Added new Glide music tracks for the new Glide Tracks
Change to Glide to require passing through all Checkpoints before reaching the end of the track
Glide Solo Mode can now be played for longer before being automatically returned to the Lobby
Fix for spectator not hearing Glide ring or thermal sounds for the player they are spectating
Fix for Glide round timer continuing to tick while the Pause Menu is displayed in Solo Mode
Decreased the respawn delay in Glide
Added coloured particles when you cross the finish line in Glide
Showdown in Glide now says "Hurry Up"
Fix for Interface Opacity setting not affecting the HUD in Glide
Fix for some Boat item textures in the Mass Effect Mash-up pack not matching the entity textures
Fix for an issue that caused the damage sound to be repeatedly played at the end of a Glide round
Fix for an issue that caused the body of player models to be set back from the other limbs
Change log for Patch 1.45 - April 4th 2017
Further Fixes to Glide
Change log for Patch 1.44 - March 27th 2017
Added Glide Mini Game!
Added new Mini Game Lobby.
Fix for MCCE-3984 - Enderdragon is able to use an End Gateway
Fix for crash when downloading PS3 save.
Fix for MCCE #4108 - Skeleton Hitboxes were blocking the placement of blocks directly above them.
Fix for MCCE #4238 - Stained Glass Pain on the ground does not appear transparent.
Fix for MCCE-4226 - Wrong LOD showing for non-block item icons in the UI.
Fix for MCCE 4227 - Nether portals sending players to the wrong portals.
Fix for MCCE: 4321 - Player may fall through the block below them when jumping in a confined space e.g small tunnel.
Change log for Patch 1.42 - February 28th 2017
Added Fallout Battle Map Pack
Fix for Player's character becoming invisible for other players when they ride a Minecart, Boat, Horse, Donkey, Pig or Mule, beyond they viewing player's render distance.
Fix for a second Bonus Chests appearing near the centre of the world.
Fix for not being able to place a Pig in a Mob Spawner using a Spawn Egg.
Fix for crash that would occur if the player dropped an inventory item at the point a Battle round ended.
Fix for crash that would occur if the player had the inventory menu open at the point a Battle round ended.
Fix Player not riding a vehicle when they reload a save, if they were riding it when the game was saved.
Fix for crash when saving some particularly large and detailed worlds.
Fix for being able to leave the playable area of the large Cavern Battle Map as a spectator.
Fix for being able to fall off the Shipyard Battle Map at a certain location without dying.
Fix for being able to fall in a specific area of Frontier Battle Map without dying.
Fix for Renewable Energy not unlocking when the requirements were met for the first time.
Fix for Stone Axe instead of Diamond Sword appearing in the Chest in the Enchanting mini Tutorial area upon restarting this tutorial.
Change to allow crafting any wooden door to complete the Door crafting step of the Tutorial.
Fix for 'Hit' tooltip not benig displayed when Player targets crosshair at a Polar Bear, a Creeper or a Squid.
Fix for crash that occured when Shape box is changed a few times in Fireworks UI, after creating 64 Firework Stars.
Fix for a variety of issues that occurred after changing from an Online to and Offline game.
Fix for End Crystals' beam persisting after the Ender Dragon's respawn is interrupted by destroying the End Crystal with 'TNT Explodes' option disabled.
Fix for error that can occur when dropping items while standing in an active Nether Portal.
Change log for Patch 1.41 - January 27th 2017
Fix for Horses not jumping to the correct height.
Re-entering a tutorial area while the playing the Tutorial will reset the chests.
Fix for Slab blocks not blocking light.
Fix for Chickens not dropping Cooked Chicken when they die on fire.
Fix for Blazes not dropping Glowstone Dust when they die.
Fixed the drop rate of Gold Nuggets.
Fix for Zombie Pigmen not dropping Gold Ingots when they die.
Fix for tamed Ocelots remaining hostile to anything they were attacking before being tamed.
Fix for crash when spawning too many Shulkers.
Fix for Enderman not taking damage from rain while in a Boat.
Improvements to framerate when throwing a lot of Lingering Potions.
Fix for Wither Skeleton being able to walk through two block high spaces.
Minor changes to Battle Mini Game maps to close off areas that should not be accessible.
Fix for lighting issues when digging down in spawn area.
Fix for rename Record losing its name after being in a Jukebox.
Added chance of Melon, Pumpkin, and Beetroot Seeds, and Jungle Saplings spawning in the Bonus Chest.
Fix for a range of tooltips that would appear when the action was not available.
Fix for Mob Spawner error that occured after using a spawn egg to change what it should spawn.
Fixes to End Gateway generation.
Fix for End spawn location being in the wrong place.
Added a particle effect and sound effect when a mob spawner fails to spawn due to spawn limits.
Fix for crash when placing a Sign on top of Tall Grass.
Stop End Crystals exploding when "TNT Explodes" is disabled.
Fix for Hoppers not collecting items above them.
Added new 11 trophies for Survival.
Added new 7 trophies for Tumble.
Change log for Patch 1.40 - January 17th 2017
Fix for Mob Spawners not spawning anymore, and showing a Pig inside them.
Fix for previously created signs being censored for players with restrictive Privacy settings.
Fix for being able to escape the boundaries of the world by exiting a Boat at the edge.
Change log for Patch 1.39 - December 21st 2016
Minor updates to Tutorial world.
Fix crash when firing snowballs from a Dispenser.
Fix crash when crafting fireworks with renamed items.
Fix for End Crystals sometimes being invulnerable.
Fix for crash that occurs after trying to collect Dragon's Breath with a Glass Bottle.
Change log for Patch 1.38 - December 19th 2016
Added new blocks: Chorus Flower, Chorus Plant, Dragon Head, End Gateway, End Rod, Purpur Block, Purpur Pillar, Purpur Stairs, Purpur Slab.
Added new items: Chorus Fruit, Popped Chorus Fruit, Dragon's Breath, Elytra, End Crystal, Lingering Potion, Water Splash Potion, Potion of Luck, Tipped Arrow, Boats made from Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, and Dark Oak.
Added new mobs: Shulker, Stray, Husk, and Skeleton Trap Horses.
Updates to terrain generation:
The End has changed when generating a new world, and can also be updated for old worlds. To get the new End in an old world, select "Reset End" in the "More Options" menu when loading the world.
After killing the Ender Dragon in the new End, an End Gateway will spawn nearby. Throwing an Ender Pearl into this will teleport you to a new area in The End with an End City and End Ship.
Within the End City and End Ship you can find Shulkers, Elytra, and a Dragon Head.
Added new Tutorial world.
Added Elytra, which let you glide around the world when you are wearing them. Jump while falling to start gliding.
Boats are now controlled differently and can have multiple passengers.
Brewing now requires Blaze Powder as fuel for the Brewing Stand.
Updated crafting interface to allow crafting Firework Stars and Fireworks.
Villages now generate naturally in the Taiga biome.
Added Fallout Mashup Pack trial.
Change log for Patch 1.37 - October 25th 2016
Added Halloween Battle Map.
Added Campfire Tales Skin Pack.
Added Battle Map Pack 4.
Fixes for missing/incorrect tooltips when looking at various blocks and entities.
Fix for Endermen not becoming hostile when a player makes eye contact with them.
Fix for only one of eight Fossil variants generating per world.
Fix for igniting TNT blocks while one is already lit causing them to disappear.
Fix for crash that may occur if the Ender Dragon attacks a group of Zombies.
Stop faster healing due to food saturation in Battle mini game
Updated Battle maps to remove some areas where players could get stuck.
Fix for MCCE 2521 - Shears don’t break web blocks into Web block drop.
Fix for MCCE 2505 - Knocking a Guardian off a height great enough to kill it on falling would cause a crash.
Fix for MCCE-2478 - Oak and Iron Doors Items have the wrong texture in the Inventory.
Change log for Patch 1.36 - October 4th 2016
Add new blocks - End Bricks, Beetroot, Grass Path, Frosted Ice, Magma, Nether Wart Block, Red Nether Brick, and Bone Block.
Added new items - Beetroot, Beetroot Seeds, and Beetroot Soup.
Added new enchantments - FrostWalker and Mending.
Added new terrain generation features - Fossils and Igloos (in newly generated worlds).
Add new mob - Polar Bear.
Add Banners.
Added Chinese Mythology Mash-Up Pack.
Added sounds for Polar Bear, Witch, Squid, Snowman, Armor Stand, Cow, Horse, Item Frames, Leash Knots and Paintings.
Updated all Texture and Mash-up Packs with new items & blocks.
Change log for Patch 1.35 - September 9th 2016
Remove vote-to-kick function in Mini Games. The host can kick players only in the Lobby.
Disable small, floating and oddly shaped skins in public Tumble games.
Fix for Battle mini game showdown playing Tumble mini game showdown sound.
Fixed a bug where last player to die in Tumble would get stuck respawning.
Fix for being able to unlock Hunger Pain achievement by killing yourself while starving.
Fix for crash if a client wins the match and then quits the game.
Re-enabled the previous Birthday and Minecon skin packs for players who had them.
Battle Mini Game: Made some changes to chest refilling logic to make things harder for players camping beside chests.
Battle Mini Game: Made some balancing changes to items spawning in chests.
Battle Mini Game: Fixed some map issues in Cavern, Siege, Ruin, Lair and Atlantis arenas.
Introduced a ‘vote to kick’ system for mini games. When there are more than three players in a public game, a player will be kicked from the game when they have received three votes. This scales down when there are less players.
Change log for Patch 1.31 - July 25th 2016
Added Battle Map Pack 2 (Atlantis, Ruin and Siege).
Added the Redstone Specialists Skin Pack.
Made changes to some item textures in the City Texture Pack, Fantasy Texture Pack and Greek Mythology Mash-up Pack, so that they are more easily identifiable in Battle mini games.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to display player names above crouching players when in Showdown mode in a Battle mini game.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to allow thrown potions to go through non-solid blocks (e.g. Vines, Tall Grass).
Battle Mini Game: Fix to stop non-solid blocks obstructing player attacks.
Battle Mini Game: Fixed a couple of holes in the Cove Battle mini game map.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to remove all Mob heads from the player's inventory, except any that are currently being worn, when transitioning from the Lobby to a Battle mini game map.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to automatically replace Mob heads in the armour slot, when a Helmet is collected in a Battle mini game.
Battle Mini Game: Disabled "Take Everything" in the Lobby.
Battle Mini Game: Added Select All / Deselect All tooltip(s) to the Select Maps menu.
Fix for an issue with hills generation.
Fix for an issue causing some Blazes to not perform their attacks after becoming aggressive towards the player.
Fix to allow renamed items to be traded with a Villager.
Fixed a duplication bug.
Fix to remove the redundant option for creating White Wool within the crafting menu using 1x White Wool to create.
Fix for an issue where a Pig struck by a lightning turns into a Zombie Pigman without a Golden Sword.
Fix for an incorrect death message when the player is killed by lightning.
Fix for some issues with trophies (including Passing The Time trophy).
Change log for Patch 1.30 - June 30th 2016
Battle Mini Game: Disable kicking players during Public Battle rounds. This is enabled for the host in the Lobby.
Battle Mini Game: Disable the host exiting the game during a Battle round. This is enabled in the lobby.
Battle Mini Game: Grace period increased to 20 seconds.
Battle Mini Game: Changed all Poison Potions to level 2 instead of level 1.
Battle Mini Game: All Sticks now have at least Sharpness 1.
Battle Mini Game: Replaced the Fire Charge item with a Potion of Fire Resistance.
Battle Mini Game: Replaced the Diamond Chestplate with an Iron Chestplate.
Battle Mini Game: The Wooden Hoe with Fire Aspect 1 has Sharpness 1 added to it.
Battle Mini Game: Removed the Wooden Shovel from the Centre Chests.
Battle Mini Game: Added Sharpness 1 to the Wooden Pickaxe in the Outer Chests.
Battle Mini Game: Added Sharpness 2 to the Wooden Shovel in the Outer Chests.
Battle Mini Game: Fixed various areas in maps where players could get stuck.
Change log for Patch 1.29 - June 23rd 2016
Fixed an issue with joining public Battle Mini Games.
Change log for Patch 1.28 - June 21st 2016
Added the Battle Mini Game.
Updated the Skin Select menu.
Added an XO swap option in the Controls menu for players who prefer the game actions to swapped from the default Sony system button actions.
Enabled Battle Map Pack 1 and Battle Map Pack Season Pass DLC.
Added Caves and Ravines to Custom Superflat options.
Added Distribute Items functionality via toggle button (start and confirm distribution). This allows a stack of items to be distributed by dragging the stack across multiple slots in the Inventory.
Fixed a crash when a client player entered a game where the maximum number of Item Frames had opened Maps.
Fix for Slimes not spawning in Slime Chunks.
Fixed an issue allowing players to use the Armour Stand when the Trust Players option is disabled.
Fixed an issue where items could not be moved from the Furnace to the main Inventory using Quick Move.
Fixed an issue in the Superflat world generation menu with the stem Mushroom Block.
Change log for Patch 1.26 - April 19th 2016
Fixed Guardians no longer spawning after loading a save.
Removed change that restricted changing to third-person camera while running or performing other actions.
Removed changed that made sprint activation more sensitive.
Change log for Patch 1.25 - April 6th 2016
Added Story Mode skin pack.
Added 6 new trophies.
Added new "Minecart Sounds" option to Audio Settings.
Added Huge Mushroom Blocks to the Creative and Superflat menus.
Improved sprint control.
Fix for issue where the Ender Dragon would be immune to attacks
Fix for Slimes not spawning in certain Swamps and Slime Chunks.
Fix for Potion of Swiftness, Potion of Slowness and Speed bonus of Beacon having no effect on the player.
Fix for teleporting a player while they are sleeping in a Bed not working properly.
Fix for some chunks in the Overworld not generating for clients of a multiplayer game.
Fix for issue where Experience Orbs could not be obtained by some trades with Villagers.
Fix for Thorns enchantment not affecting players.
Fix for MCCE #747 - TNT cannon not working.
Fix for MCCE #659 - Doors have a weird texture on top when open (And other sides).
Fix for MCCE #1854 - Grass positioning is perfect.
Fix for MCCE #1826 - White tulip description incorrect.
Fix for MCCE #1756 - Witch Hut Bounding Box Too Small.
Fix for MCCE #1260 - Submerged Witch Huts.
Fix for MCCE #483 - Camera jitter and player unable to move when looking at chest you are standing on.
Fix for MCCE #863 - The map does not work as it should (unless "View Hand" is turned on).
Fix for MCCE #1757 - Slimes spawning in witch huts.
Fix for MCCE #1739 - No icon in item frame map.
Fix for MCCE #1803 - Item frames vanishing in very strange draw distance.
Change log for Patch 1.24 - February 25th 2016
Added Biome Settlers Skin Pack 1.
Fix for MCCE #1460 & #910 - Guardians Not Spawning.
Fix for MCCE #917 - Incorrect attack damage shown on tooltips with enchantments.
Fix for MCCE #868 - Redstone clocks get stuck on when changing dimension.
Fix for Animals in Love Mode lacking heart particles for the duration of Love Mode.
Fix for Slimes spawning in the Nether.
Change log for Patch 1.23 - January 20th 2016
Fix for MCCE #48 - Water Spreading Creates New Source Blocks.
Fix for MCCE #571 - Interface Opacity and Tooltip Opacity issues.
Fix for MCCE #772 - Animals get stuck in corners of fence-type blocks.
Fix for MCCE #826 - Beacon height limit.
Fix for MCCE #829 - The end build limit is smaller.
Fix for MCCE #831 - Player skin is the default skin when holding a map.
Fix for MCCE #856 - Red sandstone stairs texture incorrect.
Fix for MCCE #863 - The map does not work as it should (unless "View Hand" is turned on).
Fix for MCCE #865 - Rabbits only appear to spawn naturally in snow biomes.
Fix for MCCE #878 - Book and Quill saving issue. Opening and closing an edited (not signed) writeable book deletes the saved pages.
Fix for MCCE #833 - When Interface opacity is down, hotbar faded tools won’t show their durability.
Fix for MCCE #885 & #886 - Feather Falling enchantment does not reduce falling damage & Ender pearl Damage.
Fix for MCCE #962 - Slime Spawning (Increase to Slime Spawning).
Fix for MCCE #1009 - Skulls in the inventory and held in first person are oversized.
Fix for MCCE #1024 - Raw fish and raw salmon have the same texture in the Natural Texture Pack.
Fix for MCCE #1072 - In the City Texture Pack it shows smooth red sandstone as a rough block but when you place it, it is smooth.
Fix for MCCE #1091 - Some fire caused by Ghast's Fireball explosion is not displayed.
Fix for MCCE #1127 - Wolfs default collar colour had changed (Orange -> Red).
Fix for MCCE #1142 - Minecraft Capes using incorrect texture.
Fix for MCCE #1192 Texture under the bed is the texture of the top of the bed.
Fix for MCCE #1202 - Map dark when facing north or south.
Fix for MCCE #1214 - Texture of any potion turns black while holding it in the End or Nether.
Fix for MCCE #1349 - Penned animals de-spawn when leaving the chunk.
Fix for MCCE #1366 - When placing a torch under water to reset / refill your air meter will often (about 50% of the time) cause a crash.
Fix for MCCE #1367 - Melon farm with piston causes crash.
Fix for MCCE #1415 & #1403 - Hunger meter always regenerates when switching from peaceful to any other difficulty.
Fix for MCCE #1434 - Fishing Rod Bobber Sticks to Walls!
Fix for MCCE #1455 - Piston/slime block duplication.
Fix for MCCE #1457 - TNT can destroy blocks placed well beyond the world border.
Fix for MCCE #1488 - ‘Getting an Upgrade’ trophy/achievement fails to unlock while crafting a stone pickaxe using classic crafting.
Fix for crash when Ender Chest is mined for a few seconds.
Fix for an intermittent crash when placing beds on snow.
Fix for a crash when a Superflat World session with a combination of multiple Planks or Wood, Lava and Air Layers is saved.
Fix for a crash after destroying blocks and exploring a Superflat World with multiple Sand, Air and TNT Layers.
Improved random seed generator to select worlds with a better spread of biomes.
Fix for Villagers not harvesting crops from Farmlands created by the player.
Fix for glass not being able to be broken by hand in Adventure Mode.
Fix for an issue where the user renames a ‘Spawn Egg’ and places it in water, causing debug text to be displayed.
Fix for an issue when the "Body Guard" trophy/achievement does not unlock as expected when the Iron Golem is built in a certain way.
Fix for an issue where a player cannot see other players after dying and respawning.
Fix for an issue where baby horses appear to be adults after feeding with one golden carrot.
Fix for issue where two Primary Powers can be applied to the Player's character through the Beacon UI.
Fix for an issue where a Torch and a Redstone Torch have two hitboxes.
Fix for de-spawn protections not being applied to baby animals created with Spawn Eggs.
Fix for issue where item quantity for Bottle o' Enchanting, Nether Star, Enchanted Golden Apple and strength indicator for Potions are not affected by Interface Opacity when in the Quick Select.
Fix for Death Message with incorrect text is displayed when the player is killed with a named weapon.
Fix for worlds generating slightly differently every time even with the same seed.
Fix for issue where Leather Clothes, Spawn Eggs and Potions are displayed improperly when the player is above 256 blocks or is in a place where there is no source of daylight.
Fix for Doors, Trapdoors and Fence Gates missing a sound effect when closing.
Fix for issue where opening certain menus does not cancel the eating, drinking or bow charging animations.
Fixed an issue where items that have no custom names were not showing up in edit text field in the Anvil.
Fix for Ocelots not sprinting away from the player.
Fix for Pistons and objects pushed by them having corrupted, black textures while animating.
Fix for falling Gravel, Sand and Red Sand blocks displaying with very dark textures.
Fix for issue where texture pack changes to vanilla Minecraft textures if the player joins a friend's session.
Added first person rendering of additional skin parts for the left and right arms.
Fix for an issue when in a Split-screen session where at least one player does not get Critical Hit particles.
Fix for seeing through the base of falling blocks.
Fix for missing mining animation for Skulls, Heads, Signs, Chests and Beacons.
Fix for issue where changing the Interface Opacity to specific values causes visual issues with the item and button icons on the HUD.
Fix for issue when travelling directly north or south in a Minecart where the player automatically turns to face eastwards.
Fix for missing tooltip for 'Exit' / 'Dismount' actions.
Fix for Guardians not being spawned around Ocean Monuments on a Superflat World.
Fix for City Texture Pack missing textures for multiple kinds of doors while holding in the player’s hand
Fix for Sign text not displaying.
Fix for Cows needing to take 11 hits with hand or 3 hits with any Sword to be killed.
Fix for Clownfish description displaying incorrect information.
Fixed an issue unlocking the ‘Iron Belly' trophy.
Change log for Patch 1.22 - December 10th 2015
New Items:-
Armor Stand, Raw Rabbit, Cooked Rabbit, Rabbit Stew, Raw Mutton, Cooked Mutton, Rabbit’s Foot, Rabbit Hide, Potion of Leaping, Potion of Water Breathing, Salmon, Cooked Salmon, Clownfish, Pufferfish, Blue Orchid, Allium, Azure Bluet, Tulips, Oxeye Daisy, Sunflower, Lilac, Poppy (replaces Rose), Rose Bush, Peony, Double Tall Grass, Large Ferns, Prismarine Crystals, Prismarine Shard.
Creative Mode only – Rabbit Spawn Egg, Endermite Spawn Egg, and Guardian Spawn Egg.
New Blocks:-
Podzol, Granite, Polished Granite, Andesite, Polished Andesite, Diorite, Polished Diorite, Prismarine, Dark Prismarine, Prismarine Bricks, Red Sand, Red Sandstone, Smooth Red Sandstone, Chiseled Red Sandstone, Red Sandstone Stairs, Red Sandstone Slab, Sea Lanterns, Wet Sponge, Slime Blocks, Coarse Dirt, Packed Ice, Acacia Saplings, Dark Oak Saplings.
Mesa, Mega Taiga, Roofed Forest, Birch Forest, Forest, Savanna, Extreme Hills+, Deep Ocean, Snowless Taiga, 20 new Technical Biomes.
Updated Features:-
Fishing now has particle effects - bubbles will show up moving towards the bobber just before the player has something on the hook. This has the appearance of a fish swimming towards the hook.
Treasure can now be caught while fishing.
Treasure is split into 3 categories:-
Fish: Raw Fish, Salmon, Clownfish and Pufferfish.
Treasure: Enchanted Fishing Rod, Enchanted Bow, Enchanted Book, Name Tag, Tripwire Hook, Lily Pad and Saddle.
Enchanted Books can receive multiple enchants at once.
Villagers have additional professions and trading schemes.
Villagers will now harvest crops.
Villagers will only breed when willing (and can be made willing by giving them 3 bread, 12 carrots or 12 potatoes).
Villagers will turn into Witches when struck by lightning.
Nether Portal
New Nether Portal building rules: Any rectangular shape from 4x5 to 23x23
If the portal in the nether is big enough, Ghasts can travel through.
Will now be activated by any fire block within the frame.
Can place Pumpkins or Wither Skeleton Skulls to spawn Golems and Withers.
Will only place them if the body of the Golem or Wither is already built, in a valid configuration.
Anvil has been rebalanced.
Moss Stone, Mossy Stone Bricks and Chiseled Stone Bricks are now obtainable via crafting.
Cracked Stone Bricks and Sponge are now obtainable via smelting.
When a Furnace runs out of fuel, the smelting progress will rewind at 2× speed.
Empty Furnaces will only accept fuel and empty Buckets in the fuel slot.
Item Frame
Item Frames now emit a Redstone signal, and can rotate in 8 directions.
Redstone Comparator
Can now detect the rotation of an item in an item frame and output an equivalent power signal.
Buttons can now be placed on the top and bottom of blocks.
Powered Activator Rail
Powered Activator rails now dismount entities riding Minecarts.
Cauldrons with water in them will put out burning entities, taking away one water level each time.
Huge Mushroom Block
When harvested with Silk Touch enchantment, they drop blocks with corresponding Mushroom texture (red or brown) on all sides, rather than the one with spores.
Reintroduced Sponge to Survival Mode, with new behavior and texture.
Sponge turns into Wet Sponge when it soaks up water.
Water particles appear around the Sponge when this happens.
Sponge destroys water blocks from 5 blocks away in a kind of sphere.
Sponge soaks up water, only when some water is touching it.
Sugar Cane
Color/Shade is affected by the biome color (similar to leaves, grass and vines).
Baby Zombie
Now drop XP Orbs.
Can now be ignited with Flint and Steel.
Zombie Pigman
Adult Zombie Pigmen will forgive after a short time (and lose the aggro speed boost), but will continue to attack until the player escapes their aggro distance.
Now drink a Potion of Water Breathing, when they are trapped underwater.
Can drop a Potion of Water Breathing upon death, as a rare drop.
Jungle Biome
Melons can now be found in patches similar to Pumpkins.
Swamp Biome
Spawn with Blue Orchid Flowers.
In shallower parts, the coast is covered in staggered dirt block with Lily Pads between them.
Plains Biome
Generates three of the new flowers – Azure Bluets, Oxeye Daises and sometimes Tulips.
Can generate Double Tall Grass.
Extreme Hills Biome
Snow at higher elevations.
Gravel can replace ground cover.
Flat valleys near sea level.
Can generate slightly higher now.
Ocean Biome
Contains only Gravel on the floor instead of Sand, Dirt and Gravel.
Desert Temple
Now spawn with Stained Clay instead of Dyed Wool.
New landscape feature:-
Ocean Monument
New Enchantments:-
Luck of the Sea (I-III)
Lure (I-III)
Depth Strider (I-III)
Changes & Bug Fixes:-
Sheep now drop Mutton when they die.
Arrows decelerate much more quickly underwater, and extinguish if on fire.
Most mobs can now swim.
Skeletons flee from wolves.
Creepers, Skeletons, Wither Skeletons and Zombies drop their heads when killed by Charged Creepers.
Spiders no longer see players through solid blocks.
Babies' growth can be accelerated by feeding them.
Fix for players adding additional layers above the maximum height in Superflat.
Added Flint and Steel and Fire Charge sound effect when igniting blocks.
Updated audio for Cows and Mooshrooms.
Updated audio for Minecarts.
Created a new Tutorial World.
Change log for Patch 1.21 - October 23rd 2015
Changes & Fixes:-
Added Halloween 2015 Mash-up Pack trial content.
Added Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack trial content.
Fixed a small memory leak with signs.
Added colored light from torches (for Halloween 2015 Mash-up Pack).
Change log for Patch 1.20 - September 23rd 2015
Added Doctor Who Skin Pack Bundle Trial content.
Fixed a memory leak causing frame rate issues.
Fixed an issue causing signs to go blank for network players.
Change log for Patch 1.19 - August 28th 2015
Added Star Wars Classic Skin Pack Trial content.
Added Star Wars Rebels Skin Pack Trial content.
Optimised water rendering.
Fix for some instability when adding and removing players from a game.
Fix for particle effects not displaying at high altitudes.
Fix for an issue where the Fuel meter in a Furnace could be reset when using a Lava Bucket.
Fix for an ingredient added to a Beacon interface would be lost when entering/leaving the End or the Nether.
Fix for an issue when renaming a world save and quickly loading the world.
Fix for an issue where the tick rate in a chunk would run too fast when the chunk was unloaded and then reloaded (MCCE-390).
Fix for Enable Flying host option causing healing to revert to classic mode.
Fix for an issue with a Potion of Swiftness not working for splitscreen players.
Fix for ‘Can Build And Mine’ privilege stopping players using potions.
Fix for ‘Can Build And Mine’ privilege stopping players equipping armor from the hotbar.
Fix for putting out fires with buckets of water making a wood breaking sound.
Fixed an issue with Iron Golems trying to give a flower to a villager, but the flower not being present.
Fix for a problem with water flickering at a distance when using the Natural Texture Pack.
Fix for a problem unlocking the Enchanter trophy when using Classic Crafting.
Fixed an issue where low opacity settings would cause the Ender Dragon and Wither health bars to be displayed inconsistently.
Change log for Patch 1.18 - July 24th 2015
Added Greek Mythology Mash-up Pack trial content.
Added Acacia Wood, Acacia Planks, Acacia Fence, Acacia Fence Gate, Acacia Door, Acacia Slab and Acacia Stairs to the Creative menu.
Added Dark Oak Wood, Dark Oak Planks, Dark Oak Fence, Dark Oak Fence Gate, Dark Oak Door, Dark Oak Slab and Dark Oak Stairs to the Creative menu.
Fixed a crash when approaching Villages, Desert Temples and Jungle Temples if the save that was loaded had a partially discovered Village/Temple in it.
Fixed an issue with stacking doors.
Fixed the Oak Door recipe not giving 3 doors.
Fixed an issue with the Set Day button in the Host Options menu.
Fixed an issue stopping players removing Leads from Fences.
Fixed Minecart with TNT having no igniting animation.
Fixed an issue with Mobs being unable to pass through an open Iron Door.
Fixed an issue where reaching the maximum spawn limit of villagers prevents spawning baby villagers after some of the villagers die.
Fixed doors being destroyed when placing them on an upper Slab.
Fixed an issue where players with no privileges could make tamed Wolves stand up.
Fixed an issue where players with no privileges could kill Snow Golems.
Stopped players being able to destroy Minecarts when 'Can Build and Mine' privilege is disabled.
Stopped players being able to open Minecart with Chest, Minecart with Hopper, and Saddlebags when 'Can Open Containers' privilege is disabled.
Fixed an issue with Wolves not taking damage properly.
Change log for Patch 1.17 - June 30th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Oak Wood Fence, Spruce Wood Fence, Birch Wood Fence, Jungle Wood Fence.
- Added Oak Wood Fence Gate, Spruce Wood Fence Gate, Birch Wood Fence Gate, Jungle Wood Fence Gate.
- Added Oak Wood Door, Spruce Wood Door, Birch Wood Door, Jungle Wood Door.
- Added Iron Trapdoor, Inverted Daylight Sensor, Book and Quill, Stained Glass and Stained Glass Panes.
- Added Custom Superflat User Interface, allowing players to customize superflat world generation.
- Added new in-game options to allow changing game mode, difficulty setting, time of day, and spawn position per player, and disable or enable ambient cave sounds, and weather settings.
- Split Load/Join interface into Create/Load/Join.
- Changed Game Mode selection to a slider.
- Added Classic Crafting option, so you can now craft the same way as on the Java version if you really want to! This option is available in the UI settings menu.
- Added LittleBigPlanet(TM) Mash-up Pack trial content.
- Fixed a crash when a lot of Redstone Dust was used.
- Fixed various incorrect tooltip issues.
- Fix for mined item entities sometimes appearing at the top of the world, rather than spawning where the block is destroyed
- Fix for an issue with corrupt capes on characters.
- Fix for an issue where players could open Trapped Chests, Droppers, Hoppers and Beacons even though “Can Open Containers” was off.
- Fixed a crash when a flaming arrow shot from a Dispenser hits TNT.
- Fixed a memory leak causing crashes after prolonged play sessions.
- Fixed a problem with dropped items sinking below the ground.
- Fixed an issue with TNT explosions.
- Fixed a problem with baby villagers’ collision height.
Change log for Patch 1.16 - April 26th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added the Alex skin and some variations of it to the default skins.
- Changed music tracks played in Creative mode and on front-end menus to match Java version.
- Added The Simpsons Skin Pack trial content.
- Brought forward change so that shrubs can placed in flower pots.
Change log for Patch 1.15 - March 25th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Pattern Texture Pack trial content.
- Added Mass Effect Mash-up Pack trial content.
- Fixed issue placing Pistons, Dispensers and Droppers.
- Added Quick Move to the Horse Inventory.
- Made some fixes to player privileges.
- Corrected Baby Zombie hit boxes size.
- Added "Where are we now" Music Disc in Survival Mode.
- Fix for a bug where a Chest didn't disappear when destroyed.
- Fix for player sometimes taking fall damage while in a boat.
- Fixed an issue where a player's wolves could teleport to them when they were in a boat, and kill them.
- Updated Lapis Lazuli block texture.
- Fix for an issue causing client players to hang when creating a Wither.
- Fix for graphic corruption with Red Stone Comparator.
- Fix for a crash when a player is fishing.
Change log for Patch 1.14 - February 11th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- More Redstone fixes.
- Increased minecart limit.
- Stopped tamed horses despawning when they are in a fenced-off area.
- Crafting a map now produces an Empty Map.
- Fixed a crash with a Noteblock.
- Fixed an issue with village generation.
- Fixed an issue with Witch Huts allowing other mobs to spawn in them after a reload.
- Fixed an issue where Blaze Spawners and Chests don’t appear in the Nether after a Nether Reset.
- Fixed a crash with Minecarts travelling through Nether Portals.
- Fixed a problem causing clouds to look 2D
Change log for Patch 1.13 - December 20th 2014
Changes and Additions:-
- Fix for various Redstone issues.
- Fixed a crash when breaking an Item Frame containing a map.
- Fixed a crash when a Dispenser is dispensing water or lava when the Dispenser is blocked.
- Fix for placing a boat on harmful surfaces causing the game to crash.
- Updates to horse and other animal de-spawning to take into account Saddles, Saddle bags, Leads, Armor and Nametags.
- Fix for Stonebrick stairs recipe.
- Fix for issue where player is able to stay alive with zero hearts in their Healthbar.
- Fixed an issue in the Host Options menu in Adventure mode causing options to be set wrongly.
- Fix for issue where animals don't stop running after being hit.
- Fix for issue where destroying planted Pumpkin and Melon Seeds drops an incorrect number of seeds.
- Librarian villagers now have a small probability of offering nametags for sale.
- Add a rare probability of spawning Skeletons/Wither Skeletons in the nether.
- Brought forward change so that Witches naturally spawn, rarely, anywhere that's dark.
- Fix for issue where Wither Skeletons stop spawning in the Nether when the difficulty is set to Easy from Peaceful.
- Changed Minecart riding behaviour back so that the player turns with the Minecart.
- If mob griefing is turned off, sheep shouldn't change grass blocks when they eat them.
- Fix for TNT cart exploding despite 'TNT Explodes' option being turned off.
- Fix to Noteblock fall-off distance so they can be heard further away.
- Fix for player legs not being rotated correctly when riding.
- Fix for Wolf heal tooltip.
- Fixed improper tooltip displayed when Player is holding a Lead and aiming at an aggressive mob.
- Fix for Potion of Weakness effect description having incorrect values.
- Fix for issue where Creepers hover off the floor.
- Fixed issue where Name Tags do not appear to work correctly on the Wither, Iron Golem and Wither Skeleton.
- Fix for player nametags not being colored.
- City Texture Pack - Daylight sensor changed to look more like a solar panel.
- Fix for issue where a horse wasn’t rendering while riding it.
Change log for Patch 1.12 - December 20th 2014
Changes and Additions:-
- Added new items
Hardened Clay
Stained Clay
Block of Coal
Hay Bale
Activator Rail
Block of Redstone
Daylight Sensor
Minecart with Hopper
Minecart with TNT
Redstone Comparator
Weighted Pressure Plate
Trapped Chest
Firework Rocket
Firework Star
Nether Star
Horse Armor
Name Tag
Horse Spawn Egg
- Added new Mobs
Wither Skeletons
- Added new terrain generation features - Witch Huts.
- Replaced the Tutorial World with a new world containing some new mini-tutorials for the new functionality.
- Added Beacon interface.
- Added Horse interface.
- Added Hopper interface.
- Added Fireworks - Fireworks interface is accessible from the Crafting Table when you have the ingredients to craft a Firework Star or Firework Rocket.
- Added 'Adventure Mode' - You can only break blocks with the correct tools.
- Added lots of new sounds.
- Mobs, items and projectiles can now pass through portals.
- Repeaters can now be locked by powering their sides with another Repeater.
- Zombies and Skeletons can now spawn with different weapons and armor.
- New death messages.
- Name mobs with a Name Tag, and rename containers to change the title when the menu is open.
- Bonemeal no longer instantly grows everything to full size, and instead randomly grows in stages.
- A Redstone signal describing the contents of Chests, Brewing Stands, Dispensers and Jukeboxes can be detected by placing a Redstone Comparator directly against them.
- Dispensers can face in any direction.
- Eating a Golden Apple gives the player extra "absorption" health for a short period.
- The longer you remain in an area the harder the monsters that spawn in that area will be.
- New Game and Host options (Daylight Cycle, Keep Inventory, Mob options, Tile drop and a Regeneration option)
Change log for Patch 1.11 - December 20th 2014
- Added the trial Festive Mash-up Pack.
Change log for Patch 1.10 - December 3rd 2014
- Added the trial Steampunk Texture Pack.
- Added the trial Skyrim Mash-up Pack.
Change log for Patch 1.02 - October 24th 2014
- Fixed a crash on saving a game after resetting the Nether.
- Fixed an issue causing corrupt save data after Saving/Autosave and then quickly selecting Save and Exit.
- Fixed an issue with Save Transfer causing players to lose their inventory on re-loading the save.
- Fixed a graphical issue with the Nether Portal effect.
- Fix for Host Options settings not being saved after a Save Transfer.
- Enabled support for limited time Additional Content (Downloadable Content available for a limited time on the store).
Change log for Patch 1.01 - October 16th 2014
- Fixed a hang when accepting a game invite while in a game.
- Fixed 'Can Build and Mine' option in Host Options Menu not functioning properly in a Creative Mode game.
- Fixed a crash when attempting to download a save transfer when the memory card was full.
- Fixed issues with attempting to buy DLC when in Ad Hoc network mode.
- Fixed a hang when selecting “Exit and Save” with a trial texture pack.
- Added Turkish manual.
Fix for MCCE #10012 Redstone cannot be placed on Glass.
Fix for MCCE #9978 - Stone Mason has wrong price for Chiseled Brick.
Fix for MCCE #9653 - Fixed Rail Blocks not dropping when the block below them is destroyed.
Fix for Stone Masons wanting Glazed Terracotta instead of offering it.
Change log for Patch 1.94 - June 27th 2019
Fix for possible crash while exploring the Toy Story world.
Change log for Patch 1.93 - June 25th 2019
Added Toy Story Mash-up pack.
Fix for a crash that occurs while near a village.
Fix for a crash that occurs when the player goes from the Nether to the Overworld.
Fix for Villagers having a chance to change their trade deals after saving/loading.
Fix for scaling maps that would give you a map far away from your current position.
Fix for Iron Golems not spawning in Loaded Villages.
Fix for chests splitting and functioning as separate chests.
Fix for Stone Slab recipe being incorrect in Classic Crafting.
Fix for villager trading when one player is in The End or The Nether.
Change log for Patch 1.92 - June 5th 2019
Fixed a bug that could cause the game to lag or crash while exploring near Pillager Outposts.
Fixed a crash that could occur when Mobs tried to pathfind through Berry Bushes.
Fixed an occasional crash caused by Evoker Fangs.
Fixed an occasional crash caused by interacting with Wandering Trader Llamas right after they spawn.
Fixed an occasional crash caused by being near Campfire blocks.
Fixed an occasional crash caused by scaling maps.
Fixed a bug that could stop Farmers from picking up beetroot seeds.
Fixed a bug that allowed Villagers to breed when they shouldn't.
Added missing Banner and Sign "Place" tooltips.
Updated textures for Grindstone and Stained Glass.
Corrected some spelling mistakes.
Change log for Patch 1.91 - June 3rd 2019
Added new villages structures.
Updated villagers clothing.
Added Trade systems and behaviours.
Added new villager job site blocks.
Added the Wandering Trader.
Added the Bell block.
Added the Pillager Outpost.
Added the Illager Captain.
Added the Ravager.
Added Raids.
Added the Campfire.
Added Sweet Berries.
Added Bamboo Jungle Biome.
Added new Trophies.
Added new Lantern sound effects.
Added Lectern redstone signal behaviour.
Change log for Patch 1.90 - April 15th 2019
Added Loom.
Added Lectern.
Added Lantern.
Added Crossbow.
Added Shields.
Added Community Cat Skin.
Added Pillagers (Creative Only)
Added Banner stencils.
Added Wood Blocks (Bark).
New Vanilla Textures.
Added Minecraft Classic Texture Pack (Built in).
Added 6 new Trophies.
Added the Ability to create dyed stained glass and dyed carpets directly from glass pane/white carpet + dye.
Cats can now be healed by feeding them fish.
Chorus Fruit Flowers now break when struck via an Arrow.
Creepers can drop Records if they are killed by a Stray.
Dead Bush can be used a Furnace Fuel.
Decaying Leaves can now drop Sticks occasionally.
Dispensers with Shears in them, will shear Sheep when activated.
New Shapeless Recipes for Rabbit Stew and Beetroot Soup.
Placing wet sponge in Nether and Warm Biomes will dry it out after some time.
Change log for Patch 1.89 - March 7th 2019
Fix for a Zombie texture issue in Steven Universe Mash-Up Pack.
Fixed Old Shulker Boxes Blocks loading as Purple Shulker Blocks instead of undyed.
Fix for Dispensers not placing Shulker Boxes.
Fix for MCCE #8829 - Nether Brick Fences required the Nether Brick Wall Recipe to be crafted.
Fix for MCCE #8832 - Stone Slabs can be used to craft Purpur Pillars.
Change log for Patch 1.88 - February 26th 2019
Added Steven Universe Mash-Up Pack.
Added new Flowers: Lily of the Valley and Cornflower.
Added new Sign variants: Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, and Dark Oak.
Added new Stair, Slab, and Wall variants:
Stone stairs and slabs.
Granite stairs, slabs, and walls.
Polished Granite stairs and slabs.
Diorite stairs, slabs, and walls.
Polished Diorite stairs and slabs.
Andesite stairs, slabs, and walls.
Polished Andesite stairs and slabs.
Sandstone walls.
Smooth Red Sandstone stairs and slabs.
Smooth Quartz stairs and slabs.
Brick walls.
Stone Brick walls.
Mossy Stone Brick stairs, slabs, and walls.
Nether Brick walls
End Stone Brick stairs, slabs, and walls
Prismarine walls
Red Sandstone walls
Red Nether Brick stairs, slabs, and walls
Smooth Sandstone stairs and slabs
Mossy Cobblestone stairs and slabs
Added "Immediate Respawn" Host Option.
Added several new loading screen tips and trivia.
Added several new splash texts to the main menu.
Cauldrons can now hold Lava.
Tripwires are now activated when broken, unless broken with shears.
A notification is now sent to chat when a tamed animal dies.
Pandas now panic when set on fire.
Scaffolding can now be placed on glass blocks.
More blocks can be placed on scaffolding including mob heads and flower pots.
Change log for Patch 1.85 - January 25th 2019
Fix for a Crash when loading older worlds.
Fix for Large Chests appearing as two Chests during Multiplayer regular gameplay.
Fix for MCCE #8573 – Double Chests can still be opened if partially “blocked”.
Fix for Bamboo not replacing Tall Grass and Double Tall Grass.
Fix for Missing Recipe: Lapis Block to 9 Lapis Lazuli.
Fix for Missing Recipe: Rose Bush to Rose Red Dye.
Fix for Missing Recipe: Peony to Pink Dye.
Fix for Potion of Slow falling not affecting players while Elytra Gliding.
Fix for MCCE #7060 – Water can’t be placed in the End.
Fix for players being unable to pick up their thrown trident if they die before picking it back up.
Fix for a Riptide Trident not resetting the players fall counter.
Change log for Patch 1.84 - December 21st 2018
Fix for a crash that would could occur when loading a world or exploring an existing world.
Fix for Salmon, Pufferfish or Tropical Fish dropping Cod when killed.
Change log for Patch 1.83 - December 18th 2018
Added The Nightmare before Christmas Mash-Up Pack.
Added the Holiday Update.
Added six new Trophies to acquire.
Added Cats, a new(ish) mob that spawns in villages and can be tamed with tasty fish. Cats scare off Phantoms, so if you don't like to sleep much they're the perfect pet!
Added Pandas, cuddly bears that love to eat Bamboo and have surprisingly complex genetics.
Lazy Pandas like to lie about just eating Bamboo all day.
Weak Pandas sneeze gross slime, and have less health than other Pandas.
Worried Pandas are scared of thunderstorms and other mobs.
Aggressive Pandas hit harder, and fight for their friends.
Playful Pandas enjoy rolling around and having fun!
Brown Pandas are exceptionally rare, and have unique looks.
Added Bamboo plants, that can be used to construct Scaffolding or feed Pandas.
Added Scaffolding blocks, a new way to quickly build and climb buildings. Check the How to Play page for more info!
Ocelots no longer turn into Cats, but you can still earn their trust in the usual way.
Added white, black, blue, and brown Dyes.
Fix for Crash that would occur while near areas with Snow.
Fix for Barrier block in the Tutorial level.
Fix for Crash that would occur when TNT blew up a Fence post and Shulker Box.
Change log for Patch 1.81 - October 31st 2018
Fix for Crash that can occur for Client Players when a Sticky Piston moves a Slime Block attached to another Sticky Piston.
Fix for Auto Jump not allowing players to stay underwater.
Fix for the Players head rotation while in a Minecart.
Fix for Guardians not spawning around Ocean Monuments.
Change log for Patch 1.79 - October 23rd 2018
Added From the Shadows Skin Pack.
Fix for Save Game Corruption when Exiting without Saving in certain circumstances.
Fix for Music Discs not playing in the Blu-Ray version.
Fix for MCCE #7918 - Seagrass not spawning in Rivers and Swamp biomes.
Fix for MCCE #7923 - Mushroom remain floating when their supporting block is destroyed.
Fix for MCCE #8011 - Water Dispensers do not pick up water from a waterlogged block, instead they fire out the empty bucket.
Fix for Superflat worlds with a large number of transparent blocks and Woodland Mansions enabled taking 20minutes to load.
Fix for no sound effect being played when the player drops an item or a block.
Fix for Minecarts with TNT destroying all blocks below it.
Fix for Dolphins not picking up Items and Blocks.
Change log for Patch 1.78 - September 25th 2018
Added Pirates of the Caribbean Mash-Up Pack!
Fix for closing the application during the save download for PS3 / Vita saves can result in a corrupt level, causing the title to crash.
Fix for Sea Grass making the Stone Breaking sound when broken.
Fix for Ghasts low spawn rate in the Nether.
Fix for Conduit Power status effect not affecting the Player when standing in the rain.
Fix for being unable to place a Sea Pickle on Glass Blocks or Stained Glass Blocks.
Fix for throwing a Loyalty III Trident and leaving the level causing a complete loss of the user's weapon.
Fix for items not being able to be crafted using damaged Tools in Console Crafting.
Fix for Magma Block generating bubbles under itself when placed between Water and Air blocks.
Fix for placing a block below a Conduit so that it deactivates, then destroying the block to reactivate it, the Conduit will turn/rotate suddenly.
Fix for a Trident enchanted with Loyalty III constantly making circles around the place where the Player died.
Fix for Fully charged Bow doing the incorrect amount of damage (should do 9-10 damage).
Fix for Drowned dropping a Zombie Head when killed by a charged Creeper explosion.
Fix for players not taking damage from TNT Explosions in Battle Mini Game.
Fix for Iron Golems not defending themselves when walking to the nearest village.
Change log for Patch 1.77 - September 17th 2018
Fixed a number of player reported crashes that can occur while playing the game.
Change log for Patch 1.76 - September 11th 2018
Added the Update Aquatic! The oceans of Minecraft are now teeming with new life!
Added 6 new Trophies!
Added Shipwrecks, Underwater Ruins, Coral Reefs, Icebergs, Underwater Caves/Ravines, and Buried Treasure to world generation.
Added new blocks: Coral, Dried Kelp, Sea Pickles, Sea Turtle Eggs, Stripped Logs, Blue Ice, Prismarine Stairs, and Prismarine Slabs.
Added new Kelp and Sea Grass underwater flora.
Added Trapdoors, Pressure Plates, and Buttons for every type of wood.
Added Bubble Columns that are created by underwater Magma or Soul Sand. Bubble Columns push players and mobs to the surface, or drag them under!
Added the Conduit, a block that provides underwater players with a powerful Status Effect.
Added Tridents, and their unique enchantments; Impaling, Channeling, Riptide, and Loyalty.
Added other new items: Dried Kelp, Fish Buckets, Turtle Shell Helmet, Heart of the Sea, Nautilus Shell, Scute, and Phantom Membrane.
Added new Potions and Arrows of the Turtle Master, and of Slow Falling.
Added Buried Treasure Explorer Maps that will lead you to great wealth hidden under the sands!
Added Cod, Salmon, Pufferfish, and 2700 types of Tropical Fish!
Added the Dolphin, a friendly mob that helps players out!
Added the Phantom, a mob that hunts down tired players.
Added the Sea Turtle, a mob that travels the world but always returns home.
Added the Drowned, a monster that attacks players that enter their underwater domain.
Added new Warm, Lukewarm, and Cold Ocean biomes to hold all this new stuff...
...And a new Tutorial world to show you how to use it!
Change log for Patch 1.73 - June 21st 2018
Added The Incredibles Skin Pack
Fix for MCCE-#7401 - Sign with § æ Crashes World.
Fix for MCCE-#7331 - Hostile Mobs’ Battle Royale Crashes The Game.
Change log for Patch 1.70 - May 29th 2018
Added Egyptian Mythology Mash-Up Pack
Fix for Network Error #94613
Fix for Minecarts being destroyed by Lava
Fix for MCCE #7207 – Some Skins are Buggy
Optimized Beacons: This will allow a larger number of beacons to be placed before any noticeable fps decrease.
Change log for Patch 1.68 - April 24th 2018
Added Final Fantasy XV Skin Pack
Fixed a crash that would occur when players looked at a Cauldron while holding a Water Bottle obtained by Fishing
Change log for Patch 1.67 - March 27th 2018
Added Star Wars Sequel Skin Pack
Added Minecraft Classic Skin Pack 1
Added Chat message to inform users once they reach the maximum number of Ender Crystals in a world.
Error codes have been added to Network error messages.
Fix for MCCE-#3522 - Over the sky barrier.
Fix for MCCE-#6536 - Save file can be corrupted when flying over the Sky Barrier.
Fix for MCCE #6383 - The Player could experience severe FPS drops when then Enderdragon spawn particles.
Fix for MCCE-#6734 - Sharpness Particles Replaced by rain drops.
Fix for MCCE-#6802 - Sticky Pistons do not pull chests back.
Fix for MCCE #4683 - Vertical pointing Dispensers spawn mobs in the wrong positions.
Fix for MCCE #4701 - Mining Fatigue has little to no effect.
Fix for MCCE-#6764 - The comparator detects 6 power for a cauldron instead of 3.
Fix for MCCE-#6603 - Grass spreads under tilled dirt / farmland.
Fix for MCCE #4956 - The back of an observer block does not light up when powered.
Fix for MCCE #4986 - Parrots that have been tamed disappear after moving away from them. Tamed Ocelots and Wolfs shouldn't despawn now either.
Fix for MCCE-#6224 - No Music Disc Collection Messages.
Fix for MCCE-#6425 - Water collected using a bucket that is past the world's limit can place water that doesn't move.
Fix for MCCE #6599 - Farming Beetroot has a net loss overall when harvesting.
Fix for MCCE-#5384 - Game crashes to ps3 xmb menu (Due to memory leak with Cave Spiders) - PS3/Xbox 360.
Fixed a crash when loading a pre 1.8 save with Cooked Fish in an Ender Chest.
Fixed a bug where Endermen weren't teleporting upon taking damage directly from Players.
Fixed a bug where holding a stack of two or more items prevented players from performing the "Take/Place" action on Armor Stands.
Fixed a bug where some mobs weren't correctly chasing players through doors.
Fixed a bug where mobs could breed through walls and fences.
Fixed a bug where players could sometimes enter a round of Levitation Potions in Tumble without any Potions.
Fixed a bug where Cauldron sound effects were louder than intended.
Fixed a bug where fuel in Brewing Stands was consumed at the wrong time.
Fixed a bug where Zombie Pigmen stayed angry at dead players.
Fixed a bug where placing a large number of beacons filtered by stained glass would cause the game to crash.
Fixed a bug where the player would take damage or be placed within the block above when exiting a Minecart.
Fixed a bug where the Ender Dragon could be trapped in a Boat and killed easily.
Fixed a bug where Grass Path blocks mined with the Silk Touch Enchantment would give the player a Dirt block.
Fixed a bug where the Beacon's secondary power could not be activated without having the primary power activated as well.
Fixed a bug where Mounted mobs could not breed.
Optimised the block updating of Chest Blocks causing frame rate issues in worlds with a large number of chests.
Change log for Patch 1.66 - January 30th 2018
Added Moana Character Pack.
Fixed MCCE-6589: Pistons of both types can't move Cauldrons.
Fixed MCCE-6531: Placing a bed next to a cactus crashes the game.
Fixed MCCE-6376: Observer Blocks don't detect some changes, like other powered Observers.
Fixed MCCE-6465: Unable to place vines under torches.
Fixed a bug where Animals are not running away when hit on Peaceful Difficulty.
Fixed a bug where Tamed Horses with no items equipped despawn after a Player leaves the area.
Fixed a bug that was reducing the Horizontal distance a Horse would travel when Jumping
Change to explosions so that TNT cannons in Mashup worlds work as they used to.
Fixed a bug where a block could not be moved while a sign was attached to it
Fixed a bug where a block could not be moved while a Banner was attached to it
Fixed a bug where Tripwire hooks on the sides of Pistons would drop when the Piston was extended/retracted.
Fixed a bug where Comparators would not register Chest and Trapped Chest size changes.
Fixed a bug where Rails and Torches couldn't be placed on Glowstone, Sea Lanterns, Glass, or Ice.
Fixed a bug where Flowerpots, Doors, and Pumpkins couldn't be placed on Glass.
Fixed a bug where Redstone, Levers, and Buttons couldn't be placed on Pistons.
Fixed a bug that would allow players to Open Shulker Boxes while 'Trust Players' and 'Can Open Containers' options are disabled.
Enchantment Experience costs in Creative Mode now match Bedrock Edition
Pistons can now move small chests but only if the new position would have been valid for players to place a new chest.
Change log for Patch 1.65 - January 5th 2018
Fix for Norse Mythology music not playing after the content was purchased and the game restarted.
Added new Glide music tracks for the new Glide Tracks
Change to Glide to require passing through all Checkpoints before reaching the end of the track
Glide Solo Mode can now be played for longer before being automatically returned to the Lobby
Fix for spectator not hearing Glide ring or thermal sounds for the player they are spectating
Fix for Glide round timer continuing to tick while the Pause Menu is displayed in Solo Mode
Decreased the respawn delay in Glide
Added coloured particles when you cross the finish line in Glide
Showdown in Glide now says "Hurry Up"
Fix for Interface Opacity setting not affecting the HUD in Glide
Fix for some Boat item textures in the Mass Effect Mash-up pack not matching the entity textures
Fix for an issue that caused the damage sound to be repeatedly played at the end of a Glide round
Fix for an issue that caused the body of player models to be set back from the other limbs
Fix various Crashes
Change log for Patch 1.46 - March 31st 2017
Fix for Glide - Completion times recorded as 0:00.000
Change log for Patch 1.44 - March 27th 2017
Added Glide Mini Game!
Added new Mini Game Lobby.
Fix for MCCE-3984 - Enderdragon is able to use an End Gateway.
Added Leaderboards for Glide Mini Game.
Added support for up to 16 players in Battle and Glide.
Change log for Patch 1.43 - March 3rd 2017
Fix for MCCE-4226 - Wrong LOD showing for non-block item icons in the UI.
Fix for MCCE-4227 - Nether portals sending players to the wrong portals.
Fix for seeds always appearing as "0" in Load World menu.
Fix for MCCE-4321 - Player may fall through the block below them when jumping in a confined space e.g small tunnel.
Change log for Patch 1.42 - February 28th 2017
Added Fallout Battle Map Pack
Fix for Player's character becoming invisible for other players when they ride a Minecart, Boat, Horse, Donkey, Pig or Mule, beyond they viewing player's render distance.
Fix for a second Bonus Chests appearing near the centre of the world.
Fix for not being able to place a Pig in a Mob Spawner using a Spawn Egg.
Fix for crash that would occur if the player dropped an inventory item at the point a Battle round ended.
Fix for crash that would occur if the player had the inventory menu open at the point a Battle round ended.
Fix Player not riding a vehicle when they reload a save, if they were riding it when the game was saved.
Fix for crash when saving some particularly large and detailed worlds.
Fix for being able to leave the playable area of the large Cavern Battle Map as a spectator.
Fix for being able to fall off the Shipyard Battle Map at a certain location without dying.
Fix for being able to fall in a specific area of Frontier Battle Map without dying.
Fix for Renewable Energy not unlocking when the requirements were met for the first time.
Fix for Stone Axe instead of Diamond Sword appearing in the Chest in the Enchanting mini Tutorial area upon restarting this tutorial.
Change to allow crafting any wooden door to complete the Door crafting step of the Tutorial.
Fix for 'Hit' tooltip not benig displayed when Player targets crosshair at a Polar Bear, a Creeper or a Squid.
Fix for crash that occured when Shape box is changed a few times in Fireworks UI, after creating 64 Firework Stars.
Fix for a variety of issues that occurred after changing from an Online to and Offline game.
Fix for End Crystals' beam persisting after the Ender Dragon's respawn is interrupted by destroying the End Crystal with 'TNT Explodes' option disabled.
Fix for error that can occur when dropping items while standing in an active Nether Portal.
Fix for error when downloading PS3 save. (MCCE-3974)
Change log for Patch 1.41 - January 27th 2017
Fix for Horses not jumping to the correct height.
Re-entering a tutorial area while the playing the Tutorial will reset the chests.
Fix for Slab blocks not blocking light.
Fix for Chickens not dropping Cooked Chicken when they die on fire.
Fix for Blazes not dropping Glowstone Dust when they die.
Fixed the drop rate of Gold Nuggets.
Fix for Zombie Pigmen not dropping Gold Ingots when they die.
Fix for tamed Ocelots remaining hostile to anything they were attacking before being tamed.
Fix for crash when spawning too many Shulkers.
Fix for Enderman not taking damage from rain while in a Boat.
Improvements to framerate when throwing a lot of Lingering Potions.
Fix for Wither Skeleton being able to walk through two block high spaces.
Minor changes to Battle Mini Game maps to close off areas that should not be accessible.
Fix for lighting issues when digging down in spawn area.
Fix for rename Record losing its name after being in a Jukebox.
Added chance of Melon, Pumpkin, and Beetroot Seeds, and Jungle Saplings spawning in the Bonus Chest.
Fix for a range of tooltips that would appear when the action was not available.
Fix for Mob Spawner error that occured after using a spawn egg to change what it should spawn.
Fixes to End Gateway generation.
Fix for End spawn location being in the wrong place.
Added a particle effect and sound effect when a mob spawner fails to spawn due to spawn limits.
Fix for crash when placing a Sign on top of Tall Grass.
Stop End Crystals exploding when "TNT Explodes" is disabled.
Fix for Hoppers not collecting items above them.
Added new 11 trophies for Survival.
Added new 7 trophies for Tumble.
Change log for Patch 1.40 - January 13th 2017
Fix for Mob Spawners not spawning anymore, and showing a Pig inside them.
Fix for previously created signs being censored for players with restrictive Privacy settings.
Fix for being able to escape the boundaries of the world by exiting a Boat at the edge.
Change log for Patch 1.39 - December 21st 2016
Minor updates to Tutorial world.
Fix for issue using Elytra in splitscreen.
Fix crash when firing snowballs from a Dispenser.
Fix crash when crafting fireworks with renamed items.
Fix for End Crystals sometimes being invulnerable.
Change log for Patch 1.38 - December 19th 2016
Added new blocks: Chorus Flower, Chorus Plant, Dragon Head, End Gateway, End Rod, Purpur Block, Purpur Pillar, Purpur Stairs, Purpur Slab.
Added new items: Chorus Fruit, Popped Chorus Fruit, Dragon's Breath, Elytra, End Crystal, Lingering Potion, Water Splash Potion, Potion of Luck, Tipped Arrow, Boats made from Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, and Dark Oak.
Added new mobs: Shulker, Stray, Husk, and Skeleton Trap Horses.
Updates to terrain generation:
The End has changed when generating a new world, and can also be updated for old worlds. To get the new End in an old world, select "Reset End" in the "More Options" menu when loading the world.
After killing the Ender Dragon in the new End, an End Gateway will spawn nearby. Throwing an Ender Pearl into this will teleport you to a new area in The End with an End City and End Ship.
Within the End City and End Ship you can find Shulkers, Elytra, and a Dragon Head.
Added new Tutorial world.
Added Elytra, which let you glide around the world when you are wearing them. Jump while falling to start gliding.
Boats are now controlled differently and can have multiple passengers.
Brewing now requires Blaze Powder as fuel for the Brewing Stand.
Updated crafting interface to allow crafting Firework Stars and Fireworks.
Villages now generate naturally in the Taiga biome.
Added Amplified Terrain option.
Added Fallout Mashup Pack trial.
Change log for Patch 1.37 - October 25th 2016
Added Halloween Battle Map.
Added Campfire Tales Skin Pack.
Added Battle Map Pack 4.
Fixes for missing/incorrect tooltips when looking at various blocks and entities.
Fix for Endermen not becoming hostile when a player makes eye contact with them.
Fix for only one of eight Fossil variants generating per world.
Fix for igniting TNT blocks while one is already lit causing them to disappear.
Fix for crash that may occur if the Ender Dragon attacks a group of Zombies.
Stop faster healing due to food saturation in Battle mini game
Updated Battle maps to remove some areas where players could get stuck.
Fix for MCCE 2521 - Shears don’t break web blocks into Web block drop.
Fix for MCCE 2505 - Knocking a Guardian off a height great enough to kill it on falling would cause a crash.
Fix for MCCE-2478 - Oak and Iron Doors Items have the wrong texture in the Inventory.
Fix for MCCE-2420: Sub Account Content Restriction.
Change log for Patch 1.36 - October 4th 2016
Add new blocks - End Bricks, Beetroot, Grass Path, Frosted Ice, Magma, Nether Wart Block, Red Nether Brick, and Bone Block.
Added new items - Beetroot, Beetroot Seeds, and Beetroot Soup.
Added new enchantments - FrostWalker and Mending.
Added new terrain generation features - Fossils and Igloos (in newly generated worlds).
Add new mob - Polar Bear.
Add Banners.
Added Chinese Mythology Mash-Up Pack.
Added sounds for Polar Bear, Witch, Squid, Snowman, Armor Stand, Cow, Horse, Item Frames, Leash Knots and Paintings.
Updated all Texture and Mash-up Packs with new items & blocks.
Change log for Patch 1.35 - September 9th 2016
Remove vote-to-kick function in Mini Games. The host can kick players only in the Lobby.
Disable small, floating and oddly shaped skins in public Tumble games.
Fix for Battle mini game showdown playing Tumble mini game showdown sound.
Fixed a bug where last player to die in Tumble would get stuck respawning.
Fix for being able to unlock Hunger Pain achievement by killing yourself while starving.
Fix for crash if a client wins the match and then quits the game.
Re-enabled the previous Birthday and Minecon skin packs for players who had them.
Battle Mini Game: Made some changes to chest refilling logic to make things harder for players camping beside chests.
Battle Mini Game: Made some balancing changes to items spawning in chests.
Battle Mini Game: Fixed some map issues in Cavern, Siege, Ruin, Lair and Atlantis arenas.
Introduced a ‘vote to kick’ system for mini games. When there are more than three players in a public game, a player will be kicked from the game when they have received three votes. This scales down when there are less players.
Change log for Patch 1.31 - July 25th 2016
Added Battle Map Pack 2 (Atlantis, Ruin and Siege).
Added the Redstone Specialists Skin Pack.
Made changes to some item textures in the City Texture Pack, Fantasy Texture Pack and Greek Mythology Mash-up Pack, so that they are more easily identifiable in Battle mini games.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to display player names above crouching players when in Showdown mode in a Battle mini game.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to allow thrown potions to go through non-solid blocks (e.g. Vines, Tall Grass).
Battle Mini Game: Fix to stop non-solid blocks obstructing player attacks.
Battle Mini Game: Fixed a couple of holes in the Cove Battle mini game map.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to remove all Mob heads from the player's inventory, except any that are currently being worn, when transitioning from the Lobby to a Battle mini game map.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to automatically replace Mob heads in the armour slot, when a Helmet is collected in a Battle mini game.
Battle Mini Game: Disabled "Take Everything" in the Lobby.
Battle Mini Game: Added Select All / Deselect All tooltip(s) to the Select Maps menu.
Fix for an issue with hills generation.
Fix for an issue causing some Blazes to not perform their attacks after becoming aggressive towards the player.
Fix to allow renamed items to be traded with a Villager.
Fixed a duplication bug.
Fix to remove the redundant option for creating White Wool within the crafting menu using 1x White Wool to create.
Fix for an issue where a Pig struck by a lightning turns into a Zombie Pigman without a Golden Sword.
Fix for an incorrect death message when the player is killed by lightning.
Fix for some issues with trophies (including Passing The Time trophy).
Change log for Patch 1.30 - June 30th 2016
Battle Mini Game: Disable kicking players during Public Battle rounds. This is enabled for the host in the Lobby.
Battle Mini Game: Disable the host exiting the game during a Battle round. This is enabled in the lobby.
Battle Mini Game: Grace period increased to 20 seconds.
Battle Mini Game: Changed all Poison Potions to level 2 instead of level 1.
Battle Mini Game: All Sticks now have at least Sharpness 1.
Battle Mini Game: Replaced the Fire Charge item with a Potion of Fire Resistance.
Battle Mini Game: Replaced the Diamond Chestplate with an Iron Chestplate.
Battle Mini Game: The Wooden Hoe with Fire Aspect 1 has Sharpness 1 added to it.
Battle Mini Game: Removed the Wooden Shovel from the Centre Chests.
Battle Mini Game: Added Sharpness 1 to the Wooden Pickaxe in the Outer Chests.
Battle Mini Game: Added Sharpness 2 to the Wooden Shovel in the Outer Chests.
Battle Mini Game: Fixed various areas in maps where players could get stuck.
Change log for Patch 1.29 - June 23rd 2016
Fixed an issue with joining public Battle Mini Games.
Change log for Patch 1.28 - June 21st 2016
Added the Battle Mini Game.
Updated the Skin Select menu.
Added an option for Safe Sprint in the Controls menu. Depending on the controls layout selected, this option moves either the Change Camera Mode or the Sneak/Dismount away from the stick button, since a lot of people are pressing the stick by accident when they start sprinting.
Enabled Battle Map Pack 1 and Battle Map Pack Season Pass DLC.
Added Caves and Ravines to Custom Superflat options.
Added Distribute Items functionality via toggle button (start and confirm distribution). This allows a stack of items to be distributed by dragging the stack across multiple slots in the Inventory.
Fixed a crash when a client player entered a game where the maximum number of Item Frames had opened Maps.
Fix for Slimes not spawning in Slime Chunks.
Fixed an issue allowing players to use the Armour Stand when the Trust Players option is disabled.
Fixed an issue where items could not be moved from the Furnace to the main Inventory using Quick Move.
Fixed an issue in the Superflat world generation menu with the stem Mushroom Block.
Change log for Patch 1.26 - April 19th 2016
Fixed Guardians no longer spawning after loading a save.
Removed change that restricted changing to third-person camera while running or performing other actions.
Removed changed that made sprint activation more sensitive.
Change log for Patch 1.25 - April 6th 2016
Added Story Mode skin pack.
Added 6 new trophies.
Added new "Minecart Sounds" option to Audio Settings.
Added Huge Mushroom Blocks to the Creative and Superflat menus.
Improved sprint control.
Fix for issue where the Ender Dragon would be immune to attacks
Fix for Slimes not spawning in certain Swamps and Slime Chunks.
Fix for Potion of Swiftness, Potion of Slowness and Speed bonus of Beacon having no effect on the player.
Fix for teleporting a player while they are sleeping in a Bed not working properly.
Fix for some chunks in the Overworld not generating for clients of a multiplayer game.
Fix for issue where Experience Orbs could not be obtained by some trades with Villagers.
Fix for Thorns enchantment not affecting players.
Fix for MCCE #747 - TNT cannon not working.
Fix for MCCE #659 - Doors have a weird texture on top when open (And other sides).
Fix for MCCE #1854 - Grass positioning is perfect.
Fix for MCCE #1826 - White tulip description incorrect.
Fix for MCCE #1756 - Witch Hut Bounding Box Too Small.
Fix for MCCE #1260 - Submerged Witch Huts.
Fix for MCCE #483 - Camera jitter and player unable to move when looking at chest you are standing on.
Fix for MCCE #863 - The map does not work as it should (unless "View Hand" is turned on).
Fix for MCCE #1757 - Slimes spawning in witch huts.
Fix for MCCE #1739 - No icon in item frame map.
Fix for MCCE #1803 - Item frames vanishing in very strange draw distance.
Change log for Patch 1.24 - February 25th 2016
Added Biome Settlers Skin Pack 1.
Fix for MCCE #1460 & #910 - Guardians Not Spawning.
Fix for MCCE #917 - Incorrect attack damage shown on tooltips with enchantments.
Fix for MCCE #868 - Redstone clocks get stuck on when changing dimension.
Fix for Animals in Love Mode lacking heart particles for the duration of Love Mode.
Fix for Slimes spawning in the Nether.
Change log for Patch 1.23 - January 20th 2016
Fix for MCCE #48 - Water Spreading Creates New Source Blocks.
Fix for MCCE #772 - Animals get stuck in corners of fence-type blocks.
Fix for MCCE #826 - Beacon height limit.
Fix for MCCE #829 - The end build limit is smaller.
Fix for MCCE #831 - Player skin is the default skin when holding a map.
Fix for MCCE #856 - Red sandstone stairs texture incorrect.
Fix for MCCE #863 - The map does not work as it should (unless "View Hand" is turned on).
Fix for MCCE #865 - Rabbits only appear to spawn naturally in snow biomes.
Fix for MCCE #878 - Book and Quill saving issue. Opening and closing an edited (not signed) writeable book deletes the saved pages.
Fix for MCCE #833 - When Interface opacity is down, hotbar faded tools won’t show their durability.
Fix for MCCE #885 & #886 - Feather Falling enchantment does not reduce falling damage & Ender pearl Damage.
Fix for MCCE #962 - Slime Spawning (Increase to Slime Spawning).
Fix for MCCE #1009 - Skulls in the inventory and held in first person are oversized.
Fix for MCCE #1024 - Raw fish and raw salmon have the same texture in the Natural Texture Pack.
Fix for MCCE #1072 - In the City Texture Pack it shows smooth red sandstone as a rough block but when you place it, it is smooth.
Fix for MCCE #1091 - Some fire caused by Ghast's Fireball explosion is not displayed.
Fix for MCCE #1127 - Wolfs default collar colour had changed (Orange -> Red).
Fix for MCCE #1142 - Minecraft Capes using incorrect texture.
Fix for MCCE #1192 Texture under the bed is the texture of the top of the bed.
Fix for MCCE #1202 - Map dark when facing north or south.
Fix for MCCE #1214 - Texture of any potion turns black while holding it in the End or Nether.
Fix for MCCE #1349 - Penned animals de-spawn when leaving the chunk.
Fix for MCCE #1366 - When placing a torch under water to reset / refill your air meter will often (about 50% of the time) cause a crash.
Fix for MCCE #1367 - Melon farm with piston causes crash.
Fix for MCCE #1415 & #1403 - Hunger meter always regenerates when switching from peaceful to any other difficulty.
Fix for MCCE #1434 - Fishing Rod Bobber Sticks to Walls!
Fix for MCCE #1455 - Piston/slime block duplication.
Fix for MCCE #1457 - TNT can destroy blocks placed well beyond the world border.
Fix for MCCE #1488 - ‘Getting an Upgrade’ trophy/achievement fails to unlock while crafting a stone pickaxe using classic crafting.
Fix for crash when Ender Chest is mined for a few seconds.
Fix for an intermittent crash when placing beds on snow.
Fix for a crash when a Superflat World session with a combination of multiple Planks or Wood, Lava and Air Layers is saved.
Fix for a crash after destroying blocks and exploring a Superflat World with multiple Sand, Air and TNT Layers.
Improved random seed generator to select worlds with a better spread of biomes.
Fix for Villagers not harvesting crops from Farmlands created by the player.
Fix for glass not being able to be broken by hand in Adventure Mode.
Fix for an issue where the user renames a ‘Spawn Egg’ and places it in water, causing debug text to be displayed.
Fix for an issue when the "Body Guard" trophy/achievement does not unlock as expected when the Iron Golem is built in a certain way.
Fix for an issue where a player cannot see other players after dying and respawning.
Fix for an issue where baby horses appear to be adults after feeding with one golden carrot.
Fix for issue where two Primary Powers can be applied to the Player's character through the Beacon UI.
Fix for an issue where a Torch and a Redstone Torch have two hitboxes.
Fix for de-spawn protections not being applied to baby animals created with Spawn Eggs.
Fix for issue where item quantity for Bottle o' Enchanting, Nether Star, Enchanted Golden Apple and strength indicator for Potions are not affected by Interface Opacity when in the Quick Select.
Fix for Death Message with incorrect text is displayed when the player is killed with a named weapon.
Fix for worlds generating slightly differently every time even with the same seed.
Fix for issue where Leather Clothes, Spawn Eggs and Potions are displayed improperly when the player is above 256 blocks or is in a place where there is no source of daylight.
Fix for Doors, Trapdoors and Fence Gates missing a sound effect when closing.
Fix for issue where opening certain menus does not cancel the eating, drinking or bow charging animations.
Fixed an issue where items that have no custom names were not showing up in edit text field in the Anvil.
Fix for Ocelots not sprinting away from the player.
Fix for Pistons and objects pushed by them having corrupted, black textures while animating.
Fix for falling Gravel, Sand and Red Sand blocks displaying with very dark textures.
Fix for issue where texture pack changes to vanilla Minecraft textures if the player joins a friend's session.
Added first person rendering of additional skin parts for the left and right arms.
Fix for an issue when in a Split-screen session where at least one player does not get Critical Hit particles.
Fix for seeing through the base of falling blocks.
Fix for missing mining animation for Skulls, Heads, Signs, Chests and Beacons.
Fix for issue where changing the Interface Opacity to specific values causes visual issues with the item and button icons on the HUD.
Fix for issue when travelling directly north or south in a Minecart where the player automatically turns to face eastwards.
Fix for missing tooltip for 'Exit' / 'Dismount' actions.
Fix for Guardians not being spawned around Ocean Monuments on a Superflat World.
Fix for City Texture Pack missing textures for multiple kinds of doors while holding in the player’s hand
Fix for Sign text not displaying.
Fix for Cows needing to take 11 hits with hand or 3 hits with any Sword to be killed.
Fix for Clownfish description displaying incorrect information.
Fix for the tutorial message about boats shows the wrong button prompt for exiting the boat.
Fix to allow saves that had been well explored to save player state again.
Fixed an issue unlocking the ‘Iron Belly' trophy.
Change log for Patch 1.22 - December 10th 2015
New Items:-
Armor Stand, Raw Rabbit, Cooked Rabbit, Rabbit Stew, Raw Mutton, Cooked Mutton, Rabbit’s Foot, Rabbit Hide, Potion of Leaping, Potion of Water Breathing, Salmon, Cooked Salmon, Clownfish, Pufferfish, Blue Orchid, Allium, Azure Bluet, Tulips, Oxeye Daisy, Sunflower, Lilac, Poppy (replaces Rose), Rose Bush, Peony, Double Tall Grass, Large Ferns, Prismarine Crystals, Prismarine Shard.
Creative Mode only – Rabbit Spawn Egg, Endermite Spawn Egg, and Guardian Spawn Egg.
New Blocks:-
Podzol, Granite, Polished Granite, Andesite, Polished Andesite, Diorite, Polished Diorite, Prismarine, Dark Prismarine, Prismarine Bricks, Red Sand, Red Sandstone, Smooth Red Sandstone, Chiseled Red Sandstone, Red Sandstone Stairs, Red Sandstone Slab, Sea Lanterns, Wet Sponge, Slime Blocks, Coarse Dirt, Packed Ice, Acacia Saplings, Dark Oak Saplings.
Mesa, Mega Taiga, Roofed Forest, Birch Forest, Forest, Savanna, Extreme Hills+, Deep Ocean, Snowless Taiga, 20 new Technical Biomes.
Updated Features:-
Fishing now has particle effects - bubbles will show up moving towards the bobber just before the player has something on the hook. This has the appearance of a fish swimming towards the hook.
Treasure can now be caught while fishing.
Treasure is split into 3 categories:-
Fish: Raw Fish, Salmon, Clownfish and Pufferfish.
Treasure: Enchanted Fishing Rod, Enchanted Bow, Enchanted Book, Name Tag, Tripwire Hook, Lily Pad and Saddle.
Enchanted Books can receive multiple enchants at once.
Villagers have additional professions and trading schemes.
Villagers will now harvest crops.
Villagers will only breed when willing (and can be made willing by giving them 3 bread, 12 carrots or 12 potatoes).
Villagers will turn into Witches when struck by lightning.
Nether Portal
New Nether Portal building rules: Any rectangular shape from 4x5 to 23x23
If the portal in the nether is big enough, Ghasts can travel through.
Will now be activated by any fire block within the frame.
Can place Pumpkins or Wither Skeleton Skulls to spawn Golems and Withers.
Will only place them if the body of the Golem or Wither is already built, in a valid configuration.
Anvil has been rebalanced.
Moss Stone, Mossy Stone Bricks and Chiseled Stone Bricks are now obtainable via crafting.
Cracked Stone Bricks and Sponge are now obtainable via smelting.
When a Furnace runs out of fuel, the smelting progress will rewind at 2× speed.
Empty Furnaces will only accept fuel and empty Buckets in the fuel slot.
Item Frame
Item Frames now emit a Redstone signal, and can rotate in 8 directions.
Redstone Comparator
Can now detect the rotation of an item in an item frame and output an equivalent power signal.
Buttons can now be placed on the top and bottom of blocks.
Powered Activator Rail
Powered Activator rails now dismount entities riding Minecarts.
Cauldrons with water in them will put out burning entities, taking away one water level each time.
Huge Mushroom Block
When harvested with Silk Touch enchantment, they drop blocks with corresponding Mushroom texture (red or brown) on all sides, rather than the one with spores.
Reintroduced Sponge to Survival Mode, with new behavior and texture.
Sponge turns into Wet Sponge when it soaks up water.
Water particles appear around the Sponge when this happens.
Sponge destroys water blocks from 5 blocks away in a kind of sphere.
Sponge soaks up water, only when some water is touching it.
Sugar Cane
Color/Shade is affected by the biome color (similar to leaves, grass and vines).
Baby Zombie
Now drop XP Orbs.
Can now be ignited with Flint and Steel.
Zombie Pigman
Adult Zombie Pigmen will forgive after a short time (and lose the aggro speed boost), but will continue to attack until the player escapes their aggro distance.
Now drink a Potion of Water Breathing, when they are trapped underwater.
Can drop a Potion of Water Breathing upon death, as a rare drop.
Jungle Biome
Melons can now be found in patches similar to Pumpkins.
Swamp Biome
Spawn with Blue Orchid Flowers.
In shallower parts, the coast is covered in staggered dirt block with Lily Pads between them.
Plains Biome
Generates three of the new flowers – Azure Bluets, Oxeye Daises and sometimes Tulips.
Can generate Double Tall Grass.
Extreme Hills Biome
Snow at higher elevations.
Gravel can replace ground cover.
Flat valleys near sea level.
Can generate slightly higher now.
Ocean Biome
Contains only Gravel on the floor instead of Sand, Dirt and Gravel.
Desert Temple
Now spawn with Stained Clay instead of Dyed Wool.
New landscape feature:-
Ocean Monument
New Enchantments:-
Luck of the Sea (I-III)
Lure (I-III)
Depth Strider (I-III)
Changes & Bug Fixes:-
Sheep now drop Mutton when they die.
Arrows decelerate much more quickly underwater, and extinguish if on fire.
Most mobs can now swim.
Skeletons flee from wolves.
Creepers, Skeletons, Wither Skeletons and Zombies drop their heads when killed by Charged Creepers.
Spiders no longer see players through solid blocks.
Babies' growth can be accelerated by feeding them.
Fix for players adding additional layers above the maximum height in Superflat.
Added Flint and Steel and Fire Charge sound effect when igniting blocks.
Updated audio for Cows and Mooshrooms.
Updated audio for Minecarts.
Created a new Tutorial World.
Change log for Patch 1.21 - October 23rd 2015
Changes & Fixes:-
Added Halloween 2015 Mash-up Pack trial content.
Added Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack trial content.
Fixed a small memory leak with signs.
Added colored light from torches (for Halloween 2015 Mash-up Pack).
Change log for Patch 1.20 - September 23rd 2015
Added Doctor Who Skin Pack Bundle trial content.
Fixed a memory leak causing frame rate issues.
Fixed an issue causing signs to go blank for network players.
Change log for Patch 1.19 - August 28th 2015
Added Star Wars Classic Skin Pack Trial content.
Added Star Wars Rebels Skin Pack Trial content.
Optimised water rendering.
Fix for some instability when adding and removing players from a game.
Fix for particle effects not displaying at high altitudes.
Fix for an issue where the Fuel meter in a Furnace could be reset when using a Lava Bucket.
Fix for an ingredient added to a Beacon interface would be lost when entering/leaving the End or the Nether.
Fix for an issue when renaming a world save and quickly loading the world.
Fix for an issue where the tick rate in a chunk would run too fast when the chunk was unloaded and then reloaded (MCCE-390).
Fix for Enable Flying host option causing healing to revert to classic mode.
Fix for an issue with a Potion of Swiftness not working for splitscreen players.
Fix for ‘Can Build And Mine’ privilege stopping players using potions.
Fix for ‘Can Build And Mine’ privilege stopping players equipping armor from the hotbar.
Fix for putting out fires with buckets of water making a wood breaking sound.
Fixed an issue with Iron Golems trying to give a flower to a villager, but the flower not being present.
Fix for a problem with water flickering at a distance when using the Natural Texture Pack.
Fix for a problem unlocking the Enchanter trophy when using Classic Crafting.
Fixed an issue where low opacity settings would cause the Ender Dragon and Wither health bars to be displayed inconsistently.
Change log for Patch 1.18- July 24th 2015
Added Greek Mythology Mash-up Pack trial content.
Added Acacia Wood, Acacia Planks, Acacia Fence, Acacia Fence Gate, Acacia Door, Acacia Slab and Acacia Stairs to the Creative menu.
Added Dark Oak Wood, Dark Oak Planks, Dark Oak Fence, Dark Oak Fence Gate, Dark Oak Door, Dark Oak Slab and Dark Oak Stairs to the Creative menu.
Fixed a crash when approaching Villages, Desert Temples and Jungle Temples if the save that was loaded had a partially discovered Village/Temple in it.
Fixed an issue with stacking doors.
Fixed the Oak Door recipe not giving 3 doors.
Fixed an issue with the Set Day button in the Host Options menu.
Fixed an issue stopping players removing Leads from Fences.
Fixed Minecart with TNT having no igniting animation.
Fixed an issue with Mobs being unable to pass through an open Iron Door.
Fixed an issue where reaching the maximum spawn limit of villagers prevents spawning baby villagers after some of the villagers die.
Fixed doors being destroyed when placing them on an upper Slab.
Fixed an issue where players with no privileges could make tamed Wolves stand up.
Fixed an issue where players with no privileges could kill Snow Golems.
Stopped players being able to destroy Minecarts when 'Can Build and Mine' privilege is disabled.
Stopped players being able to open Minecart with Chest, Minecart with Hopper, and Saddlebags when 'Can Open Containers' privilege is disabled.
Fixed an issue with disabling weather cycle and saving causing other host options to be wrongly set.
Fixed an issue with Wolves not taking damage properly.
Change log for Patch 1.17- June 30th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Oak Wood Fence, Spruce Wood Fence, Birch Wood Fence, Jungle Wood Fence.
- Added Oak Wood Fence Gate, Spruce Wood Fence Gate, Birch Wood Fence Gate, Jungle Wood Fence Gate.
- Added Oak Wood Door, Spruce Wood Door, Birch Wood Door, Jungle Wood Door.
- Added Iron Trapdoor, Inverted Daylight Sensor, Book and Quill, Stained Glass and Stained Glass Panes.
- Added Custom Superflat User Interface, allowing players to customize superflat world generation.
- Added new in-game options to allow changing game mode, difficulty setting, time of day, and spawn position per player, and disable or enable ambient cave sounds, and weather settings.
- Split Load/Join interface into Create/Load/Join.
- Changed Game Mode selection to a slider.
- Added Classic Crafting option, so you can now craft the same way as on the Java version if you really want to! This option is available in the UI settings menu.
- Added LittleBigPlanet(TM) Mash-up Pack trial content.
- Enabled USB keyboard use for Book and Quill.
- Fixed a crash when a lot of Redstone Dust was used.
- Fixed various incorrect tooltip issues.
- Fix for mined item entities sometimes appearing at the top of the world, rather than spawning where the block is destroyed
- Fix for an issue with corrupt capes on characters.
- Fix for an issue where players could open Trapped Chests, Droppers, Hoppers and Beacons even though “Can Open Containers” was off.
- Fixed a crash when a flaming arrow shot from a Dispenser hits TNT.
- Fixed a memory leak causing crashes after prolonged play sessions.
- Fixed a problem with dropped items sinking below the ground.
- Fixed an issue with TNT explosions.
- Fixed a problem with baby villagers’ collision height.
Change log for Patch 1.16 - April 29th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added the Alex skin and some variations of it to the default skins.
- Changed music tracks played in Creative mode and on front-end menus to match Java version.
- Added The Simpsons Skin Pack trial content.
- Brought forward change so that shrubs can placed in flower pots.
Change log for Patch 1.15 - March 25th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Pattern Texture Pack trial content.
- Added Mass Effect Mash-up Pack trial content.
- Fixed issue placing Pistons, Dispensers and Droppers.
- Added Quick Move to the Horse Inventory.
- Made some fixes to player privileges.
- Corrected Baby Zombie hit boxes size.
- Added "Where are we now" Music Disc in Survival Mode.
- Fix for a bug where a Chest didn't disappear when destroyed.
- Fix for player sometimes taking fall damage while in a boat.
- Fixed an issue where a player's wolves could teleport to them when they were in a boat, and kill them.
- Updated Lapis Lazuli block texture.
- Fix for intermittent split-screen problem where players and mobs went invisible.
- Fix for a split-screen crash after prolonged gameplay.
- Fix for an issue causing client players to hang when creating a Wither.
- Fix for graphic corruption with Red Stone Comparator.
- Fix for a crash when a player is fishing.
Change log for Patch 1.14 - February 11th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- More Redstone fixes.
- Increased minecart limit.
- Stopped tamed horses despawning when they are in a fenced-off area.
- Crafting a map now produces an Empty Map.
- Fixed a crash with a Noteblock.
- Fixed an issue with village generation.
- Fixed an issue with Witch Huts allowing other mobs to spawn in them after a reload.
- Fixed an issue where Blaze Spawners and Chests don’t appear in the Nether after a Nether Reset.
- Fixed a crash with Minecarts travelling through Nether Portals.
Change log for Patch 1.13 - January 16th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Fix for various Redstone issues.
- Fixed a crash when breaking an Item Frame containing a map.
- Fixed a crash when a Dispenser is dispensing water or lava when the Dispenser is blocked.
- Fix for placing a boat on harmful surfaces causing the game to crash.
- Updates to horse and other animal de-spawning to take into account Saddles, Saddle bags, Leads, Armor and Nametags.
- Fix for Stonebrick stairs recipe.
- Fix for issue where player is able to stay alive with zero hearts in their Healthbar.
- Fixed an issue in the Host Options menu in Adventure mode causing options to be set wrongly.
- Fix for issue where animals don't stop running after being hit.
- Fix for issue where destroying planted Pumpkin and Melon Seeds drops an incorrect number of seeds.
- Librarian villagers now have a small probability of offering nametags for sale.
- Add a rare probability of spawning Skeletons/Wither Skeletons in the nether.
- Brought forward change so that Witches naturally spawn, rarely, anywhere that's dark.
- Fix for issue where Wither Skeletons stop spawning in the Nether when the difficulty is set to Easy from Peaceful.
- Changed Minecart riding behaviour back so that the player turns with the Minecart.
- If mob griefing is turned off, sheep shouldn't change grass blocks when they eat them.
- Fix for TNT cart exploding despite 'TNT Explodes' option being turned off.
- Fix to Noteblock fall-off distance so they can be heard further away.
- Fix for player legs not being rotated correctly when riding.
- Fix for Wolf heal tooltip.
- Fixed improper tooltip displayed when Player is holding a Lead and aiming at an aggressive mob.
- Fix for Potion of Weakness effect description having incorrect values.
- Fix for issue where Creepers hover off the floor.
- Fixed issue where Name Tags do not appear to work correctly on the Wither, Iron Golem and Wither Skeleton.
- Fix for player nametags not being colored.
- City Texture Pack - Daylight sensor changed to look more like a solar panel.
- Fix for issue where a horse wasn’t rendering while riding it.
- Fix for performance issue when moving through large Jungle Biomes.
Change log for Patch 1.12 - December 20th 2014
Changes and Additions:-
- Added new items
Hardened Clay
Stained Clay
Block of Coal
Hay Bale
Activator Rail
Block of Redstone
Daylight Sensor
Minecart with Hopper
Minecart with TNT
Redstone Comparator
Weighted Pressure Plate
Trapped Chest
Firework Rocket
Firework Star
Nether Star
Horse Armor
Name Tag
Horse Spawn Egg
- Added new Mobs
Wither Skeletons
- Added new terrain generation features - Witch Huts.
- Replaced the Tutorial World with a new world containing some new mini-tutorials for the new functionality.
- Added Beacon interface.
- Added Horse interface.
- Added Hopper interface.
- Added Fireworks - Fireworks interface is accessible from the Crafting Table when you have the ingredients to craft a Firework Star or Firework Rocket.
- Added 'Adventure Mode' - You can only break blocks with the correct tools.
- Added lots of new sounds.
- Mobs, items and projectiles can now pass through portals.
- Repeaters can now be locked by powering their sides with another Repeater.
- Zombies and Skeletons can now spawn with different weapons and armor.
- New death messages.
- Name mobs with a Name Tag, and rename containers to change the title when the menu is open.
- Bonemeal no longer instantly grows everything to full size, and instead randomly grows in stages.
- A Redstone signal describing the contents of Chests, Brewing Stands, Dispensers and Jukeboxes can be detected by placing a Redstone Comparator directly against them.
- Dispensers can face in any direction.
- Eating a Golden Apple gives the player extra "absorption" health for a short period.
- The longer you remain in an area the harder the monsters that spawn in that area will be.
- New Game and Host options (Daylight Cycle, Keep Inventory, Mob options, Tile drop and a Regeneration option)
Change log for Patch 1.11 - December 20th 2014
- Added the trial Festive Mash-up Pack.
- Added World Resize option.
Change log for patch 1.10 – 3rd December 2014
- Added the Steampunk Texture Pack trial.
- Added the Skyrim Mash-up Pack trial.
Change log for patch 1.03 – 18th November 2014
- Enabled support for limited time Additional Content (DLC)
Change log for patch 1.02 – 2nd October 2014
- Fix for tile entities not being saved correctly in unloaded chunks. (Empty Chests, Spawners turning into Pig Spawners, etc.)
- Enable hiding mashup-pack worlds from the saves list, and re-enabling them all from the options menu.
- Change to ‘disable saving’ setting so that it remains set for a specific save when reloading that save.
- Fix for Glass Blocks placed next to each other rendering incorrectly.
- Fix for enchanted items not destroying blocks as quickly as they should.
- Changed 3D sound attenuation to have linear fall-off, with special cases for thunder, Enderdragon & Ghast sounds. (Sound volumes incorrect bug)
- Improved frame-rate in Jungles.
- Fix for missing chunks in Superflat world on host console.
- Fixed an issue with mob spawning rates.
- Fix for hit box on torches sometimes being incorrect.
- Fix for entities being duplicated (every save/load cycle) for transferred worlds (Multiple Enderdragons bug).
- Fix for 'Can Build and Mine' not functioning correctly.
- Fixed issue with mobs still being aggressive while player is invisible (using Potion).
- Fixed an issue recording Spider Jockey kills.
- Fix for players riding Boats/Minecarts sometimes being invisible to remote players.
- Fix for Maps placed in an Item Frame appear as blank to other players.
- Fix to move HUD down when tooltips are disabled.
- Fix for camera resetting when going through Nether or End Portals.
- Fixed an issue with save transfers not using the most recent player data.
- Fix for Lily Pad breaking particle effect.
- Added a 'Copy Save' option to allow people to 'back-up' their world to another save.
Added new Glide music tracks for the new Glide Tracks
Change to Glide to require passing through all Checkpoints before reaching the end of the track
Glide Solo Mode can now be played for longer before being automatically returned to the Lobby
Fix for spectator not hearing Glide ring or thermal sounds for the player they are spectating
Fix for Glide round timer continuing to tick while the Pause Menu is displayed in Solo Mode
Decreased the respawn delay in Glide
Added coloured particles when you cross the finish line in Glide
Showdown in Glide now says "Hurry Up"
Fix for Interface Opacity setting not affecting the HUD in Glide
Fix for some Boat item textures in the Mass Effect Mash-up pack not matching the entity textures
Fix for an issue that caused the damage sound to be repeatedly played at the end of a Glide round
Fix for an issue that caused the body of player models to be set back from the other limbs
Change log for Content Update 41 - March 27th 2017
Added Glide Mini Game!
Added new Mini Game Lobby.
Fix for MCCE-3984 - Enderdragon is able to use an End Gateway.
Added Leaderboards for Glide Mini Game.
Added support for up to 16 players in Battle and Glide.
Change log for Content Update 40 - March 8th 2017
Fix for MCCE-4226 - Wrong LOD showing for non-block item icons in the UI.
Fix for MCCE-4227 - Nether portals sending players to the wrong portals.
Fix for MCCE-4321 - Player may fall through the block below them when jumping in a confined space e.g small tunnel.
Change log for Content Update 39 - February 28th 2017
Added Fallout Battle Map Pack
Fix for Player's character becoming invisible for other players when they ride a Minecart, Boat, Horse, Donkey, Pig or Mule, beyond they viewing player's render distance.
Fix for a second Bonus Chests appearing near the centre of the world.
Fix for not being able to place a Pig in a Mob Spawner using a Spawn Egg.
Fix for crash that would occur if the player dropped an inventory item at the point a Battle round ended.
Fix for crash that would occur if the player had the inventory menu open at the point a Battle round ended.
Fix Player not riding a vehicle when they reload a save, if they were riding it when the game was saved.
Fix for crash when saving some particularly large and detailed worlds.
Fix for being able to leave the playable area of the large Cavern Battle Map as a spectator.
Fix for being able to fall off the Shipyard Battle Map at a certain location without dying.
Fix for being able to fall in a specific area of Frontier Battle Map without dying.
Fix for Renewable Energy not unlocking when the requirements were met for the first time.
Fix for Stone Axe instead of Diamond Sword appearing in the Chest in the Enchanting mini Tutorial area upon restarting this tutorial.
Change to allow crafting any wooden door to complete the Door crafting step of the Tutorial.
Fix for 'Hit' tooltip not benig displayed when Player targets crosshair at a Polar Bear, a Creeper or a Squid.
Fix for crash that occured when Shape box is changed a few times in Fireworks UI, after creating 64 Firework Stars.
Fix for a variety of issues that occurred after changing from an Online to and Offline game.
Fix for End Crystals' beam persisting after the Ender Dragon's respawn is interrupted by destroying the End Crystal with 'TNT Explodes' option disabled.
Fix for error that can occur when dropping items while standing in an active Nether Portal.
Fix for some item icons becoming invisible after renaming an item using an Anvil.
Fix for a Crash when Downloading Xbox 360 Saves.
Change log for Content Update 38 - January 27th 2017
Fix for Horses not jumping to the correct height.
Re-entering a tutorial area while the playing the Tutorial will reset the chests.
Fix for Slab blocks not blocking light.
Fix for Chickens not dropping Cooked Chicken when they die on fire.
Fix for Blazes not dropping Glowstone Dust when they die.
Fixed the drop rate of Gold Nuggets.
Fix for Zombie Pigmen not dropping Gold Ingots when they die.
Fix for tamed Ocelots remaining hostile to anything they were attacking before being tamed.
Fix for crash when spawning too many Shulkers.
Fix for Enderman not taking damage from rain while in a Boat.
Improvements to framerate when throwing a lot of Lingering Potions.
Fix for Wither Skeleton being able to walk through two block high spaces.
Minor changes to Battle Mini Game maps to close off areas that should not be accessible.
Fix for lighting issues when digging down in spawn area.
Fix for rename Record losing its name after being in a Jukebox.
Added chance of Melon, Pumpkin, and Beetroot Seeds, and Jungle Saplings spawning in the Bonus Chest.
Fix for a range of tooltips that would appear when the action was not available.
Fix for Mob Spawner error that occured after using a spawn egg to change what it should spawn.
Fixes to End Gateway generation.
Fix for End spawn location being in the wrong place.
Added a particle effect and sound effect when a mob spawner fails to spawn due to spawn limits.
Fix for crash when placing a Sign on top of Tall Grass.
Stop End Crystals exploding when "TNT Explodes" is disabled.
Fix for Hoppers not collecting items above them.
Added new 11 achievements for Survival.
Added new 7 achievements for Tumble.
Change log for Content Update 37 - January 13th 2017
Fix for Mob Spawners not spawning anymore, and showing a Pig inside them.
Fix for previously created signs being censored for players with restrictive Privacy settings.
Fix for being able to escape the boundaries of the world by exiting a Boat at the edge.
Change log for Content Update 36 - December 19th 2016
Added new blocks: Chorus Flower, Chorus Plant, Dragon Head, End Gateway, End Rod, Purpur Block, Purpur Pillar, Purpur Stairs, Purpur Slab.
Added new items: Chorus Fruit, Popped Chorus Fruit, Dragon's Breath, Elytra, End Crystal, Lingering Potion, Water Splash Potion, Potion of Luck, Tipped Arrow, Boats made from Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, and Dark Oak.
Added new mobs: Shulker, Stray, Husk, and Skeleton Trap Horses.
Updates to terrain generation:
The End has changed when generating a new world, and can also be updated for old worlds. To get the new End in an old world, select "Reset End" in the "More Options" menu when loading the world.
After killing the Ender Dragon in the new End, an End Gateway will spawn nearby. Throwing an Ender Pearl into this will teleport you to a new area in The End with an End City and End Ship.
Within the End City and End Ship you can find Shulkers, Elytra, and a Dragon Head.
Added new Tutorial world.
Added Elytra, which let you glide around the world when you are wearing them. Jump while falling to start gliding.
Boats are now controlled differently and can have multiple passengers.
Brewing now requires Blaze Powder as fuel for the Brewing Stand.
Updated crafting interface to allow crafting Firework Stars and Fireworks.
Villages now generate naturally in the Taiga biome.
Added Amplified Terrain option.
Added Fallout Mashup Pack trial.
Change log for Content Update 35 - December 6th 2016
Fixed a Chinese language issue.
Change log for Content Update 34 - October 25th 2016
Added Halloween Battle Map.
Added Campfire Tales Skin Pack.
Added Battle Map Pack 4.
Fixes for missing/incorrect tooltips when looking at various blocks and entities.
Fix for Endermen not becoming hostile when a player makes eye contact with them.
Fix for only one of eight Fossil variants generating per world.
Fix for igniting TNT blocks while one is already lit causing them to disappear.
Fix for crash that may occur if the Ender Dragon attacks a group of Zombies.
Stop faster healing due to food saturation in Battle mini game
Updated Battle maps to remove some areas where players could get stuck.
Fix for MCCE 2521 - Shears don’t break web blocks into Web block drop.
Fix for MCCE 2505 - Knocking a Guardian off a height great enough to kill it on falling would cause a crash.
Fix for MCCE-2478 - Oak and Iron Doors Items have the wrong texture in the Inventory.
Fix for "Gray" being spelled as "Gary" for Banner patterns in UK English.
Change log for Content Update 33 - October 4th 2016
Add new blocks - End Bricks, Beetroot, Grass Path, Frosted Ice, Magma, Nether Wart Block, Red Nether Brick, and Bone Block.
Added new items - Beetroot, Beetroot Seeds, and Beetroot Soup.
Added new enchantments - FrostWalker and Mending.
Added new terrain generation features - Fossils and Igloos (in newly generated worlds).
Add new mob - Polar Bear.
Add Banners.
Added Chinese Mythology Mash-Up Pack.
Added sounds for Polar Bear, Witch, Squid, Snowman, Armor Stand, Cow, Horse, Item Frames, Leash Knots and Paintings.
Updated all Texture and Mash-up Packs with new items & blocks.
Added a Bundle Packs item to the in-game Minecraft Store, with the Builder's Pack and Star Wars bundle in it.
Change log for Content Update 32 - September 9th 2016
Remove vote-to-kick function in Mini Games. The host can kick players only in the Lobby.
Disable small, floating and oddly shaped skins in public Tumble games.
Fix for Battle mini game showdown playing Tumble mini game showdown sound.
Fixed a bug where last player to die in Tumble would get stuck respawning.
Fix for being able to unlock Hunger Pain achievement by killing yourself while starving.
Fix for crash if a client wins the match and then quits the game.
Change log for Content Update 30 - August 30th 2016
Added six new achievements for the Battle mini game.
Re-enabled the previous Birthday and Minecon skin packs for players who had them.
Battle Mini Game: Made some changes to chest refilling logic to make things harder for players camping beside chests.
Battle Mini Game: Made some balancing changes to items spawning in chests.
Battle Mini Game: Fixed some map issues in Cavern, Siege, Ruin, Lair and Atlantis arenas.
Introduced a ‘vote to kick’ system for mini games. When there are more than three players in a public game, a player will be kicked from the game when they have received three votes. This scales down when there are less players.
Change log for Content Update 27 - July 25th 2016
Added Battle Map Pack 2 (Atlantis, Ruin and Siege).
Added the Redstone Specialists Skin Pack.
Made changes to some item textures in the City Texture Pack, Fantasy Texture Pack and Greek Mythology Mash-up Pack, so that they are more easily identifiable in Battle mini games.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to display player names above crouching players when in Showdown mode in a Battle mini game.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to allow thrown potions to go through non-solid blocks (e.g. Vines, Tall Grass).
Battle Mini Game: Fix to stop non-solid blocks obstructing player attacks.
Battle Mini Game: Fixed a couple of holes in the Cove Battle mini game map.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to remove all Mob heads from the player's inventory, except any that are currently being worn, when transitioning from the Lobby to a Battle mini game map.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to automatically replace Mob heads in the armour slot, when a Helmet is collected in a Battle mini game.
Battle Mini Game: Disabled "Take Everything" in the Lobby.
Battle Mini Game: Added Select All / Deselect All tooltip(s) to the Select Maps menu.
Fix for an issue with hills generation.
Fix for an issue causing some Blazes to not perform their attacks after becoming aggressive towards the player.
Fix to allow renamed items to be traded with a Villager.
Fixed a duplication bug.
Fix to remove the redundant option for creating White Wool within the crafting menu using 1x White Wool to create.
Fix for an issue where a Pig struck by a lightning turns into a Zombie Pigman without a Golden Sword.
Fix for an incorrect death message when the player is killed by lightning.
Fix for some issues with achievements (including Passing The Time achievement).
Change log for Content Update 26 - June 30th 2016
Battle Mini Game: Disable kicking players during Public Battle rounds. This is enabled for the host in the Lobby.
Battle Mini Game: Disable the host exiting the game during a Battle round. This is enabled in the lobby.
Battle Mini Game: Grace period increased to 20 seconds.
Battle Mini Game: Changed all Poison Potions to level 2 instead of level 1.
Battle Mini Game: All Sticks now have at least Sharpness 1.
Battle Mini Game: Replaced the Fire Charge item with a Potion of Fire Resistance.
Battle Mini Game: Replaced the Diamond Chestplate with an Iron Chestplate.
Battle Mini Game: The Wooden Hoe with Fire Aspect 1 has Sharpness 1 added to it.
Battle Mini Game: Removed the Wooden Shovel from the Centre Chests.
Battle Mini Game: Added Sharpness 1 to the Wooden Pickaxe in the Outer Chests.
Battle Mini Game: Added Sharpness 2 to the Wooden Shovel in the Outer Chests.
Battle Mini Game: Fixed various areas in maps where players could get stuck.
Change log for Content Update 25 - June 21st 2016
Added the Battle Mini Game.
Updated the Skin Select menu.
Added an option for Safe Sprint in the Controls menu. Depending on the controls layout selected, this option moves either the Change Camera Mode or the Sneak/Dismount away from the stick button, since a lot of people are pressing the stick by accident when they start sprinting.
Enabled Battle Map Pack 1 and Battle Map Pack Season Pass DLC.
Added Caves and Ravines to Custom Superflat options.
Added Distribute Items functionality via toggle button (start and confirm distribution). This allows a stack of items to be distributed by dragging the stack across multiple slots in the Inventory.
Fixed a crash when a client player entered a game where the maximum number of Item Frames had opened Maps.
Fix for Slimes not spawning in Slime Chunks.
Fixed an issue allowing players to use the Armour Stand when the Trust Players option is disabled.
Fixed an issue where items could not be moved from the Furnace to the main Inventory using Quick Move.
Fixed an issue in the Superflat world generation menu with the stem Mushroom Block.
Change log for Content Update 23 - April 19th 2016
Fixed Guardians no longer spawning after loading a save.
Removed change that restricted changing to third-person camera while running or performing other actions.
Removed changed that made sprint activation more sensitive.
Change log for Content Update 22 - April 6th 2016
Added Story Mode skin pack.
Added 6 new achievements.
Added new "Minecart Sounds" option to Audio Settings.
Added Huge Mushroom Blocks to the Creative and Superflat menus.
Improved sprint control.
Fix for issue where the Ender Dragon would be immune to attacks
Fix for Slimes not spawning in certain Swamps and Slime Chunks.
Fix for Potion of Swiftness, Potion of Slowness and Speed bonus of Beacon having no effect on the player.
Fix for teleporting a player while they are sleeping in a Bed not working properly.
Fix for some chunks in the Overworld not generating for clients of a multiplayer game.
Fix for issue where Experience Orbs could not be obtained by some trades with Villagers.
Fix for Thorns enchantment not affecting players.
Fix for MCCE #747 - TNT cannon not working.
Fix for MCCE #659 - Doors have a weird texture on top when open (And other sides).
Fix for MCCE #1854 - Grass positioning is perfect.
Fix for MCCE #1826 - White tulip description incorrect.
Fix for MCCE #1756 - Witch Hut Bounding Box Too Small.
Fix for MCCE #1260 - Submerged Witch Huts.
Fix for MCCE #483 - Camera jitter and player unable to move when looking at chest you are standing on.
Fix for MCCE #863 - The map does not work as it should (unless "View Hand" is turned on).
Fix for MCCE #1757 - Slimes spawning in witch huts.
Fix for MCCE #1739 - No icon in item frame map.
Fix for MCCE #1803 - Item frames vanishing in very strange draw distance.
Change log for Content Update 21 - February 25th 2016
Added Biome Settlers Skin Pack 1.
Fix for MCCE #1460 & #910 - Guardians Not Spawning.
Fix for MCCE #917 - Incorrect attack damage shown on tooltips with enchantments.
Fix for MCCE #868 - Redstone clocks get stuck on when changing dimension.
Fix for Animals in Love Mode lacking heart particles for the duration of Love Mode.
Fix for Slimes spawning in the Nether.
Change log for Content Update 20 - January 20th 2016
Fix for MCCE #48 - Water Spreading Creates New Source Blocks.
Fix for MCCE #772 - Animals get stuck in corners of fence-type blocks.
Fix for MCCE #817 - Map walls are broken with Dec 2015 update.
Fix for MCCE #826 - Beacon height limit.
Fix for MCCE #829 - The end build limit is smaller.
Fix for MCCE #831 - Player skin is the default skin when holding a map.
Fix for MCCE #856 - Red sandstone stairs texture incorrect.
Fix for MCCE #863 - The map does not work as it should (unless "View Hand" is turned on).
Fix for MCCE #865 - Rabbits only appear to spawn naturally in snow biomes.
Fix for MCCE #878 - Book and Quill saving issue. Opening and closing an edited (not signed) writeable book deletes the saved pages.
Fix for MCCE #833 - When Interface opacity is down, hotbar faded tools won’t show their durability.
Fix for MCCE #885 & #886 - Feather Falling enchantment does not reduce falling damage & Ender pearl Damage.
Fix for MCCE #962 - Slime Spawning (Increase to Slime Spawning).
Fix for MCCE #1009 - Skulls in the inventory and held in first person are oversized.
Fix for MCCE #1024 - Raw fish and raw salmon have the same texture in the Natural Texture Pack.
Fix for MCCE #1072 - In the City Texture Pack it shows smooth red sandstone as a rough block but when you place it, it is smooth.
Fix for MCCE #1091 - Some fire caused by Ghast's Fireball explosion is not displayed.
Fix for MCCE #1127 - Wolfs default collar colour had changed (Orange -> Red).
Fix for MCCE #1142 - Minecraft Capes using incorrect texture.
Fix for MCCE #1192 Texture under the bed is the texture of the top of the bed.
Fix for MCCE #1202 - Map dark when facing north or south.
Fix for MCCE #1214 - Texture of any potion turns black while holding it in the End or Nether.
Fix for MCCE #1349 - Penned animals de-spawn when leaving the chunk.
Fix for MCCE #1366 - When placing a torch under water to reset / refill your air meter will often (about 50% of the time) cause a crash.
Fix for MCCE #1367 - Melon farm with piston causes crash.
Fix for MCCE #1415 & #1403 - Hunger meter always regenerates when switching from peaceful to any other difficulty.
Fix for MCCE #1434 - Fishing Rod Bobber Sticks to Walls!
Fix for MCCE #1455 - Piston/slime block duplication.
Fix for MCCE #1457 - TNT can destroy blocks placed well beyond the world border.
Fix for MCCE #1488 - ‘Getting an Upgrade’ trophy/achievement fails to unlock while crafting a stone pickaxe using classic crafting
Fix for a crash that occurs when player exits the game after death.
Fixed a crash that can occur when the game is booting.
Fix for soft-lock that can occur on exiting the game (more likely when exiting the game soon after starting it).
Fix for crash that can occur when navigating from the Main Menu to Play Game, particularly just after signing in.
Fix for crash that can occur when loading/creating a world for the first time after a fresh boot.
Fix for crash when the number of players in a multiplayer session changes.
Fix for: The title may freeze permanently on Host's console when split-screen Players join multiplayer game from another console.
Fix for crash in the in-game store when no DLC is found.
Fix for crash when Ender Chest is mined for a few seconds.
Fix for an intermittent crash when placing beds on snow.
Fix for a crash when a Superflat World session with a combination of multiple Planks or Wood, Lava and Air Layers is saved.
Fix for a crash after destroying blocks and exploring a Superflat World with multiple Sand, Air and TNT Layers.
Improved random seed generator to select worlds with a better spread of biomes.
Fix for Villagers not harvesting crops from Farmlands created by the player.
Fix for glass not being able to be broken by hand in Adventure Mode.
Fix for an issue where the user renames a ‘Spawn Egg’ and places it in water, causing debug text to be displayed.
Fix for an issue when the "Body Guard" trophy/achievement does not unlock as expected when the Iron Golem is built in a certain way.
Fix for an issue where a player cannot see other players after dying and respawning.
Fix for an issue where baby horses appear to be adults after feeding with one golden carrot.
Fix for issue where two Primary Powers can be applied to the Player's character through the Beacon UI.
Fix for an issue where a Torch and a Redstone Torch have two hitboxes.
Fix for de-spawn protections not being applied to baby animals created with Spawn Eggs.
Fix for issue where item quantity for Bottle o' Enchanting, Nether Star, Enchanted Golden Apple and strength indicator for Potions are not affected by Interface Opacity when in the Quick Select.
Fix for Death Message with incorrect text is displayed when the player is killed with a named weapon.
Fix for worlds generating slightly differently every time even with the same seed.
Fix for issue where Leather Clothes, Spawn Eggs and Potions are displayed improperly when the player is above 256 blocks or is in a place where there is no source of daylight.
Fix for Doors, Trapdoors and Fence Gates missing a sound effect when closing.
Fix for issue where opening certain menus does not cancel the eating, drinking or bow charging animations.
Fixed an issue where items that have no custom names were not showing up in edit text field in the Anvil.
Fix for Ocelots not sprinting away from the player.
Fix for Pistons and objects pushed by them having corrupted, black textures while animating.
Fix for falling Gravel, Sand and Red Sand blocks displaying with very dark textures.
Fix for issue where texture pack changes to vanilla Minecraft textures if the player joins a friend's session.
Added first person rendering of additional skin parts for the left and right arms.
Fix for an issue when in a Split-screen session where at least one player does not get Critical Hit particles.
Fix for seeing through the base of falling blocks.
Fix for missing mining animation for Skulls, Heads, Signs, Chests and Beacons.
Fix for issue where changing the Interface Opacity to specific values causes visual issues with the item and button icons on the HUD.
Fix for issue when travelling directly north or south in a Minecart where the player automatically turns to face eastwards.
Fix for missing tooltip for 'Exit' / 'Dismount' actions.
Fix for Guardians not being spawned around Ocean Monuments on a Superflat World.
Fix for City Texture Pack missing textures for multiple kinds of doors while holding in the player’s hand
Fix for Sign text not displaying.
Fix for Cows needing to take 11 hits with hand or 3 hits with any Sword to be killed.
Fix for Clownfish description displaying incorrect information.
Fix to allow saves that had been well explored to save player state again.
Fix for 'Acquire Hardware' achievement not unlocking when an ingot is removed by the Quick Move button.
Fix for 'Delicious Fish' achievement being able to be be unlocked without cooking a Raw Fish.
Fix for a crash when adding a Split-screen Client on the host’s console while the game player slots are full.
Change log for Content Update 19 - December 10th 2015
New Items:-
Armor Stand, Raw Rabbit, Cooked Rabbit, Rabbit Stew, Raw Mutton, Cooked Mutton, Rabbit’s Foot, Rabbit Hide, Potion of Leaping, Potion of Water Breathing, Salmon, Cooked Salmon, Clownfish, Pufferfish, Blue Orchid, Allium, Azure Bluet, Tulips, Oxeye Daisy, Sunflower, Lilac, Poppy (replaces Rose), Rose Bush, Peony, Double Tall Grass, Large Ferns, Prismarine Crystals, Prismarine Shard.
Creative Mode only – Rabbit Spawn Egg, Endermite Spawn Egg, and Guardian Spawn Egg.
New Blocks:-
Podzol, Granite, Polished Granite, Andesite, Polished Andesite, Diorite, Polished Diorite, Prismarine, Dark Prismarine, Prismarine Bricks, Red Sand, Red Sandstone, Smooth Red Sandstone, Chiseled Red Sandstone, Red Sandstone Stairs, Red Sandstone Slab, Sea Lanterns, Wet Sponge, Slime Blocks, Coarse Dirt, Packed Ice, Acacia Saplings, Dark Oak Saplings.
Mesa, Mega Taiga, Roofed Forest, Birch Forest, Forest, Savanna, Extreme Hills+, Deep Ocean, Snowless Taiga, 20 new Technical Biomes.
Updated Features:-
Fishing now has particle effects - bubbles will show up moving towards the bobber just before the player has something on the hook. This has the appearance of a fish swimming towards the hook.
Treasure can now be caught while fishing.
Treasure is split into 3 categories:-
Fish: Raw Fish, Salmon, Clownfish and Pufferfish.
Treasure: Enchanted Fishing Rod, Enchanted Bow, Enchanted Book, Name Tag, Tripwire Hook, Lily Pad and Saddle.
Enchanted Books can receive multiple enchants at once.
Villagers have additional professions and trading schemes.
Villagers will now harvest crops.
Villagers will only breed when willing (and can be made willing by giving them 3 bread, 12 carrots or 12 potatoes).
Villagers will turn into Witches when struck by lightning.
Nether Portal
New Nether Portal building rules: Any rectangular shape from 4x5 to 23x23
If the portal in the nether is big enough, Ghasts can travel through.
Will now be activated by any fire block within the frame.
Can place Pumpkins or Wither Skeleton Skulls to spawn Golems and Withers.
Will only place them if the body of the Golem or Wither is already built, in a valid configuration.
Anvil has been rebalanced.
Moss Stone, Mossy Stone Bricks and Chiseled Stone Bricks are now obtainable via crafting.
Cracked Stone Bricks and Sponge are now obtainable via smelting.
When a Furnace runs out of fuel, the smelting progress will rewind at 2× speed.
Empty Furnaces will only accept fuel and empty Buckets in the fuel slot.
Item Frame
Item Frames now emit a Redstone signal, and can rotate in 8 directions.
Redstone Comparator
Can now detect the rotation of an item in an item frame and output an equivalent power signal.
Buttons can now be placed on the top and bottom of blocks.
Powered Activator Rail
Powered Activator rails now dismount entities riding Minecarts.
Cauldrons with water in them will put out burning entities, taking away one water level each time.
Huge Mushroom Block
When harvested with Silk Touch enchantment, they drop blocks with corresponding Mushroom texture (red or brown) on all sides, rather than the one with spores.
Reintroduced Sponge to Survival Mode, with new behavior and texture.
Sponge turns into Wet Sponge when it soaks up water.
Water particles appear around the Sponge when this happens.
Sponge destroys water blocks from 5 blocks away in a kind of sphere.
Sponge soaks up water, only when some water is touching it.
Sugar Cane
Color/Shade is affected by the biome color (similar to leaves, grass and vines).
Baby Zombie
Now drop XP Orbs.
Can now be ignited with Flint and Steel.
Zombie Pigman
Adult Zombie Pigmen will forgive after a short time (and lose the aggro speed boost), but will continue to attack until the player escapes their aggro distance.
Now drink a Potion of Water Breathing, when they are trapped underwater.
Can drop a Potion of Water Breathing upon death, as a rare drop.
Jungle Biome
Melons can now be found in patches similar to Pumpkins.
Swamp Biome
Spawn with Blue Orchid Flowers.
In shallower parts, the coast is covered in staggered dirt block with Lily Pads between them.
Plains Biome
Generates three of the new flowers – Azure Bluets, Oxeye Daises and sometimes Tulips.
Can generate Double Tall Grass.
Extreme Hills Biome
Snow at higher elevations.
Gravel can replace ground cover.
Flat valleys near sea level.
Can generate slightly higher now.
Ocean Biome
Contains only Gravel on the floor instead of Sand, Dirt and Gravel.
Desert Temple
Now spawn with Stained Clay instead of Dyed Wool.
New landscape feature:-
Ocean Monument
New Enchantments:-
Luck of the Sea (I-III)
Lure (I-III)
Depth Strider (I-III)
Changes & Bug Fixes:-
Sheep now drop Mutton when they die.
Arrows decelerate much more quickly underwater, and extinguish if on fire.
Most mobs can now swim.
Skeletons flee from wolves.
Creepers, Skeletons, Wither Skeletons and Zombies drop their heads when killed by Charged Creepers.
Spiders no longer see players through solid blocks.
Babies' growth can be accelerated by feeding them.
Fix for players adding additional layers above the maximum height in Superflat.
Added Flint and Steel and Fire Charge sound effect when igniting blocks.
Updated audio for Cows and Mooshrooms.
Updated audio for Minecarts.
Created a new Tutorial World.
Change log for Content Update 18 - October 23rd 2015
Changes & Fixes:-
Added Halloween 2015 Mash-up Pack trial content.
Updated Halo Mash-up Pack with new Halo 5: Guardians skins.
Added Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack trial content.
Fixed a small memory leak with signs.
Added colored light from torches (for Halloween 2015 Mash-up Pack).
Change log for Content Update 17 - September 16th 2015
Fixed a memory leak causing frame rate issues.
Fixed an issue causing signs to go blank for network players.
Change log for Content Update 16 - August 28th 2015
Optimised water rendering
Fix for some instability when adding and removing players from a game.
Fix for particle effects not displaying at high altitudes.
Fix for an issue where the Fuel meter in a Furnace could be reset when using a Lava Bucket.
Fix for an ingredient added to a Beacon interface would be lost when entering/leaving the End or the Nether.
Fix for an issue when renaming a world save and quickly loading the world.
Fix for an issue where the tick rate in a chunk would run too fast when the chunk was unloaded and then reloaded (MCCE-390).
Fix for Enable Flying host option causing healing to revert to classic mode.
Fix for an issue with a Potion of Swiftness not working for splitscreen players.
Fix for ‘Can Build And Mine’ privilege stopping players using potions.
Fix for ‘Can Build And Mine’ privilege stopping players equipping armor from the hotbar.
Fix for putting out fires with buckets of water making a wood breaking sound.
Fixed an issue with Iron Golems trying to give a flower to a villager, but the flower not being present.
Fix for a problem with water flickering at a distance when using the Natural Texture Pack.
Fix for a problem unlocking the Enchanter achievement when using Classic Crafting.
Fixed an issue where low opacity settings would cause the Ender Dragon and Wither health bars to be displayed inconsistently.
Change log for Content Update 15 - July 24th 2015
Added Greek Mythology Mash-up Pack trial content.
Added Acacia Wood, Acacia Planks, Acacia Fence, Acacia Fence Gate, Acacia Door, Acacia Slab and Acacia Stairs to the Creative menu.
Added Dark Oak Wood, Dark Oak Planks, Dark Oak Fence, Dark Oak Fence Gate, Dark Oak Door, Dark Oak Slab and Dark Oak Stairs to the Creative menu.
Fixed a crash when approaching Villages, Desert Temples and Jungle Temples if the save that was loaded had a partially discovered Village/Temple in it.
Fixed an issue with stacking doors.
Fixed the Oak Door recipe not giving 3 doors.
Fixed an issue with the Set Day button in the Host Options menu.
Fixed an issue stopping players removing Leads from Fences.
Fixed Minecart with TNT having no igniting animation.
Fixed an issue with Mobs being unable to pass through an open Iron Door.
Fixed an issue where reaching the maximum spawn limit of villagers prevents spawning baby villagers after some of the villagers die.
Fixed doors being destroyed when placing them on an upper Slab.
Fixed an issue where players with no privileges could make tamed Wolves stand up.
Fixed an issue where players with no privileges could kill Snow Golems.
Stopped players being able to destroy Minecarts when 'Can Build and Mine' privilege is disabled.
Stopped players being able to open Minecart with Chest, Minecart with Hopper, and Saddlebags when 'Can Open Containers' privilege is disabled.
Fixed an issue with Wolves not taking damage properly.
Change log for Content Update 14 - June 30th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Oak Wood Fence, Spruce Wood Fence, Birch Wood Fence, Jungle Wood Fence.
- Added Oak Wood Fence Gate, Spruce Wood Fence Gate, Birch Wood Fence Gate, Jungle Wood Fence Gate.
- Added Oak Wood Door, Spruce Wood Door, Birch Wood Door, Jungle Wood Door.
- Added Iron Trapdoor, Inverted Daylight Sensor, Book and Quill, Stained Glass and Stained Glass Panes.
- Added Custom Superflat User Interface, allowing players to customize superflat world generation.
- Added new in-game options to allow changing game mode, difficulty setting, time of day, and spawn position per player, and disable or enable ambient cave sounds, and weather settings.
- Split Load/Join interface into Create/Load/Join.
- Changed Game Mode selection to a slider
- Added Classic Crafting option, so you can now craft the same way as on the Java version if you really want to! This option is available in the UI settings menu.
- Enabled USB keyboard use for Book and Quill.
- Fixed a crash when a lot of Redstone Dust was used.
- Fixed various incorrect tooltip issues.
- Fix for mined item entities sometimes appearing at the top of the world, rather than spawning where the block is destroyed
- Fix for an issue with corrupt capes on characters.
- Fix for an issue where players could open Trapped Chests, Droppers, Hoppers and Beacons even though “Can Open Containers” was off.
- Fixed a crash when a flaming arrow shot from a Dispenser hits TNT.
Change log for Content Update 13 - May 14th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Fixed an issue causing flying animals in a split-screen offline game.
- Fixed a memory leak causing crashes after prolonged play sessions.
- Fixed a problem with dropped items sinking below the ground.
- Fixed an issue with TNT explosions.
- Fixed a problem with baby villagers collision height.
- Fixed a few issues with players joining a network game.
Change log for Content Update 12 - April 29th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added the Alex skin and some variations of it to the default skins.
- Changed music tracks played in Creative mode and on front-end menus to match Java version.
Change log for Content Update 11 - March 25th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Pattern Texture Pack trial content.
- Fix for intermittent split-screen problem where players and mobs went invisible.
- Fix for a split-screen crash after prolonged gameplay.
- Fix for an issue causing client players to hang when creating a Wither.
- Fix for graphic corruption with Red Stone Comparator.
- Fix for a crash when a player is fishing.
Change log for Content Update 10 - February 25th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Fixed issue placing Pistons, Dispensers and Droppers.
- Added Quick Move to the Horse Inventory.
- Made some fixes to player privileges.
- Corrected Baby Zombie hit boxes size.
- Added "Where are we now" Music Disc in Survival Mode.
- Fix for a bug where a Chest didn't disappear when destroyed.
- Fix for player sometimes taking fall damage while in a boat.
- Fixed an issue where a player's wolves could teleport to them when they were in a boat, and kill them.
- Updated Lapis Lazuli block texture.
Change log for Content Update 9 - February 11th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- More Redstone fixes.
- Increased minecart limit.
- Stopped tamed horses despawning when they are in a fenced-off area.
- Crafting a map now produces an Empty Map.
- Fixed a crash with a Noteblock.
- Fixed an issue with village generation.
- Fixed an issue with Witch Huts allowing other mobs to spawn in them after a reload.
- Fixed an issue where Blaze Spawners and Chests don’t appear in the Nether after a Nether Reset.
- Fixed a crash with Minecarts travelling through Nether Portals.
Change log for Content Update 8 - January 16th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Fix for various Redstone issues.
- Fixed a crash when breaking an Item Frame containing a map.
- Fixed a crash when a Dispenser is dispensing water or lava when the Dispenser is blocked.
- Fix for placing a boat on harmful surfaces causing the game to crash.
- Updates to horse and other animal de-spawning to take into account Saddles, Saddle bags, Leads, Armor and Nametags.
- Fix for Stonebrick stairs recipe.
- Fix for issue where player is able to stay alive with zero hearts in their Healthbar.
- Fixed an issue in the Host Options menu in Adventure mode causing options to be set wrongly.
- Fix for issue where animals don't stop running after being hit.
- Fix for issue where destroying planted Pumpkin and Melon Seeds drops an incorrect number of seeds.
- Librarian villagers now have a small probability of offering nametags for sale.
- Add a rare probability of spawning Skeletons/Wither Skeletons in the nether.
- Brought forward change so that Witches naturally spawn, rarely, anywhere that's dark.
- Fix for issue where Wither Skeletons stop spawning in the Nether when the difficulty is set to Easy from Peaceful.
- Changed Minecart riding behaviour back so that the player turns with the Minecart.
- If mob griefing is turned off, sheep shouldn't change grass blocks when they eat them.
- Fix for TNT cart exploding despite 'TNT Explodes' option being turned off.
- Fix to Noteblock fall-off distance so they can be heard further away.
- Fix for player legs not being rotated correctly when riding.
- Fix for Wolf heal tooltip.
- Fixed improper tooltip displayed when Player is holding a Lead and aiming at an aggressive mob.
- Fix for Potion of Weakness effect description having incorrect values.
- Fix for issue where Creepers hover off the floor.
- Fixed issue where Name Tags do not appear to work correctly on the Wither, Iron Golem and Wither Skeleton.
- Fix for player nametags not being colored.
- City Texture Pack - Daylight sensor changed to look more like a solar panel.
- Fix for issue where a horse wasn’t rendering while riding it.
- Fix for ‘Return to Sender' achievement not unlocking after fulfilling its requirement.
- Fix for 'Local Brewery' achievement not unlocking after fulfilling its requirement.
- Fix for performance issue when moving through large Jungle Biomes.
Change log for Content Update 7 - December 18th 2014
Changes and Additions:-
- Added new items
Hardened Clay
Stained Clay
Block of Coal
Hay Bale
Activator Rail
Block of Redstone
Daylight Sensor
Minecart with Hopper
Minecart with TNT
Redstone Comparator
Weighted Pressure Plate
Trapped Chest
Firework Rocket
Firework Star
Nether Star
Horse Armor
Name Tag
Horse Spawn Egg
- Added new Mobs
Wither Skeletons
- Added new terrain generation features - Witch Huts.
- Replaced the Tutorial World with a new world containing some new mini-tutorials for the new functionality.
- Added Beacon interface.
- Added Horse interface.
- Added Hopper interface.
- Added Fireworks - Fireworks interface is accessible from the Crafting Table when you have the ingredients to craft a Firework Star or Firework Rocket.
- Added 'Adventure Mode' - You can only break blocks with the correct tools.
- Added lots of new sounds.
- Mobs, items and projectiles can now pass through portals.
- Repeaters can now be locked by powering their sides with another Repeater.
- Zombies and Skeletons can now spawn with different weapons and armor.
- New death messages.
- Name mobs with a Name Tag, and rename containers to change the title when the menu is open.
- Bonemeal no longer instantly grows everything to full size, and instead randomly grows in stages.
- A Redstone signal describing the contents of Chests, Brewing Stands, Dispensers and Jukeboxes can be detected by placing a Redstone Comparator directly against them.
- Dispensers can face in any direction.
- Eating a Golden Apple gives the player extra "absorption" health for a short period.
- The longer you remain in an area the harder the monsters that spawn in that area will be.
- New Game and Host options (Daylight Cycle, Keep Inventory, Mob options, Tile drop and a Regeneration option)
- Language Selector added, and Greek language option added.
Change log for Content Update 6 – 10th December 2014
- Added the trial Festive Mash-up Pack
- Added World Resize option to expand smaller sized worlds into larger sized ones.
Change log for Content Update 5 – 25th November 2014
- Added the trial Star Wars Classic Skin Pack.
Change log for Content Update 4 – 29th October 2014
- Added the trial Steampunk Texture Pack.
Change log for upcoming Content Update 3 – 2nd October 2014
- Fix for tile entities not being saved correctly in unloaded chunks. (Empty Chests, Spawners turning into Pig Spawners, etc.)
- Enable hiding mashup-pack worlds from the saves list, and re-enabling them all from the options menu.
- Change to ‘disable saving’ setting so that it remains set for a specific save when reloading that save.
- Fix for Glass Blocks placed next to each other rendering incorrectly.
- Fix for enchanted items not destroying blocks as quickly as they should.
- Changed 3D sound attenuation to have linear fall-off, with special cases for thunder, Enderdragon & Ghast sounds. (Sound volumes incorrect bug)
- Improved frame-rate in Jungles.
- Fix for missing chunks in Superflat world on host console.
- Fixed an issue with mob spawning rates.
- Fix for hit box on Torches sometimes being incorrect.
- Fix for entities being duplicated (every save/load cycle) for transferred worlds (Multiple Enderdragons bug).
- Fix for 'Can Build and Mine' not functioning correctly.
- Fixed issue with mobs still being aggressive while player is invisible (using Potion).
- Fixed an issue recording Spider Jockey kills.
- Fix for players riding Boats/Minecarts sometimes being invisible to remote players.
- Fix for Maps placed in an Item Frame appear as blank to other players.
- Fix to move HUD down when tooltips are disabled.
- Fix for camera resetting when going through Nether or End Portals.
- Fix for issue with Xbox 360 Save transfer when the save is exited without saving on Xbox One.
- Fixed an issue with gamer pictures occasionally causing a crash.
- Added a 'Copy Save' option to allow people to 'back-up' their world to another save.
We have added support for Ad Hoc networking, and yes, all platforms will be on the same update.
Due to different submission processes, we won't know the order that updates will release, but we're aiming to submit across all platforms at the same time.
The leaderboard update happens when you exit the world on PS3 at the moment, so if you are checking the leaderboards while in the world, you won't see an update.
We'll change that in future to update after a certain time has passed when you are in a world, as well as when you exit the world.
Added new Glide music tracks for the new Glide Tracks
Change to Glide to require passing through all Checkpoints before reaching the end of the track
Glide Solo Mode can now be played for longer before being automatically returned to the Lobby
Fix for spectator not hearing Glide ring or thermal sounds for the player they are spectating
Fix for Glide round timer continuing to tick while the Pause Menu is displayed in Solo Mode
Decreased the respawn delay in Glide
Added coloured particles when you cross the finish line in Glide
Showdown in Glide now says "Hurry Up"
Fix for Interface Opacity setting not affecting the HUD in Glide
Fix for some Boat item textures in the Mass Effect Mash-up pack not matching the entity textures
Fix for an issue that caused the damage sound to be repeatedly played at the end of a Glide round
Fix for an issue that caused the body of player models to be set back from the other limbs
Change log for Patch 1.45 - March 27th 2017
Further Fixes to Glide
Change log for Patch 1.44 - March 27th 2017
Added Glide Mini Game!
Added new Mini Game Lobby.
Fix for MCCE-3984 - Enderdragon is able to use an End Gateway.
Fix for save corruption when exiting a newly created world.
Fix for MCCE #4108 - Skeleton Hitboxes were blocking the placement of blocks directly above them.
Fix for MCCE #4238 - Stained Glass Pain on the ground does not appear transparent.
Fix for MCCE-4226 - Wrong LOD showing for non-block item icons in the UI.
Fix for MCCE 4227 - Nether portals sending players to the wrong portals.
Fix for MCCE: 4321 - Player may fall through the block below them when jumping in a confined space e.g small tunnel.
Change log for Patch 1.42 - February 28th 2017
Added Fallout Battle Map Pack
Fix for Player's character becoming invisible for other players when they ride a Minecart, Boat, Horse, Donkey, Pig or Mule, beyond they viewing player's render distance.
Fix for a second Bonus Chests appearing near the centre of the world.
Fix for not being able to place a Pig in a Mob Spawner using a Spawn Egg.
Fix for crash that would occur if the player dropped an inventory item at the point a Battle round ended.
Fix for crash that would occur if the player had the inventory menu open at the point a Battle round ended.
Fix Player not riding a vehicle when they reload a save, if they were riding it when the game was saved.
Fix for crash when saving some particularly large and detailed worlds.
Fix for being able to leave the playable area of the large Cavern Battle Map as a spectator.
Fix for being able to fall off the Shipyard Battle Map at a certain location without dying.
Fix for being able to fall in a specific area of Frontier Battle Map without dying.
Fix for Renewable Energy not unlocking when the requirements were met for the first time.
Fix for Stone Axe instead of Diamond Sword appearing in the Chest in the Enchanting mini Tutorial area upon restarting this tutorial.
Change to allow crafting any wooden door to complete the Door crafting step of the Tutorial.
Fix for 'Hit' tooltip not benig displayed when Player targets crosshair at a Polar Bear, a Creeper or a Squid.
Fix for crash that occured when Shape box is changed a few times in Fireworks UI, after creating 64 Firework Stars.
Fix for a variety of issues that occurred after changing from an Online to and Offline game.
Fix for End Crystals' beam persisting after the Ender Dragon's respawn is interrupted by destroying the End Crystal with 'TNT Explodes' option disabled.
Fix for error that can occur when dropping items while standing in an active Nether Portal.
Fix for crash that can occur while flying around an unexplored world in Creative Mode.
Change log for Patch 1.41 - January 27th 2017
Fix for Horses not jumping to the correct height.
Re-entering a tutorial area while the playing the Tutorial will reset the chests.
Fix for Slab blocks not blocking light.
Fix for Chickens not dropping Cooked Chicken when they die on fire.
Fix for Blazes not dropping Glowstone Dust when they die.
Fixed the drop rate of Gold Nuggets.
Fix for Zombie Pigmen not dropping Gold Ingots when they die.
Fix for tamed Ocelots remaining hostile to anything they were attacking before being tamed.
Fix for crash when spawning too many Shulkers.
Fix for Enderman not taking damage from rain while in a Boat.
Improvements to framerate when throwing a lot of Lingering Potions.
Fix for Wither Skeleton being able to walk through two block high spaces.
Minor changes to Battle Mini Game maps to close off areas that should not be accessible.
Fix for lighting issues when digging down in spawn area.
Fix for rename Record losing its name after being in a Jukebox.
Added chance of Melon, Pumpkin, and Beetroot Seeds, and Jungle Saplings spawning in the Bonus Chest.
Fix for a range of tooltips that would appear when the action was not available.
Fix for Mob Spawner error that occured after using a spawn egg to change what it should spawn.
Fixes to End Gateway generation.
Fix for End spawn location being in the wrong place.
Added a particle effect and sound effect when a mob spawner fails to spawn due to spawn limits.
Fix for crash when placing a Sign on top of Tall Grass.
Stop End Crystals exploding when "TNT Explodes" is disabled.
Fix for Hoppers not collecting items above them.
Fix for save upload failing.
Added new 11 trophies for Survival.
Added new 7 trophies for Tumble.
Change log for Patch 1.40 - January 13th 2017
Fix for Mob Spawners not spawning anymore, and showing a Pig inside them.
Fix for previously created signs being censored for players with restrictive Privacy settings.
Fix for being able to escape the boundaries of the world by exiting a Boat at the edge.
Change log for Patch 1.39 - December 21st 2016
Minor updates to Tutorial world.
Fix for issue using Elytra in splitscreen.
Fix crash when firing snowballs from a Dispenser.
Fix crash when crafting fireworks with renamed items.
Fix for End Crystals sometimes being invulnerable.
Change log for Patch 1.38 - December 19th 2016
Added new blocks: Chorus Flower, Chorus Plant, Dragon Head, End Gateway, End Rod, Purpur Block, Purpur Pillar, Purpur Stairs, Purpur Slab.
Added new items: Chorus Fruit, Popped Chorus Fruit, Dragon's Breath, Elytra, End Crystal, Lingering Potion, Water Splash Potion, Potion of Luck, Tipped Arrow, Boats made from Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, and Dark Oak.
Added new mobs: Shulker, Stray, Husk, and Skeleton Trap Horses.
Updates to terrain generation:
The End has changed when generating a new world, and can also be updated for old worlds. To get the new End in an old world, select "Reset End" in the "More Options" menu when loading the world.
After killing the Ender Dragon in the new End, an End Gateway will spawn nearby. Throwing an Ender Pearl into this will teleport you to a new area in The End with an End City and End Ship.
Within the End City and End Ship you can find Shulkers, Elytra, and a Dragon Head.
Added new Tutorial world.
Added Elytra, which let you glide around the world when you are wearing them. Jump while falling to start gliding.
Boats are now controlled differently and can have multiple passengers.
Brewing now requires Blaze Powder as fuel for the Brewing Stand.
Updated crafting interface to allow crafting Firework Stars and Fireworks.
Villages now generate naturally in the Taiga biome.
Added Fallout Mashup Pack trial.
Change log for Patch 1.37 - October 25th 2016
Added Halloween Battle Map.
Added Campfire Tales Skin Pack.
Added Battle Map Pack 4.
Fixes for missing/incorrect tooltips when looking at various blocks and entities.
Fix for Endermen not becoming hostile when a player makes eye contact with them.
Fix for only one of eight Fossil variants generating per world.
Fix for igniting TNT blocks while one is already lit causing them to disappear.
Fix for crash that may occur if the Ender Dragon attacks a group of Zombies.
Stop faster healing due to food saturation in Battle mini game
Updated Battle maps to remove some areas where players could get stuck.
Fix for MCCE 2521 - Shears don’t break web blocks into Web block drop.
Fix for MCCE 2505 - Knocking a Guardian off a height great enough to kill it on falling would cause a crash.
Fix for MCCE-2478 - Oak and Iron Doors Items have the wrong texture in the Inventory.
Change log for Patch 1.36 - October 4th 2016
Add new blocks - End Bricks, Beetroot, Grass Path, Frosted Ice, Magma, Nether Wart Block, Red Nether Brick, and Bone Block.
Added new items - Beetroot, Beetroot Seeds, and Beetroot Soup.
Added new enchantments - FrostWalker and Mending.
Added new terrain generation features - Fossils and Igloos (in newly generated worlds).
Add new mob - Polar Bear.
Add Banners.
Added Chinese Mythology Mash-Up Pack.
Added sounds for Polar Bear, Witch, Squid, Snowman, Armor Stand, Cow, Horse, Item Frames, Leash Knots and Paintings.
Updated all Texture and Mash-up Packs with new items & blocks.
Change log for Patch 1.35 - September 9th 2016
Remove vote-to-kick function in Mini Games. The host can kick players only in the Lobby.
Disable small, floating and oddly shaped skins in public Tumble games.
Fix for Battle mini game showdown playing Tumble mini game showdown sound.
Fixed a bug where last player to die in Tumble would get stuck respawning.
Fix for being able to unlock Hunger Pain achievement by killing yourself while starving.
Fix for crash if a client wins the match and then quits the game.
Fix for Birthday skin packs and Minecon pack not showing in the skin select for players with the Blu-ray version.
Re-enabled the previous Birthday and Minecon skin packs for players who had them.
Battle Mini Game: Made some changes to chest refilling logic to make things harder for players camping beside chests.
Battle Mini Game: Made some balancing changes to items spawning in chests.
Battle Mini Game: Fixed some map issues in Cavern, Siege, Ruin, Lair and Atlantis arenas.
Introduced a ‘vote to kick’ system for mini games. When there are more than three players in a public game, a player will be kicked from the game when they have received three votes. This scales down when there are less players.
Change log for Patch 1.31 - July 25th 2016
Added Battle Map Pack 2 (Atlantis, Ruin and Siege).
Added the Redstone Specialists Skin Pack.
Made changes to some item textures in the City Texture Pack, Fantasy Texture Pack and Greek Mythology Mash-up Pack, so that they are more easily identifiable in Battle mini games.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to display player names above crouching players when in Showdown mode in a Battle mini game.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to allow thrown potions to go through non-solid blocks (e.g. Vines, Tall Grass).
Battle Mini Game: Fix to stop non-solid blocks obstructing player attacks.
Battle Mini Game: Fixed a couple of holes in the Cove Battle mini game map.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to remove all Mob heads from the player's inventory, except any that are currently being worn, when transitioning from the Lobby to a Battle mini game map.
Battle Mini Game: Fix to automatically replace Mob heads in the armour slot, when a Helmet is collected in a Battle mini game.
Battle Mini Game: Disabled "Take Everything" in the Lobby.
Battle Mini Game: Added Select All / Deselect All tooltip(s) to the Select Maps menu.
Fix for an issue with hills generation.
Fix for an issue causing some Blazes to not perform their attacks after becoming aggressive towards the player.
Fix to allow renamed items to be traded with a Villager.
Fixed a duplication bug.
Fix to remove the redundant option for creating White Wool within the crafting menu using 1x White Wool to create.
Fix for an issue where a Pig struck by a lightning turns into a Zombie Pigman without a Golden Sword.
Fix for an incorrect death message when the player is killed by lightning.
Fix for some issues with trophies (including Passing The Time trophy).
Change log for Patch 1.30 - June 30th 2016
Fixed a memory issue causing "Failed To Load" message.
Battle Mini Game: Disable kicking players during Public Battle rounds. This is enabled for the host in the Lobby.
Battle Mini Game: Disable the host exiting the game during a Battle round. This is enabled in the lobby.
Battle Mini Game: Grace period increased to 20 seconds.
Battle Mini Game: Changed all Poison Potions to level 2 instead of level 1.
Battle Mini Game: All Sticks now have at least Sharpness 1.
Battle Mini Game: Replaced the Fire Charge item with a Potion of Fire Resistance.
Battle Mini Game: Replaced the Diamond Chestplate with an Iron Chestplate.
Battle Mini Game: The Wooden Hoe with Fire Aspect 1 has Sharpness 1 added to it.
Battle Mini Game: Removed the Wooden Shovel from the Centre Chests.
Battle Mini Game: Added Sharpness 1 to the Wooden Pickaxe in the Outer Chests.
Battle Mini Game: Added Sharpness 2 to the Wooden Shovel in the Outer Chests.
Battle Mini Game: Fixed various areas in maps where players could get stuck.
Change log for Patch 1.29 - June 23rd 2016
Fixed an issue with joining public Battle Mini Games.
Change log for Patch 1.28 - June 21st 2016
Added the Battle Mini Game.
Updated the Skin Select menu.
Added an option for Safe Sprint in the Controls menu. Depending on the controls layout selected, this option moves either the Change Camera Mode or the Sneak/Dismount away from the stick button, since a lot of people are pressing the stick by accident when they start sprinting.
Enabled Battle Map Pack 1 and Battle Map Pack Season Pass DLC.
Added Caves and Ravines to Custom Superflat options.
Added Distribute Items functionality via toggle button (start and confirm distribution). This allows a stack of items to be distributed by dragging the stack across multiple slots in the Inventory.
Fixed a crash when a client player entered a game where the maximum number of Item Frames had opened Maps.
Fix for Slimes not spawning in Slime Chunks.
Fixed an issue allowing players to use the Armour Stand when the Trust Players option is disabled.
Fixed an issue where items could not be moved from the Furnace to the main Inventory using Quick Move.
Fixed an issue in the Superflat world generation menu with the stem Mushroom Block.
Change log for Patch 1.26 - April 19th 2016
Fixed Guardians no longer spawning after loading a save.
Removed change that restricted changing to third-person camera while running or performing other actions.
Removed changed that made sprint activation more sensitive.
Fixed issue with Mushroom Block textures.
Change log for Patch 1.25 - April 6th 2016
Added Story Mode skin pack.
Added 6 new trophies.
Added new "Minecart Sounds" option to Audio Settings.
Added Huge Mushroom Blocks to the Creative and Superflat menus.
Improved sprint control.
Fixed a memory issue causing “Failed to Load” message.
Fix for issue where the Ender Dragon would be immune to attacks
Fix for Slimes not spawning in certain Swamps and Slime Chunks.
Fix for Potion of Swiftness, Potion of Slowness and Speed bonus of Beacon having no effect on the player.
Fix for teleporting a player while they are sleeping in a Bed not working properly.
Fix for some chunks in the Overworld not generating for clients of a multiplayer game.
Fix for issue where Experience Orbs could not be obtained by some trades with Villagers.
Fix for Thorns enchantment not affecting players.
Fix for MCCE #747 - TNT cannon not working.
Fix for MCCE #659 - Doors have a weird texture on top when open (And other sides).
Fix for MCCE #1854 - Grass positioning is perfect.
Fix for MCCE #1826 - White tulip description incorrect.
Fix for MCCE #1756 - Witch Hut Bounding Box Too Small.
Fix for MCCE #1260 - Submerged Witch Huts.
Fix for MCCE #483 - Camera jitter and player unable to move when looking at chest you are standing on.
Fix for MCCE #863 - The map does not work as it should (unless "View Hand" is turned on).
Fix for MCCE #1757 - Slimes spawning in witch huts.
Fix for MCCE #1739 - No icon in item frame map.
Fix for MCCE #1803 - Item frames vanishing in very strange draw distance.
Change log for Patch 1.24 - February 25th 2016
Added Biome Settlers Skin Pack 1.
Fix for MCCE #1460 & #910 - Guardians Not Spawning.
Fix for MCCE #917 - Incorrect attack damage shown on tooltips with enchantments.
Fix for MCCE #868 - Redstone clocks get stuck on when changing dimension.
Fix for Animals in Love Mode lacking heart particles for the duration of Love Mode.
Fix for Slimes spawning in the Nether.
Change log for Patch 1.23 - January 20th 2016
Fix for MCCE #48 - Water Spreading Creates New Source Blocks.
Fix for MCCE #772 - Animals get stuck in corners of fence-type blocks.
Fix for MCCE #826 - Beacon height limit.
Fix for MCCE #829 - The end build limit is smaller.
Fix for MCCE #831 - Player skin is the default skin when holding a map.
Fix for MCCE #856 - Red sandstone stairs texture incorrect.
Fix for MCCE #863 - The map does not work as it should (unless "View Hand" is turned on).
Fix for MCCE #865 - Rabbits only appear to spawn naturally in snow biomes.
Fix for MCCE #878 - Book and Quill saving issue. Opening and closing an edited (not signed) writeable book deletes the saved pages.
Fix for MCCE #833 - When Interface opacity is down, hotbar faded tools won’t show their durability.
Fix for MCCE #885 & #886 - Feather Falling enchantment does not reduce falling damage & Ender pearl Damage.
Fix for MCCE #962 - Slime Spawning (Increase to Slime Spawning).
Fix for MCCE #1009 - Skulls in the inventory and held in first person are oversized.
Fix for MCCE #1024 - Raw fish and raw salmon have the same texture in the Natural Texture Pack.
Fix for MCCE #1072 - In the City Texture Pack it shows smooth red sandstone as a rough block but when you place it, it is smooth.
Fix for MCCE #1091 - Some fire caused by Ghast's Fireball explosion is not displayed.
Fix for MCCE #1127 - Wolfs default collar colour had changed (Orange -> Red).
Fix for MCCE #1142 - Minecraft Capes using incorrect texture.
Fix for MCCE #1192 Texture under the bed is the texture of the top of the bed.
Fix for MCCE #1202 - Map dark when facing north or south.
Fix for MCCE #1214 - Texture of any potion turns black while holding it in the End or Nether.
Fix for MCCE #1349 - Penned animals de-spawn when leaving the chunk.
Fix for MCCE #1366 - When placing a torch under water to reset / refill your air meter will often (about 50% of the time) cause a crash.
Fix for MCCE #1367 - Melon farm with piston causes crash.
Fix for MCCE #1415 & #1403 - Hunger meter always regenerates when switching from peaceful to any other difficulty.
Fix for MCCE #1434 - Fishing Rod Bobber Sticks to Walls!
Fix for MCCE #1455 - Piston/slime block duplication.
Fix for MCCE #1457 - TNT can destroy blocks placed well beyond the world border.
Fix for MCCE #1488 - "Getting an Upgrade" trophy/achievement fails to unlock while crafting a stone pickaxe using classic crafting.
Fix for crash when Ender Chest is mined for a few seconds.
Fix for an intermittent crash when placing beds on snow.
Fix for a crash when a Superflat World session with a combination of multiple Planks or Wood, Lava and Air Layers is saved.
Fix for a crash after destroying blocks and exploring a Superflat World with multiple Sand, Air and TNT Layers.
Improved random seed generator to select worlds with a better spread of biomes.
Fix for Villagers not harvesting crops from Farmlands created by the player.
Fix for glass not being able to be broken by hand in Adventure Mode.
Fix for an issue where the user renames a "Spawn Egg" and places it in water, causing debug text to be displayed.
Fix for an issue when the "Body Guard" trophy/achievement does not unlock as expected when the Iron Golem is built in a certain way.
Fix for an issue where a player cannot see other players after dying and respawning.
Fix for an issue where baby horses appear to be adults after feeding with one golden carrot.
Fix for issue where two Primary Powers can be applied to the Player's character through the Beacon UI.
Fix for an issue where a Torch and a Redstone Torch have two hitboxes.
Fix for de-spawn protections not being applied to baby animals created with Spawn Eggs.
Fix for issue where item quantity for Bottle o' Enchanting, Nether Star, Enchanted Golden Apple and strength indicator for Potions are not affected by Interface Opacity when in the Quick Select.
Fix for Death Message with incorrect text is displayed when the player is killed with a named weapon.
Fix for worlds generating slightly differently every time even with the same seed.
Fix for issue where Leather Clothes, Spawn Eggs and Potions are displayed improperly when the player is above 256 blocks or is in a place where there is no source of daylight.
Fix for Doors, Trapdoors and Fence Gates missing a sound effect when closing.
Fix for issue where opening certain menus does not cancel the eating, drinking or bow charging animations.
Fixed an issue where items that have no custom names were not showing up in edit text field in the Anvil.
Fix for Ocelots not sprinting away from the player.
Fix for Pistons and objects pushed by them having corrupted, black textures while animating.
Fix for falling Gravel, Sand and Red Sand blocks displaying with very dark textures.
Fix for issue where texture pack changes to vanilla Minecraft textures if the player joins a friend's session.
Added first person rendering of additional skin parts for the left and right arms.
Fix for an issue when in a Split-screen session where at least one player does not get Critical Hit particles.
Fix for seeing through the base of falling blocks.
Fix for missing mining animation for Skulls, Heads, Signs, Chests and Beacons.
Fix for issue where changing the Interface Opacity to specific values causes visual issues with the item and button icons on the HUD.
Fix for issue when travelling directly north or south in a Minecart where the player automatically turns to face eastwards.
Fix for missing tooltip for 'Exit' / 'Dismount' actions.
Fix for Guardians not being spawned around Ocean Monuments on a Superflat World.
Fix for City Texture Pack missing textures for multiple kinds of doors while holding in the player’s hand
Fix for Sign text not displaying.
Fix for Cows needing to take 11 hits with hand or 3 hits with any Sword to be killed.
Fix for Clownfish description displaying incorrect information.
Fix to update the sponge texture.
Fixed an issue unlocking the "Iron Belly" trophy.
Change log for Patch 1.22 - December 10th 2015
New Items:-
Armor Stand, Raw Rabbit, Cooked Rabbit, Rabbit Stew, Raw Mutton, Cooked Mutton, Rabbit’s Foot, Rabbit Hide, Potion of Leaping, Potion of Water Breathing, Salmon, Cooked Salmon, Clownfish, Pufferfish, Blue Orchid, Allium, Azure Bluet, Tulips, Oxeye Daisy, Sunflower, Lilac, Poppy (replaces Rose), Rose Bush, Peony, Double Tall Grass, Large Ferns, Prismarine Crystals, Prismarine Shard.
Creative Mode only – Rabbit Spawn Egg, Endermite Spawn Egg, and Guardian Spawn Egg.
New Blocks:-
Podzol, Granite, Polished Granite, Andesite, Polished Andesite, Diorite, Polished Diorite, Prismarine, Dark Prismarine, Prismarine Bricks, Red Sand, Red Sandstone, Smooth Red Sandstone, Chiseled Red Sandstone, Red Sandstone Stairs, Red Sandstone Slab, Sea Lanterns, Wet Sponge, Slime Blocks, Coarse Dirt, Packed Ice, Acacia Saplings, Dark Oak Saplings.
Mesa, Mega Taiga, Roofed Forest, Birch Forest, Forest, Savanna, Extreme Hills+, Deep Ocean, Snowless Taiga, 20 new Technical Biomes.
Updated Features:-
Fishing now has particle effects - bubbles will show up moving towards the bobber just before the player has something on the hook. This has the appearance of a fish swimming towards the hook.
Treasure can now be caught while fishing.
Treasure is split into 3 categories:-
Fish: Raw Fish, Salmon, Clownfish and Pufferfish.
Treasure: Enchanted Fishing Rod, Enchanted Bow, Enchanted Book, Name Tag, Tripwire Hook, Lily Pad and Saddle.
Enchanted Books can receive multiple enchants at once.
Villagers have additional professions and trading schemes.
Villagers will now harvest crops.
Villagers will only breed when willing (and can be made willing by giving them 3 bread, 12 carrots or 12 potatoes).
Villagers will turn into Witches when struck by lightning.
Nether Portal
New Nether Portal building rules: Any rectangular shape from 4x5 to 23x23
If the portal in the nether is big enough, Ghasts can travel through.
Will now be activated by any fire block within the frame.
Can place Pumpkins or Wither Skeleton Skulls to spawn Golems and Withers.
Will only place them if the body of the Golem or Wither is already built, in a valid configuration.
Anvil has been rebalanced.
Moss Stone, Mossy Stone Bricks and Chiseled Stone Bricks are now obtainable via crafting.
Cracked Stone Bricks and Sponge are now obtainable via smelting.
When a Furnace runs out of fuel, the smelting progress will rewind at 2× speed.
Empty Furnaces will only accept fuel and empty Buckets in the fuel slot.
Item Frame
Item Frames now emit a Redstone signal, and can rotate in 8 directions.
Redstone Comparator
Can now detect the rotation of an item in an item frame and output an equivalent power signal.
Buttons can now be placed on the top and bottom of blocks.
Powered Activator Rail
Powered Activator rails now dismount entities riding Minecarts.
Cauldrons with water in them will put out burning entities, taking away one water level each time.
Huge Mushroom Block
When harvested with Silk Touch enchantment, they drop blocks with corresponding Mushroom texture (red or brown) on all sides, rather than the one with spores.
Reintroduced Sponge to Survival Mode, with new behavior and texture.
Sponge turns into Wet Sponge when it soaks up water.
Water particles appear around the Sponge when this happens.
Sponge destroys water blocks from 5 blocks away in a kind of sphere.
Sponge soaks up water, only when some water is touching it.
Sugar Cane
Color/Shade is affected by the biome color (similar to leaves, grass and vines).
Baby Zombie
Now drop XP Orbs.
Can now be ignited with Flint and Steel.
Zombie Pigman
Adult Zombie Pigmen will forgive after a short time (and lose the aggro speed boost), but will continue to attack until the player escapes their aggro distance.
Now drink a Potion of Water Breathing, when they are trapped underwater.
Can drop a Potion of Water Breathing upon death, as a rare drop.
Jungle Biome
Melons can now be found in patches similar to Pumpkins.
Swamp Biome
Spawn with Blue Orchid Flowers.
In shallower parts, the coast is covered in staggered dirt block with Lily Pads between them.
Plains Biome
Generates three of the new flowers – Azure Bluets, Oxeye Daises and sometimes Tulips.
Can generate Double Tall Grass.
Extreme Hills Biome
Snow at higher elevations.
Gravel can replace ground cover.
Flat valleys near sea level.
Can generate slightly higher now.
Ocean Biome
Contains only Gravel on the floor instead of Sand, Dirt and Gravel.
Desert Temple
Now spawn with Stained Clay instead of Dyed Wool.
New landscape feature:-
Ocean Monument
New Enchantments:-
Luck of the Sea (I-III)
Lure (I-III)
Depth Strider (I-III)
Changes & Bug Fixes:-
Sheep now drop Mutton when they die.
Arrows decelerate much more quickly underwater, and extinguish if on fire.
Most mobs can now swim.
Skeletons flee from wolves.
Creepers, Skeletons, Wither Skeletons and Zombies drop their heads when killed by Charged Creepers.
Spiders no longer see players through solid blocks.
Babies' growth can be accelerated by feeding them.
Fix for players adding additional layers above the maximum height in Superflat.
Added Flint and Steel and Fire Charge sound effect when igniting blocks.
Updated audio for Cows and Mooshrooms.
Updated audio for Minecarts.
Created a new Tutorial World.
Change log for Patch 1.21 - October 23rd 2015
Changes & Fixes:-
Added Halloween 2015 Mash-up Pack trial content.
Added Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack trial content.
Fixed a small memory leak with signs.
Added colored light from torches (for Halloween 2015 Mash-up Pack).
Change log for Patch 1.20 - September 23rd 2015
Added Doctor Who Skin Pack Bundle Trial content.
Fixed a memory leak causing frame rate issues.
Fixed an issue causing signs to go blank for network players.
Updated trophies to include all those already on other platforms
Change log for Patch 1.19 - August 28th 2015
Added Star Wars Classic Skin Pack Trial content.
Added Star Wars Rebels Skin Pack Trial content.
Optimised water rendering.
Fix for some instability when adding and removing players from a game.
Fix for particle effects not displaying at high altitudes.
Fix for an issue where the Fuel meter in a Furnace could be reset when using a Lava Bucket.
Fix for an ingredient added to a Beacon interface would be lost when entering/leaving the End or the Nether.
Fix for an issue when renaming a world save and quickly loading the world.
Fix for an issue where the tick rate in a chunk would run too fast when the chunk was unloaded and then reloaded (MCCE-390).
Fix for Enable Flying host option causing healing to revert to classic mode.
Fix for an issue with a Potion of Swiftness not working for splitscreen players.
Fix for "Can Build And Mine" privilege stopping players using potions.
Fix for "Can Build And Mine" privilege stopping players equipping armor from the hotbar.
Fix for putting out fires with buckets of water making a wood breaking sound.
Fixed an issue with Iron Golems trying to give a flower to a villager, but the flower not being present.
Fix for a problem with water flickering at a distance when using the Natural Texture Pack.
Fix for a problem unlocking the Enchanter trophy when using Classic Crafting.
Fixed an issue where low opacity settings would cause the Ender Dragon and Wither health bars to be displayed inconsistently.
Change log for Patch 1.18 - July 24th 2015
Added Greek Mythology Mash-up Pack trial content.
Added Acacia Wood, Acacia Planks, Acacia Fence, Acacia Fence Gate, Acacia Door, Acacia Slab and Acacia Stairs to the Creative menu.
Added Dark Oak Wood, Dark Oak Planks, Dark Oak Fence, Dark Oak Fence Gate, Dark Oak Door, Dark Oak Slab and Dark Oak Stairs to the Creative menu.
Fixed a crash when approaching Villages, Desert Temples and Jungle Temples if the save that was loaded had a partially discovered Village/Temple in it.
Fixed an issue with stacking doors.
Fixed the Oak Door recipe not giving 3 doors.
Fixed an issue with the Set Day button in the Host Options menu.
Fixed an issue stopping players removing Leads from Fences.
Fixed Minecart with TNT having no igniting animation.
Fixed an issue with Mobs being unable to pass through an open Iron Door.
Fixed an issue where reaching the maximum spawn limit of villagers prevents spawning baby villagers after some of the villagers die.
Fixed doors being destroyed when placing them on an upper Slab.
Fixed an issue where players with no privileges could make tamed Wolves stand up.
Fixed an issue where players with no privileges could kill Snow Golems.
Stopped players being able to destroy Minecarts when 'Can Build and Mine' privilege is disabled.
Stopped players being able to open Minecart with Chest, Minecart with Hopper, and Saddlebags when 'Can Open Containers' privilege is disabled.
Fixed an issue with disabling weather cycle and saving causing other host options to be wrongly set.
Fixed an issue with Wolves not taking damage properly.
Change log for Patch 1.17 - June 30th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Oak Wood Fence, Spruce Wood Fence, Birch Wood Fence, Jungle Wood Fence.
- Added Oak Wood Fence Gate, Spruce Wood Fence Gate, Birch Wood Fence Gate, Jungle Wood Fence Gate.
- Added Oak Wood Door, Spruce Wood Door, Birch Wood Door, Jungle Wood Door.
- Added Iron Trapdoor, Inverted Daylight Sensor, Book and Quill, Stained Glass and Stained Glass Panes.
- Added Custom Superflat User Interface, allowing players to customize superflat world generation.
- Added new in-game options to allow changing game mode, difficulty setting, time of day, and spawn position per player, and disable or enable ambient cave sounds, and weather settings.
- Split Load/Join interface into Create/Load/Join.
- Changed Game Mode selection to a slider.
- Added Classic Crafting option, so you can now craft the same way as on the Java version if you really want to! This option is available in the UI settings menu.
- Added LittleBigPlanet(TM) Mash-up Pack trial content.
- Enabled USB keyboard use for Book and Quill.
- Fixed a crash when a lot of Redstone Dust was used.
- Fixed various incorrect tooltip issues.
- Fix for mined item entities sometimes appearing at the top of the world, rather than spawning where the block is destroyed
- Fix for an issue with corrupt capes on characters.
- Fix for an issue where players could open Trapped Chests, Droppers, Hoppers and Beacons even though “Can Open Containers” was off.
- Fixed a crash when a flaming arrow shot from a Dispenser hits TNT.
- Fixed a memory leak causing crashes after prolonged play sessions.
- Fixed a problem with dropped items sinking below the ground.
- Fixed an issue with TNT explosions.
- Fixed a problem with baby villagers’ collision height.
- Fixed an issue with the Steampunk Texture Pack.
Change log for Patch 1.16 - April 29th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added the Alex skin and some variations of it to the default skins.
- Changed music tracks played in Creative mode and on front-end menus to match Java version.
- Added The Simpsons Skin Pack trial content.
- Brought forward change so that shrubs can placed in flower pots.
- Fixed an issue stopping the Steampunk Texture Pack working.
Change log for Patch 1.15 - March 25th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Pattern Texture Pack trial content.
- Added Mass Effect Mash-up Pack trial content.
- Fixed issue placing Pistons, Dispensers and Droppers.
- Added Quick Move to the Horse Inventory.
- Made some fixes to player privileges.
- Corrected Baby Zombie hit boxes size.
- Added "Where are we now" Music Disc in Survival Mode.
- Fix for a bug where a Chest didn't disappear when destroyed.
- Fix for player sometimes taking fall damage while in a boat.
- Fixed an issue where a player's wolves could teleport to them when they were in a boat, and kill them.
- Updated Lapis Lazuli block texture.
- Fix for intermittent split-screen problem where players and mobs went invisible.
- Fix for a split-screen crash after prolonged gameplay.
- Fix for an issue causing client players to hang when creating a Wither.
- Fix for graphic corruption with Red Stone Comparator.
- Fix for a crash when a player is fishing.
Change log for Patch 1.14 - February 11th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- More Redstone fixes.
- Increased minecart limit.
- Stopped tamed horses despawning when they are in a fenced-off area.
- Crafting a map now produces an Empty Map.
- Fixed a crash with a Noteblock.
- Fixed an issue with village generation.
- Fixed an issue with Witch Huts allowing other mobs to spawn in them after a reload.
- Fixed an issue where Blaze Spawners and Chests don’t appear in the Nether after a Nether Reset.
- Fixed a crash with Minecarts travelling through Nether Portals.
Change log for Patch 1.13 - January 16th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Fix for various Redstone issues.
- Fixed a crash when breaking an Item Frame containing a map.
- Fixed a crash when a Dispenser is dispensing water or lava when the Dispenser is blocked.
- Fix for placing a boat on harmful surfaces causing the game to crash.
- Updates to horse and other animal de-spawning to take into account Saddles, Saddle bags, Leads, Armor and Nametags.
- Fix for Stonebrick stairs recipe.
- Fix for issue where player is able to stay alive with zero hearts in their Healthbar.
- Fixed an issue in the Host Options menu in Adventure mode causing options to be set wrongly.
- Fix for issue where animals don't stop running after being hit.
- Fix for issue where destroying planted Pumpkin and Melon Seeds drops an incorrect number of seeds.
- Librarian villagers now have a small probability of offering nametags for sale.
- Add a rare probability of spawning Skeletons/Wither Skeletons in the nether.
- Brought forward change so that Witches naturally spawn, rarely, anywhere that's dark.
- Fix for issue where Wither Skeletons stop spawning in the Nether when the difficulty is set to Easy from Peaceful.
- Changed Minecart riding behaviour back so that the player turns with the Minecart.
- If mob griefing is turned off, sheep shouldn't change grass blocks when they eat them.
- Fix for TNT cart exploding despite 'TNT Explodes' option being turned off.
- Fix to Noteblock fall-off distance so they can be heard further away.
- Fix for player legs not being rotated correctly when riding.
- Fix for Wolf heal tooltip.
- Fixed improper tooltip displayed when Player is holding a Lead and aiming at an aggressive mob.
- Fix for Potion of Weakness effect description having incorrect values.
- Fix for issue where Creepers hover off the floor.
- Fixed issue where Name Tags do not appear to work correctly on the Wither, Iron Golem and Wither Skeleton.
- Fix for player nametags not being colored.
- City Texture Pack - Daylight sensor changed to look more like a solar panel.
- Fix for issue where a horse wasn’t rendering while riding it.
- Fix for issue with Halloween Texture Pack textures.
Change log for Patch 1.12 - December 20th 2014
Changes and Additions:-
- Added new items
Hardened Clay
Stained Clay
Block of Coal
Hay Bale
Activator Rail
Block of Redstone
Daylight Sensor
Minecart with Hopper
Minecart with TNT
Redstone Comparator
Weighted Pressure Plate
Trapped Chest
Firework Rocket
Firework Star
Nether Star
Horse Armor
Name Tag
Horse Spawn Egg
- Added new Mobs
Wither Skeletons
- Added new terrain generation features - Witch Huts.
- Replaced the Tutorial World with a new world containing some new mini-tutorials for the new functionality.
- Added Beacon interface.
- Added Horse interface.
- Added Hopper interface.
- Added Fireworks - Fireworks interface is accessible from the Crafting Table when you have the ingredients to craft a Firework Star or Firework Rocket.
- Added 'Adventure Mode' - You can only break blocks with the correct tools.
- Added lots of new sounds.
- Mobs, items and projectiles can now pass through portals.
- Repeaters can now be locked by powering their sides with another Repeater.
- Zombies and Skeletons can now spawn with different weapons and armor.
- New death messages.
- Name mobs with a Name Tag, and rename containers to change the title when the menu is open.
- Bonemeal no longer instantly grows everything to full size, and instead randomly grows in stages.
- A Redstone signal describing the contents of Chests, Brewing Stands, Dispensers and Jukeboxes can be detected by placing a Redstone Comparator directly against them.
- Dispensers can face in any direction.
- Eating a Golden Apple gives the player extra "absorption" health for a short period.
- The longer you remain in an area the harder the monsters that spawn in that area will be.
- New Game and Host options (Daylight Cycle, Keep Inventory, Mob options, Tile drop and a Regeneration option)
- Fix for the Player being able to destroy bedrock.
- Fix for Player can heal some Zombie Pigmen like Zombie Villagers.
- Fix for Players riding Boats/Minecarts sometimes being invisible to remote players.
Change log for Patch 1.07 - September 11th 2014
- Added Save Transfer
- Added new music tracks
- Fix for explosions damaging unrelated areas of the map.
- Fix for minecarts and pigs flickering when being ridden.
- Fix for 3D sound attenuation being incorrect.
- Fix for hitboxes on torches being incorrect sometimes.
- Fix for enchanted items not destroying blocks as quickly as they should.
- Fix for HUD repositioning when Tooltips are disabled.
- More voice chat fixes.
- Fix for players going invisible after death (on respawning).
- Fix for players going invisible when two players go through a nether gate at the same time.
- Fix for players sometimes being invisible after teleporting until either they move, or the player that sees them as invisible moves.
- Fix for Noteblock pitch being wrong – more noticeable when chords are played.
- Fix for Mobs dying in walls (happens for baby mobs after they become adults).
- Fix for chunks not loading in maps - tends to be specific seeds.
- Fixed streaming music not playing after a playing CD has been ejected from a jukebox
- Fix for player being able to attach Signs to the Chest with a block placed above it.
- Fix for player being able to breed wild Ocelots.
- Fix for player being able to breed Ocelot with Cat.
- Fix for tame wolves being removed if no players were near them when they were angry.
- Fix for Potion of Night Vision corrupts the game's UI while player is falling into the Void in the End.
- Fix for the damage decals flickering and/or not present if players are not close to each other in Survival Mode in a local splitscreen game.
- Fix for damage decals not displaying in splitscreen if the secondary player is 30 + blocks away from the primary player
- Fixed lava drip particles being too dark/black
- Fix for sitting wolves (or stationary entities) not being immediately visible if a remote player spawns next to them, or spawns far away and quickly heads towards them
- Fix for Leather Armour not displaying the enchantment glow.
- Fix for Enchanted item in hand effect being wrong.
- Fix for blocks placed at Y 128 being black on top.
Change log for Patch 1.05 - April 2nd 2014
- Fix for voice chat issues.
- Fix for blocks reappearing after they are mined.
- Fix to random fall damage issue.
- Fix for slow chunk loading speed.
- Fix for Maps not correctly display at the game start.
- Fix for splitscreen audio issues.
- Fix for blocks not always showing damage in splitscreen.
- Fix for Enderdragon sounds.
- Changed Zombies rare loot drop to be Carrots, Potatoes or Iron Ingots.
- Fix for problems spawning Chickens, Wolves & Mooshrooms.
- Fix for problem causing first item in the quickselect bar to sometimes move to the inventory on opening the inventory.
- Changed repairing tools in the Inventory to only allow tools that are not enchanted (since you’d lose the enchantment).
- Fix for villager eggs in a dispenser not producing random professions.
- Fix for Iron Golems not stopping their attack when they’ve killed a skeleton.
- Fix for issue when players teleported while riding a pig or a minecart.
- Fix for animals climbing Cobblestone walls.
- Fix for attaching fences to cobblestone wall.
- Fix for Invisibility potion not making sheep completely invisible.
- Fix for Online ID being visible when using an invisibility potion.
- Fix for tamed wolves with invisibility becoming visible when swimming in water.
- Fix to let bonus chests spawn in pre-TU14 worlds.
- Fix to issue causing stationary network players to oscillate between two slightly different positions.
- Fix for unsynchronised audio.
- Fix for a double exit sound from the crafting and anvil menus.
Change log for Patch 1.04 (TU14) - March 20th 2014
Changes & Additions
- Added new items
· Emerald
· Emerald Ore
· Block of Emerald
· Ender Chest
· Tripwire Hook
· Enchanted Golden Apple
· Anvil
· Flower Pot
· Cobblestone Walls
· Mossy Cobblestone Walls
· Wither Painting
· Potato
· Baked Potato
· Poisonous Potato
· Carrot
· Golden Carrot
· Carrot on a Stick
· Pumpkin Pie
· Night Vision Potion
· Invisibility Potion
· Nether Quartz
· Nether Quartz Ore
· Block of Quartz
· Quartz Slab
· Quartz Stair
· Chiseled Quartz Block
· Pillar Quartz Block
· Enchanted Book
· Carpet
- Added new recipes for Smooth Sandstone and Chiseled Sandstone.
- Added new Mobs - Zombie Villagers.
- Added new terrain generation features - Desert Temples, Desert Villages, and Jungle Temples.
- Added Trading with villagers.
- Added Anvil interface.
- Added sideways log placement.
- Changed placement of half blocks and other blocks on half blocks.
- Changed placement of upside down stairs and slabs.
- Wooden Buttons and Wooden Pressure Plates can be activated with Arrows.
- Can dye leather armor.
- Can dye wolf collars.
- Can control riding a pig with a Carrot on a Stick.
- Added different villager professions.
- Villagers spawned from a spawn egg will have a random profession.
- Furnaces can use wooden tools as a fuel.
- Ice and Glass panes can be collected with silk touch enchanted tools.
- Nether mobs can spawn in the Overworld from Portals.
- Creepers and Spiders are aggressive towards the last player that hit them.
- Mobs in Creative mode become neutral again after a short period.
- Remove knockback when drowning.
- Doors being broken by zombies show damage.
- Ice melts in the Nether.
- Cauldrons fill up when out in the rain.
- Pistons take twice as long to update.
- Pig drops Saddle when killed (if has one).
- Sky color in The End changed.
- String can be placed (for Tripwires).
- Rain drips through leaves.
- Levers can be placed on the bottom of blocks.
- TNT does variable damage depending on difficulty setting.
- Book recipe changed.
- Boats break Lily Pads, instead of Lily Pads breaking Boats.
- Pigs drop more Porkchops.
- Slimes spawn less in Superflat worlds.
- Creeper damage variable based on difficulty setting, more knockback.
- Fixed Endermen not opening their jaws.
- Added new Host Options for flying, invisibility and invulnerability for remote players.
- Added teleporting of players (using the player menu in-game).
- Furnace will return an empty bucket when fuelled by a bucket of lava.
- Updated Bonus Chest content with more items.
- Added new tutorials to the Tutorial World for new items and features.
- Updated the positions of the Music Disc Chests in the Tutorial World.
- Added new languages - Danish, Finnish, Latin American Spanish, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish and Turkish
- Various network issue fixes.
Change log for Patch 1.03 - January 13th 2014
- Fix for issue in multiplayer/splitscreen which could cause save file corruption.
- Fix for memory issue causing random game freezes and exits to XMB.
- Fix for being unable to join games at times (“The host has exited the game” message incorrectly being displayed).
- Fix for splitscreen crash on adding a player when language is Russian.
- Fix for issue which can prevent leaderboard updates and some trophy awards.
- Fix for issue causing “No DLC offers available” message when converting trial to full version.
- Fix for game render glitch when a new streaming music track starts up.
- Fix for a lighting issue on a network client.
- Fix for the block damage decal being incorrectly offset
- Fix for selected item text not fading off screen if a menu is opened when it’s visible.
- Fix for “Where are we now” music disc
- Fix for issue with Ghasts firing at certain angles
- A few rendering performance improvements
We are working on ways to transfer saves from Xbox 360 to Xbox One with Microsoft, and are hopeful that we will have a solution. Can't say it will be there until we have it 100% working of course.
I think 4j really needs to read this whole thread i know someone from their team probably drops by this forum once in a blue moon but a thread like this needs attention i'd do it myselff but i only have the net on my phone and typing on this thing can be annoying at times
So it would be nice if someone could get their attention
We do read this thread! We might not reply here, but we are reading all the suggestions, and they will help to define where we go in the future with the game.
Keep them coming please!
Can you try Reset to Defaults in the controls menu?
We're back from holiday now, and will fix this issue.
Change logs are ordered by most recent first.
Change log for Patch 1.83 - March 19th 2019
Change log for Patch 1.82 - December 18th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.81 - November 2nd 2018
Change log for Patch 1.79 - October 23rd 2018
Change log for Patch 1.77 - September 25th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.76 - September 11th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.73 - June 21st 2018
Change log for Patch 1.70 - May 29th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.68 - April 24th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.67 - March 27th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.66 - January 30th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.65 - January 10th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.64 - December 19th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.61 - November 13th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.57 - October 27th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.56 - August 29th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.55 - July 25th 2017
Previous Updates Below
Change log for Patch 1.53 - June 29th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.52 - June 27th 2017
Bug Fixes
Change log for Patch 1.51 - June 8th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.50 - June 5th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.49 - May 30th 2017
Bug Fixes
Change log for Patch 1.47 - April 25th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.45 - April 4th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.44 - March 27th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.42 - February 28th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.41 - January 27th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.40 - January 17th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.39 - December 21st 2016
Change log for Patch 1.38 - December 19th 2016
After killing the Ender Dragon in the new End, an End Gateway will spawn nearby. Throwing an Ender Pearl into this will teleport you to a new area in The End with an End City and End Ship.
Within the End City and End Ship you can find Shulkers, Elytra, and a Dragon Head.
Change log for Patch 1.37 - October 25th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.36 - October 4th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.35 - September 9th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.34 - August 30th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.33 - August 30th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.31 - July 25th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.30 - June 30th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.29 - June 23rd 2016
Change log for Patch 1.28 - June 21st 2016
Change log for Patch 1.26 - April 19th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.25 - April 6th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.24 - February 25th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.23 - January 20th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.22 - December 10th 2015
New Items:-
New Blocks:-
New Mobs:-
New Biomes:-
Updated Features:-
Nether Portal
Item Frame
Redstone Comparator
Powered Activator Rail
Huge Mushroom Block
Sugar Cane
Baby Zombie
Zombie Pigman
Jungle Biome
Swamp Biome
Plains Biome
Extreme Hills Biome
Ocean Biome
Desert Temple
New landscape feature:-
New Enchantments:-
Changes & Bug Fixes:-
Change log for Patch 1.21 - October 23rd 2015
Changes & Fixes:-
Change log for Patch 1.20 - September 23rd 2015
Change log for Patch 1.19 - August 28th 2015
Change log for Patch 1.18 - July 24th 2015
Change log for Patch 1.17 - June 30th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Oak Wood Fence, Spruce Wood Fence, Birch Wood Fence, Jungle Wood Fence.
- Added Oak Wood Fence Gate, Spruce Wood Fence Gate, Birch Wood Fence Gate, Jungle Wood Fence Gate.
- Added Oak Wood Door, Spruce Wood Door, Birch Wood Door, Jungle Wood Door.
- Added Iron Trapdoor, Inverted Daylight Sensor, Book and Quill, Stained Glass and Stained Glass Panes.
- Added Custom Superflat User Interface, allowing players to customize superflat world generation.
- Added new in-game options to allow changing game mode, difficulty setting, time of day, and spawn position per player, and disable or enable ambient cave sounds, and weather settings.
- Split Load/Join interface into Create/Load/Join.
- Changed Game Mode selection to a slider.
- Added Classic Crafting option, so you can now craft the same way as on the Java version if you really want to! This option is available in the UI settings menu.
- Added LittleBigPlanet(TM) Mash-up Pack trial content.
- Fixed a crash when a lot of Redstone Dust was used.
- Fixed various incorrect tooltip issues.
- Fix for mined item entities sometimes appearing at the top of the world, rather than spawning where the block is destroyed
- Fix for an issue with corrupt capes on characters.
- Fix for an issue where players could open Trapped Chests, Droppers, Hoppers and Beacons even though “Can Open Containers” was off.
- Fixed a crash when a flaming arrow shot from a Dispenser hits TNT.
- Fixed a memory leak causing crashes after prolonged play sessions.
- Fixed a problem with dropped items sinking below the ground.
- Fixed an issue with TNT explosions.
- Fixed a problem with baby villagers’ collision height.
Change log for Patch 1.16 - April 26th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added the Alex skin and some variations of it to the default skins.
- Changed music tracks played in Creative mode and on front-end menus to match Java version.
- Added The Simpsons Skin Pack trial content.
- Brought forward change so that shrubs can placed in flower pots.
Change log for Patch 1.15 - March 25th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Pattern Texture Pack trial content.
- Added Mass Effect Mash-up Pack trial content.
- Fixed issue placing Pistons, Dispensers and Droppers.
- Added Quick Move to the Horse Inventory.
- Made some fixes to player privileges.
- Corrected Baby Zombie hit boxes size.
- Added "Where are we now" Music Disc in Survival Mode.
- Fix for a bug where a Chest didn't disappear when destroyed.
- Fix for player sometimes taking fall damage while in a boat.
- Fixed an issue where a player's wolves could teleport to them when they were in a boat, and kill them.
- Updated Lapis Lazuli block texture.
- Fix for an issue causing client players to hang when creating a Wither.
- Fix for graphic corruption with Red Stone Comparator.
- Fix for a crash when a player is fishing.
Change log for Patch 1.14 - February 11th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- More Redstone fixes.
- Increased minecart limit.
- Stopped tamed horses despawning when they are in a fenced-off area.
- Crafting a map now produces an Empty Map.
- Fixed a crash with a Noteblock.
- Fixed an issue with village generation.
- Fixed an issue with Witch Huts allowing other mobs to spawn in them after a reload.
- Fixed an issue where Blaze Spawners and Chests don’t appear in the Nether after a Nether Reset.
- Fixed a crash with Minecarts travelling through Nether Portals.
- Fixed a problem causing clouds to look 2D
Change log for Patch 1.13 - December 20th 2014
Changes and Additions:-
- Fix for various Redstone issues.
- Fixed a crash when breaking an Item Frame containing a map.
- Fixed a crash when a Dispenser is dispensing water or lava when the Dispenser is blocked.
- Fix for placing a boat on harmful surfaces causing the game to crash.
- Updates to horse and other animal de-spawning to take into account Saddles, Saddle bags, Leads, Armor and Nametags.
- Fix for Stonebrick stairs recipe.
- Fix for issue where player is able to stay alive with zero hearts in their Healthbar.
- Fixed an issue in the Host Options menu in Adventure mode causing options to be set wrongly.
- Fix for issue where animals don't stop running after being hit.
- Fix for issue where destroying planted Pumpkin and Melon Seeds drops an incorrect number of seeds.
- Librarian villagers now have a small probability of offering nametags for sale.
- Add a rare probability of spawning Skeletons/Wither Skeletons in the nether.
- Brought forward change so that Witches naturally spawn, rarely, anywhere that's dark.
- Fix for issue where Wither Skeletons stop spawning in the Nether when the difficulty is set to Easy from Peaceful.
- Changed Minecart riding behaviour back so that the player turns with the Minecart.
- If mob griefing is turned off, sheep shouldn't change grass blocks when they eat them.
- Fix for TNT cart exploding despite 'TNT Explodes' option being turned off.
- Fix to Noteblock fall-off distance so they can be heard further away.
- Fix for player legs not being rotated correctly when riding.
- Fix for Wolf heal tooltip.
- Fixed improper tooltip displayed when Player is holding a Lead and aiming at an aggressive mob.
- Fix for Potion of Weakness effect description having incorrect values.
- Fix for issue where Creepers hover off the floor.
- Fixed issue where Name Tags do not appear to work correctly on the Wither, Iron Golem and Wither Skeleton.
- Fix for player nametags not being colored.
- City Texture Pack - Daylight sensor changed to look more like a solar panel.
- Fix for issue where a horse wasn’t rendering while riding it.
Change log for Patch 1.12 - December 20th 2014
Changes and Additions:-
- Added new items
- Added new Mobs
- Added new terrain generation features - Witch Huts.
- Replaced the Tutorial World with a new world containing some new mini-tutorials for the new functionality.
- Added Beacon interface.
- Added Horse interface.
- Added Hopper interface.
- Added Fireworks - Fireworks interface is accessible from the Crafting Table when you have the ingredients to craft a Firework Star or Firework Rocket.
- Added 'Adventure Mode' - You can only break blocks with the correct tools.
- Added lots of new sounds.
- Mobs, items and projectiles can now pass through portals.
- Repeaters can now be locked by powering their sides with another Repeater.
- Zombies and Skeletons can now spawn with different weapons and armor.
- New death messages.
- Name mobs with a Name Tag, and rename containers to change the title when the menu is open.
- Bonemeal no longer instantly grows everything to full size, and instead randomly grows in stages.
- A Redstone signal describing the contents of Chests, Brewing Stands, Dispensers and Jukeboxes can be detected by placing a Redstone Comparator directly against them.
- Dispensers can face in any direction.
- Eating a Golden Apple gives the player extra "absorption" health for a short period.
- The longer you remain in an area the harder the monsters that spawn in that area will be.
- New Game and Host options (Daylight Cycle, Keep Inventory, Mob options, Tile drop and a Regeneration option)
Change log for Patch 1.11 - December 20th 2014
- Added the trial Festive Mash-up Pack.
Change log for Patch 1.10 - December 3rd 2014
- Added the trial Steampunk Texture Pack.
- Added the trial Skyrim Mash-up Pack.
Change log for Patch 1.02 - October 24th 2014
- Fixed a crash on saving a game after resetting the Nether.
- Fixed an issue causing corrupt save data after Saving/Autosave and then quickly selecting Save and Exit.
- Fixed an issue with Save Transfer causing players to lose their inventory on re-loading the save.
- Fixed a graphical issue with the Nether Portal effect.
- Fix for Host Options settings not being saved after a Save Transfer.
- Enabled support for limited time Additional Content (Downloadable Content available for a limited time on the store).
Change log for Patch 1.01 - October 16th 2014
- Fixed a hang when accepting a game invite while in a game.
- Fixed 'Can Build and Mine' option in Host Options Menu not functioning properly in a Creative Mode game.
- Fixed a crash when attempting to download a save transfer when the memory card was full.
- Fixed issues with attempting to buy DLC when in Ad Hoc network mode.
- Fixed a hang when selecting “Exit and Save” with a trial texture pack.
- Added Turkish manual.
Change logs are ordered by most recent first.
Change log for Patch 1.95 - September 9th 2019
Change log for Patch 1.94 - June 27th 2019
Change log for Patch 1.93 - June 25th 2019
Change log for Patch 1.92 - June 5th 2019
Change log for Patch 1.91 - June 3rd 2019
Change log for Patch 1.90 - April 15th 2019
Change log for Patch 1.89 - March 7th 2019
Change log for Patch 1.88 - February 26th 2019
Change log for Patch 1.85 - January 25th 2019
Change log for Patch 1.84 - December 21st 2018
Change log for Patch 1.83 - December 18th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.81 - October 31st 2018
Change log for Patch 1.79 - October 23rd 2018
Change log for Patch 1.78 - September 25th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.77 - September 17th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.76 - September 11th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.73 - June 21st 2018
Change log for Patch 1.70 - May 29th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.68 - April 24th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.67 - March 27th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.66 - January 30th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.65 - January 5th 2018
Fix for Norse Mythology music not playing after the content was purchased and the game restarted.
Change log for Patch 1.64 - December 19th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.62 - November 13th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.57 - October 27th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.56 - August 29th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.55 - July 25th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.54 - June 29th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.53 - June 27th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.52 - June 27th 2017
Bug Fixes
Change log for Patch 1.50 - May 30th 2017
Bug Fixes
Change log for Patch 1.48 - April 25th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.46 - March 31st 2017
Change log for Patch 1.44 - March 27th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.43 - March 3rd 2017
Change log for Patch 1.42 - February 28th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.41 - January 27th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.40 - January 13th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.39 - December 21st 2016
Change log for Patch 1.38 - December 19th 2016
After killing the Ender Dragon in the new End, an End Gateway will spawn nearby. Throwing an Ender Pearl into this will teleport you to a new area in The End with an End City and End Ship.
Within the End City and End Ship you can find Shulkers, Elytra, and a Dragon Head.
Change log for Patch 1.37 - October 25th 2016
Fix for MCCE-2420: Sub Account Content Restriction.
Change log for Patch 1.36 - October 4th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.35 - September 9th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.34 - August 30th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.33 - August 30th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.31 - July 25th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.30 - June 30th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.29 - June 23rd 2016
Change log for Patch 1.28 - June 21st 2016
Change log for Patch 1.26 - April 19th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.25 - April 6th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.24 - February 25th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.23 - January 20th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.22 - December 10th 2015
New Items:-
New Blocks:-
New Mobs:-
New Biomes:-
Updated Features:-
Nether Portal
Item Frame
Redstone Comparator
Powered Activator Rail
Huge Mushroom Block
Sugar Cane
Baby Zombie
Zombie Pigman
Jungle Biome
Swamp Biome
Plains Biome
Extreme Hills Biome
Ocean Biome
Desert Temple
New landscape feature:-
New Enchantments:-
Changes & Bug Fixes:-
Change log for Patch 1.21 - October 23rd 2015
Changes & Fixes:-
Change log for Patch 1.20 - September 23rd 2015
Change log for Patch 1.19 - August 28th 2015
Change log for Patch 1.18- July 24th 2015
Change log for Patch 1.17- June 30th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Oak Wood Fence, Spruce Wood Fence, Birch Wood Fence, Jungle Wood Fence.
- Added Oak Wood Fence Gate, Spruce Wood Fence Gate, Birch Wood Fence Gate, Jungle Wood Fence Gate.
- Added Oak Wood Door, Spruce Wood Door, Birch Wood Door, Jungle Wood Door.
- Added Iron Trapdoor, Inverted Daylight Sensor, Book and Quill, Stained Glass and Stained Glass Panes.
- Added Custom Superflat User Interface, allowing players to customize superflat world generation.
- Added new in-game options to allow changing game mode, difficulty setting, time of day, and spawn position per player, and disable or enable ambient cave sounds, and weather settings.
- Split Load/Join interface into Create/Load/Join.
- Changed Game Mode selection to a slider.
- Added Classic Crafting option, so you can now craft the same way as on the Java version if you really want to! This option is available in the UI settings menu.
- Added LittleBigPlanet(TM) Mash-up Pack trial content.
- Enabled USB keyboard use for Book and Quill.
- Fixed a crash when a lot of Redstone Dust was used.
- Fixed various incorrect tooltip issues.
- Fix for mined item entities sometimes appearing at the top of the world, rather than spawning where the block is destroyed
- Fix for an issue with corrupt capes on characters.
- Fix for an issue where players could open Trapped Chests, Droppers, Hoppers and Beacons even though “Can Open Containers” was off.
- Fixed a crash when a flaming arrow shot from a Dispenser hits TNT.
- Fixed a memory leak causing crashes after prolonged play sessions.
- Fixed a problem with dropped items sinking below the ground.
- Fixed an issue with TNT explosions.
- Fixed a problem with baby villagers’ collision height.
Change log for Patch 1.16 - April 29th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added the Alex skin and some variations of it to the default skins.
- Changed music tracks played in Creative mode and on front-end menus to match Java version.
- Added The Simpsons Skin Pack trial content.
- Brought forward change so that shrubs can placed in flower pots.
Change log for Patch 1.15 - March 25th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Pattern Texture Pack trial content.
- Added Mass Effect Mash-up Pack trial content.
- Fixed issue placing Pistons, Dispensers and Droppers.
- Added Quick Move to the Horse Inventory.
- Made some fixes to player privileges.
- Corrected Baby Zombie hit boxes size.
- Added "Where are we now" Music Disc in Survival Mode.
- Fix for a bug where a Chest didn't disappear when destroyed.
- Fix for player sometimes taking fall damage while in a boat.
- Fixed an issue where a player's wolves could teleport to them when they were in a boat, and kill them.
- Updated Lapis Lazuli block texture.
- Fix for intermittent split-screen problem where players and mobs went invisible.
- Fix for a split-screen crash after prolonged gameplay.
- Fix for an issue causing client players to hang when creating a Wither.
- Fix for graphic corruption with Red Stone Comparator.
- Fix for a crash when a player is fishing.
Change log for Patch 1.14 - February 11th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- More Redstone fixes.
- Increased minecart limit.
- Stopped tamed horses despawning when they are in a fenced-off area.
- Crafting a map now produces an Empty Map.
- Fixed a crash with a Noteblock.
- Fixed an issue with village generation.
- Fixed an issue with Witch Huts allowing other mobs to spawn in them after a reload.
- Fixed an issue where Blaze Spawners and Chests don’t appear in the Nether after a Nether Reset.
- Fixed a crash with Minecarts travelling through Nether Portals.
Change log for Patch 1.13 - January 16th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Fix for various Redstone issues.
- Fixed a crash when breaking an Item Frame containing a map.
- Fixed a crash when a Dispenser is dispensing water or lava when the Dispenser is blocked.
- Fix for placing a boat on harmful surfaces causing the game to crash.
- Updates to horse and other animal de-spawning to take into account Saddles, Saddle bags, Leads, Armor and Nametags.
- Fix for Stonebrick stairs recipe.
- Fix for issue where player is able to stay alive with zero hearts in their Healthbar.
- Fixed an issue in the Host Options menu in Adventure mode causing options to be set wrongly.
- Fix for issue where animals don't stop running after being hit.
- Fix for issue where destroying planted Pumpkin and Melon Seeds drops an incorrect number of seeds.
- Librarian villagers now have a small probability of offering nametags for sale.
- Add a rare probability of spawning Skeletons/Wither Skeletons in the nether.
- Brought forward change so that Witches naturally spawn, rarely, anywhere that's dark.
- Fix for issue where Wither Skeletons stop spawning in the Nether when the difficulty is set to Easy from Peaceful.
- Changed Minecart riding behaviour back so that the player turns with the Minecart.
- If mob griefing is turned off, sheep shouldn't change grass blocks when they eat them.
- Fix for TNT cart exploding despite 'TNT Explodes' option being turned off.
- Fix to Noteblock fall-off distance so they can be heard further away.
- Fix for player legs not being rotated correctly when riding.
- Fix for Wolf heal tooltip.
- Fixed improper tooltip displayed when Player is holding a Lead and aiming at an aggressive mob.
- Fix for Potion of Weakness effect description having incorrect values.
- Fix for issue where Creepers hover off the floor.
- Fixed issue where Name Tags do not appear to work correctly on the Wither, Iron Golem and Wither Skeleton.
- Fix for player nametags not being colored.
- City Texture Pack - Daylight sensor changed to look more like a solar panel.
- Fix for issue where a horse wasn’t rendering while riding it.
- Fix for performance issue when moving through large Jungle Biomes.
Change log for Patch 1.12 - December 20th 2014
Changes and Additions:-
- Added new items
- Added new Mobs
- Added new terrain generation features - Witch Huts.
- Replaced the Tutorial World with a new world containing some new mini-tutorials for the new functionality.
- Added Beacon interface.
- Added Horse interface.
- Added Hopper interface.
- Added Fireworks - Fireworks interface is accessible from the Crafting Table when you have the ingredients to craft a Firework Star or Firework Rocket.
- Added 'Adventure Mode' - You can only break blocks with the correct tools.
- Added lots of new sounds.
- Mobs, items and projectiles can now pass through portals.
- Repeaters can now be locked by powering their sides with another Repeater.
- Zombies and Skeletons can now spawn with different weapons and armor.
- New death messages.
- Name mobs with a Name Tag, and rename containers to change the title when the menu is open.
- Bonemeal no longer instantly grows everything to full size, and instead randomly grows in stages.
- A Redstone signal describing the contents of Chests, Brewing Stands, Dispensers and Jukeboxes can be detected by placing a Redstone Comparator directly against them.
- Dispensers can face in any direction.
- Eating a Golden Apple gives the player extra "absorption" health for a short period.
- The longer you remain in an area the harder the monsters that spawn in that area will be.
- New Game and Host options (Daylight Cycle, Keep Inventory, Mob options, Tile drop and a Regeneration option)
Change log for Patch 1.11 - December 20th 2014
- Added the trial Festive Mash-up Pack.
- Added World Resize option.
Change log for patch 1.10 – 3rd December 2014
- Added the Steampunk Texture Pack trial.
- Added the Skyrim Mash-up Pack trial.
Change log for patch 1.03 – 18th November 2014
- Enabled support for limited time Additional Content (DLC)
Change log for patch 1.02 – 2nd October 2014
- Fix for tile entities not being saved correctly in unloaded chunks. (Empty Chests, Spawners turning into Pig Spawners, etc.)
- Enable hiding mashup-pack worlds from the saves list, and re-enabling them all from the options menu.
- Change to ‘disable saving’ setting so that it remains set for a specific save when reloading that save.
- Fix for Glass Blocks placed next to each other rendering incorrectly.
- Fix for enchanted items not destroying blocks as quickly as they should.
- Changed 3D sound attenuation to have linear fall-off, with special cases for thunder, Enderdragon & Ghast sounds. (Sound volumes incorrect bug)
- Improved frame-rate in Jungles.
- Fix for missing chunks in Superflat world on host console.
- Fixed an issue with mob spawning rates.
- Fix for hit box on torches sometimes being incorrect.
- Fix for entities being duplicated (every save/load cycle) for transferred worlds (Multiple Enderdragons bug).
- Fix for 'Can Build and Mine' not functioning correctly.
- Fixed issue with mobs still being aggressive while player is invisible (using Potion).
- Fixed an issue recording Spider Jockey kills.
- Fix for players riding Boats/Minecarts sometimes being invisible to remote players.
- Fix for Maps placed in an Item Frame appear as blank to other players.
- Fix to move HUD down when tooltips are disabled.
- Fix for camera resetting when going through Nether or End Portals.
- Fixed an issue with save transfers not using the most recent player data.
- Fix for Lily Pad breaking particle effect.
- Added a 'Copy Save' option to allow people to 'back-up' their world to another save.
Change logs are ordered by most recent first.
Change log for Content Update 56 - June 21st 2018
Change log for Content Update 55 - May 29th 2018
Change log for Content Update 54 - April 24th 2018
Change log for Content Update 53 - March 27th 2018
Change log for Content Update 52 - January 30th 2018
Change log for Content Update 51 - December 19th 2017
Change log for Content Update 50 - November 13th 2017
Change log for Content Update 49 - August 29th 2017
Change log for Content Update 48 - July 31st 2017
Change log for Content Update 47 - July 25th 2017
Change log for Content Update 46 - July 6th 2017
Previous Updates Below
Change log for Content Update 45 - June 29th 2017
Change log for Content Update 44 - June 27th 2017
Bug Fixes
Change log for Content Update 43 - May 30th 2017
Bug Fixes
Change log for Content Update 42 - April 25th 2017
Change log for Content Update 41 - March 27th 2017
Change log for Content Update 40 - March 8th 2017
Change log for Content Update 39 - February 28th 2017
Change log for Content Update 38 - January 27th 2017
Change log for Content Update 37 - January 13th 2017
Change log for Content Update 36 - December 19th 2016
After killing the Ender Dragon in the new End, an End Gateway will spawn nearby. Throwing an Ender Pearl into this will teleport you to a new area in The End with an End City and End Ship.
Within the End City and End Ship you can find Shulkers, Elytra, and a Dragon Head.
Change log for Content Update 35 - December 6th 2016
Change log for Content Update 34 - October 25th 2016
Change log for Content Update 33 - October 4th 2016
Change log for Content Update 32 - September 9th 2016
Change log for Content Update 30 - August 30th 2016
Change log for Content Update 27 - July 25th 2016
Change log for Content Update 26 - June 30th 2016
Change log for Content Update 25 - June 21st 2016
Change log for Content Update 23 - April 19th 2016
Change log for Content Update 22 - April 6th 2016
Change log for Content Update 21 - February 25th 2016
Change log for Content Update 20 - January 20th 2016
Change log for Content Update 19 - December 10th 2015
New Items:-
New Blocks:-
New Mobs:-
New Biomes:-
Updated Features:-
Nether Portal
Item Frame
Redstone Comparator
Powered Activator Rail
Huge Mushroom Block
Sugar Cane
Baby Zombie
Zombie Pigman
Jungle Biome
Swamp Biome
Plains Biome
Extreme Hills Biome
Ocean Biome
Desert Temple
New landscape feature:-
New Enchantments:-
Changes & Bug Fixes:-
Change log for Content Update 18 - October 23rd 2015
Changes & Fixes:-
Change log for Content Update 17 - September 16th 2015
Change log for Content Update 16 - August 28th 2015
Change log for Content Update 15 - July 24th 2015
Change log for Content Update 14 - June 30th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Oak Wood Fence, Spruce Wood Fence, Birch Wood Fence, Jungle Wood Fence.
- Added Oak Wood Fence Gate, Spruce Wood Fence Gate, Birch Wood Fence Gate, Jungle Wood Fence Gate.
- Added Oak Wood Door, Spruce Wood Door, Birch Wood Door, Jungle Wood Door.
- Added Iron Trapdoor, Inverted Daylight Sensor, Book and Quill, Stained Glass and Stained Glass Panes.
- Added Custom Superflat User Interface, allowing players to customize superflat world generation.
- Added new in-game options to allow changing game mode, difficulty setting, time of day, and spawn position per player, and disable or enable ambient cave sounds, and weather settings.
- Split Load/Join interface into Create/Load/Join.
- Changed Game Mode selection to a slider
- Added Classic Crafting option, so you can now craft the same way as on the Java version if you really want to! This option is available in the UI settings menu.
- Enabled USB keyboard use for Book and Quill.
- Fixed a crash when a lot of Redstone Dust was used.
- Fixed various incorrect tooltip issues.
- Fix for mined item entities sometimes appearing at the top of the world, rather than spawning where the block is destroyed
- Fix for an issue with corrupt capes on characters.
- Fix for an issue where players could open Trapped Chests, Droppers, Hoppers and Beacons even though “Can Open Containers” was off.
- Fixed a crash when a flaming arrow shot from a Dispenser hits TNT.
Change log for Content Update 13 - May 14th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Fixed an issue causing flying animals in a split-screen offline game.
- Fixed a memory leak causing crashes after prolonged play sessions.
- Fixed a problem with dropped items sinking below the ground.
- Fixed an issue with TNT explosions.
- Fixed a problem with baby villagers collision height.
- Fixed a few issues with players joining a network game.
Change log for Content Update 12 - April 29th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added the Alex skin and some variations of it to the default skins.
- Changed music tracks played in Creative mode and on front-end menus to match Java version.
Change log for Content Update 11 - March 25th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Pattern Texture Pack trial content.
- Fix for intermittent split-screen problem where players and mobs went invisible.
- Fix for a split-screen crash after prolonged gameplay.
- Fix for an issue causing client players to hang when creating a Wither.
- Fix for graphic corruption with Red Stone Comparator.
- Fix for a crash when a player is fishing.
Change log for Content Update 10 - February 25th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Fixed issue placing Pistons, Dispensers and Droppers.
- Added Quick Move to the Horse Inventory.
- Made some fixes to player privileges.
- Corrected Baby Zombie hit boxes size.
- Added "Where are we now" Music Disc in Survival Mode.
- Fix for a bug where a Chest didn't disappear when destroyed.
- Fix for player sometimes taking fall damage while in a boat.
- Fixed an issue where a player's wolves could teleport to them when they were in a boat, and kill them.
- Updated Lapis Lazuli block texture.
Change log for Content Update 9 - February 11th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- More Redstone fixes.
- Increased minecart limit.
- Stopped tamed horses despawning when they are in a fenced-off area.
- Crafting a map now produces an Empty Map.
- Fixed a crash with a Noteblock.
- Fixed an issue with village generation.
- Fixed an issue with Witch Huts allowing other mobs to spawn in them after a reload.
- Fixed an issue where Blaze Spawners and Chests don’t appear in the Nether after a Nether Reset.
- Fixed a crash with Minecarts travelling through Nether Portals.
Change log for Content Update 8 - January 16th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Fix for various Redstone issues.
- Fixed a crash when breaking an Item Frame containing a map.
- Fixed a crash when a Dispenser is dispensing water or lava when the Dispenser is blocked.
- Fix for placing a boat on harmful surfaces causing the game to crash.
- Updates to horse and other animal de-spawning to take into account Saddles, Saddle bags, Leads, Armor and Nametags.
- Fix for Stonebrick stairs recipe.
- Fix for issue where player is able to stay alive with zero hearts in their Healthbar.
- Fixed an issue in the Host Options menu in Adventure mode causing options to be set wrongly.
- Fix for issue where animals don't stop running after being hit.
- Fix for issue where destroying planted Pumpkin and Melon Seeds drops an incorrect number of seeds.
- Librarian villagers now have a small probability of offering nametags for sale.
- Add a rare probability of spawning Skeletons/Wither Skeletons in the nether.
- Brought forward change so that Witches naturally spawn, rarely, anywhere that's dark.
- Fix for issue where Wither Skeletons stop spawning in the Nether when the difficulty is set to Easy from Peaceful.
- Changed Minecart riding behaviour back so that the player turns with the Minecart.
- If mob griefing is turned off, sheep shouldn't change grass blocks when they eat them.
- Fix for TNT cart exploding despite 'TNT Explodes' option being turned off.
- Fix to Noteblock fall-off distance so they can be heard further away.
- Fix for player legs not being rotated correctly when riding.
- Fix for Wolf heal tooltip.
- Fixed improper tooltip displayed when Player is holding a Lead and aiming at an aggressive mob.
- Fix for Potion of Weakness effect description having incorrect values.
- Fix for issue where Creepers hover off the floor.
- Fixed issue where Name Tags do not appear to work correctly on the Wither, Iron Golem and Wither Skeleton.
- Fix for player nametags not being colored.
- City Texture Pack - Daylight sensor changed to look more like a solar panel.
- Fix for issue where a horse wasn’t rendering while riding it.
- Fix for ‘Return to Sender' achievement not unlocking after fulfilling its requirement.
- Fix for 'Local Brewery' achievement not unlocking after fulfilling its requirement.
- Fix for performance issue when moving through large Jungle Biomes.
Change log for Content Update 7 - December 18th 2014
Changes and Additions:-
- Added new items
- Added new Mobs
- Added new terrain generation features - Witch Huts.
- Replaced the Tutorial World with a new world containing some new mini-tutorials for the new functionality.
- Added Beacon interface.
- Added Horse interface.
- Added Hopper interface.
- Added Fireworks - Fireworks interface is accessible from the Crafting Table when you have the ingredients to craft a Firework Star or Firework Rocket.
- Added 'Adventure Mode' - You can only break blocks with the correct tools.
- Added lots of new sounds.
- Mobs, items and projectiles can now pass through portals.
- Repeaters can now be locked by powering their sides with another Repeater.
- Zombies and Skeletons can now spawn with different weapons and armor.
- New death messages.
- Name mobs with a Name Tag, and rename containers to change the title when the menu is open.
- Bonemeal no longer instantly grows everything to full size, and instead randomly grows in stages.
- A Redstone signal describing the contents of Chests, Brewing Stands, Dispensers and Jukeboxes can be detected by placing a Redstone Comparator directly against them.
- Dispensers can face in any direction.
- Eating a Golden Apple gives the player extra "absorption" health for a short period.
- The longer you remain in an area the harder the monsters that spawn in that area will be.
- New Game and Host options (Daylight Cycle, Keep Inventory, Mob options, Tile drop and a Regeneration option)
- Language Selector added, and Greek language option added.
Change log for Content Update 6 – 10th December 2014
- Added the trial Festive Mash-up Pack
- Added World Resize option to expand smaller sized worlds into larger sized ones.
Change log for Content Update 5 – 25th November 2014
- Added the trial Star Wars Classic Skin Pack.
Change log for Content Update 4 – 29th October 2014
- Added the trial Steampunk Texture Pack.
Change log for upcoming Content Update 3 – 2nd October 2014
- Fix for tile entities not being saved correctly in unloaded chunks. (Empty Chests, Spawners turning into Pig Spawners, etc.)
- Enable hiding mashup-pack worlds from the saves list, and re-enabling them all from the options menu.
- Change to ‘disable saving’ setting so that it remains set for a specific save when reloading that save.
- Fix for Glass Blocks placed next to each other rendering incorrectly.
- Fix for enchanted items not destroying blocks as quickly as they should.
- Changed 3D sound attenuation to have linear fall-off, with special cases for thunder, Enderdragon & Ghast sounds. (Sound volumes incorrect bug)
- Improved frame-rate in Jungles.
- Fix for missing chunks in Superflat world on host console.
- Fixed an issue with mob spawning rates.
- Fix for hit box on Torches sometimes being incorrect.
- Fix for entities being duplicated (every save/load cycle) for transferred worlds (Multiple Enderdragons bug).
- Fix for 'Can Build and Mine' not functioning correctly.
- Fixed issue with mobs still being aggressive while player is invisible (using Potion).
- Fixed an issue recording Spider Jockey kills.
- Fix for players riding Boats/Minecarts sometimes being invisible to remote players.
- Fix for Maps placed in an Item Frame appear as blank to other players.
- Fix to move HUD down when tooltips are disabled.
- Fix for camera resetting when going through Nether or End Portals.
- Fix for issue with Xbox 360 Save transfer when the save is exited without saving on Xbox One.
- Fixed an issue with gamer pictures occasionally causing a crash.
- Added a 'Copy Save' option to allow people to 'back-up' their world to another save.
Due to different submission processes, we won't know the order that updates will release, but we're aiming to submit across all platforms at the same time.
We'll change that in future to update after a certain time has passed when you are in a world, as well as when you exit the world.
Change logs are ordered by most recent first.
Change log for Patch 1.83 - March 19th 2019
Change log for Patch 1.82 - December 18th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.81 - November 2nd 2018
Change log for Patch 1.80 - October 23rd 2018
Change log for Patch 1.78 - September 25th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.77 - September 20th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.76 - September 11th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.73 - June 21st 2018
Change log for Patch 1.71 - May 29th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.68 - April 24th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.67 - March 27th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.66 - January 30th 2018
Change log for Patch 1.64 - December 19th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.61 - November 13th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.60 - October 27th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.59 - September 18th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.58 - September 4th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.57 - August 29th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.56 - July 31st 2017
Change log for Patch 1.55 - July 25th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.54 - June 29th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.53 - June 27th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.52 - June 27th 2017
Bug Fixes
Change log for Patch 1.51 - June 7th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.50 - May 31st 2017
Change log for Patch 1.49 - May 30th 2017
Bug Fixes
Change log for Patch 1.47 - April 25th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.45 - March 27th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.44 - March 27th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.42 - February 28th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.41 - January 27th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.40 - January 13th 2017
Change log for Patch 1.39 - December 21st 2016
Change log for Patch 1.38 - December 19th 2016
After killing the Ender Dragon in the new End, an End Gateway will spawn nearby. Throwing an Ender Pearl into this will teleport you to a new area in The End with an End City and End Ship.
Within the End City and End Ship you can find Shulkers, Elytra, and a Dragon Head.
Change log for Patch 1.37 - October 25th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.36 - October 4th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.35 - September 9th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.34 - August 30th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.33 - August 30th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.31 - July 25th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.30 - June 30th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.29 - June 23rd 2016
Change log for Patch 1.28 - June 21st 2016
Change log for Patch 1.26 - April 19th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.25 - April 6th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.24 - February 25th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.23 - January 20th 2016
Change log for Patch 1.22 - December 10th 2015
New Items:-
New Blocks:-
New Mobs:-
New Biomes:-
Updated Features:-
Nether Portal
Item Frame
Redstone Comparator
Powered Activator Rail
Huge Mushroom Block
Sugar Cane
Baby Zombie
Zombie Pigman
Jungle Biome
Swamp Biome
Plains Biome
Extreme Hills Biome
Ocean Biome
Desert Temple
New landscape feature:-
New Enchantments:-
Changes & Bug Fixes:-
Change log for Patch 1.21 - October 23rd 2015
Changes & Fixes:-
Change log for Patch 1.20 - September 23rd 2015
Change log for Patch 1.19 - August 28th 2015
Change log for Patch 1.18 - July 24th 2015
Change log for Patch 1.17 - June 30th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Oak Wood Fence, Spruce Wood Fence, Birch Wood Fence, Jungle Wood Fence.
- Added Oak Wood Fence Gate, Spruce Wood Fence Gate, Birch Wood Fence Gate, Jungle Wood Fence Gate.
- Added Oak Wood Door, Spruce Wood Door, Birch Wood Door, Jungle Wood Door.
- Added Iron Trapdoor, Inverted Daylight Sensor, Book and Quill, Stained Glass and Stained Glass Panes.
- Added Custom Superflat User Interface, allowing players to customize superflat world generation.
- Added new in-game options to allow changing game mode, difficulty setting, time of day, and spawn position per player, and disable or enable ambient cave sounds, and weather settings.
- Split Load/Join interface into Create/Load/Join.
- Changed Game Mode selection to a slider.
- Added Classic Crafting option, so you can now craft the same way as on the Java version if you really want to! This option is available in the UI settings menu.
- Added LittleBigPlanet(TM) Mash-up Pack trial content.
- Enabled USB keyboard use for Book and Quill.
- Fixed a crash when a lot of Redstone Dust was used.
- Fixed various incorrect tooltip issues.
- Fix for mined item entities sometimes appearing at the top of the world, rather than spawning where the block is destroyed
- Fix for an issue with corrupt capes on characters.
- Fix for an issue where players could open Trapped Chests, Droppers, Hoppers and Beacons even though “Can Open Containers” was off.
- Fixed a crash when a flaming arrow shot from a Dispenser hits TNT.
- Fixed a memory leak causing crashes after prolonged play sessions.
- Fixed a problem with dropped items sinking below the ground.
- Fixed an issue with TNT explosions.
- Fixed a problem with baby villagers’ collision height.
- Fixed an issue with the Steampunk Texture Pack.
Change log for Patch 1.16 - April 29th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added the Alex skin and some variations of it to the default skins.
- Changed music tracks played in Creative mode and on front-end menus to match Java version.
- Added The Simpsons Skin Pack trial content.
- Brought forward change so that shrubs can placed in flower pots.
- Fixed an issue stopping the Steampunk Texture Pack working.
Change log for Patch 1.15 - March 25th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Added Pattern Texture Pack trial content.
- Added Mass Effect Mash-up Pack trial content.
- Fixed issue placing Pistons, Dispensers and Droppers.
- Added Quick Move to the Horse Inventory.
- Made some fixes to player privileges.
- Corrected Baby Zombie hit boxes size.
- Added "Where are we now" Music Disc in Survival Mode.
- Fix for a bug where a Chest didn't disappear when destroyed.
- Fix for player sometimes taking fall damage while in a boat.
- Fixed an issue where a player's wolves could teleport to them when they were in a boat, and kill them.
- Updated Lapis Lazuli block texture.
- Fix for intermittent split-screen problem where players and mobs went invisible.
- Fix for a split-screen crash after prolonged gameplay.
- Fix for an issue causing client players to hang when creating a Wither.
- Fix for graphic corruption with Red Stone Comparator.
- Fix for a crash when a player is fishing.
Change log for Patch 1.14 - February 11th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- More Redstone fixes.
- Increased minecart limit.
- Stopped tamed horses despawning when they are in a fenced-off area.
- Crafting a map now produces an Empty Map.
- Fixed a crash with a Noteblock.
- Fixed an issue with village generation.
- Fixed an issue with Witch Huts allowing other mobs to spawn in them after a reload.
- Fixed an issue where Blaze Spawners and Chests don’t appear in the Nether after a Nether Reset.
- Fixed a crash with Minecarts travelling through Nether Portals.
Change log for Patch 1.13 - January 16th 2015
Changes and Additions:-
- Fix for various Redstone issues.
- Fixed a crash when breaking an Item Frame containing a map.
- Fixed a crash when a Dispenser is dispensing water or lava when the Dispenser is blocked.
- Fix for placing a boat on harmful surfaces causing the game to crash.
- Updates to horse and other animal de-spawning to take into account Saddles, Saddle bags, Leads, Armor and Nametags.
- Fix for Stonebrick stairs recipe.
- Fix for issue where player is able to stay alive with zero hearts in their Healthbar.
- Fixed an issue in the Host Options menu in Adventure mode causing options to be set wrongly.
- Fix for issue where animals don't stop running after being hit.
- Fix for issue where destroying planted Pumpkin and Melon Seeds drops an incorrect number of seeds.
- Librarian villagers now have a small probability of offering nametags for sale.
- Add a rare probability of spawning Skeletons/Wither Skeletons in the nether.
- Brought forward change so that Witches naturally spawn, rarely, anywhere that's dark.
- Fix for issue where Wither Skeletons stop spawning in the Nether when the difficulty is set to Easy from Peaceful.
- Changed Minecart riding behaviour back so that the player turns with the Minecart.
- If mob griefing is turned off, sheep shouldn't change grass blocks when they eat them.
- Fix for TNT cart exploding despite 'TNT Explodes' option being turned off.
- Fix to Noteblock fall-off distance so they can be heard further away.
- Fix for player legs not being rotated correctly when riding.
- Fix for Wolf heal tooltip.
- Fixed improper tooltip displayed when Player is holding a Lead and aiming at an aggressive mob.
- Fix for Potion of Weakness effect description having incorrect values.
- Fix for issue where Creepers hover off the floor.
- Fixed issue where Name Tags do not appear to work correctly on the Wither, Iron Golem and Wither Skeleton.
- Fix for player nametags not being colored.
- City Texture Pack - Daylight sensor changed to look more like a solar panel.
- Fix for issue where a horse wasn’t rendering while riding it.
- Fix for issue with Halloween Texture Pack textures.
Change log for Patch 1.12 - December 20th 2014
Changes and Additions:-
- Added new items
- Added new Mobs
- Added new terrain generation features - Witch Huts.
- Replaced the Tutorial World with a new world containing some new mini-tutorials for the new functionality.
- Added Beacon interface.
- Added Horse interface.
- Added Hopper interface.
- Added Fireworks - Fireworks interface is accessible from the Crafting Table when you have the ingredients to craft a Firework Star or Firework Rocket.
- Added 'Adventure Mode' - You can only break blocks with the correct tools.
- Added lots of new sounds.
- Mobs, items and projectiles can now pass through portals.
- Repeaters can now be locked by powering their sides with another Repeater.
- Zombies and Skeletons can now spawn with different weapons and armor.
- New death messages.
- Name mobs with a Name Tag, and rename containers to change the title when the menu is open.
- Bonemeal no longer instantly grows everything to full size, and instead randomly grows in stages.
- A Redstone signal describing the contents of Chests, Brewing Stands, Dispensers and Jukeboxes can be detected by placing a Redstone Comparator directly against them.
- Dispensers can face in any direction.
- Eating a Golden Apple gives the player extra "absorption" health for a short period.
- The longer you remain in an area the harder the monsters that spawn in that area will be.
- New Game and Host options (Daylight Cycle, Keep Inventory, Mob options, Tile drop and a Regeneration option)
Change log for Patch 1.11 - December 20th 2014
- Added the trial Festive Mash-up Pack.
Change log for Patch 1.10 - December 3rd 2014
- Added Steampunk Texture Pack trial.
- Added Skyrim Mash-up Pack trial.
Change log for Patch 1.09 - October 31st 2014
- Fix for issue when player accepts an invite to a game using the Halloween Texture Pack when they don't have that pack.
Change log for Patch 1.08 - September 18th 2014
- Added Fantasy Texture Pack trial.
- Added Cartoon Texture Pack trial.
- Added Skin Pack 3 trial.
- Fix for the Player being able to destroy bedrock.
- Fix for Player can heal some Zombie Pigmen like Zombie Villagers.
- Fix for Players riding Boats/Minecarts sometimes being invisible to remote players.
Change log for Patch 1.07 - September 11th 2014
- Added Save Transfer
- Added new music tracks
- Fix for explosions damaging unrelated areas of the map.
- Fix for minecarts and pigs flickering when being ridden.
- Fix for 3D sound attenuation being incorrect.
- Fix for hitboxes on torches being incorrect sometimes.
- Fix for enchanted items not destroying blocks as quickly as they should.
- Fix for HUD repositioning when Tooltips are disabled.
Change log for Patch 1.06 - May 28th 2014
- Added Candy Texture Pack
- Added Natural Texture Pack
- Added Skin Pack 2
- Added Battle & Beasts Skin Pack 2
- More voice chat fixes.
- Fix for players going invisible after death (on respawning).
- Fix for players going invisible when two players go through a nether gate at the same time.
- Fix for players sometimes being invisible after teleporting until either they move, or the player that sees them as invisible moves.
- Fix for Noteblock pitch being wrong – more noticeable when chords are played.
- Fix for Mobs dying in walls (happens for baby mobs after they become adults).
- Fix for chunks not loading in maps - tends to be specific seeds.
- Fixed streaming music not playing after a playing CD has been ejected from a jukebox
- Fix for player being able to attach Signs to the Chest with a block placed above it.
- Fix for player being able to breed wild Ocelots.
- Fix for player being able to breed Ocelot with Cat.
- Fix for tame wolves being removed if no players were near them when they were angry.
- Fix for Potion of Night Vision corrupts the game's UI while player is falling into the Void in the End.
- Fix for the damage decals flickering and/or not present if players are not close to each other in Survival Mode in a local splitscreen game.
- Fix for damage decals not displaying in splitscreen if the secondary player is 30 + blocks away from the primary player
- Fixed lava drip particles being too dark/black
- Fix for sitting wolves (or stationary entities) not being immediately visible if a remote player spawns next to them, or spawns far away and quickly heads towards them
- Fix for Leather Armour not displaying the enchantment glow.
- Fix for Enchanted item in hand effect being wrong.
- Fix for blocks placed at Y 128 being black on top.
Change log for Patch 1.05 - April 2nd 2014
- Fix for voice chat issues.
- Fix for blocks reappearing after they are mined.
- Fix to random fall damage issue.
- Fix for slow chunk loading speed.
- Fix for Maps not correctly display at the game start.
- Fix for splitscreen audio issues.
- Fix for blocks not always showing damage in splitscreen.
- Fix for Enderdragon sounds.
- Changed Zombies rare loot drop to be Carrots, Potatoes or Iron Ingots.
- Fix for problems spawning Chickens, Wolves & Mooshrooms.
- Fix for problem causing first item in the quickselect bar to sometimes move to the inventory on opening the inventory.
- Changed repairing tools in the Inventory to only allow tools that are not enchanted (since you’d lose the enchantment).
- Fix for villager eggs in a dispenser not producing random professions.
- Fix for Iron Golems not stopping their attack when they’ve killed a skeleton.
- Fix for issue when players teleported while riding a pig or a minecart.
- Fix for animals climbing Cobblestone walls.
- Fix for attaching fences to cobblestone wall.
- Fix for Invisibility potion not making sheep completely invisible.
- Fix for Online ID being visible when using an invisibility potion.
- Fix for tamed wolves with invisibility becoming visible when swimming in water.
- Fix to let bonus chests spawn in pre-TU14 worlds.
- Fix to issue causing stationary network players to oscillate between two slightly different positions.
- Fix for unsynchronised audio.
- Fix for a double exit sound from the crafting and anvil menus.
Change log for Patch 1.04 (TU14) - March 20th 2014
Changes & Additions
- Added new items
· Emerald
· Emerald Ore
· Block of Emerald
· Ender Chest
· Tripwire Hook
· Enchanted Golden Apple
· Anvil
· Flower Pot
· Cobblestone Walls
· Mossy Cobblestone Walls
· Wither Painting
· Potato
· Baked Potato
· Poisonous Potato
· Carrot
· Golden Carrot
· Carrot on a Stick
· Pumpkin Pie
· Night Vision Potion
· Invisibility Potion
· Nether Quartz
· Nether Quartz Ore
· Block of Quartz
· Quartz Slab
· Quartz Stair
· Chiseled Quartz Block
· Pillar Quartz Block
· Enchanted Book
· Carpet
- Added new recipes for Smooth Sandstone and Chiseled Sandstone.
- Added new Mobs - Zombie Villagers.
- Added new terrain generation features - Desert Temples, Desert Villages, and Jungle Temples.
- Added Trading with villagers.
- Added Anvil interface.
- Added sideways log placement.
- Changed placement of half blocks and other blocks on half blocks.
- Changed placement of upside down stairs and slabs.
- Wooden Buttons and Wooden Pressure Plates can be activated with Arrows.
- Can dye leather armor.
- Can dye wolf collars.
- Can control riding a pig with a Carrot on a Stick.
- Added different villager professions.
- Villagers spawned from a spawn egg will have a random profession.
- Furnaces can use wooden tools as a fuel.
- Ice and Glass panes can be collected with silk touch enchanted tools.
- Nether mobs can spawn in the Overworld from Portals.
- Creepers and Spiders are aggressive towards the last player that hit them.
- Mobs in Creative mode become neutral again after a short period.
- Remove knockback when drowning.
- Doors being broken by zombies show damage.
- Ice melts in the Nether.
- Cauldrons fill up when out in the rain.
- Pistons take twice as long to update.
- Pig drops Saddle when killed (if has one).
- Sky color in The End changed.
- String can be placed (for Tripwires).
- Rain drips through leaves.
- Levers can be placed on the bottom of blocks.
- TNT does variable damage depending on difficulty setting.
- Book recipe changed.
- Boats break Lily Pads, instead of Lily Pads breaking Boats.
- Pigs drop more Porkchops.
- Slimes spawn less in Superflat worlds.
- Creeper damage variable based on difficulty setting, more knockback.
- Fixed Endermen not opening their jaws.
- Added new Host Options for flying, invisibility and invulnerability for remote players.
- Added teleporting of players (using the player menu in-game).
- Furnace will return an empty bucket when fuelled by a bucket of lava.
- Updated Bonus Chest content with more items.
- Added new tutorials to the Tutorial World for new items and features.
- Updated the positions of the Music Disc Chests in the Tutorial World.
- Added new languages - Danish, Finnish, Latin American Spanish, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish and Turkish
- Various network issue fixes.
Change log for Patch 1.03 - January 13th 2014
- Fix for issue in multiplayer/splitscreen which could cause save file corruption.
- Fix for memory issue causing random game freezes and exits to XMB.
- Fix for being unable to join games at times (“The host has exited the game” message incorrectly being displayed).
- Fix for splitscreen crash on adding a player when language is Russian.
- Fix for issue which can prevent leaderboard updates and some trophy awards.
- Fix for issue causing “No DLC offers available” message when converting trial to full version.
- Fix for game render glitch when a new streaming music track starts up.
- Fix for a lighting issue on a network client.
- Fix for the block damage decal being incorrectly offset
- Fix for selected item text not fading off screen if a menu is opened when it’s visible.
- Fix for “Where are we now” music disc
- Fix for issue with Ghasts firing at certain angles
- A few rendering performance improvements
We'll add an option to hide Mash-up pack worlds in the saves list in TU13, along with an Option to unhide all hidden ones.
We do read this thread! We might not reply here, but we are reading all the suggestions, and they will help to define where we go in the future with the game.
Keep them coming please!
Yes, we are reading this