Helper: I have been helper three times total. One of the servers was a pixelmon server which sadly shutdown. The second server I have been helper on is the same server that came back that I wrote above. I started out as a helper but later I was promoted to moderator because I answered most of the questions the players had. I couldn't answer all of them because I am just one person. The rules for helper are almost the same as moderator. I know the basics of being a helper such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat I will contact someone to temporary ban them If I don't have that command myself and I will contact the owner. Another thing a helper has to do is answer any questions a player has.
Moderator: I have been a moderator for 2 servers one which shutdown and is now back up so I won't name it because that would be advertising. Just in case if your wondering I am not staff for their server anymore. I also was moderator on another server but it shutdown and its name I can't remember because its been a while since I was staff on there. I know the basics of being a moderator such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat they will be temporary banned and I will contact the owner to see if they are banned forever or if they are temporary banned. Another thing you have to do as a moderator is answer the players questions.
Owner: I have been a owner two times, for my old servers Warringpixels ( 4GB shut down because of lack of funds) and Pixelcomet ( 4GB shutdown because of lack of fund). Like a mentioned in the parentheses they sadly shutdown because of having not enough funds to keep it up. I know what its like to be a owner so I can help you as much as I can. What I mean by that is being a server owner is not easy at all you have to be bombarded with questions,threats(which hopefully doesn't happen to you like it did me), and other insults.
Experince/knowledge of pixelmon:
Proof of work for builders only:
How long can u play/work: I can be on at least three to four hours a day. If I have vacation or I have a lot of homework that would be different. If it is a lot of homework I can be on at least two to three hours a day. If i'm on vacation I can try to 2 to 2 and a half hours. If I don't have a lot of homework or I am on a vacation I will be able to be on three to four hours a day. Also I can't be on until 3:17 on school days because I have school. My school ends on May,29,2015 so that won't be a problem for too long.
Extra Info:I know some permissions but only if you are using group manager. Sadly I don't know how to use Pex because its more complicated than group manager. For example some essentials permission nodes are,, or essentials.kit. The permissions nodes for factions I only know a few of them but I have to refresh my mind on it. The other permissions nodes I know are some minigames permissions and a I am medium in the multiverse plugin.I can help you with people who do not listen to rules. I am a very helpful person so any of the jobs you give me won't be a problem. I am a good age to be a helper/staff. I am 15 years old turning 16 in May. I am friendly and I will try to answer all the questions the players of the server have. If you ever need anyone to help you with something ask me. I can type pretty fast so I can respond pretty quickly to the players question. I have some experience as higher rank than admin. I am lret1 is a good friend of mine. I also want to help the server reach to its best potential. I think this server could be very popular as long as you have the right type of staff for it. I myself like a server that is going to grow nice and a server where I can be serious and also have a good time. I was in charge of accepting and rejecting applications on a server when I was still a part of it. This was really hard because you don't know if you made the right decisions for the server or if you made the wrong decision. I had a situation with one application I accepted turned bad. The moderator who I accepted went and banned people randomly and somehow everyone else didn't have the commands to ban him. We contacted the owner and he took care of it. I don't really want to say this but on one of my servers the owner was corrupted because I stuck up for my friend when he was being bullied by him. He banned me and 5 others for sticking up for our friend. I am 15 turning 16 on May 19th. My favorite video game is Minecraft. My favorite sport is Football (only to play it because I don't like watching it because it's boring to watch stuff to me). I am very mature for my age as the people who know me say. I dislike people swearing too much and green beans. I hate those because they make me gag just thinking about them. I do like the green beans uncooked but if they are cooked they are gross. I like to joke around when it's appropriate.
What can you bring to the server: I can bring a lot of experience. As I have shown above I have a good amount of experience. I can be on pretty much a lot. I can be on at least three to four hours a day. If I have vacation or I have a lot of homework that would be different. If it is a lot of homework I can be on at least two to three hours a day. If i'm on vacation I can try to 2 to 2 and a half hours. If I don't have a lot of homework or I am on a vacation I will be able to be on three to four hours a day. Also I can't be on until 3:17 on school days because I have school. My school ends on May,29,2015 so that won't be a problem for too long. Other than that I can bring maturity. I am a mature person and I know the standard protocol of being a moderator. The standard protocol as I stated above is...One warn them to stop what they are doing wrong. Two if they don't stop after the first warning it is a mute. The third warning is a temporary ban and I would contact the server owner. I can help you with people who do not listen to rules. I am a very helpful person so any of the jobs you give me won't be a problem. I am a good age to be a helper/staff. I am 15 years old turning 16 in May. I am friendly and I will try to answer all the questions the players of the server have. If you ever need anyone to help you with something ask me. I can type pretty fast so I can respond pretty quickly to the players question. I have some experience as higher rank than helper. I am very dedicated to what I do so I hope you accept me.
Why do you want this position: I want to be a moderator on this server because it seems like you have a pretty good concept on what you want the server to be like plugins wise. You also did a good job at telling what you expect. Not only do I see a successful server in the making but I see a great and friendly community. I also want to be a moderator on this server because you seem pretty serious about your job which is good. I hope that itself will weed out the people who are corrupted staff members who will apply. I myself like a server that is going to grow nice and a server where I can be serious and also have a good time. I hope you accept me and good luck with your server.
Experience as staff:
Helper: I have been helper three times total. One of the servers was a pixelmon server which sadly shutdown. The second server I have been helper on is the same server that came back that I wrote above. I started out as a helper but later I was promoted to moderator because I answered most of the questions the players had. I couldn't answer all of them because I am just one person. The rules for helper are almost the same as moderator. I know the basics of being a helper such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat I will contact someone to temporary ban them If I don't have that command myself and I will contact the owner. Another thing a helper has to do is answer any questions a player has.
Moderator: I have been a moderator for 2 servers one which shutdown and is now back up so I won't name it because that would be advertising. Just in case if your wondering I am not staff for their server anymore. I also was moderator on another server but it shutdown and its name I can't remember because its been a while since I was staff on there. I know the basics of being a moderator such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat they will be temporary banned and I will contact the owner to see if they are banned forever or if they are temporary banned. Another thing you have to do as a moderator is answer the players questions.
I have been a owner two times, for my old servers Warringpixels ( 4GB shut down because of lack of funds) and Pixelcomet ( 4GB shutdown because of lack of fund). Like a mentioned in the parentheses they sadly shutdown because of having not enough funds to keep it up. I know what its like to be a owner so I can help you as much as I can. What I mean by that is being a server owner is not easy at all you have to be bombarded with questions,threats(which hopefully doesn't happen to you like it did me), and other insults.
Do you know any Permissions: Yes I know some permissions but only if you are using group manager. Sadly I don't know how to use Pex because its more complicated than group manager. For example some essentials permission nodes are,, or essentials.kit. The permissions nodes for factions I only know a few of them but I have to refresh my mind on it. The other permissions nodes I know are some minigames permissions and a I am medium in the multiverse plugin.
I don't know how this is the wrong format. I followed this correctly. The moderator part was put in past experience. and the other experience was my other experience as staff. Well good luck anyway.
[b]Past Experience?:[/b] Yes I have some experience at being a moderator.
Moderator: [/b]I have been a moderator for 2 servers one which shutdown and is now back up so I won't name it because that would be advertising. Just in case if your wondering I am not staff for their server anymore. I also was moderator on another server but it shutdown and its name I can't remember because its been a while since I was staff on there. I know the basics of being a moderator such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat they will be temporary banned and I will contact the owner to see if they are banned forever or if they are temporary banned. Another thing you have to do as a moderator is answer the players questions.
Other experience: I have some experiences.
Owner: [/b]I have been a owner two times, for my old servers Warringpixels ( 4GB shut down because of lack of funds) and Pixelcomet ( 4GB shutdown because of lack of fund). Like a mentioned in the parentheses they sadly shutdown because of having not enough funds to keep it up. I know what its like to be a owner so I can help you as much as I can. What I mean by that is being a server owner is not easy at all you have to be bombarded with questions,threats(which hopefully doesn't happen to you like it did me), and other insults. There are also some really hard choices you have to make as a server Owner. The choices I have had to make as a server owner are bans, whether the server will be to laggy if you add this plugin. Then theirs the power hungry staff you get which can cause quite a bit of trouble. Some you have to demote and some you even have to ban.
Helper: [/b]I have been helper three times total. One of the servers was a pixelmon server which sadly shutdown. The second server I have been helper on is the same server that came back that I wrote above. I started out as a helper but later I was promoted to moderator because I answered most of the questions the players had. I couldn't answer all of them because I am just one person. The rules for helper are almost the same as moderator. I know the basics of being a helper such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat I will contact someone to temporary ban them If I don't have that command myself and I will contact the owner. Another thing a helper has to do is answer any questions a player has.
What can you bring to the server: I can bring a lot of experience. As I have shown above I have a good amount of experience. I can be on pretty much a lot. I can be on at least three to four hours a day. If I have vacation or I have a lot of homework that would be different. If it is a lot of homework I can be on at least two to three hours a day. If i'm on vacation I can try to 2 to 2 and a half hours. If I don't have a lot of homework or I am on a vacation I will be able to be on three to four hours a day. Also I can't be on until 3:17 on school days because I have school. My school ends on May,29,2015 so that won't be a problem for too long. Other than that I can bring maturity. I am a mature person and I know the standard protocol of being a moderator. The standard protocol as I stated above is...One warn them to stop what they are doing wrong. Two if they don't stop after the first warning it is a mute. The third warning is a temporary ban and I would contact the server owner. I can help you with people who do not listen to rules. I am a very helpful person so any of the jobs you give me won't be a problem. I am a good age to be a helper/staff. I am 15 years old turning 16 in May. I am friendly and I will try to answer all the questions the players of the server have. If you ever need anyone to help you with something ask me. I can type pretty fast so I can respond pretty quickly to the players question. I have some experience as higher rank than helper. I am very dedicated to what I do so I hope you accept me.
Why do you want this position: I want to be a moderator on this server because it seems like you have a pretty good concept on what you want the server to be like plugins wise. You also did a good job at telling what you expect. Not only do I see a successful server in the making but I see a great and friendly community. I also want to be a moderator on this server because you seem pretty serious about your job which is good. I hope that itself will weed out the people who are corrupted staff members who will apply. I myself like a server that is going to grow nice and a server where I can be serious and also have a good time. I hope you accept me and good luck with your server.
Owner: I have been a owner two times, for my old servers Warringpixels ( 4GB shut down because of lack of funds) and Pixelcomet ( 4GB shutdown because of lack of fund). Like a mentioned in the parentheses they sadly shutdown because of having not enough funds to keep it up. I know what its like to be a owner so I can help you as much as I can. What I mean by that is being a server owner is not easy at all you have to be bombarded with questions,threats(which hopefully doesn't happen to you like it did me), and other insults.[/b]
Moderator: I have been a moderator for 2 servers one which shutdown and is now back up so I won't name it because that would be advertising. Just in case if your wondering I am not staff for their server anymore. I also was moderator on another server but it shutdown and its name I can't remember because its been a while since I was staff on there. I know the basics of being a moderator such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat they will be temporary banned and I will contact the owner to see if they are banned forever or if they are temporary banned. Another thing you have to do as a moderator is answer the players questions.[/b]
Helper: I have been helper three times total. One of the servers was a pixelmon server which sadly shutdown. The second server I have been helper on is the same server that came back that I wrote above. I started out as a helper but later I was promoted to moderator because I answered most of the questions the players had. I couldn't answer all of them because I am just one person. The rules for helper are almost the same as moderator. I know the basics of being a helper such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat I will contact someone to temporary ban them If I don't have that command myself and I will contact the owner. Another thing a helper has to do is answer any questions a player has.[/b]
[b]Can you donate 5$: Yes I might be able to donate something but it probably won't be until after my birthday(May 19th)[/b]
[b]Do you know Permissions: Yes I know some permissions but only if you are using group manager. Sadly I don't know how to use Pex because its more complicated than group manager. For example some essentials permission nodes are,, or essentials.kit. The permissions nodes for factions I only know a few of them but I have to refresh my mind on it. The other permissions nodes I know are some minigames permissions and a I am medium in the multiverse plugin.[/b]
Do you have any previous staffing or server owning experience? (details please!)
Owner: I have been a owner two times, for my old servers Warringpixels ( 4GB shut down because of lack of funds) and Pixelcomet ( 4GB shutdown because of lack of fund). Like a mentioned in the parentheses they sadly shutdown because of having not enough funds to keep it up. I know what its like to be a owner so I can help you as much as I can. What I mean by that is being a server owner is not easy at all you have to be bombarded with questions,threats(which hopefully doesn't happen to you like it did me), and other insults.
Moderator: I have been a moderator for 2 servers one which shutdown and is now back up so I won't name it because that would be advertising. Just in case if your wondering I am not staff for their server anymore. I also was moderator on another server but it shutdown and its name I can't remember because its been a while since I was staff on there. I know the basics of being a moderator such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat they will be temporary banned and I will contact the owner to see if they are banned forever or if they are temporary banned. Another thing you have to do as a moderator is answer the players questions.
Helper: I have been helper three times total. One of the servers was a pixelmon server which sadly shutdown. The second server I have been helper on is the same server that came back that I wrote above. I started out as a helper but later I was promoted to moderator because I answered most of the questions the players had. I couldn't answer all of them because I am just one person. The rules for helper are almost the same as moderator. I know the basics of being a helper such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat I will contact someone to temporary ban them If I don't have that command myself and I will contact the owner. Another thing a helper has to do is answer any questions a player has.
How active can you be each day? I can be on at least three to four hours a day. If I have vacation or I have a lot of homework that would be different. If it is a lot of homework I can be on at least two to three hours a day. If i'm on vacation I can try to 2 to 2 and a half hours. If I don't have a lot of homework or I am on a vacation I will be able to be on three to four hours a day. Also I can't be on until 3:17 on school days because I have school. My school ends on May,29,2015 so that won't be a problem for too long.
Scenario: A player is asking for someone else’s credentials in private chat. Assuming you have all permissions, how would you handle this situation? One warn them to quit asking for someones credentials on the server. Two if they don't stop they will be muted. Three if they still don't stop it will be a temporary ban and I will contact the owner to see if they will be banned forever or not.
Scenario: A new player logs on and begins nuking the creative world. Assuming you have all permissions, how would you handle this situation? This is a really bad case I don't wish to see happen in your server. There will be no warning and they will not get a temporary ban but a full ban and I will contact the owner to see what he/she thinks.
Tell us a little about yourself: I am 15 turning 16 on May 19th. My favorite video game is Minecraft. My favorite sport is Football (only to play it because I don't like watching it because it's boring to watch stuff to me). I am very mature for my age as the people who know me say. I dislike people swearing too much and green beans. I hate those because they make me gag just thinking about them. I do like the green beans uncooked but if they are cooked they are gross. My favorite color is red and I don't know why so please don't ask.
How active you can be a day: I can be pretty active. It just depends If I have homework or if I am on a vacation. If I have homework its usually not a lot so I can be on at least four hours a day. If I do have a lot of homework I can be on about three hours a day. If i'm on a vacation I can be on at least 2 hours. I can try to be on three hours but I will probably be really busy, so please don't expect me to be on more than 2 hours while I am on vacation. If I don't have any homework and I am not on vacation I can be on four to five hours a day on the server.
Previous staffing experience: I have been staff on three to four servers. Sadly I only know the most recent one since it has been a long time. On Pixel-Plaza which has closed down I was a moderator. I know the standard protocols of being staff. One example is banning if someone does something they are not supposed to. It depends on the severity of the case. If someone is swearing/spamming and I ask them to stop it goes in these steps. One warn them to stop what they are doing wrong. Two if they don't stop after the first warning it is a mute. The third warning is a temporary ban and I would contact the server owner. I also used to be a server owner of Pixelcomet and Warringpixels which became somewhat successful servers. Sadly all good things must come to an end because I ran out of money so Pixelcomet and Warringpixels shutdown.
Why you should be a helper/moderator: I am a mature person and I know the standard protocol of being a moderator but sadly I don't know much about being a helper. The standard protocol as I stated above is...One warn them to stop what they are doing wrong. Two if they don't stop after the first warning it is a mute. The third warning is a temporary ban and I would contact the server owner. I can help you with people who do not listen to rules. I am a very helpful person so any of the jobs you give me won't be a problem. I am a good age to be a helper/staff. I am 15 years old turning 16 in May. I am friendly and I will try to answer all the questions the players of the server have. If you ever need anyone to help you with something ask me. I can type pretty fast so I can respond pretty quickly to the players question. I have some experience as higher rank than helper. I am very dedicated to what I do so I hope you accept me.
Position Wanted: Admin
Experince as staff: I have had some experience.
Helper: I have been helper three times total. One of the servers was a pixelmon server which sadly shutdown. The second server I have been helper on is the same server that came back that I wrote above. I started out as a helper but later I was promoted to moderator because I answered most of the questions the players had. I couldn't answer all of them because I am just one person. The rules for helper are almost the same as moderator. I know the basics of being a helper such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat I will contact someone to temporary ban them If I don't have that command myself and I will contact the owner. Another thing a helper has to do is answer any questions a player has.
Moderator: I have been a moderator for 2 servers one which shutdown and is now back up so I won't name it because that would be advertising. Just in case if your wondering I am not staff for their server anymore. I also was moderator on another server but it shutdown and its name I can't remember because its been a while since I was staff on there. I know the basics of being a moderator such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat they will be temporary banned and I will contact the owner to see if they are banned forever or if they are temporary banned. Another thing you have to do as a moderator is answer the players questions.
Owner: I have been a owner two times, for my old servers Warringpixels ( 4GB shut down because of lack of funds) and Pixelcomet ( 4GB shutdown because of lack of fund). Like a mentioned in the parentheses they sadly shutdown because of having not enough funds to keep it up. I know what its like to be a owner so I can help you as much as I can. What I mean by that is being a server owner is not easy at all you have to be bombarded with questions,threats(which hopefully doesn't happen to you like it did me), and other insults.
Experince/knowledge of pixelmon:
Proof of work for builders only:
How long can u play/work: I can be on at least three to four hours a day. If I have vacation or I have a lot of homework that would be different. If it is a lot of homework I can be on at least two to three hours a day. If i'm on vacation I can try to 2 to 2 and a half hours. If I don't have a lot of homework or I am on a vacation I will be able to be on three to four hours a day. Also I can't be on until 3:17 on school days because I have school. My school ends on May,29,2015 so that won't be a problem for too long.
Extra Info:I know some permissions but only if you are using group manager. Sadly I don't know how to use Pex because its more complicated than group manager. For example some essentials permission nodes are,, or essentials.kit. The permissions nodes for factions I only know a few of them but I have to refresh my mind on it. The other permissions nodes I know are some minigames permissions and a I am medium in the multiverse plugin.I can help you with people who do not listen to rules. I am a very helpful person so any of the jobs you give me won't be a problem. I am a good age to be a helper/staff. I am 15 years old turning 16 in May. I am friendly and I will try to answer all the questions the players of the server have. If you ever need anyone to help you with something ask me. I can type pretty fast so I can respond pretty quickly to the players question. I have some experience as higher rank than admin. I am lret1 is a good friend of mine. I also want to help the server reach to its best potential. I think this server could be very popular as long as you have the right type of staff for it. I myself like a server that is going to grow nice and a server where I can be serious and also have a good time. I was in charge of accepting and rejecting applications on a server when I was still a part of it. This was really hard because you don't know if you made the right decisions for the server or if you made the wrong decision. I had a situation with one application I accepted turned bad. The moderator who I accepted went and banned people randomly and somehow everyone else didn't have the commands to ban him. We contacted the owner and he took care of it. I don't really want to say this but on one of my servers the owner was corrupted because I stuck up for my friend when he was being bullied by him. He banned me and 5 others for sticking up for our friend. I am 15 turning 16 on May 19th. My favorite video game is Minecraft. My favorite sport is Football (only to play it because I don't like watching it because it's boring to watch stuff to me). I am very mature for my age as the people who know me say. I dislike people swearing too much and green beans. I hate those because they make me gag just thinking about them. I do like the green beans uncooked but if they are cooked they are gross. I like to joke around when it's appropriate.
Hey lret1
Yeah that could work too.
I also think you might want to add a staff template so people know what to write for their application. If you can do that it would be great!
Edit: I can't be on the server until tomorrow sorry. I am a bit busy with some things today. A lot of homework
Name Austin
Timezone: Central Time Zone USA
Applying for:Head-Admin
What can you bring to the server: I can bring a lot of experience. As I have shown above I have a good amount of experience. I can be on pretty much a lot. I can be on at least three to four hours a day. If I have vacation or I have a lot of homework that would be different. If it is a lot of homework I can be on at least two to three hours a day. If i'm on vacation I can try to 2 to 2 and a half hours. If I don't have a lot of homework or I am on a vacation I will be able to be on three to four hours a day. Also I can't be on until 3:17 on school days because I have school. My school ends on May,29,2015 so that won't be a problem for too long. Other than that I can bring maturity. I am a mature person and I know the standard protocol of being a moderator. The standard protocol as I stated above is...One warn them to stop what they are doing wrong. Two if they don't stop after the first warning it is a mute. The third warning is a temporary ban and I would contact the server owner. I can help you with people who do not listen to rules. I am a very helpful person so any of the jobs you give me won't be a problem. I am a good age to be a helper/staff. I am 15 years old turning 16 in May. I am friendly and I will try to answer all the questions the players of the server have. If you ever need anyone to help you with something ask me. I can type pretty fast so I can respond pretty quickly to the players question. I have some experience as higher rank than helper. I am very dedicated to what I do so I hope you accept me.
Why do you want this position: I want to be a moderator on this server because it seems like you have a pretty good concept on what you want the server to be like plugins wise. You also did a good job at telling what you expect. Not only do I see a successful server in the making but I see a great and friendly community. I also want to be a moderator on this server because you seem pretty serious about your job which is good. I hope that itself will weed out the people who are corrupted staff members who will apply. I myself like a server that is going to grow nice and a server where I can be serious and also have a good time. I hope you accept me and good luck with your server.
Experience as staff:
Helper: I have been helper three times total. One of the servers was a pixelmon server which sadly shutdown. The second server I have been helper on is the same server that came back that I wrote above. I started out as a helper but later I was promoted to moderator because I answered most of the questions the players had. I couldn't answer all of them because I am just one person. The rules for helper are almost the same as moderator. I know the basics of being a helper such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat I will contact someone to temporary ban them If I don't have that command myself and I will contact the owner. Another thing a helper has to do is answer any questions a player has.
Moderator: I have been a moderator for 2 servers one which shutdown and is now back up so I won't name it because that would be advertising. Just in case if your wondering I am not staff for their server anymore. I also was moderator on another server but it shutdown and its name I can't remember because its been a while since I was staff on there. I know the basics of being a moderator such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat they will be temporary banned and I will contact the owner to see if they are banned forever or if they are temporary banned. Another thing you have to do as a moderator is answer the players questions.
I have been a owner two times, for my old servers Warringpixels ( 4GB shut down because of lack of funds) and Pixelcomet ( 4GB shutdown because of lack of fund). Like a mentioned in the parentheses they sadly shutdown because of having not enough funds to keep it up. I know what its like to be a owner so I can help you as much as I can. What I mean by that is being a server owner is not easy at all you have to be bombarded with questions,threats(which hopefully doesn't happen to you like it did me), and other insults.
Do you know any Permissions: Yes I know some permissions but only if you are using group manager. Sadly I don't know how to use Pex because its more complicated than group manager. For example some essentials permission nodes are,, or essentials.kit. The permissions nodes for factions I only know a few of them but I have to refresh my mind on it. The other permissions nodes I know are some minigames permissions and a I am medium in the multiverse plugin.
Other: I think I mostly covered it.
I'm guessing it's because you needed more information on your application. Have a good day!
Ok this is part of minecraft already. It's called a ender chest. There might be a ender chest plugin too but i'm not sure.
Thank you and when do you think the server will be up around?
I don't know how this is the wrong format. I followed this correctly. The moderator part was put in past experience. and the other experience was my other experience as staff. Well good luck anyway.
Past Experience?:
Other experience:
What can you bring to the server:
Why do you want this position:
[b]Name: [/b]Austin
[b]Skype: [/b]omodtcat
[b]Past Experience?:[/b] Yes I have some experience at being a moderator.
Moderator: [/b]I have been a moderator for 2 servers one which shutdown and is now back up so I won't name it because that would be advertising. Just in case if your wondering I am not staff for their server anymore. I also was moderator on another server but it shutdown and its name I can't remember because its been a while since I was staff on there. I know the basics of being a moderator such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat they will be temporary banned and I will contact the owner to see if they are banned forever or if they are temporary banned. Another thing you have to do as a moderator is answer the players questions.
Other experience: I have some experiences.
Owner: [/b]I have been a owner two times, for my old servers Warringpixels ( 4GB shut down because of lack of funds) and Pixelcomet ( 4GB shutdown because of lack of fund). Like a mentioned in the parentheses they sadly shutdown because of having not enough funds to keep it up. I know what its like to be a owner so I can help you as much as I can. What I mean by that is being a server owner is not easy at all you have to be bombarded with questions,threats(which hopefully doesn't happen to you like it did me), and other insults. There are also some really hard choices you have to make as a server Owner. The choices I have had to make as a server owner are bans, whether the server will be to laggy if you add this plugin. Then theirs the power hungry staff you get which can cause quite a bit of trouble. Some you have to demote and some you even have to ban.
Helper: [/b]I have been helper three times total. One of the servers was a pixelmon server which sadly shutdown. The second server I have been helper on is the same server that came back that I wrote above. I started out as a helper but later I was promoted to moderator because I answered most of the questions the players had. I couldn't answer all of them because I am just one person. The rules for helper are almost the same as moderator. I know the basics of being a helper such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat I will contact someone to temporary ban them If I don't have that command myself and I will contact the owner. Another thing a helper has to do is answer any questions a player has.
What can you bring to the server: I can bring a lot of experience. As I have shown above I have a good amount of experience. I can be on pretty much a lot. I can be on at least three to four hours a day. If I have vacation or I have a lot of homework that would be different. If it is a lot of homework I can be on at least two to three hours a day. If i'm on vacation I can try to 2 to 2 and a half hours. If I don't have a lot of homework or I am on a vacation I will be able to be on three to four hours a day. Also I can't be on until 3:17 on school days because I have school. My school ends on May,29,2015 so that won't be a problem for too long. Other than that I can bring maturity. I am a mature person and I know the standard protocol of being a moderator. The standard protocol as I stated above is...One warn them to stop what they are doing wrong. Two if they don't stop after the first warning it is a mute. The third warning is a temporary ban and I would contact the server owner. I can help you with people who do not listen to rules. I am a very helpful person so any of the jobs you give me won't be a problem. I am a good age to be a helper/staff. I am 15 years old turning 16 in May. I am friendly and I will try to answer all the questions the players of the server have. If you ever need anyone to help you with something ask me. I can type pretty fast so I can respond pretty quickly to the players question. I have some experience as higher rank than helper. I am very dedicated to what I do so I hope you accept me.
Why do you want this position: I want to be a moderator on this server because it seems like you have a pretty good concept on what you want the server to be like plugins wise. You also did a good job at telling what you expect. Not only do I see a successful server in the making but I see a great and friendly community. I also want to be a moderator on this server because you seem pretty serious about your job which is good. I hope that itself will weed out the people who are corrupted staff members who will apply. I myself like a server that is going to grow nice and a server where I can be serious and also have a good time. I hope you accept me and good luck with your server.
I will be on in about an hour.
[b]Age:15 turning 16 soon.[/b]
[b]In-Game Name: omodtcat101[/b]
[b]Previous Staff Positions on Servers:[/b]
Owner: I have been a owner two times, for my old servers Warringpixels ( 4GB shut down because of lack of funds) and Pixelcomet ( 4GB shutdown because of lack of fund). Like a mentioned in the parentheses they sadly shutdown because of having not enough funds to keep it up. I know what its like to be a owner so I can help you as much as I can. What I mean by that is being a server owner is not easy at all you have to be bombarded with questions,threats(which hopefully doesn't happen to you like it did me), and other insults.[/b]
Moderator: I have been a moderator for 2 servers one which shutdown and is now back up so I won't name it because that would be advertising. Just in case if your wondering I am not staff for their server anymore. I also was moderator on another server but it shutdown and its name I can't remember because its been a while since I was staff on there. I know the basics of being a moderator such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat they will be temporary banned and I will contact the owner to see if they are banned forever or if they are temporary banned. Another thing you have to do as a moderator is answer the players questions.[/b]
Helper: I have been helper three times total. One of the servers was a pixelmon server which sadly shutdown. The second server I have been helper on is the same server that came back that I wrote above. I started out as a helper but later I was promoted to moderator because I answered most of the questions the players had. I couldn't answer all of them because I am just one person. The rules for helper are almost the same as moderator. I know the basics of being a helper such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat I will contact someone to temporary ban them If I don't have that command myself and I will contact the owner. Another thing a helper has to do is answer any questions a player has.[/b]
[b]Can you donate 5$: Yes I might be able to donate something but it probably won't be until after my birthday(May 19th)[/b]
[b]Do you know Permissions: Yes I know some permissions but only if you are using group manager. Sadly I don't know how to use Pex because its more complicated than group manager. For example some essentials permission nodes are,, or essentials.kit. The permissions nodes for factions I only know a few of them but I have to refresh my mind on it. The other permissions nodes I know are some minigames permissions and a I am medium in the multiverse plugin.[/b]
IGN: omodtcat101
Age: 15 turning 16 May 19th.
Skype: omodtcat
Timezone: US Central Timezone
Do you have any previous staffing or server owning experience? (details please!)
Owner: I have been a owner two times, for my old servers Warringpixels ( 4GB shut down because of lack of funds) and Pixelcomet ( 4GB shutdown because of lack of fund). Like a mentioned in the parentheses they sadly shutdown because of having not enough funds to keep it up. I know what its like to be a owner so I can help you as much as I can. What I mean by that is being a server owner is not easy at all you have to be bombarded with questions,threats(which hopefully doesn't happen to you like it did me), and other insults.
Moderator: I have been a moderator for 2 servers one which shutdown and is now back up so I won't name it because that would be advertising. Just in case if your wondering I am not staff for their server anymore. I also was moderator on another server but it shutdown and its name I can't remember because its been a while since I was staff on there. I know the basics of being a moderator such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat they will be temporary banned and I will contact the owner to see if they are banned forever or if they are temporary banned. Another thing you have to do as a moderator is answer the players questions.
Helper: I have been helper three times total. One of the servers was a pixelmon server which sadly shutdown. The second server I have been helper on is the same server that came back that I wrote above. I started out as a helper but later I was promoted to moderator because I answered most of the questions the players had. I couldn't answer all of them because I am just one person. The rules for helper are almost the same as moderator. I know the basics of being a helper such as one if someone is swearing they will be warned. Two if they keep on swearing after being warned they are muted. Three if they keep on swearing or any other verbal assault/threat I will contact someone to temporary ban them If I don't have that command myself and I will contact the owner. Another thing a helper has to do is answer any questions a player has.
How active can you be each day? I can be on at least three to four hours a day. If I have vacation or I have a lot of homework that would be different. If it is a lot of homework I can be on at least two to three hours a day. If i'm on vacation I can try to 2 to 2 and a half hours. If I don't have a lot of homework or I am on a vacation I will be able to be on three to four hours a day. Also I can't be on until 3:17 on school days because I have school. My school ends on May,29,2015 so that won't be a problem for too long.
Scenario: A player is asking for someone else’s credentials in private chat. Assuming you have all permissions, how would you handle this situation? One warn them to quit asking for someones credentials on the server. Two if they don't stop they will be muted. Three if they still don't stop it will be a temporary ban and I will contact the owner to see if they will be banned forever or not.
Scenario: A new player logs on and begins nuking the creative world. Assuming you have all permissions, how would you handle this situation? This is a really bad case I don't wish to see happen in your server. There will be no warning and they will not get a temporary ban but a full ban and I will contact the owner to see what he/she thinks.
You can search by my real name which I will PM you. Remember its spelled omodtcat for skype.
Helper Application
IGN: omodtcat101
Skype (required): omodtcat
How active you can be a day: I can be pretty active. It just depends If I have homework or if I am on a vacation. If I have homework its usually not a lot so I can be on at least four hours a day. If I do have a lot of homework I can be on about three hours a day. If i'm on a vacation I can be on at least 2 hours. I can try to be on three hours but I will probably be really busy, so please don't expect me to be on more than 2 hours while I am on vacation. If I don't have any homework and I am not on vacation I can be on four to five hours a day on the server.
Previous staffing experience: I have been staff on three to four servers. Sadly I only know the most recent one since it has been a long time. On Pixel-Plaza which has closed down I was a moderator. I know the standard protocols of being staff. One example is banning if someone does something they are not supposed to. It depends on the severity of the case. If someone is swearing/spamming and I ask them to stop it goes in these steps. One warn them to stop what they are doing wrong. Two if they don't stop after the first warning it is a mute. The third warning is a temporary ban and I would contact the server owner. I also used to be a server owner of Pixelcomet and Warringpixels which became somewhat successful servers. Sadly all good things must come to an end because I ran out of money so Pixelcomet and Warringpixels shutdown.
Why you should be a helper/moderator: I am a mature person and I know the standard protocol of being a moderator but sadly I don't know much about being a helper. The standard protocol as I stated above is...One warn them to stop what they are doing wrong. Two if they don't stop after the first warning it is a mute. The third warning is a temporary ban and I would contact the server owner. I can help you with people who do not listen to rules. I am a very helpful person so any of the jobs you give me won't be a problem. I am a good age to be a helper/staff. I am 15 years old turning 16 in May. I am friendly and I will try to answer all the questions the players of the server have. If you ever need anyone to help you with something ask me. I can type pretty fast so I can respond pretty quickly to the players question. I have some experience as higher rank than helper. I am very dedicated to what I do so I hope you accept me.