I think this post is long overdue, but it's important that I say this.
This project is dead. After my initial enthusiasm for this mod, my ability to continue working on this mod waned, and as you all know, it has slowly frozen in development. Furthermore, with the pace of Minecraft development, huge changes have been made to the structure of Minecraft, to the point that the mod has been over 60% re-written, and there are still many changes that need to be made to make a feature-parity update that works with Minecraft 1.11.
This all said, I think it's time that I announce that I will officially no longer be working on this mod. I know, this should have been said a long time ago, and I apologise for my awful communication.
I will build and upload the latest version in a couple of hours, and remove the ads from the existing links. If anyone wants, all of the source code is available in a GitHub repository (linked in the main download post), which can easily be downloaded and continued. I'll also upload a zip containing every model I have that was never implemented, so that if anyone continues this, they have a slightly easier time getting started.
Once more, I'm so sorry that I've left this so long, but I hope that with this, people can either take up further work on this, or accept it's stagnation.
Thanks for all of the support for the last few years,
Now, I understand if any (or all) of you are annoyed at me for the incredibly slow progress on this mod. I am sorry, I am trying.
Anyway, I've come to realise that 1.7.10 has become an obsolete version of Minecraft, and as such, I have begun updating the entire mod to support Minecraft Forge 1.11.
Although this means you'll all be able to play this mod with a newer version of Minecraft soon, this also means that no new features will be able to be added whilst all the old features are being converted to work with the newer overhauled API.
Thank you all for your continued support of this mod, despite my shortcomings. I hope you will all enjoy the updated version of the mod when it is released, and I hope that I can provide a mod that allows you all to enjoy all the aspects of Slugterra in Minecraft.
Sure, currently the mod needs several people to help in different areas.
If you can code, I'd appreciate if you could check out the code on Github. I'll add the link to the second post on the first page. Additionally, character modeling/slug modeling is another important job.
However if you don't feel like making a commitment to the mod, there are a couple of things you could do below:
Ally slinger textures (standard player skins)
Enemy slinger Textures (standard player skins)
Fixing a few issues with code (listed in Github Repo readme)
First off, if you entity extends EntityMob then it already has its parent class' function attackEntityFrom() (This tells it to set an attack target when it is hit.)
So that is the hard part over.
If your mob uses the 'new' AI system, then I think you just need to add:
this.tasks.addTask(0, new EntityAIHurtByTarget(this, false));
Hello all.
I have had some trouble with Gui rendering in my mod.
As shown by the screenshots below, when the sixth slot in the custom hotbar is filled, the entire game begins to go nuts. The bar behind it darkens, the chat becomes a solid box and item names become "doubled"?
Here is my Gui code here, just ask if anything more is required. Thank you for the help!\
package com.slugterra.gui;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import com.slugterra.entity.properties.ExtendedPlayer;
import com.slugterra.lib.Strings;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.EventPriority;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderGameOverlayEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.client.event.RenderGameOverlayEvent.ElementType;
public class GuiSlugBeltOverlay extends Gui{
private Minecraft mc;
public static int selslot;
protected static final RenderItem itemRenderer = new RenderItem();
public GuiSlugBeltOverlay(Minecraft mc){
this.mc = mc;
private ExtendedPlayer props;
@SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void onRenderExperienceBar(RenderGameOverlayEvent event){
if(event.isCancelable() || event.type != ElementType.HOTBAR){
ScaledResolution scaledresolution = new ScaledResolution(this.mc, this.mc.displayWidth, this.mc.displayHeight);
int k = scaledresolution.getScaledWidth();
int l = scaledresolution.getScaledHeight();
//get player properties
if(props == null){
props = ExtendedPlayer.get((EntityPlayer)this.mc.thePlayer);
this.selslot = props.invslot;
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 6; ++i1)
int k1 = l / 2 - 87 + i1 * 22;//change last value to push up or down
this.renderInventorySlot(i1, 6, k1);
//rendering bar
this.mc.renderEngine.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation(Strings.MODID + ":textures/gui/slughotbar2.png"));
this.drawTexturedModalRect(2, l/2-90, 0, 0, 24, 133);
//rendering square thing over hotbar
this.mc.renderEngine.bindTexture(new ResourceLocation(Strings.MODID + ":textures/gui/hotbarsquare.png"));
this.drawTexturedModalRect(2, (22 * selslot) + (l/2-92)+1, 0, 0, 26, 26);
private void renderInventorySlot(int p_73832_1_, int p_73832_2_, int p_73832_3_)
ItemStack itemstack = props.inventory.getStackInSlot(p_73832_1_);
if (itemstack != null)
float f1 = (float)itemstack.animationsToGo;
if (f1 > 0.0F)
float f2 = 1.0F + f1 / 5.0F;
GL11.glTranslatef((float)(p_73832_2_ + 8), (float)(p_73832_3_ + 12), 0.0F);
GL11.glScalef(1.0F / f2, (f2 + 1.0F) / 2.0F, 1.0F);
GL11.glTranslatef((float)(-(p_73832_2_ + 8)), (float)(-(p_73832_3_ + 12)), 0.0F);
itemRenderer.renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI(this.mc.fontRenderer, this.mc.getTextureManager(), itemstack, p_73832_2_, p_73832_3_);
if (f1 > 0.0F)
//itemRenderer.renderItemOverlayIntoGUI(this.mc.fontRenderer, this.mc.getTextureManager(), itemstack, p_73832_2_, p_73832_3_);
All the velocimorph slugs will have all of the abilities that are listed under their attacks section on the slugterra wiki page. When fired, one attack is randomly chosen.
e.g the phosphoro will glow if in low-light when in protoform
or it can blind people with a flashbang as a velocimorph
I haven't seen the newer seasons of Slugterra yet so I am not sure if the ability you suggested for the phosphoro is technically canon.
Also, I'm not sure but did you mean that the phosphoro uses that ability in protoform or velocimorph?
But the plan for the Grenuke is to implement the several style of explosive attacks that it uses, including the one you suggested.
Well, this mod is now officially open-source! If anyone would like to assist with the code, feel free to fork the repository (Link Below) and send me pull requests. The repository only includes the source code, not a working development environment to that will need to be set up individually by anyone else.
Also thank you Prime_Power for the slug models, they have both been included. The Enigmo model needed to be rescaled a bit to fit the scaling of the other slugs and to thicken it front to back.
Hopefully by tomorrow night I can have the remaining velocimorph's abilities complete. Currently only the Infernus and Armashelt have their abilities working.
Thank you all for the support, even with my lack of work, and I hope that you would all be willing to assist this project. As a community, we can make this mod great!
Similar to you, I have been greatly bogged down by assessments and exams. And my laptop screen broke. Just got a new one so hopefully I can muster the willpower to actually begin working on this again during the Holiday break.
Hi, I have decided to, after a long period of inactivity, continue work on this mod. Although no updates have been released for close to two years, much progress has been made since the last release.
Also, I appreciate the help everyone has been given and all of the messages of support. I hope you can all forgive my laziness and look forward to the next release.
Additionally, if anyone has any models they would like to have used within the mod, of either slugs or characters, please post images and a link here and I will consider using them within the mod.
I think this post is long overdue, but it's important that I say this.
This project is dead. After my initial enthusiasm for this mod, my ability to continue working on this mod waned, and as you all know, it has slowly frozen in development. Furthermore, with the pace of Minecraft development, huge changes have been made to the structure of Minecraft, to the point that the mod has been over 60% re-written, and there are still many changes that need to be made to make a feature-parity update that works with Minecraft 1.11.
This all said, I think it's time that I announce that I will officially no longer be working on this mod. I know, this should have been said a long time ago, and I apologise for my awful communication.
I will build and upload the latest version in a couple of hours, and remove the ads from the existing links. If anyone wants, all of the source code is available in a GitHub repository (linked in the main download post), which can easily be downloaded and continued. I'll also upload a zip containing every model I have that was never implemented, so that if anyone continues this, they have a slightly easier time getting started.
Once more, I'm so sorry that I've left this so long, but I hope that with this, people can either take up further work on this, or accept it's stagnation.
Thanks for all of the support for the last few years,
Greetings everyone.
Now, I understand if any (or all) of you are annoyed at me for the incredibly slow progress on this mod. I am sorry, I am trying.
Anyway, I've come to realise that 1.7.10 has become an obsolete version of Minecraft, and as such, I have begun updating the entire mod to support Minecraft Forge 1.11.
Although this means you'll all be able to play this mod with a newer version of Minecraft soon, this also means that no new features will be able to be added whilst all the old features are being converted to work with the newer overhauled API.
Thank you all for your continued support of this mod, despite my shortcomings. I hope you will all enjoy the updated version of the mod when it is released, and I hope that I can provide a mod that allows you all to enjoy all the aspects of Slugterra in Minecraft.
Again, thank you,
Hi LarsDiamond12,
Which version of the mod was this? As far as I know it doesn't have that issue in the current version. But I'm not sure.
The tazerling has already been done. If you could, velocimorph/megamorph models would be preferred.
Additionally, the models need to be shared on dropbox, I wasn't able to access the speedstinger model you posted before.
Thanks, pack_of_14eggies.
Sure, currently the mod needs several people to help in different areas.
If you can code, I'd appreciate if you could check out the code on Github. I'll add the link to the second post on the first page. Additionally, character modeling/slug modeling is another important job.
However if you don't feel like making a commitment to the mod, there are a couple of things you could do below:
Thanks for any help you can provide,
Hello, I don't know if I can help, but I'll try.
First off, if you entity extends EntityMob then it already has its parent class' function attackEntityFrom() (This tells it to set an attack target when it is hit.)
So that is the hard part over.
If your mob uses the 'new' AI system, then I think you just need to add:
this.tasks.addTask(0, new EntityAIHurtByTarget(this, false));
in the mob's class Constructor.
Good Luck,
Hello all.
I have had some trouble with Gui rendering in my mod.
As shown by the screenshots below, when the sixth slot in the custom hotbar is filled, the entire game begins to go nuts. The bar behind it darkens, the chat becomes a solid box and item names become "doubled"?
Here is my Gui code here, just ask if anything more is required. Thank you for the help!\
Hi Prime_Power,
All the velocimorph slugs will have all of the abilities that are listed under their attacks section on the slugterra wiki page. When fired, one attack is randomly chosen.
e.g the phosphoro will glow if in low-light when in protoform
or it can blind people with a flashbang as a velocimorph
I haven't seen the newer seasons of Slugterra yet so I am not sure if the ability you suggested for the phosphoro is technically canon.
Also, I'm not sure but did you mean that the phosphoro uses that ability in protoform or velocimorph?
But the plan for the Grenuke is to implement the several style of explosive attacks that it uses, including the one you suggested.
Hello everyone.
Well, this mod is now officially open-source! If anyone would like to assist with the code, feel free to fork the repository (Link Below) and send me pull requests. The repository only includes the source code, not a working development environment to that will need to be set up individually by anyone else.
Also thank you Prime_Power for the slug models, they have both been included. The Enigmo model needed to be rescaled a bit to fit the scaling of the other slugs and to thicken it front to back.
Hopefully by tomorrow night I can have the remaining velocimorph's abilities complete. Currently only the Infernus and Armashelt have their abilities working.
Thank you all for the support, even with my lack of work, and I hope that you would all be willing to assist this project. As a community, we can make this mod great!
Github Link: Github Repository Here
Have a great day,
Thanks Prime_Power.
Similar to you, I have been greatly bogged down by assessments and exams. And my laptop screen broke. Just got a new one so hopefully I can muster the willpower to actually begin working on this again during the Holiday break.
Happy Holidays, pack_of_14eggies
Hi, I have decided to, after a long period of inactivity, continue work on this mod. Although no updates have been released for close to two years, much progress has been made since the last release.
Also, I appreciate the help everyone has been given and all of the messages of support. I hope you can all forgive my laziness and look forward to the next release.
Additionally, if anyone has any models they would like to have used within the mod, of either slugs or characters, please post images and a link here and I will consider using them within the mod.
to anyone that cares, This mod is on yourminecraft.com. Although that sounds good, they are distributing v0.1
I would appreciate it if you guys could voice some complaints about the outdated version and hopefully get it updated.
Well you can check it out on the second post of the first page.
I just added in a few new caverns, the cavern roof and a few structures.
Also the Infurnus can randomly do a FlameSpire attack now.
thanks slugslinger.
also Prime_Power, have you checked out V0.6?
Thanks for your support,