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    posted a message on [1.3.2] BossCraft v1.5 | BOSSES, WEAPONS & MORE | Updated to 1.3.2
    When is this being updated to 1.4? I was wanting to use this and legendry beast and it would be all awesome.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] [Factions][creative][survival]CSMC SMP server
    also brian completeley obliterated me and a village, making it go into the void with WE or something, i saaid ooh a nice village to live in(this was in tempcreative because u always end up in survival) but then hes like yay time to blow it u hten it was all gone.he also uses heat ray or something that makes fire spread to every single block really quickly and it crashes peoples minecraft. he needs to be demoted to trusted or somehting
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] [Factions][creative][survival]CSMC SMP server
    sean, brian needs to be demoted. i know he is an owner and all but he is just ruining the server. he almost made justin quit the server. i think he may actually quit the server this time FOR REAL! Justin gave me ownership of his faction and village! brian really needs to be demoted, he abuses all the time. in combat he uses smite and gm, and god mode. he threatened to ban me, for being a ***** or something. i have tons of screenies showing him, spawning silverfish in peoples houses, smiting people, telling people they are cursed after being smitten and constantly smiting them, also saying he will burn everything to the ground with one click, talking about using arrow brush with i think WE i thinks thats bad idk, having no consideration for people that are quitting the server because of them, killing people so much they cant even click respawn,admitting to killing people 20-30 times, but he is a menace to the server. he claims to take care of player problems considering he causes %90 of them. plz dont demote him to where he still has access to these crazy commands that allow him to do everything he wants in every terrible and evil way he wanst to anyone.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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