First off welcome back! So glad you got your head back into minecraft I just found out about this new version today from reddit Dartcraft was one of the most fun mods in 1.6.4 by far. Really happy to see a comeback for 1.7.10. Thanks much for a wonderful mod yet again.
The md5 says they are all identical, your recycled one, mine, the ftb ones... all identical
Ok, so removing just damage indicators allows the pack to work fine?
Also, I see your using the latest Forge..., the recommended build is still Does one of the mods specifically need that new version? Try downgrading forge to 1558 and see?
G:\minecraft\data\.minecraft\mods\CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- (The system cannot find the file specified)
If the file is indeed in that location, maybe it is on a bad sector? try renaming CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- to anything else (besides .jar) like maybebad.file, then copy a fresh copy of it to the thumbdrive from somewhere else (don't just make a copy of the possibly bad one)... what happens then?
a mod can work with a partially corrupted jar, yours, makes me wonder reguardless... [1.7.10]DamageIndicatorsMod-3.2.3.jar (1).zip ... I've never seen the author distribute a zip for that version, maybe it's been messed with? try replacing it from one of the modpacks from a trusted source... ftb/atl/curse... or even try the one from the cdn i linked to, it's the one i've been using for some time.
i got an md5 hash from the modarchive one, and one that came from an ftb pack:
upload yours to like that will show you the md5 of yours, if it matches, then it is the original one.
Past that, what else did you alter in your pack between the last time it worked and now? Any other mods added, forge or other mod versions changed? Any config changes?
Can also be done with microblocks or as mentioned carpenter blocks, those will likely be along shortly as forge just posted builds for 1.9 which seems to be the version a lot of modders were holding out for.
am a beginner in mod developing. But since no one else replied, I guess
I will try, it does not look that hard. By the way, what version do you
want it in?
Kudo's on your modding work, nice to see new modders jumping on projects like this
This mod adds in like 50 new ores, with alloys of a lot of them. New armor and weapon/tool sets for most(all?) of the metals with special abilities for some of the weapons (and tools/armor?). Also has crushers/smelters/other machines that are tiered based on the metals.
Doesn't have the mobs or dimensions for the metals, that could be a new twist on it. But there are a few mods that come to mind that play on the different dimensions/mobs idea. Advent of Ascension (now called Nevermine 2) comes to mind.
Not trying to put you off or anything, but to be popular, your going to have to come up with a fresh twist on things, to make this mod unique over what is already out there
ProjectE, that would mean game over very fast. Any pack that has ProjectE in it I tend to get a transmutation table as fast as possible, then put a bunch of repair talismans into a chest, pump in almost broken gold pickaxes from a condenser, then pump them to a condenser... gem armor in like an hour.
After that, there aint much point to playing the pack
Join our new server!
come help us build and grow
These are the reasons I don't do multi-player without knowing the server owner... Sorry guy, but 4 posts total, no domain, just a server on a redirected port prolly running on your local machine... I'll pass
so with teh server ban thing just make it so it bans your ip not your name
Did you read any of the thread? I can change my dynamic IP within seconds by instructing my router to do so. Most DSL users also get a new IP on each connect (which is often). Or, I can use one of the MANY proxies out there to get a new IP address... not effective AT ALL for banning.
It is the actual the ops/admins i worry about... not all of em are nice people. I was recently reading a popular hacking forum and most of the names used for brute forcing are gathered from servers.
I would rather see a display name coupled with a unique id [098f2470-bae0-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb]. The Unique Id is given from minecraft login servers and cannot be used in itself for login attempts but would be easily checked by white/blacklists.
People who use the same tag name could be given the choice at login to a server to change it. And people could also register a nick with a server like on IRC... give the server a password to prove that is your nick.
Logging in with nick Ozzymud..
Ozzymud is already in use assigning Guest10234, if the nick belongs to you /msg server Ozzymud <password>.
/msg server Ozzymud 3557et$%464
Verified! Returning your nick.
player.dat is still stored using the unque id, permissions and all that use the unique id.
The thing about your average wiki design (plain white background, black text, basically Wikipedia), is that it helps you focus on what you are reading, as the text has a good contrast. For forums the background is generally dark, which means it's easier to make out posts, as they are all individual (well, excluding double posts xD). The thing about a wiki with a dark background is that it doesn't seem formal. Well, I guess it's just one of those things.
Exactly... I am so glad Adblock exists, I was able to block the style sheet... back to a good old boring look so I can focus on the information.
First off welcome back! So glad you got your head back into minecraft
I just found out about this new version today from reddit Dartcraft was one of the most fun mods in 1.6.4 by far. Really happy to see a comeback for 1.7.10. Thanks much for a wonderful mod yet again.
I went thru the GalacticraftCore.cfg, I dont see any update lines in it
try Ender IO, hot off the presses for 1.8.9..
The md5 says they are all identical, your recycled one, mine, the ftb ones... all identical
Ok, so removing just damage indicators allows the pack to work fine?
Also, I see your using the latest Forge..., the recommended build is still Does one of the mods specifically need that new version? Try downgrading forge to 1558 and see?
The Bleach Mod is not compatible with MP at all at this point in time.
quote from above link: "Optifine's fault. They need to specifically code support for forge."
a mod can work with a partially corrupted jar, yours, makes me wonder reguardless... [1.7.10]DamageIndicatorsMod-3.2.3.jar (1).zip ... I've never seen the author distribute a zip for that version, maybe it's been messed with? try replacing it from one of the modpacks from a trusted source... ftb/atl/curse... or even try the one from the cdn i linked to, it's the one i've been using for some time.
i got an md5 hash from the modarchive one, and one that came from an ftb pack:
upload yours to like that will show you the md5 of yours, if it matches, then it is the original one.
Past that, what else did you alter in your pack between the last time it worked and now? Any other mods added, forge or other mod versions changed? Any config changes?
Where did you get the file from? the main download appears to be broken atm, that said, maybe you got a dubious copy from somewhere else?
There are several modpacks that include [1.7.10]DamageIndicatorsMod-3.2.3.jar:
Sky Factory 2
DNS Techpack
Space Astronomy
I grab archives from Minecraft Mod Archive (, he only posts stuff that is allowed to be posted, removes stuff when notified he aint supposed to
He does a check on the file
This server is no longer there. You might check in the config for the mod if there is an option to disable update checks, past that, i dunno
Edit: Wow, somehow missed the 2nd post, glad you got it fixed, do you have other mods by the same author installed?
Looks to be %appdata%\.minecraft\config\veinminer\general.cfg
Or wherever your modded config files are stored.
Slabcraft 3.0, currently for 1.8.9 (updates for new versions come fast enough usually)
Can also be done with microblocks or as mentioned carpenter blocks, those will likely be along shortly as forge just posted builds for 1.9 which seems to be the version a lot of modders were holding out for.
Edit: P.S.
Kudo's on your modding work, nice to see new modders jumping on projects like this
Sounds a lot like Metallurgy,
This mod adds in like 50 new ores, with alloys of a lot of them. New armor and weapon/tool sets for most(all?) of the metals with special abilities for some of the weapons (and tools/armor?). Also has crushers/smelters/other machines that are tiered based on the metals.
Doesn't have the mobs or dimensions for the metals, that could be a new twist on it. But there are a few mods that come to mind that play on the different dimensions/mobs idea. Advent of Ascension (now called Nevermine 2) comes to mind.
Not trying to put you off or anything, but to be popular, your going to have to come up with a fresh twist on things, to make this mod unique over what is already out there
Was used in Sky Factory 2, it is still being updated as well as being public domain source code.
ProjectE, that would mean game over very fast. Any pack that has ProjectE in it I tend to get a transmutation table as fast as possible, then put a bunch of repair talismans into a chest, pump in almost broken gold pickaxes from a condenser, then pump them to a condenser... gem armor in like an hour.
After that, there aint much point to playing the pack