it.
+ For float, add a float. If you wish for an integer to be added, use 1.0 or any number with .0 afterwards.
+ For String, input a string and it will remove that string from any point in the string. If input one integer, will remove all characters from that point to the end of the string. If 2 integers inputted, begin cutting from first integer and end with 2nd integer. For example, /scoreboard players remove <name> <objective> 3 8 will change "1234567890" into "1290"
+ For Boolean, input 'true' or 'false' and it will set it to it.
+ For float, input a float. If you wish for an integer to be removed, use 1.0 or any number with .0 afterwards.
+ For String, empties the value (durp).
+ For Boolean, sets to false (or null?).
+ For float, sets to 0 or null.
+ Next to each player, it shows what objectives the player is in (and possibly the values?).
Haven't used Teams at all yet. Will be added soon.
Chat/Command Blocks:
+ When in command blocks and POSSIBLY chat, if you input something like "score_<objective>_<player>" it will display or use that as a value.
+ When using testfor, be able to do something like "score_objective_player>score_objective_player1", checking if the person has a higher score than the other. For boolean, true > false. For string, returns false.
Thanks for reading through this. If you agree, it'd be awesome if you press the little rep button. If not, feel free to post suggestions or vote in the poll. Whatever the case, I appreciate any suggestions!
Um you can't, not with mcedit. Just do /gamemode 1 (if you don't have perm, press esc then press open to lan, turn cheats on, and start) Then choose whichever wool you're missing. There's no way to retrieve it though,
This series is to contain more maps, which are coming soon!
The fourth map, the Cloud Empire, has been released!
Quote/Comic of the day:
Special Rules:
Caveman - No wearing boots!
Insomniac - No sleeping is allowed.
Map List:
#01 - Legendary Shrine - Difficulty: Medium, Type: Linear-Branching, Special Rules: None
#02 - Haunted House - Difficulty: Hard, Type: Linear-Branching, Special Rules: Insomniac
#03 - Flood of Flames - Difficulty: Very Hard, Type: Open-World, Special Rules: Insomniac
#04 - Cloud Empire - Difficulty: Really Hard, Type: Open-World, Special Rules: Caveman
#01 - Legendary Shrine:
#01 - Legendary Shrine
You awaken in a small chamber with lava on the walls and oor. Enscribed on a wooden sign in front of you are words telling the tale of 16 magical wool blocks, each of which hold a seperate link to the Legendary prize you are after. Once you embark on this quest, there is no turning back. As you go deeper and deeper into this world, you become more and more aware that something is wrong. As you gain the wool, you will gain Legendary tools to help you on your quest, is this the final frontier that man has wanted since the very beginning? Or is this the end?
Description given by the one and only, IonPickaxe.
Average Community Rating:
-1242, 212, -18
Featured Videos by IonPickaxe:
Part 1:
The_MiningCrafter (10/10):
One word- EPIC! :-( ): :-( ):
Got another hour and a half recorded, I am done for today- the hands are all sweaty and such. Map rating: 9/10
Hmmm.... 9/10
I consider Hell Gardens to hard to be in the beginning of the map u.u
Legendary shrine - 8.7/10 Rating
I completed this map and want to say, that this was great. I give 8/10 to the map.
I think this map need little balance in the Marine Life (too hard there to me; i died ~5 times), Toob of Doom (i can just dig through walls) and Skies of Doom (nobody respawn when it is day).
I opened dispensers , just because i dont trust your signs. Maybe you must put ladders on it?
I liked your secrets!
I liked this difficult, not too easy, not too hard, not long map.
P.S. What is doing command block in the area Tropical Death?
Yea, I know. I kind of figured that. It's just my experience with them. But it doesn't change my opinion in the map so far. A.K.A 8/10
Also new progress report.
I got the orange, and other wools(this session of mine was late yesterday, so my memory is not well at all XD) but a question, at deathly sands(desert?) do we have to derp tower back up? Cause I sure do got the "emeralds" to do so.
#02 - Haunted House:
#02 - Haunted House
Once again you emerge from the darkness of your dreams. You thought your troubles were long gone, but yet again you have been thrust into the magical wool blocks path. This time, you must not find them for the power they hold, but for the power you need. The world has been crippled, from large asteroids to nuclear war. You were sent, not volunteered, but forced to go back into this world. You must travel through dark, abandoned labs, large caverns with owing red lava, and many other treacherous things to save and bring order to this chaotic world. You ready yourself, you can do this. You can do this!... Or can you?
Again, description given by IonPickaxe.
Average Community Rating:
-810, 173, 1136
Featured videos by IonPickaxe:
Part 1:
Redim (9.5/10):
Okay, i almost finished this map and i want to put to it 9.5/10. I liked it very much, but at the beginning of the map it was too much cave spiders near the spawn. I couldn't walk out =).
P.S. Where is light gray wool? I can't find it. I found all another wool and killed the Wither. Please write where is the wool, in which area. I spend 1-2 hours to find it. I dig Demonic Castle and little Fort of Destruction. It is hard too dig gravel. I broke all my shovels and now i use the ower with efficiency X. Maybe i looking in wrong place. Help me =).
You could just set up a player detector, a room with a spawner that, when the player gets close enough, spawns mobs, then in the middle of the room have a pressure plate going to whatever the tripwire went to. Overall I give Haunted House a 8.5/10
#03 - Flood Of Flames:
#03 - Flood Of Flames
I'm Waitin' on IonPickaxe.
Average Community Rating:
-1026, 142, -840
Featured videos by IonPickaxe:
Ion doesn't have vids on this map.
F*** my internet. I wrote big message, but it didn't reply. So i will write a message again. I will always write about alpha testing here, in the pm.
I like the map, 10/10 (but it very hard, as you said).
I am a cheater. I make copy of map every 3-5 minutes. And if i die (what i did 20-30 times) i try that copy.
Did you put all the wools in the map? I have 2-3 areas left, but i need like 6 wools more.
That sphere of lazuli with water is a little bit unbalanced. I made way from that sphere to the mountain with lava. So now i have obsidian and cobblestone.
I hope, that i didn't forget anything. I will write, if i will find any more bugs.
(This review was sent through PM, you won't find it in the topic.)
Flood of Flames
Total Rating: 8
Creativity - 1 (I'm not seeing anything other than lava spawners)
Detail - 1 (large rectangles and spheres with no variation in texture)
Experience - 2 (some humorous items)
Challenge - 3 (difficult, but focused only on combat)
Progression - 1 (lack of gear and food progression, easy to lose/destroy wool)
Review Summary
This map seems to be focused on throwing mobs at you for combat difficulty and limiting your movement with lava. In doing so, it strips away all of the other functions that make Minecraft interesting: mining, crafting, exploration, gathering/growing, storytelling (visually or through actual character/plot). Even bridging is downplayed because the map maker gives you so many blocks and torches at the spawn. That really narrows down the player base that this map would appeal to. And then the delivery of that narrow focus is done in a very basic manner.
The build primarily consists of large rectangles and spheres suspended over lava, filled with spawners. Although there is a fairly nice volcano. Custom lava spawners were not updated for 1.5.1 when I played, but I could tell their intent.
Challenge is very rough due to the overuse of spawners at every turn, but there is a lot of darkness which means the mob cap is causing some areas to have low mob density. If you're smart about bridging and pillaring, you can avoid some of the obvious bottlenecks, but be prepared to be knocked in lava often. The real challenge, in my opinion, is lack of any food sustainable source, and there don't seem to be any caches or ores to create armor.
There are humorously named items, but I feel the map could be slightly more inviting by simply naming the areas.
This is also an open-world CTM, which means you can bridge over to any of the areas, in any sequence. In this case, they are all in fairly close proximity to one another.
On one hand, I hope the map maker isn't too disappointed in the rating and uses my play through notes as a chance to improve. On the other hand, if I had reviewed this a year ago, it would have received a 5 out of 20.
Play Notes (hopefully these will help with your next maps!)
There is a skeleton here at spawn attacking the player.
Whoa - that's a lot of torches and blocks to start with.
I see a lot of large rectangular shapes.
I went with 'nooby' although I'm not really sure which game rules it turned on/off? I switched to creative mode to see. None of these seem to change the 'difficulty', just the additional game rules. It might be good to let the player know so they can make an educated decision.
I left keepInventory true, but turned mobGriefing true (for purposes of this test)
Also, put light inside your bedrock box of redstone, so mobs don't spawn in there?
Whoa - these rock outcroppings are hollow. Found a creeper inside.
I went and lit up the bridge first, so no mobs can get to me at spawn. Then coming back to get these chests and harvest the... 'tree'.
"Get Outta Here Pie!" made me chuckle
Whoa... chestplates and swords. I hope you didn't overpower me too much for the starting.
With the tree, dirt, and stone I have a pretty comprehensive starting area - should be no lack of swords/tools. Need to find food and armor sources.
Pillared up and then bridged to this sphere.
Strange - ghasts aren't spawning (I nearly choked when I saw what was in here). Could you have alread hit the mob cap and they can't spawn? It looks like there should be enough room for them to spawn...
Ah yes - there's they go - I had to kill enough mobs to make them spawn. Good thing I came up into this sphere from the bottom! It is a bit overkill with that many spawner, but I guess you wanted to make it super hard.
Is this one of the actual wool already? ok.
The enchantment on this bow looks strange. The swords and armor were fine. Plus the bow is going to break in just a few shots...
Enormous amount of mobs on this moss stone building.
wait. what the...? slowness buff, blazes, poison spiders
I think the only thing saving me is that there are so many mobs on the roof (or somewhere). Stuff is only spawning sporadically.
These rooms are enormous rectangles of block with no detail.
Fight on roof is harder than inside. Wool 2. Hmm. How many wool are there?
This glass stairway seems safe enough...
Not sure what this means, "do not take advantage of the lava item"?
Looks like this place is spawning sand... I think you used custom spawners pre1.5, and now they are broken - they are supposed to be spawning lava?
I'm not sure why I would go through that lava-filled hallway. Just going to bridge over it. (I was curious if lava/sand would spawn up here on my bridge, but seems no, just inside the tunnel)
Oh. That's the monument? I am a little afraid that the lava might catch the wool on fire? Not sure. Maybe you turned off fire spread?
The house was a pretty tough as it was filled with skeletons and creepers and baby spiders. Until the floor was blown away and lava poured down onto their spawners. I blocked it up and got the chest. Wool. I feel like the wool should be consistently in fleecy boxes or not. Not in random chests that might get missed.
Also, I just realized that I'm missing a sense of 'experience', specifically you don't have anything explaining where I am. I don't mean that you need to have back story, but at least signs with the names of places are nice.
oops - didnt' see that mountain of blaze spawners in the ice all. At least now I have a source of water, if I could just find iron for a bucket.
I forgot to complain about the lack of food. That is the part making it hardest - no way to heal. The spawner clusters are overkill - those can be spread out more, but the food is a deal breaker.
Running out of time, so I'm going to fly around in creative.
The giant squid ball was interesting.
The volcano probably looks cool if the spawners were fixed.
Not sure about this other watery castle. I turned to survival mode when I landed on the wall, and then just jumped down inside with water. Got the wool without any mobs bothering me at all.
The glowstone outcroppings are a pretty bland too.
I laughed at the text in one of the chests. The golden apple is called poisonous potato, and vice versa. nice.
Just out of curiosity I also peeked in the nether (seems like I am short some wool, but I wasn't keeping track). Looks like it's vanilla - no worries.
The End is similarly vanilla. That's not an issue, was just curious. These are not officially part of the map
Oh, I missed this skeleton/zombie spawner sphere with a wool inside. Just come up through the bottom...
Ok, so I'm certain I've seen enough. I can understand some of the raw difficulty, even though I'm not a fan of it. But the visual build is what I don't care for. It looks random and hastily slapped together. I'm sure effort went into it, and it's probably fun for some players, but it's just not my kind of map.
#04 - Cloud Empire:
#04 - Cloud Empire
Yay, some floating islands!
Average Community Rating:
1284, 108, 1271
Please leave feedback when you complete the map(s)!
Don't expect an easy way to get a popluar topic. Besides, there must be a reason why YOURS is not popular, while others are. Probably yours are a lot worse, or you have a bad rep, or anything of that sort.
Nice quintuple post, bro! Anyways, looks pretty nice, and I'll try it out.
EDIT #1: Pretty nice, but obviously a copy of spellbound caves, by vechs.
EDIT #2: Don't put light there for the player. Let them put it themselves.
EDIT #3: Too many chests with good stuff IMO.
That hard?
You only have to go to the places and it is pretty straightforward.
I did the cave spiders because I needed to make it not too easy, so I used them.
The Sorcerer's Revenge:
The Sorcerer, Formerly thought to have died, has returned, and has brought chaos with him.
Video Featuring The Sorcerer's Revenge:
Video by xMaskedxTrashx:
Unsure if uploaded or not. Could not be found on channel.
Positive Reviews:
By MattSic961(10/10?):
By TheMinecraftLover123123(9/10):
Negative Reviews:
You wanted to look in here?
By Mark111222333444555(2/10):
Played by a famous youtuber[]
The Sorcerer's Revenge - v1.0
Atherys Ascended
Please, post in the forum topic and leave a review!
Yeah, I just took it the wrong way, thought you were trying to make this map look terrible.
First of all, I never asked to recommend it.
Secondly, you have 1 FRICKIN POST. Who will listen to you?
Also, most people found the map to be pretty good.
Finally, if you installed it right, it would seem finished.
Also, you should become a writer. What you wrote is very descriptive.
No problem, just press the button that says "Create new topic" (I think its called that) then put in the link, etc.