Miss DaintyElf may you talk to the owners please? The maze and losing your stuff should be re-examined. It may have to do with roleplay, but needs a closer look. I have proudly joined the in-game knighthood. Finding a dungeon takes quite a while when you don't know what you're looking for. Maybe there should be a treasure map or something. It is better than following someone. Lastly if you are looking for a website, go with a GoDaddy domain and the new Google Sites. It is more affordable than Wix and exists on Google Drive.
I will be on in about an hour.
[b]Age:15 turning 16 soon.[/b]
[b]In-Game Name: omodtcat101[/b]
[b]Previous Staff Positions on Servers:[/b]
Owner: I have been a owner two times, for my old servers Warringpixels ( 4GB shut down because of lack of funds) and Pixelcomet ( 4GB shutdown because of lack of fund). Like a mentioned in the parentheses they sadly shutdown because of having not enough funds to keep it up. I know what its like to be a owner so I can help you as much as I can. What I mean by that is being a server owner is not easy at all you have to be bombarded with questions,threats(which hopefully doesn't happen to you like it did me), and other insults.[/b]
Moderator: I have been a moderator for 2 servers one which shutdown and is now back up so I won't name it because that would be advertising. Just in case if your wondering I am not staff for their server anymore. I also was moderator on another server but it shutdown and its name I can't remember because its been a while since I was staff on there. I know the basics of being a moderator such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat they will be temporary banned and I will contact the owner to see if they are banned forever or if they are temporary banned. Another thing you have to do as a moderator is answer the players questions.[/b]
Helper: I have been helper three times total. One of the servers was a pixelmon server which sadly shutdown. The second server I have been helper on is the same server that came back that I wrote above. I started out as a helper but later I was promoted to moderator because I answered most of the questions the players had. I couldn't answer all of them because I am just one person. The rules for helper are almost the same as moderator. I know the basics of being a helper such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat I will contact someone to temporary ban them If I don't have that command myself and I will contact the owner. Another thing a helper has to do is answer any questions a player has.[/b]
[b]Can you donate 5$: Yes I might be able to donate something but it probably won't be until after my birthday(May 19th)[/b]
[b]Do you know Permissions: Yes I know some permissions but only if you are using group manager. Sadly I don't know how to use Pex because its more complicated than group manager. For example some essentials permission nodes are essentials.help, Essentials.build, Essentials.kit.tools or essentials.kit. The permissions nodes for factions I only know a few of them but I have to refresh my mind on it. The other permissions nodes I know are some minigames permissions and a I am medium in the multiverse plugin.[/b]
xSpexions he said no. It's his clan so its his choice if he wants to join or not. It seems if you are fighting with a clan that doesn't want to join its not going to work out.. Then the "peace" would only last so long before you or someone else in there own greed tries to make there power higher than someone else. That is also part of human nature and I can see if this clan joins it will have the weakest power because it doesn't agree with you.
I am sorry about that I knew I was missing something, thank you for reminding me. I added it to the application sorry for the inconvenience.
In-game name: omodtcat101
Why do you want to join? I want to join because this is one of the few military clans out there. I also noticed that you guys keep up to date with your members which means you guys will probably last a long time The reason I say this is because you have replied back to mostly everyone on the server. I would like to join because through just observations of your clan's growth I can tell its going to become successful( it probably already is.) You also have a good amount of members showing just how popular your clan has become. This also happened in a short amount of time so I want to congratulate you on that.
Are you currently in a clan or have been in one? Yes I have been in a clan but it was not a military clan and two days after they started they quit which I pretty much know based on observations you guys aren't planning on quitting anytime soon.
What country are you from? United States
On A Scale of 1-10 how mature are you? I would say 8-9 because I like to joke around sometimes. Even though I like to joke around I know there is also a time to be serious.
Do you have any military experience? Real life and Minecraft simulation. (Cadets count) I don't have any real military experience as I am only 15. In minecraft I have gone on many different types of pvp servers. I am about average at pvp since I haven't played Minecraft since 1.6.2. If I were to get back on track I would say I am pretty good at pvp as long as I don't get to much lag.
How old are you? 15.
How Many Hours Do You Play A Week? I play Minecraft about 20 hours a week. I would be willing to give about 8-9 hours of that time for the clan.
What time are you usually on? If it varies just give a rough estimate. On school days I am on around 3:17 PM central time to 9:30 PM central time. On non-school days I am on Minecraft around 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM
Why Should you be accepted into The 25th? I should be accepted into the 25th because I am pretty good at pvp once I get used to playing Minecraft again. I am available a lot of the time so if you need me on just message my Skype. I am average at building so if you need help with that I can try my best to help. I am very good when it comes to thinking up strategies in the middle of a battle. Before I do anything I think of at least 5 different strategies that could work before entering the battle. If you ever need help with strategies you can ask me. I am a very reliable person when in a battle. I would sacrifice myself ( my Minecraft character of course) so that my team can escape the field alive.
What is your Skype username? Or other ways we can contact you. Skype: omodtcat if you need anymore ways to contact me please private message me on the forums.
Edit: Sorry I forgot to put this in. Outlaws