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    posted a message on Eden Universe | 1.8 | Recruiting Staff

    You might want to add the staff application on here or a link to it. Well good luck! Or is it on the website you mentioned above?

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on ||\\//||Looking to help start a new gaming clan||\\//||

    You could apply at this clan then. Minecraft United is a good clan to join for the stuff you are looking for. I am not the owner of the clan but I am pretty sure by how much you wrote you would get accepted It is currently small as of right now and they and I know cocokat would need a little help as this is her first clan. So as of right now it is still Minecraft and may expand to other games. You will not start out as a high position and the clan is moderately mature. Apply here http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/servers/clans/2392813-mc-united-yes-were-back-small-but-friendly Good luck and have fun!

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Global Conquest 🌏 (REAL Planet Earth | 1:1500 Scale) (Nation VS. Nation PvP) BUILD YOUR EMPIRE | NEW IP:realisimnations.mcph.co



    Skype (Optional):omodtcat

    Level of Interest: I would say 10 because this seems like a interesting concept. Not only that but it is an entirely new idea to me and seems really fun. I would be honored to join your server. Good luck.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on #FrostBite Nexus Survival Games Clan

    Name: Austin[/b]
    (If you are uncomfortable with revealing your first name, use a nickname)

    IGN (In Game Name):omodtcat101[/b]

    (Do not lie about your age)

    Any alternate accounts?: I don't know what you mean by alternate accounts but I only have one account on here.[/b]

    Do you have Skype?:Yes just pm me and I will try to get a response as soon as possible.[/b]

    Statistics: My computer won't work with screenshots because for some reasons the screenshots never show up in the folder.[/b]

    PVP Strengths: My pvp strengths mostly rely on long range but I am pretty average at short range. What I mean by long range is bow and arrow (obviously :) ) If someone is fighting someone else I like to get a good distance in a hiding place such as up high or in a tree and if possible a cave. Another words I work best when I have hiding a place and am not spotted. If I am spotted I can fight but usually I end up running because I'm not strong enough to fight close range against someone with superior close range skills.[/b]

    PVP Weakness: I am weak in short range the most because I usually do long range with the bow and do not practice much with short range. If I am lagging I can mess up pretty badly and not be able to fight back very well in a close range fight. I also have to rely on someone to fight with because I am better with teamwork than I am individually. Well back to my close hand fighting if I am fighting alone without someone else I probably will do a little below average in pvp but if I am fighting with someone else I will do a little above average.[/b]

    Time Zone: USA Central Time Zone[/b]

    Have you been in any other clans?: Yes I have. MinecraftUnited but they have been inactive for a long time so I think it disbanded. I have been in the 25th Infantry divisions but I couldn't get into their clan because when I asked about them I couldn't join their server. The last I can't remember but I quit because It wasn't exactly military like and they are building a server called Unity. I disagree with it because many different clans will have conflicting interest and their interests rely mostly on building and farming/hunting.[/b]

    Why would you like to join?: I would like to join because this seems like an interesting clan concept and is a very rare type of clan to find. I also like how you want to know people's pvp which is interesting because most clans do not do that. I like that part about your clan because you get know the skills before allowing them to join. Your clan seems very professional even though the font and stuff can use some work but other than that its good. I like how you want to know the strengths and weaknesses of pvp so you know if they need work in certain areas more than others. [/b]

    [b]Suggestions ( I hope you don't mind.): Try to make the titles a little cooler like some clans do ( more specifically the bigger clans like the 25th Infantry division.) You can also make the words more bold so it doesn't look as plain as it does now ( no offence.) With the time zone thing you should put times you are available to play on the clan and how many hours can you play on the clan per week.[/b]

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on [25th] 25th Infantry Division [Military Realism] [Professional] [NOW RECRUITING]

    Hey fireboyx55 i'm sorry but i'm quitting the clan, I can't really ever get into the clan because every time I ask for someone on the server if I can join the clan no one answers me. I have been waiting about two to three days to see if someone would help me and/or direct me to your clan but still no one answers me.

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on MC United | Yes, we're back! | Small but friendly community | All game modes | Private TS3 Server | Trial Runs Offered |
    Quote from cocokat»

    I can't play right now because I'm not at home, but I can later. Maybe we can do Survival Games?

    Sure. Which survival games server?

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on MC United | Yes, we're back! | Small but friendly community | All game modes | Private TS3 Server | Trial Runs Offered |

    Hey cocokat its been a while, i'll play minecraft with you. Do you want to play factions/pvp/minigames or what?

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on [25th] 25th Infantry Division [Military Realism] [Professional] [NOW RECRUITING]

    I am sorry about that I knew I was missing something, thank you for reminding me. I added it to the application sorry for the inconvenience.

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on [25th] 25th Infantry Division [Military Realism] [Professional] [NOW RECRUITING]

    In-game name: omodtcat101

    Why do you want to join? I want to join because this is one of the few military clans out there. I also noticed that you guys keep up to date with your members which means you guys will probably last a long time The reason I say this is because you have replied back to mostly everyone on the server. I would like to join because through just observations of your clan's growth I can tell its going to become successful( it probably already is.) You also have a good amount of members showing just how popular your clan has become. This also happened in a short amount of time so I want to congratulate you on that.

    Are you currently in a clan or have been in one? Yes I have been in a clan but it was not a military clan and two days after they started they quit which I pretty much know based on observations you guys aren't planning on quitting anytime soon.

    What country are you from? United States

    On A Scale of 1-10 how mature are you? I would say 8-9 because I like to joke around sometimes. Even though I like to joke around I know there is also a time to be serious.

    Do you have any military experience? Real life and Minecraft simulation. (Cadets count) I don't have any real military experience as I am only 15. In minecraft I have gone on many different types of pvp servers. I am about average at pvp since I haven't played Minecraft since 1.6.2. If I were to get back on track I would say I am pretty good at pvp as long as I don't get to much lag.

    How old are you? 15.

    How Many Hours Do You Play A Week? I play Minecraft about 20 hours a week. I would be willing to give about 8-9 hours of that time for the clan.

    What time are you usually on? If it varies just give a rough estimate. On school days I am on around 3:17 PM central time to 9:30 PM central time. On non-school days I am on Minecraft around 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM

    Why Should you be accepted into The 25th? I should be accepted into the 25th because I am pretty good at pvp once I get used to playing Minecraft again. I am available a lot of the time so if you need me on just message my Skype. I am average at building so if you need help with that I can try my best to help. I am very good when it comes to thinking up strategies in the middle of a battle. Before I do anything I think of at least 5 different strategies that could work before entering the battle. If you ever need help with strategies you can ask me. I am a very reliable person when in a battle. I would sacrifice myself ( my Minecraft character of course) so that my team can escape the field alive.

    What is your Skype username? Or other ways we can contact you. Skype: omodtcat if you need anymore ways to contact me please private message me on the forums.

    Edit: Sorry I forgot to put this in. Outlaws

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Carlon Empire [Medieval] [RP] [Military/Kingdom System] [Agion?]

    I am trying to find a clan that is more military based but good luck with your clan! :)

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Carlon Empire [Medieval] [RP] [Military/Kingdom System] [Agion?]

    Sorry I decided not to join.

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Pixelmon Server in need of staff! Plus Youtubers! [WarringPixels Pixelmon Server]

    You should be able to if you have pixelmon 3.4.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Pixelmon Server in need of staff! Plus Youtubers! [WarringPixels Pixelmon Server]
    Quote from yvngtre16»

    IGN(In Game Name): yvngtre16

    Age: 16

    Maturity Level 1-10( 10 being the most mature.) 10

    Why do you want to be staff or gym leader? because i can add thigns and do things to your server that can make it the best of the best becuase i am a dev so i know pretty much everything about adobe perms and anything else and im a nice kind hearted person

    Why should we pick you over the others? because i just know i can do way better than othe rpeople can

    How long can you be on the server? as long as i want

    Denied until you add more information.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Pixelmon Server in need of staff! Plus Youtubers! [WarringPixels Pixelmon Server]
    Quote from ExitWounds23»

    IGN(In Game Name): Exit_Wounds23


    Maturity Level 1-10( 10 being the most mature.) 8 Just cause I like to have fun sometimes.

    Why do you want to be staff or gym leader? I would like to be staff so I could help others and kick/ban abusers.

    Why should we pick you over the others? I am loyal, mature, funny and I love to make new friends so I would call myself friendly!

    How long can you be on the server? 1-5 hours a day I do have to finish with schooling though.

    Other Info: I am fast responding to people breaking the rules on the server. I am quite a good builder, I have had experience with other servers being a mod but I have never been an admin.

    If you need any info about my EMAIL/SKYPE private message me and I can give you those.

    Accepted but try to be on at least 3 hours a day thank you.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Pixelmon Server in need of staff! Plus Youtubers! [WarringPixels Pixelmon Server]
    Quote from epickid69»

    IGN(In Game Name):epickid69


    Maturity Level 1-10( 10 being the most mature.) 10

    Why do you want to be staff or gym leader?: Because I have a lot of experience and love helping players and keeping communitys safe.

    Why should we pick you over the others? Because I am experienced and mature.

    How long can you be on the server?every day

    Denied until you add more Information sorry.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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