Age: 14 Time zone/Country: eastern How long have you played Minecraft: since late alpha Are you willing to do mini games and a survival lets play? Heck yeah! Do you have or know of anyone who would allow us on their server for the lets play? nope How funny do you consider yourself? Pretty funny if I don't say so myself :3
(pickaxe) How old are you? 14
* What's your ingame name? onxyia
* What's your Skype name? afronipplz
* What's your strongest skill in Minecraft? building. love me some building
* If accepted, what is your long-term goal on the server? i hope to stay on it, befriend people, and play with friends on the server
* What are you seeking in being a part of a Minecraft Server? I have a friend who just got minecraft and we want to play together, and with others
* What's your timezone? Eastern
* If applicable, what's your YouTube account? I have one but I don't post videos
* How often do you see yourself playing? maybe for about 1-2 hours during school weeks but longer on the weekend
* Are you still able to play online if you are unable to play with another player? yeah
* Tell us about yourself. I've had minecraft since late alpha, I love to build, and I recently got back into the game. I'm friendly if the person I'm talking to is friendly, I have a good sense of humor, and am pretty mature for my age (in that I don't whine and I'm not annoying). I also love anime and I'm a brony :3
Looking for someone with a vanilla mc server that wants like a few other people to play with them. It would be great if you used skype. IGN: onxyia AGE: 13
It's nice, though the second picture is taken at an angle that suggests there is a grass waterfall (grassfall?) coming out of your gate.
That's pretty cool, I wish I had a grassfall, screw physics!
It's very nice, much better than anything I can do. Then again, I play Minecraft for the survival and redstone aspects, not so much the building.
Thanks! Yeah I never noticed the grassfall thing you talked about xD
I'd say 80 just because of the texture pack. It's a great dock it's just I feel the oCd pack looks bad when not used for redstone superflat worlds. The dock looks great. Only thing I would improve is the light tower. Maybe make it more like a lighthouse? 1 block towers look ugly :/
Funny story about that texture pack. I was browsing new texture packs on Planetminecraft and found this one with only 2 diamond (it having come out 2 hours before I downloaded it). Moral of the story: I'm a hipster.
Wide View
Front View
Front... er View?
1st and Main Floor
Basement and Storage
Second Floor
No pics yet because it ain't finished and I'm too lazy
Cows (Animal Cruelty FTW)
Wheat (Hhe-Weet) (Bad pic sorry. Not too interesting though)
Post house suggestions as I will update this post maybe twice a week if I can.
1. onxyia is both forum and ign. 2. I SWEAR not to greif, steal, or sell the clan out to other clans. 3. I love Legend of Zelda and Minecraft, and have been trying to join a clan for a bit. 4. Legend of Zelda is one of my favorite franchises and I love the story, and the gameplay to all the games I've played. I played: Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and Majora's Mask. I also recently bought Hyrule Historia. 5. 13 6. I play Minecraft a bit and I'm planning to get back into it. I usually am not able to play during the week but I can play for around 2-4 hours saturday or sunday.
Age: 13
Minecraft Username: onxyia Minecraft Experience: Since Late alpha early beta. Why do you want to join this server: Looking to play more vanilla minecraft, but singleplayer is very boring for me, and my friends don't know how to set up a server :/ Why should I choose you to join my server: I'm a good builder, friendly, and a good leader (not to bossy :3) How often will you be able to play: 1-2 hours if any on the weekdays, and 2-5 hours on the weekend
Time zone/Country: eastern
How long have you played Minecraft: since late alpha
Are you willing to do mini games and a survival lets play? Heck yeah!
Do you have or know of anyone who would allow us on their server for the lets play? nope
How funny do you consider yourself? Pretty funny if I don't say so myself :3
Also I have a skype and steam
* What's your ingame name? onxyia
* What's your Skype name? afronipplz
* What's your strongest skill in Minecraft? building. love me some building
* If accepted, what is your long-term goal on the server? i hope to stay on it, befriend people, and play with friends on the server
* What are you seeking in being a part of a Minecraft Server? I have a friend who just got minecraft and we want to play together, and with others
* What's your timezone? Eastern
* If applicable, what's your YouTube account? I have one but I don't post videos
* How often do you see yourself playing? maybe for about 1-2 hours during school weeks but longer on the weekend
* Are you still able to play online if you are unable to play with another player? yeah
* Tell us about yourself. I've had minecraft since late alpha, I love to build, and I recently got back into the game. I'm friendly if the person I'm talking to is friendly, I have a good sense of humor, and am pretty mature for my age (in that I don't whine and I'm not annoying). I also love anime and I'm a brony :3
Age: 14
Mic: yuslol nvm your on xbox
Put it in the main post.
Thanks! Yeah I never noticed the grassfall thing you talked about xD
Funny story about that texture pack. I was browsing new texture packs on Planetminecraft and found this one with only 2 diamond (it having come out 2 hours before I downloaded it). Moral of the story: I'm a hipster.
Wide View
Front View
Front... er View?
1st and Main Floor
Basement and Storage
Second Floor
No pics yet because it ain't finished and I'm too lazy
Cows (Animal Cruelty FTW)
Wheat (Hhe-Weet) (Bad pic sorry. Not too interesting though)
Post house suggestions as I will update this post maybe twice a week if I can.
2. I SWEAR not to greif, steal, or sell the clan out to other clans.
3. I love Legend of Zelda and Minecraft, and have been trying to join a clan for a bit.
4. Legend of Zelda is one of my favorite franchises and I love the story, and the gameplay to all the games I've played. I played: Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and Majora's Mask. I also recently bought Hyrule Historia.
5. 13
6. I play Minecraft a bit and I'm planning to get back into it. I usually am not able to play during the week but I can play for around 2-4 hours saturday or sunday.
Minecraft Username: onxyia
Minecraft Experience: Since Late alpha early beta.
Why do you want to join this server: Looking to play more vanilla minecraft, but singleplayer is very boring for me, and my friends don't know how to set up a server :/
Why should I choose you to join my server: I'm a good builder, friendly, and a good leader (not to bossy :3)
How often will you be able to play: 1-2 hours if any on the weekdays, and 2-5 hours on the weekend