• 3

    posted a message on Building Laputa in Minecraft, 100% Legit!

    Update 4: Building the Ring in the Sky

    Quote from seernox

    By the way when i said the cobblestone generator i meant that you can use it along with a tree farm to be completely self sufficient instead of going to the surface to gather resources you can just stay there and use planks to power your furnaces, anyway looking good.

    Dont worry, i understood what you meant. Yes, i use the generator and charcoal to stay self sufficient on the castle, but i also go underground to get extra resources. After all, if i never left the island i wouldnt be able to get all my diamond picks!

    Quote from FiyrDragon5

    Freaking. Wow. You have any measures against griefers? Or just hope? That would suck if some jerk decided to mess with it ;_;

    Quote from Joshandco

    Lets just asume that there is.
    I am sure that he would not try that on a server with no griefing protection
    Even if it didn't the admin (having taken prosonal intrest in this bluid) would protect it,

    And yes it would suck

    Quote from thereichs

    That would be horrible.

    I suppose tht's why you made Laputa in the ocean?

    Fear not guys! the server has logblock, and I believe a few other anti-grief plugins. Having Laputa in the middle of the sea does also add an extra layer of protection, as the closest /warp is around 600-700 blocks off, and then the only way up is a dirt staircase that'll be destroyed eventually.

    And, if you think about it, the build's sheer size is another form of protection! its so huge i dont think any griefers would be able to tear the whole thing down before they were busted by someone, and whatever damage was done could be rolled back easily enough. Hell, once the whole thing is done i'm tempted to load the whole thing with TNT and blow it away to recreate the ending of the movie before getting Llama to roll it back

    Quote from thereichs

    Please PM me the IP to that server. I would love to watch your progress.

    I ask you to PM me becasue I never get find topics again. ;___;

    Just so everyone knows, the ip is and the server thread to apply in is http://www.minecraft...ums-no-iconomy/

    Be sure to apply and come hang out with us! mention me in the application so i win FaNtAsTiC pRiZeS for promoting the server! :3

    Anyway, now that the answering is done, onto the actual update! woo!

    For Your Viewing Pleasure:

    Today, the Yogscast! you guys can thank this update for making me create this build almost. I had the idea of trying to make something like this in game for ages, but I hadnt seriously considered it too much beforehand because i would need to make it extremely small or i would need to make it floating just a few blocks above the ocean, neither of which appealed to me. But when i saw this video, i realized that the idea was finally feasible! At first i was thinking of making some floating islands or a temple, but after a bit the ideas of "floating" and "castle" merged and i knew what i must do.

    The Progress:

    This was my first step. Above the ring marking the second layer of the castle i filled in the outlines of the whole height of the build, and from there pillared up the center with wood. The wood goes all the way to the world's height limit, so i know perfectly my limitations on this build now. With that done, i could create the ring to know the maximum height and width of the build.

    Now that i had that done, it was time to start the ring. To do this, I just used my guide to make two circles, one inside the other, which marks the inner and outer diameter of the ring.

    This right here is one of the most annoying and frightening parts of building with big big circles. When I encounter this, I have no idea which part of the segment I'm working on I messed up, so I have to go over the whole thing comparing it to the guide to see where I messed up.

    However, eventually I wrangled the circles in line to end up with this as my pattern. From here, I build the ring around it. However, I encounter a problem i did not anticipate when i made the guide. You see, i made the circles going out from the floor of the first tier, where i was standing at the time. You see, i did not realize what an issue it would be when i realized to complete the build. . .

    . . . I would need to build DOWN, below the first tier itself. You see, the ring floats below the first tier around the dome, which i had build into the design. But trying to make the floor became a different sort of issue. I had to get creative to solve this part here.

    This is the sort of solution i ended with. Its not exactly pretty, but it worked. I made an entirely second ring around the bottom of the guide, tracing it as i went to ensure accuracy. I placed blocks above me a few rows at a time until there was just a two block gap, then i followed them with blocks below so i would have space to walk the entire way around for multiple trips.

    Its not a lighting error any more, its modern art. Thats my excuse and i'm sticking to it.

    Once the bottom rings were done, i added spacers in between them every ten blocks or so and placed torches to give me sections to work in. They helped keep monsters away a little

    This is what i ended up with. Now, to fill in with regular blocks!

    Running out of bricks this close to completion is so painful. you have no idea the anticipation i was feeling to getting this thing done after all the pain of gigantic circles

    Though eventually i defeated the floor beast. Next i needed to finish the walls and then the roof.

    Remember when i said having your blocks not line up with the guide was one of the most annoying and frightening things that can happen when working with big circles? Well right here you're looking at THE most annoying and frightening things that can happen.

    Imagine building both the giant circles, and then building them AGAIN below, and the entire floor, and then discovering that you somehow messed up on a section. Fortunately, it was just a stray block and not a monumental ­up. if i had to tear down the whole floor and rebuild it thanks to a block mistake this update wouldnt have been out for another week probably.

    Besides a few scares, the build goes smoothly enough though. Here you can see one wall done, with the second following.

    This is how the ring looked before i added the roof, which was the final step.

    And here it is folks, the final few blocks! with these placed, the ring itself was fully finished except for some torches.

    And here's the final ring! looks much cleaner sealed off now. However, its not 100% done. Obviously it need some torches to keep the monsters at bay, but the ring supports aren't done yet. You can vaguely see in the image that the four connecting supports don't match up to the roof, due to me leaving the tops off of them. I need to extend them wider, but i decided to leave that for now and get the update to the masses. I hadn't decided how wide they should be when i planned the build, but i think five to seven blocks wide should be good.

    The Next Step:
    My first goal is to place torches on the ring to keep the monsters away. I'll be using a pattern to try and keep them roughly even and at a minimum because i like the visible parts of my build to be clean looking. I just wen crazy with the torches on the inside of the ring so far because it wont be visible once finished.

    Second, i need to finish the ring supports, which will be nice and quick, but will go a long way to making the castle look good. However this comes with an extra problem of trying to keep my staircase intact. As you can see the dirt stairs from the surface intersect right with where the supports come out, so i'll need to rebuild the whole section if i want to keep a way for people to get up while also finishing the support. Eventually it'll be torn down, but that wont be until i can get some alternate way for visitors to arrive. Current options are nether portals or a very very elaborate rail system.

    After that gets finished, then on to the roof of the first tier finally and then finally the second tier! that part should be pretty easy thanks to my previous work of setting up the guidelines
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 7

    posted a message on Building Laputa in Minecraft, 100% Legit!
    UPDATE 0: The very beginning, what I did last night!

    Very very small update this time, just a taste of how this thread will hopefully go

    For Your Viewing Pleasure:

    Given that this is the intro update to the series, I figured the most logical thing to add would be the intro to the original movie that inspired this build! Here we have Kimi Wo Nosete, which translates to "Carrying You" in english. Enjoy the singing while reading the update :D

    The Progress:

    After finding a good location using the server's maps to situate Laputa, I explored the nearby jungle and found a small cave hiding in the side of a ravine!

    Its full of delicious lava, and had some exposed ores in it. I quickly walled it off, then used the iron to make a bucket and light the walls with lava recessed in.

    My second step was to get a lot of dirt to mark my location, so i just dug a staircase down to get stone and dirt, which eventually lead to making this:

    This, while pretty puny looking, is the start of Laputa! using http://www.mineconics.net/ to find circle patterns, I made a 19 diameter circle, and marked out where the next layer will go (which you can see a little bit of)

    Here's how I found where to make this: my goal was to be far enough out to sea that you couldn't see any land, so I made a long dirt path out into the water until I couldn't see land. I marked that point, then just kept going father out until I reached the center of my blueprints, and pillared into the sky! pretty simple, right?

    The Next Step:

    Now that I have my little base in the caves, and my little disk in the sky, I need to establish a more permanent and monster free local. I'm going to expand the dome's bottom out with its next few layers, then I plan on making a cobblestone generator and small tree farm on top. This will let me quickly get cobblestone, and wood to make charcoal to smelt my stone for building the dome, so i'll have a sort of self-sufficient little sky island. When I fill my furnaces with cooking stone, I'll go mining for more iron and diamonds while they smelt.

    Thread Participation!

    Now that you've seen my starting dome, you know that the bottom layer is a 19 diameter circle. Can you guess how big the final diameter of the dome will be though? You can see that the bottom is pretty high in the sky, so those are your only hints. First person to guess correctly, or whoever is closest by the time the next big update rolls around will win FaBuLoUs PrIzEs!

    (If anyone likes this challenge idea, i'll keep going with them. If not, I'll skip them in the future)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 15

    posted a message on Building Laputa in Minecraft, 100% Legit!
    I've decided to try and recreate Laputa in minecraft, modeled after the famous animated movie!

    Here's an image to help give you an idea of the final product:

    Where I'll be making this:

    I don't like working on single player as much, so I've decided to make this on an online server, both to help make me keep this as legit as possible, AND to make it easier for other minecrafters to come and see the build.

    I'll be making this on ArcadiaMC, a server I found from a thread I created in the looking for section of the forums. This is the official website, which will let you apply to the server if you want to check it out in person: http://www.arcadiagames.net

    If you decide to join this server too, be sure to mention in your application that Ousire sent you. This will get me bonuses if your application is accepted :D

    NOTE: even though I've decided to make this in multiplayer, I wont be accepting any outside help constructing this. I want to do it 100% legit, 100% by myself, so sorry if you want to join in the construction! however, I will be accepting suggestions for things to add if I like them

    For your viewing pleasure:

    To accompany this project, if I find any videos that are topical, I'll be posting them for you to enjoy while going over the thread! This time, no video, but there will be one next update which will be up very shortly, so don't you worry!

    Audience Participation! Thread Contests! Fabulous Prizes!:

    If this thread is popular, and you guys are interested, I'm tempted to make small contests to go with each major update. They'd be simple things, like guessing games or trivia questions, and if you win, you'd get a prize. However, what that prize is would be secret until later in the project when it'd make sense to reveal them. Winners would get the info of the prize PM'd to them if they agree to keep it secret until I post it in the thread. WHO'S INTERESTED?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 5

    posted a message on Building Laputa in Minecraft, 100% Legit!

    Update 11: Finally We're Finished!

    Sorry for not getting back to this sooner everyone! rumors are true, the castle was indeed finished a while ago, but i've been out of town for a few days so updates were extra delayed. I was out on vacation all this week, and only got home a day or two ago.

    Quote from HakimAthalla21

    Awesome! can i buy it from you?

    what, the whole castle? how much would you pay? XD

    Quote from finiteinfinity

    Can't wait to see your final updates ousire!

    I've been following this for a while, only just registered recently to check it out!

    have you considered building the valley village (towards the beginning of the movie) somewhere?

    Quote from caba111

    U mad bro? Build the air ship Goliath.

    sorry guys, but no more laputa after this is over. i've got other projects i want to work on, and this whole thing has been pretty tiring.

    Quote from rodabon

    Is he still working on this? It got pretty quiet lately.

    yup, just been delayed on updates due to being out of town :D

    The Progress:

    First, I mapped out using dirt the general area where i wanted to build the inner areas of the castle. the large octagon is where the main chamber is going to be, and the pillar of dirt in the middle is the size of the aetherium crystal

    Here we can see the build up walls, and the final size of the crystal. I elevated it above the pool of water slightly so it appears to be floating, and gave it the same amount of space below the roof, which i marked with a little circle of brick. The sign in the front was a warning to people who fell down the hole that they were trapped and would need to use /warp laputa to escape

    Here's the view of the chamber from above. This little platform i'm standing on to take the photo from is the entrance to the chamber, and will connect through a maze down to the bottom of the core and the crystal chamber itself

    here's the finished inner chamber. The floor's been sloped upwards to meet the walls, and small pillars are in the inner bottom most portion. Each one of the pillars is a different height. Each of the little 3x3x3 blocks floating in the air all line up to meet and slot into the matching gaps in the walls. In the movie, each one of these was moving around and sliding, presumably doing important magicy stuff we dont get to see

    Here's a shot of the guts of the door. It's a pretty simple piston door, sliding into the wall to the left when you walk in, and a button on the right hand side. The wire connects to a signal extender, then loops around to trigger both pistons. All of this is hidden behind more stone brick walls at the end

    The walls look something like this. There is no simple way down to the main chamber, its a maze that wraps around the octagon and snakes its way down slowly to reach the floor. From the main chamber, on the opposite wall, there is a second opening that loops even lower down and eventually leads you to the crystal chamber itself. I didnt make the maze too hard, because the goal wasnt to keep everyone out, it was just to create a bit of a challenge down. I designed it with one path straight through and then added a bunch of little loops and dead ends going off of the sides, so it will throw you off, but it shouldnt be impossible to get down with a bit of dedication

    eventually you reach here. . . . the crystal chamber itself. Sorry for the poor camera angle, but i'm keeping it a bit secretive ;) if you want to see more, join the server and descend to the bottom chamber. The whole chamber has no torches in it, its all lit by glowstone sunk into the water. I designed it so every block of dirt had at least one water block next to it, so every square could be filled with reeds and grown to the max height. I avoided torches to help give the area a bit more of a magicy feel to it, and because each torch i had to place would remove a spot where i could place a reed.

    The Next Step:
    None! We're done! huzzah!

    unless we count bonus updatesssss ;D
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 1

    posted a message on Building Laputa in Minecraft, 100% Legit!
    hey everyone, important thread question here!

    after reviewing what i have build on the server, and checking my backlog of photos, i've realized that my next update could be my last! i have an idea or two for bonus updates, but i want to poll my audience here. when the castle is finally done, is there any particular areas you want me to cover in a bonus update, or certain parts of the castle you'd like to see in more detail?

    i've heard interest in seeing my mines, which is a good idea! but what else?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 4

    posted a message on Building Laputa in Minecraft, 100% Legit!
    Update 10: I Swear I'm not dead guys!
    yup, Ousire here to deliver everyone some delicious Laputian goodness, straight from the interwebs! Part of the reason this update has been so long coming is that i was unable to work on the castle for a while due to life occurring, but i will admit that it was mainly due to stupidity and forgetting to update :(

    Quote from minionsdevil
    So i came on the server, (disappointed to see you not online, do better next time!) and found out halfway about the warp to laputa. I looked around to see the wonders, and wondered how many picks you had for the stone O.o I didnt end up finding your workspace, but i did find that the iron golems were still there :D I took all of these pictures along the way:
    please work :P "][url="http://imgur.com/a/k...mbed"]http://imgur.com/a/k...mbed[/url]">[/url]

    Ah, nice pictures of the progress! all those things will be covered in this update! (finally)

    Quote from goldendragon1597
    The Mine
    Ah, another fantastic bonus update by gold :P I've been working in the back of my head on the best way to do a bonus update for the mines while still making it interesting, due it being really nothing more then a large hole in the ground. I'll try to cook up an update for it eventually!

    Quote from minionsdevil
    I managed to find a way into where ousires building. After 128 enderpearls i found the piston door -_- . I can tell you he is building an octagonal thing in the bottom of his dome. I'll only put a picture here if oursire lets me :P dont want to spoil it.
    did you really find a way INTO the dome? O_o i have the thing blocked off with stone to prevent people from pearling in! well done!

    Quote from Mad_Orbitz
    I remember seeing this in Iraq (the movie). Very good job on the build and is it downloadable so I can look inside myself?
    care to link me to more info on this movie? i'm curious

    Quote from SuperDark33
    Well, the god of very-cold-water is called that way because his water kills you. You should visit a classic lava survival server. I like the progress! looks amazing-er!
    I'll visit a lava survival server if i get to build a giant temple to elder lava gods ;)

    Quote from goldendragon1597
    A trap??? In Laputa??? I tried to persuade ousire to make one, but no such luck. Though the hidden door that lets you into the Chamber of Knowledge may trap you in, I forgot. I think he at least tried to make a exit, though. In other words, tell me where this trap is, I want to trap someone in it (BWAHAHAHAHA)!!!
    no traps in my castle, just old redstone machines i'm far to lazy to tear down

    Quote from rodabon
    Ousire's been kind of quiet lately, has RL or server issues slowed his progress?

    life happened, i assure you
    For Your Viewing Pleasure:

    I'm sure most of you goons will recognize this movie if you're a fan of Laputa! Howls moving castle! i'll put this on my list of all time favorite myazaki movies. A friend has been attempting to convince me to take on the task of attempting to make the castle in minecraft, but i've been unsure if it will be possible to make an accurate recreation. Dont expect this to be my next big project, but i admit to thinking about it as a vague possibility ;)

    The Progress:
    First, before showing what actually has been built, i would like to show two major things that are related to the construction of the castle, both very good news~!

    Everyone ooh and ahhh over a fancy new title and color! remember a few updates ago when i was ranked up to Architect? Well, after getting a bit of extra money i donated to the server, which allowed me as one of the rewards, a custom title, nickname, and color. The choice was obvious to me!

    Second is some news which is relevant to you visitors! look right at the top of page two there, see that first warp? Yes, that's the castle there! After finishing all the major building of laputa (at least the outside) Llama was willing to add the warp to the castle for people to visit! For you people who join the server, simply type /warp laputa into the chat and you'll instantly arrive at the castle. Consider the location officially open for visiting!

    Here we have the first of actual building on the outside. You saw a small hint of this in the picture of me making a road. There are two of these statues, one on the east and one on the west, in identical positions. Each one is a replica of the symbol of Laputian royalty, spread wings over a floating center.

    This may look very confusing, but it actually makes more sense when you see it in person. Its a series of interlocked rings, designed to look like an ancient astrolabe or magical star chart. The iron blocks are the "hinges" to let the different rings rotate, and the gold in the center is the sun

    Here's the same object as seen from the side. This is a test model i had created in creative mode to map out the design before making a final product. From here its much easier to see the general shape of the device

    Further along, we have a large decorative sundial. Unfortunately, the shadows in minecraft dont actually move, so this this is quite useless. It was designed as a sort of pair with the astrolabe, due to both being large decorative objects that are also scientific devices, so to the ancient laputians, it would have an actual purpose besides looking nice

    Here's my creative world test. You can see some different designs i had planned before making a final model. The two dials have different sized arms along with different golden markings. I had made a few different versions besides these, but these two were the finalists before making a decision on what to actually make in the castle. The past models were pretty much variants of where to put the lapis blocks or minor details like that

    Near the very front of the castle we have several obelisks all in a row. Each one is identical, but one of them has broken and fell to cover the path. Its easy to move around, but i felt it helped to add to the idea that the place was abandoned quite a while ago

    Here's a closeup of the obelisks. Each one is made of regular sandstone, with a ring of smooth sandstone on the base, and a line of creeperface sandstone on each side halfway up. each one is hollow to save materials, and before i remembered that fact i was flying over the castle for hours trying to find the source of zombie sounds. Turns out they spawned into the hollow core and hid there! now i've filled them with torches

    This's been dubbed "sandstone henge" by me and a few others. I really dont know what this is, but it was the very first thing i built as a decorative object here. I made it on a whim, and eventually kept it because it seemed to fit with the theme

    Last new set piece is a ring of large trees. Every tree i had planted around the castle i specifically made so it would be short, and always cut down any larger ones. Each of these trees here i would tear down untill i got one to grow to large size. They're supposed to be special in some way due to this

    In the very center of the ring is a small stand with signs on it. THis is another secret "laputian" message in the same code used for the monument in the tree. It isnt anything meaningful if you translate the whole thing, but it was fun to come up with!

    Moving on to me finishing older bits now. This was the small pond from the last update. The wall's been cracked and water pours down the side, where it has eroded the ground and created a little marsh effect. The grass around here is way thicker then the regular terrain, and i've added many times more plants to the area then what normally grows here.

    Same general deal here. This is the unfinished aqueduct from before, now with matching layout. The area has cracked, and water has spilled randomly into a marsh instead of the aqueducts designated pool. at the point when this picture was taken, the waterways around the castle are unfinished, so it's just sitting here for now. Later i add small pools, fountains, channels, etc. for the water to flow around and fill the spaces between roads

    Moving on to the plantlife that has taken control of the castle! i've made sure to have every type of tree around the outside of the castle. It took quite a while and a hella lot of bonemeal to make every tree grow and to replace any oak or pine trees that grew too large.

    Next i added the rest of the plants. Reeds, melons, pumpkins, and even occasional wheat crops. Everwhere is covered with the wildlife, and the spaces in between are filled with flowers and tall grass, though its less abundant then this image makes it appear. Also visible are some of the water channels coming from an aqueduct

    last i line all the paths with random broken leaf blocks. Each one follows a rough pattern along the roads, and is supposed to be old hedges lining the trail. I tried to make them sparse enough for people to easily get on and off the roads, but frequent enough to look constant around the whole trail. Large gaps fill the areas where presumably it's fallen into disrepair

    After growing and shearing enough trees to finish this whole castle, i have more wood then i know what to do with as well! i wont run out for a loooong time, i assure you.

    The Next Step:
    WIth the entire outside finished, i now move on to the core of the castle. This is the final part, where i build the chamber that houses Laputa's giant aetherium crystal, the maze structure that surrounds it, and the main chamber of the core. I wont be adding toooo many photos of this part, as i dont want to spoil the surprise of the maze for those who visit! the rest of the build should be well documented though.

    Let me know if there are any things here i didnt get clear enough pictures of, and i'll try to help explain more and get some additional photos to try and clear things up. hope i did a good enough job explaining it
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 1

    posted a message on Building Laputa in Minecraft, 100% Legit!
    Update 9: Finishing the Tree and Adding Roads

    Quote from rodabon

    Nicely done Ousire!

    Perhaps you can use your new powers of flight to get a good side view.

    Ousire provides! this image was taken shortly after the update, so the new things you can see here will be explained

    Quote from Mac12

    Feel free to try and fix the packs I post. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. Which would be why I forgot to update the inventory.
    Here's a fixed version:

    Again, I just used the textures in the main Jolicraft release. (http://www.minecraft...napshot-12w23b/) I also added the Goodlyay's robot textures from here (http://www.minecraft...t-texture-pack/)

    And finally, I made a version that replaces the all of the chicken's and wolf's alt textures so you'll only see the new ones.

    As a bonus, this pack also reskins the player as Pazu (the main character from Laputa) I found the skin here:

    OK, one more thing.
    I managed to to find the man who made the original texture pack:


    Strangely, the "texture pack" he has for download now only seems to have some of the textures in this pack, and none of the Joli textures.

    oh fantastic! downloaded eagerly!

    Quote from SuperDark33

    Make sure the lava god is opposited by the ridicoulosly-cold-water god, so your world wont be flooded with very cold water.

    Watergod is not amused by your casual invocation of his name

    Quote from shinyjiggly

    I'd go with 2. Somebody could always go to the server and observe the structure from whichever angles that they wish. Answers to questions and insight into technical aspects from the builder isn't just something that can be obtained every day.

    Dont worry, 1 wins but i'll certainly still answer any questions i can if someone wants additional information

    Quote from Ousmeo

    my god.. I am impressed :D :)

    This is the most awesome thing in minecraft I have ever seen!!! It's amazing :o
    +1 for you, and I'm definitely going to follow this to see future updates ;)

    yay! be sure to join the server if you'd like to see it in person!

    For Your Viewing Pleasure:

    The final making laputabot video that i can find. Its not finished, but its the last one, so i'm not sure what ever happened to this laputabot

    The Progress:

    First before finishing the tree, i add in a golem to patrol around the castle. This is only one for now, but eventually as the area fills in i will be adding in a few more

    Though glomp decided that wasnt enough @_@ she spams some golems and leaves me to hunt them down. Oh well, free iron

    Moving back to the monument, i add to the top an ASCII art recreation of the laputian symbol. Its not the greatest, but its the best i could figure out across the three signs. I'm proud of it either way!

    I fill the rest of the sign with text to finish it off. Its not actually gibberish, its code i translated! Anyone who translates the whole thing, PM with the text and you'll win a prize! do not post the translated text here in the thread, you'll spoil the surprise!

    lastly, flowers! filling the space with a few flowers to match the scene from the movie

    You've gotten to see these guys a little early, spoiled in an alternate texture pack. The entire tree is surrounded with around a dozen dead golems, on the ground or propped against the roots or such

    Lastly i wrap the tree in large vines, making sure to use it to cover the golems. THe entire tree is done now, so i move onto the outside

    I add trailing vines along the outside, and replace some of the dirt with upside down half slab steps. There really is no pattern to how i did the roads, the only trick was that i made sure it had lots of random branching and twisting along the whole path

    These are some "young trees" that i've planted along the castle. I didnt want to cover the upper layer in trees, i wanted to keep it more clear because there was a lot less space available, so i used fences and leafs to create smaller plants to fill the path

    This is the trick that i used to make all the roads, shown in action for the lower layer. You can see a small hint of some later progress in the form of a statue in the left side

    Then i connect the roads randomly, with my only rule being that every entrance was connected to the pathway. You can see the domes along the edge are vinished, with one of them in the shot having a path leading too it. There are five or six of these special domes, and they have a small staircase downwards that allows access to the trail along the dome below. Those are the only way from the bottom to the top

    Here's the finished road systems, along with a small fountain and pond i constructed along the upper path. You can see some important differences in Laputa's architecture now! i removed the large semicircle that was going to be an entrance on the south side of the castle ad filled it with grass, and i removed the two semicircles that were at the upper region because i finally admitted to myself how much it looked like a stone dong on the map and replaced them with just a bridge

    Afterwards i work on constructing sandstone aqueducts! these structures will cross around laputa and will be the major source of the water canals that fill the place. This is the northern aqueduct, just short and straight

    The western aqueduct goes straight for a moment before arcing to the side to avoid a pathway

    The southern aqueduct is the longest, and is the only one to fill into a stone basin instead of into a canal or pool. It will still connect into water canals, but they will come from the sides of the stone basin instead. You can see an obelisk in the background of the canal, which i had been planning on making there but i wasn't a fan of the design or location and ended up tearing it down afterwards. You'll see other obelisks later

    Lastly the eastern aqueduct. This one is my personal favorite of the group I hadn't placed all the water in that image because i hadnt prepared the area for the water to go. This one will be unique in that instead of pouring into water canals, it's been broken so it will flood the side and pour into a marshy area. think lots of reeds and lilypads and LOTS of grass.

    Each aqueduct ends in a structure similar to this on the inside. It didnt make any sense if they were somehow transporting water and ran right into a flat stone wall, so i gave it an entrance for the water to flow from. Each one only goes a few blocks in because its impossible to see much further then that when the whole thing is sealed off and dark. The opening in the side of the wall here was where i broke into the side but its been capped off now.

    The Next Step:
    Next, i will construct a few decorative statues and objects around laputa, to help fill in the area and give people a reason to explore and look around them as they travel. Think obelisks, signs, monuments, special trees, etc.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 1

    posted a message on Building Laputa in Minecraft, 100% Legit!
    Update 8: The Tree and Castle

    Sorry for the huge delay folks! Lots of stuff's happened in real life recently, due to school ending. So lots of goodbyes, ceremonies, parties, etc. that all had to be attended. Fortunately, this also means that i'm now free and i'll be updating more frequently

    Quote from DoggyGodz7

    I've built something like that before.

    cool story bro. care to share some proof?

    Quote from thereichs

    You forgot me! It's thereichs! I joined when dug the floor out underneath some guy in iron armour. >_> I remember him raging... :D

    Quote from PKMNTRNRP

    I joined the server because of you, add me to that list! Great progress so far!

    Once the ability to write in books is added i'm planning on adding a guestbook, where all you guys can write in

    Quote from jpmrocks

    Good job, good sir. My profile avatar applauds you.


    Quote from JTTCOTE1

    Why climb up? Use your enderpearls.

    The castle is actually too high in the air to pearl up. if you try you land in the ocean, or you'd just smack into the bottom of the castle

    Quote from Mac12

    Guess you're worried about viruses. A legit concern, given my new status, but I assure you this entirely real. Here's some samples of what you're getting:

    Not going to lie, you won my heart over the minute i saw laputabot chickens. But the pack is waaaaaay to out of date to use, its missing a lot of important textures

    IF anyone can find a laputa themed texture pack that's more up to date i'd love to find it though!

    Quote from JTTCOTE1



    How's it coming?


    Quote from SuperDark33

    I like this.
    The lava god.....
    you need to sacrefice a chicken daily so he wont get an
    gry and flood your world with lava.
    Is the texture pack you're using includes laputa-style iron golems?

    i'll be sure to check with Glomp to see that she's taking proper care of my god.

    Quote from tempo777

    You Sir Have too F***ing finish this it looks so GOOD =D

    It will be soon! fear not!

    For Your Viewing Pleasure:
    The making of Laputabot, part two electric boogaloo. If i was a rich man i would somehow find a way to own a statue like this. if only~

    The Progress:

    First, a small bonus that occurs shortly after the last update: I become promoted to Architect Rank! i'll let the server's website explain what this means:
    The Architect rank is reserved for Arcadia's special-type of builder, that enjoys creating large scale elaborate structures. It is the highest obtainable non-staff and non-donator rank. Aim high, my friends! Arcadia wants YOU to show us your epic creations! Architects gain access to the /tp and /tphere commands AND are able to set an extra TWO homes!

    Unfortunately, the server died almost immediately after this, so i wasnt really able to play around with my new goodies. The website also fails to mention that Architects also gain the ability to fly, so i'll be using that to get some better screenshots of the castle. This also means that its even easier to give people tours of the castle now since i can send them straight to me with /tpahere

    This is the first step to creating the tree. Making this whole part was a pain because i had to jump back and forth from making parts of the tree, then the castle. First i made the tree trunk up and some long thin trails going off of the top as guides for the branches before they got bulked up with extra wood.

    Second i built up the walls of the castle. I just stared with the main center circle, and then added the roof to that before moving onto the outer circles. you can see a hint of the wool roof in this picture

    starting with just two sheep and a handful of wheat, i eventually created this inbred army to supply my roof. each was dyed orange and i used dozens of shears to finish the top.

    This is the finished roof. Through sheer coincidence i never had to edit the branches while working on this, it fit perfectly. I really have no idea how i managed that but i really wont complain. You can see the start of the grass for the upper layer growing along the top part.

    After the roof, i added leafs. This was done by building the trees around the branches first to give me a general shape to work with, then just growing tons of trees off of the roof and destroying their trunks to bulk out the shape. Afterwords i used any spare leafs i had to help smooth out the shape. IT looks pretty terrible and lumpy from the top, but any average player wont be able to see that so i left it alone to save time

    Last part of the tree was making it's root system. This is the general shape, but i'll eventually be making more roots burst out of walls and stuff to help add the appearance that they're much huger then can be seen

    In the front of the tree i add one of the most important parts, the monument stone. Ignore the chest to the side, it contains a lot of signs i made. The stone will eventually be covered with signs that have a message on it, to recreate the appearance of the monument as close as i can

    Then i fill in the surrounding area with trees. First, its several giant trees, and then i fill in the space with lots of small oak trees and regular sized jungle trees.

    Then i cap the roof with glass around the wool as the finishing touch

    The Next Step:
    Next i start the decoration of the outside! this'll be much more freeform and simpler then having to recreate perfect circles and domes so expect that to go a lot faster. I'll be working on the upper tier first, then start adding more to the second tier. After that, it'll be more minor touches before moving into the inner areas!
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 1

    posted a message on Building Laputa in Minecraft, 100% Legit!
    Update 7: Server's Back!
    Ok you guys win. I was planning on saving an update untill i finished the next part of the build, but i'll cover what happened so far now

    Quote from sn0re

    I guess the diameter will either be 100, or 96 if you like building with nice numbers.

    ha, if only my life was that easy. its easily twice that size
    Quote from JTTCOTE1

    I have to say I'm not a fan of that texture pack. It makes your stone walls look really messy. Could you please stick to default texture pack, or at least have another picture of default pack?

    Quote from xFlamingShadowx

    I agree! Its kind of a bit too detailed. I radar u use the default texture pack. Or u can try out Pure BDcraft or Summer Fields

    Bure BDcraft: http://bdcraft.net/
    Summer Fields: http://www.minecraft...-550k-download/

    guys i'm not using that texture pack. Look back on my post and check the part where i typed "screenshot wardog took". any guess why i said that? :P

    Quote from Mac12

    Why not use the texturepack the other Laputa Guy made?

    It even changes wolves to look like those dog things from the movie.

    can i get a link to some pictures or anything before i download that?

    Quote from xFlamingShadowx

    The one in the picture is not summer fields lol

    never said it was :P

    Quote from goldendragon1597

    Laputa's Been Discovered:

    Oh you sneaky devil! trespasser! XD

    Quote from goldendragon1597

    Ironically, it was the middle of the night, and during a thunderstorm when I found it.

    You fool! you angered the guardian stormclouds! D:

    Quote from goldendragon1597

    About at this time, I was thinking: "Oh great, how do I get up now..." Luckly, the grass makes a nice, if not dangerous, staircase up, and I was able to carefully make my way up. [/spoiler]

    very carefully indeed. gotta earn your way to the castle. Be glad i built the thing over the ocean so you dont splat if you fall off on the way up!

    Quote from goldendragon1597

    A much better image of the "spiral thing". The middle wood is the hight limit, so I imagine it's going to be a tower of some sort. [/spoiler]

    "Spiral Thing" is about the best way i can explain that i suppose. But for now that's the best you'll get! that comes next update!

    Quote from goldendragon1597

    Naturally, I was curious how the cobblestone generator worked, so I pulled the lever. It started pushing out cobble, and I quickly stopped it, for I had no need of cobble at the time. Unfortunately, when I tried to destroy the evidence, it wouldn't let me. So ousire either has a protection around the place, or I fell victim to one of the strange glitches that have been plaguing the server. Oops. [/spoiler]

    Dont worry, no strange glitches this time, just a protection area. Wardog set it up for me with his evil witchcraft moderator powers

    Quote from goldendragon1597

    Castle Victims:

    Hey look, that's my name!... Wait a second, what do you mean by "castle victims"??? I'm not completely obsessed with this thing... (cough cough) [/spoiler]

    Dont worry about that, its just an ancient gypsie curse record i've made of people i know who've joined the server because of my thread.

    Quote from goldendragon1597

    The Rim:

    When I was just about to enter the rim, I saw a sign with numbers on it... Curious. Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to look if they were on the other entrances... Maybe ousire can explain them to us... (hint hint)

    that was a sign i made as a reference for the radius of the build. At that point it was exactly 104 blocks from the center of the castle

    For Your viewing Pleasure:
    Constructing the Laputabot! this is toooo coooool! @_@

    The Progress:

    First, here's the castle with grass cleared from extra areas. each area will have a stone floor, so i've collected the dirt off of the area to reuse on the top floor.

    Glomp decided that my castle needed more color i guess. *shrug*

    Here's the map after constructing the major transit areas. Three sections connect the first and second tiers together, and four small areas connect the ring to the first tier.

    First is the northern tower, two small domes that wrap around the entry point.

    The western tower, a small cylinder with a smaller dome on top

    The southern tower, three interconnected domes

    The Eastern tower, one very large dome.

    This is the first staircase from the first tier to the second. Two staircases wrap around the layer, surrounded by small arches

    And here's its opposite. I dont like the pillar design i went with here as much as the arches, but i didnt want to just copy my last design

    Here's the last tower to connect, this one is a large 'bubble' with a tower on top. The inside is pretty blank now, but i'll be decorating it later

    This is where i ended up cheating a little, you'll have to forgive me. This saved me time while the server was down, so i figure it was ok. I needed to replace all the stone brick in the floor with dirt, and i had wardog use world edit for me. However, i have to keep myself legit, so i still had to repay all the dirt that he swapped in.

    Never let it be said that ousire doesnt keep his promises. Count em if you want, exactly the amount owed for the edit, all ready to be repaid. . .

    . . . And the lava god is a very hungry task master.

    Wardog had the honour of popping the chest open and pouring the dirt into the monster's mouth. Glomp showed up to watch but was just confused by the whole affair, because she had missed out on the deal i had made earlier

    That didnt stop her from kidnapping my creation afterwards though. She moved it over to nyancat HQ and uses it as her incinerator now.

    The Next Step:
    Next i have to build the actual castle and tree in the center. This part is a little more complicated, so i'll save the details for the next update
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 6

    posted a message on Building Laputa in Minecraft, 100% Legit!
    tUpdate 6: Starting to Build the castle

    Quote from AcroAce

    I'm psyched to see the finished project, I have hopes for this! Keep us updated, please!

    I'll do my best :D

    Quote from FiyrDragon5

    Looks freaking awesome. I may join the server :D

    yes, please do! if you do i should be able to give you a tour sometime of whats been done

    Quote from xFlamingShadowx

    U posting a update soon?

    right now!

    Quote from Ghastkin

    You sir,are amazing.
    +1 Reputation to you!

    Huzzah! :D

    For Your Viewing Pleasure:
    A speed drawing of the robot! very very detailed, makes me jealous of his art talents. Oh well, someday i might try to take up art.

    The Progress:

    First, as i move my base to the upper levels where i'll working more, i get left a present inside :D i love you too wardog <3

    Right away i start building the second layer, right after connecting the grass to the dirt floor. I decided to do the whole thing in quarters, working from the walls up and then the roof. I was interested to see how fast the grass would grow, and on which side faster, so i made sure to light the place up a lot to speed it up.

    While working on the second area, aex attempts to convince me to pay respect to something so paltry as a literal force of nature. screw gravity, i'm making a flying castle! I can ignore my shattered leg bones and move on to greater and grander things.

    Second section done, and i'm currently outracing the grass! it catches up soon though as i need to stop building and start collecting and creating more stone bricks. Now that i've made this whole section i start moving my base to the roof where i can access my stuff faster.

    However, glomp and wardog decide to have fun abusing my poor castle while i try to move my workshop. Trust me, they did many many more things besides just these two screenshots :C it may be a bad sign when your build is at threat more from admins then from griefers

    Eventually (no thanks to the trolls with world edit) i manage to get the entire upper floor done. The grass manages to beat me to the punch and covered the whole floor while i was working.

    Next, i wanted to outline where i was going to make the castle on the top around the tree. I decided it was going to be made of sandstone with wool roofs, but before i could make that, i had to get the sand to use.

    I had a need to get sand, and glomp had a desert that she needed to get rid of. Sounds like a match made in heaven, right? This is after i cleared all the sand and sandstone out from under a house of hers.

    So here's the initial circle. The large sandstone is where i'll be making the garden inside. The small circle on the top of the grass is where i'll be making a pillar with the platform to enter from. In the movie, the protagonists land on laputa by crashing a small glider onto the top of this pillar, with a bridge leading to the main area. you can see the start of the little bridge coming off of the layer leading to it.

    However, this isn't all that'll be done for the castle, certainly not! i need lots of random bits and bobs to be added for maximum circle madness!

    so first i add a lot of random circles to the outer ring, which will get filled in later. . .

    . . . Then i add in some sandstone circles around the castle to break up the border some and make it more interesting. . .

    . . . then i map out a few very large circles and arches on the grass. These will be the largest areas on the grass fields, and the rest of the space will be filled with random decorations. A few of them are designed to be the stairs leading from the first area up to the second (like the one shown here), while some of the others are just random decorative stuff. . .

    . . . like these ones here! There are a large number of smaller circles on the edge of the grass that peek over into the air. These will extend down and meet up with the bottom of the level. These are designed to add some decorations, break up the plain outline of the circle, and to add access points to the lower levels.

    When it all gets put together, you end with this! Looks pretty crazy right now, but eventually i'll have it filled in and it should make a little more sense.

    The Next Step:
    Next, i need to clear the grass out from all those circles. Each one will have a floor of stone bricks, so the dirt's gotta go. I'll use it to fill in the ground on the upper floors next. All the stone brick on the second layer will be dirt, and then i'll work on the castle above that. I'll be working on some of the transportation sections first, so i have an easier time moving around the build. Second i need to make more of the main tree in the center, because i'll need to build the castle around it. After that, its either more of the minor sections, or to actually start working on the sandstone castle
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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