no no okay so if u want the recipe to be like this
[] [] []
[] []
[] [] []
it would be
? , X , ,1
there if u want the space to be blank leave a space THERE HAS TO BE 3 SPACES BETWEEN THEM ALL
first three blanks are top row second middle last bottom row
# Pizza
//In game name//
//Pizzas ID needs to be unique to it does not interfear with vanila game
//The line above this is the recipe you may use any variable you would like just stick to X,# for begining//
//the line above THIS is the what the variable X is like in math X= (item ID) the item id needs to be looked up if you dont know//
//Im pretty sure its 10 out of 100 this is how much every healling right click u use so 10 uses//
//How much this item heals when right clicked//
this tells you every thing i know i know more about make my block tho :tongue.gif:
no one is helping you cause you started this thread with out doing a bit of research..... almost on any instructions it will say delete the meta inf folder
actually that sounds good ... or you could assign the item Id variable to a txt file in the .minecraft folder so the user can change it by him/her self :biggrin.gif:
Hey guys, I am bored and just got finished with my museum map not ready to release but i am taking requests. any thing and every thing goes just no dungeons :tongue.gif: i like to make cities buildings towns ext..... just lemme know what yall are wanting
Hey man was wondering if this was possible..... i was wondering if u could make it to where u can shoot the redstone lazer up ..... i know its hard and i understand just would be so much easier than vertical redstone :wink.gif:
okay very nice :smile.gif: is there any thing i can do to help? i can texture do some java such. i can make vids if u want? and i have a question for u check ur PM box :wink.gif:
For the record.... You CAN create a mirror like surface in java notch could not do it with nether because of the fact that it must load up a new world and if he did do it it would be like 2 worlds running at once and there would be fairly no load time for nether but most peoples comp cannot support two worlds running dynamicly ...... just sayin bro do some research.... it is possible. hard? yes but possible
[] [] []
[] []
[] [] []
it would be
there if u want the space to be blank leave a space THERE HAS TO BE 3 SPACES BETWEEN THEM ALL
first three blanks are top row second middle last bottom row
he has some of my favorite mods :tongue.gif:
this tells you every thing i know i know more about make my block tho :tongue.gif:
here you go man lol i just had the urge to make a vid of ur awesomeness :biggrin.gif: