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    posted a message on Why do people smoke?
    seems like tons of people have misconceptions about smoking, though the below only apply to people who smoke occasionally, i.e. once a week. NOT daily.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Which block for sidewalk?
    cobblestone for the most part.
    if not, gravel.

    but i try to avoid using gravel as much as possible. :/
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Swords & Creepers
    1) run back
    2) sprint forward
    3) hit creeper
    4) go back to step 1 till creeper dies.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Will Mojang ever stop updating Minecraft?
    it will stop. someday at least.

    look at mario.
    look at pacman.
    look at sonic.
    look at tetris.

    well... no updates to the original, but spinoffs have been made.
    but still, updates will stop.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on 24 hour time or 12 hour time?
    definitely 24.
    tells me immediately if it's am or pm without having to look for the am and pm.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Anyone not impressed with 1.9 so far?
    well... i wouldn't really say i'm unhappy with the state of minecraft now, but the code freeze came too early.

    the end - wip
    dragons - wip
    npc villages - wip
    strongholds - wip (no bosses yet?)
    nether - unpolished (relatively small matter)

    4 things still wip. how does notch/jeb expect to be able to release the game by minecon? even if they manage to do so, the game is still incomplete, unfit for a full release. it should stay in beta, even if they have to push the release date back after minecon.

    i think it's just right (as a programmer myself) to get everything in place, good and proper, with no bugs, then release it.

    right now minecraft is like a half baked pie, still piping hot, but the party is starting soon, so this kid hurriedly takes the half baked pie out to serve to others. it's just not right imo.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on I literally jumped ..
    similar experience, though nonetheless jump-worthy.
    was spelunking and clearing out an iron vein.

    personally, i like to stand far away when mining such that if i dig through any blocks, i can react to pull a sword out and block if any mobs are behind the said block i just mined.

    but this time... endermen. 2 of them. behind that iron ore i was mining. block dropped, i stared right into the face of the enderman. boomz. 10 seconds. dead me.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on We want 1.9 NOW!
    npc villages are nowhere near completion, the end has no way out, enderdragons are not implemented, strongholds have no bosses.

    how do you expect a 1.9 release now?
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Do you take video games serious?
    Quote from hackmaster521

    i rage when i play TF2 and get sniped 5 seconds after respawn, but thats why we have dead ringers
    EDIT: and really if i get killed more than once

    LOL same.
    though i'm sometimes the one doing it unto others. :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Do you take video games serious?
    i rage a little when playing games sometimes when i go *too* hardcore.
    but i'm nowhere near that thai guy.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Who's your mining buddy?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Where are you from?
    you totally missed out Asia.
    Yours truly, from Singapore.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on F keys Do not work for My Minecraft, Need [Help]
    if you're on a laptop, hold down fn then press the f-keys.
    if you're on a desktop, i dunno how to help you.

    Quote from godsblade

    works for NOBODY, just go to options to change distance

    sir, he's talking about function keys. F1 - F12.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Glass Blocks
    Quote from LowCountry86

    Im not really following you

    he's complaining about glass blocks leaking water/lava when built under them, suggesting a very unprofessional look about them.

    the only solution (currently) is to place 2 blocks of whatever material is under the water to stop it from leaking.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Would you play Minecraft if the graphics were better?
    that's why i either stuck to clean texture packs or the default texture pack.
    Posted in: Discussion
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