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    posted a message on Pixelmon Server in need of staff! Plus Youtubers! [WarringPixels Pixelmon Server]

    IGN(In Game Name): ConfettiChicken

    Age: 11

    Maturity Level 1-10( 10 being the most mature.) 9-ish

    Why do you want to be staff or gym leader? I want to be staff because I like helping others.

    Why should we pick you over the others? Because I'm awesome. Because I feel like I'll be able to make sure everyone knows the rules and follows them.

    How long can you be on the server? If you mean how much time I'll be able to spend on the server, probably an half an hour to an hour every day.

    Denied until you add More information sorry.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Pixelmon Server in need of staff! Plus Youtubers! [WarringPixels Pixelmon Server]

    IGN(In Game Name): Robot_SQuid_

    Age: 13

    Maturity Level 1-10( 10 being the most mature.) 9 (I like to troll a little)

    Why do you want to be staff or gym leader?

    I would go for staff (admin), and be a "substitute for a gym leader". That means if a gym leader is not there, I can fill them in.

    Why should we pick you over the others?

    I really like Pixelmon and Pokemon so I have a lot of experience about it. Im good at dealing with all types of situations and problems. Also good at building nature and structures.

    How long can you be on the server?

    I can be on it between 3pm - 9 pm EST (Eastern US and Canada)

    Situation: A gym leader is breaking the level barrier for his/her Pokemon. I would tell him to replace it, show me proof, if not I will notify you.

    A player is constantly complaining how he found a pokemon and dosen't have any pokeballs. I would Tell him to stop, or message people to borrow pokeballs.

    A player is constantly tricking people that he found a legendary pokemon but he was lying. I will tell him to stop, then if he continues to do it, I will mute him for 2-5 minutes. One moretime then tempban

    You are Accepted.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Pixelmon Server in need of staff! Plus Youtubers! [WarringPixels Pixelmon Server]

    WarringPixels is a new pixelmon server in need of staff such as Helpers, Moderators, a Head-admin, Administrators, a Head-Admin, builders and Gym Leaders.and last but not least youtubers!

    Features Include Increased Shiny Rate, Legendary Spawn Rate and Custom Starters. The starters are also shiny and some of them will be the same but most will be different pokemon to choose from. Events will be decided by the players on the website. To have an event at least 8 players must vote for the event on the website. The website will be provided to those who ask. Rules will be on the server


    To apply for Staff fill out the application form below.

    IGN(In Game Name):


    Maturity Level 1-10( 10 being the most mature.)

    Why do you want to be staff or gym leader?

    Why should we pick you over the others?

    How long can you be on the server?


    Youtubers Application

    Youtube Channel:


    Maturity Level 1-10 ( 10 being the most mature)

    How often can you advertise the Server through your channel?

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on ExileServers, Corp. | Free Trials + $3.75/GB SALE | Free BungeeCord | DDoS Prot + MySQL + SSDs + Free Dedicated IP

    I currently run a pixelmon server and it works great! It has a drop down menu in the console which I though was pretty awesome because if I wanted to switch from pixelmon to another one of the choices of mods I can. . Great hosting and they are probably the best hosting service I have used so far! I have used 10 different hosts but this one takes the cake. My server has barely any lag. They also have great customer service such as when my server stopped they helped me configure what the problem was. Hope the hosting lasts a long time. Good Luck.

    Posted in: Other hosts
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    posted a message on Gale of Origins - NEW PIXELMON SERVER

    Shiny dungeons are kind of like a safari type thing but kind of different.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on GodSlayers Clan
    GodSlayers is a PVP/Factions clan that you can join and have fun!!!

    1)No Swearing(you can do it once in a while but not all the time.)

    2) No griefing other peoples stuff on servers.

    3) No stealing from other members of the clan or anyone for that matter.

    4) if you break these rules 3 times you will be kicked from the clan.

    5) if you read the rules type Amaterasu in your application

    Other than that have fun!!!
    Application process
    Age(must be 13 or older):
    Maturity level( 1-10):
    How long can you play with the clan( you have to be 5 hours a week or above.):
    Position you want in the clan.(The higher you want to be in the clan, the more words you have to write):
    Why you want to be a part of Warringpixels:
    why should you be a part of the clan:
    King: Me (no you can't apply for this position)
    General: Highest rank besides me . The general leads the army if i'm not around. He/She also has a lot of say in the clan.
    Lieutenant(royal guard): Leads the a small group of soldiers (4 at most and they have to be soldiers). He also has a little less say in the clan than the General. He/She can be a general if he/she proves himself/herself to be a good leader.
    Soldier: The soldier has some say in the clan. The soldier would also be assigned to me, a general or a lieutenant. The soldiers can be promoted if they show that they are good workers in the clan.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Gale of Origins - NEW PIXELMON SERVER
    What kind of information do you need? I have been on the server before and its awesome.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on MC United | Upcoming Server | Positions Filling Up Fast | Apply today before it's too late |
    Quote from IGoodGrammar
    IGN: IGoodGrammar

    Position you are appying for: Jr. Mod

    First Name:Jacob(Jake for short)

    Time Zone (In relation to GMT):Central Standard Time (CST 6 hours behind GMT)

    Skype (Optional): IGoodGrammar, I haven't used it in awhile so I don't know if my mic works that well.

    TeamSpeak 3 and mic (Optional): I have no experience with TeamSpeak yet but I would love to learn about it.

    Any Staff Experience: I don't have much Staff experience, but Jr. Mods are suppose to learn all the commands and expectations of being Staff right? :D

    Been Banned Before: I'm not going to lie so yes I have been banned on some servers, but haven't we all struck an Admins nerve atleast once? It was for 2 hours.

    Other: I would love to hatch a start into staff experience. I am a huge minecraft lover and have been playing it since 1.2.5! I am a nice, friendly guy who loves to meet new people and have fun! I am not a fan of arguments I really do disapprove of them. I go to a normal school and am expected quite high grades.

    Yeah you will have to wait about a week before she can accept you sorry.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on MC United | Upcoming Server | Positions Filling Up Fast | Apply today before it's too late |
    You might have to wait a while because the owner has personal problems. Her grandpa just got sick.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on MC United | Upcoming Server | Positions Filling Up Fast | Apply today before it's too late |
    Quote from cocokat»
    Hey all- I have an important announcement to make. Unfortunately, I am going to have to delay the server for about a week. My grandfather was hospitalized today and is very sick. My grandmother is incapable of walking without assistance, and I need to be there for both of them right now. On top of that all, I have a major test in school coming up this Friday that counts for 40% of my quarter grade in that subject. I will return in about a week's time and resume work on the server. Thank you for your understanding, and I apologize for this.

    I am going to manage the server since I figured out how to do the ranks with group manager. So it will take about three days before the server is up for the public. Builders and admin are the only ones to join on the first day. Then the server is open for everybody else. I know I did buy the server for the clan but I want the server to be up as soon as possible. That is why I will be setting the server up. I will not add anymore plugins though except for a multiworld plugin like we planned. Well I hope your grandpa gets better.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on !Looking for server in need of staff!
    Quote from cocokat»
    Do you mind answering a few questions?

    1. What happened to the 8 servers you owned?

    2. Have you ever been banned before? If so, why?

    3. Do you have any experience coding plugins? If so, can you provide some examples?

    4. Are you willing to start out at a low rank and work your way up?

    Hey cocokat, this is a friend of mine. He also is/was part of withercommunity the company I told you about. His last server which I used to be a part of went down for either him not having enough money to pay it or some other good reason. I know lret1 and I know he is very good for our server.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on If you need a builder
    Apply here we are need of builders http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/servers/looking-for/2363558-mc-united-upcoming-server-positions-filling-up. Make sure to make your application detailed or you won't get accepted. You also need to give us the build examples in the application.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on MC United | Upcoming Server | Positions Filling Up Fast | Apply today before it's too late |
    The server is not up yet it will be in about 2-3 weeks.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on MC United | Upcoming Server | Positions Filling Up Fast | Apply today before it's too late |
    Sorry but admin is taken right now it says there is no openings for it.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on MC United | Upcoming Server | Positions Filling Up Fast | Apply today before it's too late |
    Oh Teamspeak 3 just works for me speaking to my computer lol.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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