I see that a lot of people need help in making servers.
Most of the problems are Port Forwarding or "My Friend Can`t Connect"
So I made a Tutorial on Port Forwarding.
Step 1. Open CMD (Start Menu, Input in Search Bar CMD and hit Enter)
Step 2. In The CMD Input "ipconfig" without the quotes ("")
Step 3. Look for "IP Address" (IPV4) and "Default Gateway"
Step 4. Open Your Internet Browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome)
Step 5. Input Your Default Gateway, This will redirect you to your router`s settings stuff
Step 6. Look For Port Forwarding in Firewall or Connections (Not All Routers Have The Same Category For This)
Step 7. When Your At The Port Forwarding Page, Input Your IP Address and Beside That In Another Text Box (If There Is One) Input Your Server`s Port (e.g. 25565)
Ayt I hope ur problems are solved
- omegamonkeyclaw
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TyberAlyx posted a message on [1.8.1]Tale Of Kingdoms Ver 1.0.5Bumpity bump bump!Posted in: Minecraft Mods - To post a comment, please login.
I think it would be simple to make. Maybe.
Skills -.-