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    posted a message on Your avatar is stuck in an elevator with the above poster's avatar, what do you do?
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Looking for a Youtube Partner!
    Age: 14
    Time zone/Country: eastern
    How long have you played Minecraft: since late alpha
    Are you willing to do mini games and a survival lets play? Heck yeah!
    Do you have or know of anyone who would allow us on their server for the lets play? nope :(
    How funny do you consider yourself? Pretty funny if I don't say so myself :3

    Also I have a skype and steam
    Posted in: Other Help
  • 0

    posted a message on [UPDATED]The Nation is looking for new members! 1.6.2 Vanilla
    (pickaxe) How old are you? 14
    * What's your ingame name? onxyia
    * What's your Skype name? afronipplz
    * What's your strongest skill in Minecraft? building. love me some building
    * If accepted, what is your long-term goal on the server? i hope to stay on it, befriend people, and play with friends on the server
    * What are you seeking in being a part of a Minecraft Server? I have a friend who just got minecraft and we want to play together, and with others
    * What's your timezone? Eastern
    * If applicable, what's your YouTube account? I have one but I don't post videos
    * How often do you see yourself playing? maybe for about 1-2 hours during school weeks but longer on the weekend
    * Are you still able to play online if you are unable to play with another player? yeah
    * Tell us about yourself. I've had minecraft since late alpha, I love to build, and I recently got back into the game. I'm friendly if the person I'm talking to is friendly, I have a good sense of humor, and am pretty mature for my age (in that I don't whine and I'm not annoying). I also love anime and I'm a brony :3
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Bored. Im a Girl looking for some xbox friends c: for Minecraft
    Name: onxyia
    Age: 14
    Mic: yuslol nvm your on xbox
    Posted in: MCX360: Looking For
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking to play with 1-4 other people
    Looking for someone with a vanilla mc server that wants like a few other people to play with them. It would be great if you used skype. IGN: onxyia AGE: 13
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on My Current Survival World
    Quote from Thefoodiscool12

    Do you have an enderdragon egg? :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond:

    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on My Current Survival World
    Quote from lLegacyl

    What's your texture pack? I really like it :D

    Put it in the main post.
    Quote from brADyHD

    It's nice, though the second picture is taken at an angle that suggests there is a grass waterfall (grassfall?) coming out of your gate.
    That's pretty cool, I wish I had a grassfall, screw physics!

    It's very nice, much better than anything I can do. Then again, I play Minecraft for the survival and redstone aspects, not so much the building.

    Thanks! Yeah I never noticed the grassfall thing you talked about xD
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on My Hexxit Survival World
    upload them to imgur.com when you do, there will be a link thingy under BBCode. Copy that into the post.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Rate my Harbor/Dock
    I'd say 80 just because of the texture pack. It's a great dock it's just I feel the oCd pack looks bad when not used for redstone superflat worlds. The dock looks great. Only thing I would improve is the light tower. Maybe make it more like a lighthouse? 1 block towers look ugly :/
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on How's my architecture?
    windmill link is broken. I like the pagoda but i feel like the cottage is too cramped
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on My Current Survival World
    Hey guys, I started a survival world not too long ago for the 1.6 release and just for funzees here it is :3



    Funny story about that texture pack. I was browsing new texture packs on Planetminecraft and found this one with only 2 diamond (it having come out 2 hours before I downloaded it). Moral of the story: I'm a hipster.


    Wide View

    Front View

    Front... er View?



    1st and Main Floor

    Basement and Storage

    Second Floor
    No pics yet because it ain't finished and I'm too lazy :P



    Cows (Animal Cruelty FTW)

    Wheat (Hhe-Weet) (Bad pic sorry. Not too interesting though)



    Post house suggestions as I will update this post maybe twice a week if I can.

    THANKS! :3
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Swordsmasters of Hyrule
    :o I'm not whitelisted :(
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Swordsmasters of Hyrule
    1. onxyia is both forum and ign.
    2. I SWEAR not to greif, steal, or sell the clan out to other clans.
    3. I love Legend of Zelda and Minecraft, and have been trying to join a clan for a bit.
    4. Legend of Zelda is one of my favorite franchises and I love the story, and the gameplay to all the games I've played. I played: Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, and Majora's Mask. I also recently bought Hyrule Historia.
    5. 13
    6. I play Minecraft a bit and I'm planning to get back into it. I usually am not able to play during the week but I can play for around 2-4 hours saturday or sunday.
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on Small Server [Snapshot] [Youtube] [10-15 people]
    Age: 13
    Minecraft Username: onxyia

    Minecraft Experience: Since Late alpha early beta.
    Why do you want to join this server: Looking to play more vanilla minecraft, but singleplayer is very boring for me, and my friends don't know how to set up a server :/
    Why should I choose you to join my server: I'm a good builder, friendly, and a good leader (not to bossy :3)
    How often will you be able to play: 1-2 hours if any on the weekdays, and 2-5 hours on the weekend
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Help! Can't move or place or build
    Pretty straight foward. I can access my inventory and crafting but cannot pause, build, move, or destroy blocks. Help?
    Posted in: Minecraft (Bedrock) Support
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