TeamSpeak 3: omodtcat (The problem is I can't use it very well)
Time Zone:USA Central Time
Hours you can spend a week on the team: 8-11 Hours (I can probably spend a lot more time a week but I am just saying this to be safe.)
Why should we accept you: I am willing to spend a lot of time on the clan,I am very mature and respectful. I am pretty fast at learning things I don't know. I will be very dedicated to this clan and will follow every order given to me no matter what. I love to help people including the people in this clan.
Do you agree to follow and respect all of the rules: Yes I agree.
Other: I probably won't be able to start until at least 2:00 PM tomorrow.
Location/Timezone: Goodhue Minnesota (Central Time Zone)
Skype (must have):omodtcat
How much time can you spend working on a job?:4-5 Hours Monday-Thursday. 5-6 Hours Friday-Sunday
Experience as a Job Manager: I don't have any experience as a job manager. I do have experience with being a successful server owner. Being a server owner you need to be organized and keep your workers organized also. On top all that you have to handle a lot of stress. You also have to hand out jobs and hire people who you think would be good staff on your server.That's why its kind of like being a job manager.
How good can you Organize? (0-10): 10
Are you able to solve any Confusion in the Group?: Yes I can because I used to be server owner. As a server owner you have to be able to solve confusion, hire people and answer questions about the server. For example if someone asks you "where can I sign up for being a moderator on the server". I would answer for example then go to Pixelcomet's forums. First look for the template then copy and paste it on the application. Next fill out the application. When your done with that submit the application and wait for the reply.
TUBM likes to kill people in PVP
TUBM likes Monkeys
Age (range will be accepted): 15(16 soon)
TeamSpeak 3: omodtcat (The problem is I can't use it very well)
Time Zone:USA Central Time
Hours you can spend a week on the team: 8-11 Hours (I can probably spend a lot more time a week but I am just saying this to be safe.)
Why should we accept you: I am willing to spend a lot of time on the clan,I am very mature and respectful. I am pretty fast at learning things I don't know. I will be very dedicated to this clan and will follow every order given to me no matter what. I love to help people including the people in this clan.
Do you agree to follow and respect all of the rules: Yes I agree.
Other: I probably won't be able to start until at least 2:00 PM tomorrow.
IGN: omodtcat
Age:15 (16 in three months)
Maturity (0-10): 10
Location/Timezone: Goodhue Minnesota (Central Time Zone)
Skype (must have):omodtcat
How much time can you spend working on a job?:4-5 Hours Monday-Thursday. 5-6 Hours Friday-Sunday
Experience as a Job Manager: I don't have any experience as a job manager. I do have experience with being a successful server owner. Being a server owner you need to be organized and keep your workers organized also. On top all that you have to handle a lot of stress. You also have to hand out jobs and hire people who you think would be good staff on your server.That's why its kind of like being a job manager.
How good can you Organize? (0-10): 10
Are you able to solve any Confusion in the Group?: Yes I can because I used to be server owner. As a server owner you have to be able to solve confusion, hire people and answer questions about the server. For example if someone asks you "where can I sign up for being a moderator on the server". I would answer for example then go to Pixelcomet's forums. First look for the template then copy and paste it on the application. Next fill out the application. When your done with that submit the application and wait for the reply.