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    posted a message on Shaders
    Xbox could easily handle this graphically basic game, the reason there are issues with the PC is because it was done using Java as the code base, this is not the case with the Xbox.

    Java is one of the worst languages to use for big games. Xbox requires you to use their XNA toolkit to create the game and more then likely use C++ or C# as the primary programming language, these languages are much more suitable to games like Minecraft and will make easy work of shaders.

    Funny thing is, using the XNA toolkit they should be able to compile a PC version of the game easily without any code modification and so PC users should be able to get away form the Java version and allow for a much better experience.

    Its up to them though.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Minecraft becoming a joke?
    Minecraft isn't silly, its not a joke, but this thread... yeah this thread is a joke! :Notch:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.9 prerelease 6??
    Quote from Maggolo

    same, just release 1.9 and then fix want ever comes in that update for the final release please

    Really? why are people so opposed to pre-releases? there is no difference between a pre-release and a regular release... You just have to download the .jar file and manually place it in your bin folder.

    I guess that's too difficult for some. Oh well.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on This is why there is a deadline for Minecraft to come out.
    Quote from RexBox1337

    He sated multiple times the game will be updated as long as there is a fanbase. Get your facts rigth before stating things.

    He is talking about the release, he never said in his post that Notch would not release updates after the game is released.

    re-read his thread.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Minecraft becoming a joke?
    For bringing this post back from the brink, I offer this simple post


    Posting in this is stupid, I don't want to see it on the front page again!
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mob Spawner = Infinite Experience?
    Quote from LionEnd

    Do people not understand what balance means? So if Notch replaced all dirt with diamonds, it would be okay because "you don't have to use the diamond"?

    Nope there is no need for balance in this department, you play the game how you want when it comes to mob killing, if you like to kill monsters at night and go on big mob hunting adventures then that's what you like and that is your choice. However if someone else prefers to use very basic standard game mechanics to build a structure for mobs to spawn in and collect items/exp that way then that is their choice.

    You have no right to tell someone they can't build a mob harvester because you would rather impose your will on them that you are supposed to go hunt mobs at night or in caves like everyone else.

    I have to say early on, we had some pretty intelligent conversation in this thread, now it seems to just be people who don't want to take the time or effort to build a mob harvester and just want to hunt mobs at night and in caves attempting to impose their will on the Minecraft community. Its pathetic.

    Mob Harvesters don't break the game, they aren't exploits, and they fall within the very basics of the game fundamentals. for all those that want to continue to cry about them, you do realize you can build one yourself. I don't use them, I don't care if others do, If I want to use one, then I'll build one. simple as that.

    I think we should balance minecraft, heres my attempt! "Make it so you can only build within a 1x1 square."

    I've imposed my will NOTCH MAKE IT SO! :iapprove:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mob Spawner = Infinite Experience?
    Quote from SilNate

    Did you miss my previous comment? I'm making the case for mob spawners. I simply said "live and let live." As server admin, you have the full right and authority to create an oppressive server that controls what people can build...

    ...or in your case, allow a free world where innovation and creativity are encouraged.

    Offtopic, I'm right there with you on IRL implications ShinQuickMan.

    Pleading for Notch to come down and CRACKDOWN on those evil servers and people that choose to build mob spawners on servers that allow them is ridiculous. Join a server where they are or aren't allowed based on what you want people.

    I didn't miss your comment, I was using your quote to simply add to your point about server admins. I wasn't trying to direct that post at you fine sir.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mob Spawner = Infinite Experience?
    Quote from SilNate

    Great points, but what I said stands. If people don't want it, they can move to a PvP server where they have rules against building mob traps. There's plenty of them out there.

    And while server admins are allowed to place rules upon their servers, I being a server admin for many servers don't see the point in telling a population of a server that they can only build certain things.... "Hey you! Don't you build a room and not put a torch in it! If you do I'm going to ban you for life because a mob could spawn in there and that's cheating!" Because essentially that is what you are saying when you have a rule against building a mob harvester... Honestly why stop there? Just say you can't build in a building game, because human ingenuity was never supposed to be a part of the process of minecraft all you should do is mine and craft items, cause the game is called Minecraft after all...

    Someone put me out of my misery! If I want to be controlled and told I can't do something I'll just go talk to the Government, putting limits on a game that is supposed to be limitless is wrong (unless your hacking the game then your wrong!). Limiting what players can build in a building game is like telling artists you can only paint/draw/create within "a specific set of lines" thus negating art because there will never be something that pushes the envelope and allows people to think and look at things from outside the box, allowing the possibility to realize that regardless of what they've been taught, what they've been told, that there can always be another perspective another way to do things because every person is different and every person is going to have a different view on things.

    So in closing I just want to say "Minecraft is what you make it, try to look beyond the lines you or someone else has set for you and realize that your creativity is endless."

    Mob Harvesters = win! nuff said.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mob Spawner = Infinite Experience?
    Quote from SilNate

    This topic breaks down to 2 types of thinking. One believes that their will should be forced on everyone (BAN MOB TRAPS! Its EXPLOITING!)
    ...and those that believe in free will and choice (Don't like it? DON'T USE IT!)

    Its really not complicated. Live and let live. If you want to use mob grinders, fine. You have to dig it out and make it work. If you don't want to be around people that use them, fine, play single player, or join a server where they are banned from being built. Both sides happy, and no one makes any sacrifices.

    Its amazing how out of touch people are sometimes. Play the game the way YOU want to play. But don't think for a minute that you have ANY right to tell me how I have to play MY game.

    Well put friend, you get a star! :Diamond: or that cause it makes more sense!
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mob Spawner = Infinite Experience?
    Quote from MithranArkanere

    It's a common practice to make it so monsters that keep spawning ore resurrecting give no exp.
    What you do is destroy the source, like the monster that resurrect others, or the object that spawns the monsters.

    So monsters spawned from a monster spawner should have a "NO_EXP" tag set, and there should be a way to break the monster spawner, and the experience would come from that.

    That fixes the issue.

    Then mob spawners are pointless. just remove them from the game. we are talking about player built mob harvesters here, not the little 1 block spawners you find in dungeons.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mob Spawner = Infinite Experience?
    Quote from Aurora-


    Because creating a super mob spawner with traps collected through a glitch in the enchant system, after which you alter them to your liking with a mod is completely legit, right?

    I'm not sure if you're trying to troll (and failing at it), or just can't see that your "time and effort" is sort of cheating, lol.

    There is nothing wrong with this, cheating means your using an external program or using a specific bug within the game that may allow you to do something outside the regular game mechanics.

    (1) Building is within the regular game mechanics. :dry.gif: (2) Mobs spawning in dark places is within the regular game mechanics. :dry.gif:

    So if the 2 steps to creating a mob trap/harvester are within the regular game mechanics it must be cheating! :unsure.gif:

    News flash my friend, if you think this is cheating you better stop playing cause you building anything is cheating, and all your doing is cheating yourself! :blink.gif:
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mob Spawner = Infinite Experience?
    Quote from bk201soren

    I don't look for these kind of exploits, but if you have stuck to these 1.9 discussion section for a while now you always see those kind of topics about a certain feature being labelled as unfair. And it's your own opinion if you believe the effort into creating a mobtrap makes up for it giving so much more experience. I for one believe it breaks the game when put in comparison to the normal methods. Especially considering the possible uses that experience has.

    Just as some consider the mcmmo mod to be balanced, while I do not.

    I Agree, I think we can agree to disagree on our opinion's on mob grinders as I can see you have a very strong stance on the subject, I just wanted to simply point out that you could do it yourself as well and because it falls within normal game mechanics it shouldn't be considered an exploit. However you are very much entitled to your opinion of it being overpowered good sir!
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mob Spawner = Infinite Experience?
    Quote from bk201soren

    Take the time to use an exploit that shouldn't be a functional mechanic in the game? It makes it easier to obtain experience. Easier than it should be is entirely what I am trying to say. And we aren't talking slightly easier, I wouldn't gripe about something that is slightly more efficient. We are talking something that throws every other method out the window and puts them to shame. It's like that exploit that was in 1.8. You can make a 1 by 2 tunnel and you can go faster than a minecart with it just by sprinting. According to you, I shouldn't be hating on this exploit? I should be building my own cheap tunnels that are even better than rail way tracks like everyone else?

    No, if something is unbalanced, I'm going to state it is indeed an unbalanced game mechanic. It's like mushrooms with bonemeal. If you got both kinds of mushrooms, you can duplicate them to ridicilous amounts with just a little bone meal. This makes getting food a breeze even more than it already was. I have a strong belief that too is an unbalanced game mechanic and that minecraft would be better without it. I'm not gonna just stick my hand in the cookie jar and abuse it rather than protest against it. It ruins the value of food to a great degree. I didn't have to eat any wheat or kill any animals in the beginning because I just used one bone and a few mushrooms? Fair, no. Should I take advantage of the exploit like everyone else? Sure why not, but that still won't stop me from complaining that it IS indeed unfair and we are better off without it.

    There is a huge difference between an exploit and using the game mechanics to create something from nothing, the time put into build a proper spawner yields proper rewards, I was not aware of this sprint exploit, because I don't regularly look for exploits as that just feels cheap IMO, but I cannot knock someone for building something in a game that is all about imagination and ingenuity. Just because someone see's that mobs spawn in the dark, they create a big room for mobs to spawn in with a pit at the bottom for collection, doesn't make it an exploit it shows that the individual used their brain to collect materials and xp should they choose to spend the time and kill each mob or use a lava blade.

    honestly the tunnel sprinting thing I wouldn't even consider an exploit you have to be at the computer and you have to feed yourself because you will burn through food fast. I would rather build a rail network because I can jump on a cart and travel two thousand blocks and while I'm doing that get up and get something to drink, go to the bathroom... whatever I can take a break and know I am on my way to my destination safe and sound.

    and honestly you want to talk about exploits? lets talk about wooden ladders stopping lava?!?!?!?!??!! I mean seriously?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mob Spawner = Infinite Experience?
    Quote from LLToon

    Then I think it should be easy to ignore them since you have to actually click on their forum topic and read it.

    Again, why should it concern them if someone is going about bragging? They should just play the game and have their own fun with it instead of trying to measure up to other people. Minecraft isn't a contest.

    Completely agree, it isn't a contest, but there are plenty out there that don't see it this way.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mob Spawner = Infinite Experience?
    Quote from bk201soren

    PS: I do know how to make a mobtrap, and yes they are fun to make and have. I’m simply just saying that a well-designed one in the right location can net an insane amount of mobs to one location. And if experience is earned that easily it breaks the game for everybody else, it demeans the value of enchantments. I’m not saying getting rid of mob traps are the solution, but if they are making experience way easier to obtain then perhaps something should be added to fix that and make experience hard to obtain. Like it is normally supposed to be.

    It would break the game if you couldn't repeat the process, however you can always build your own, and make it bigger and better! All I get from this is that you're saying you would rather hate on the individual who took the time to gather the resources and build a trap, than taking the time to build one yourself therefore claiming it breaks the game because your lazy.

    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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