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    posted a message on [ADV] The Cruise Ship
    A good map but way too short. also a ladder missing in the cave, had to break my way out. the design was cool but you should make the dialogue make more sense. problems aside, this is a great map and i would love to play part 2 and 3 and 4.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Game of Thrones Inspired World
    Hi there, i think this sounds awesome and i would love to help with this. I am a big fan of game of thrones and i am up to the dance of dragons one. I will be mindful of saying anything to ruin the books for you. I would love to work corraboratively on this project, but if you are unable to, it would be great just to have the map so far. If you could pm me or just reply in the comments, it would be really amazing.
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on The Elder Scrolls RP: Skyrim
    Whitelist App


    IGN - oldspice666

    Age - 15

    Time you can dedicate to server weekly - 20 hrs

    Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - No, yes..

    What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information.

    Why do you want to join our server? - I love Skyrim and I love Minecraft, so the two together is awesome!


    Name - Rhaegar Dareave

    Race - Nord

    Age - 31

    Gender - Male

    RP example - Guard: Wait there a moment you! Have I seen you before?
    Rhaegar: I don't think so, I'm new in Riften. I am heading to Windhelm to join the Stormcloaks, I just stopped here for a roof over my head and some good, warm food in my belly.
    Guard: Well, if you say so. There's a nice mead at the Bee and Barb, and their beds are flea free.
    Rhaegar: Thanks for the tip, I'll stay there tonight, farewell.
    Guard: Farewell.

    Biography - Born into a merchant family, Rhaegar always dreamed of becoming an adventurer. However, in one of the Elven Wars, the dark elves slaughtered Rhaegar's parents and most of his village. He escaped however, and joined a refugee convoy. He survived any way he could: stealing, extortion, even some mercenary jobs but still dreamt of heroes and heroines. After the war ended, the elves were welcomed into the towns and cities by the Empire, and Rhaegar couldnt stand it. But in the ratways of Riften, Rhaegar found an old book which was written by a Jarl of Riften that lived 100 years before. It explained in detail the war in which Ulfric Stormcloak Killed the High King and the beginning of the rebellion. Rhaegar then knew what he must do. He bought an axe, a shield and some armour and started out towards Windhelm.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on The Elder Scrolls RP: Skyrim
    Whitelist App


    IGN - oldspice666

    Age - 15

    Time you can dedicate to server weekly - 20 hrs

    Do you have teamspeak? If no will you get it? - No, yes..

    What is the fifth Server Law? - No sharing of account information.

    Why do you want to join our server? - I love Skyrim and I love Minecraft, so the two together is awesome!


    Name - Rhaegar Dareave

    Race - Nord

    Age - 31

    Gender - Male

    RP example - Guard: Wait there a moment you! Have I seen you before?
    Rhaegar: I don't think so, I'm new in Riften. I am heading to Windhelm to join the Stormcloaks, I just stopped here for a roof over my head and some good, warm food in my belly.
    Guard: Well, if you say so. There's a nice mead at the Bee and Barb, and their beds are flea free.
    Rhaegar: Thanks for the tip, I'll stay there tonight, farewell.
    Guard: Farewell.

    Biography - Born into a merchant family, Rhaegar always dreamed of becoming an adventurer. However, in one of the Elven Wars, the dark elves slaughtered Rhaegar's parents and most of his village. He escaped however, and joined a refugee convoy. He survived any way he could: stealing, extortion, even some mercenary jobs but still dreamt of heroes and heroines. After the war ended, the elves were welcomed into the towns and cities by the Empire, and Rhaegar couldnt stand it. But in the ratways of Riften, Rhaegar found an old book which was written by a Jarl of Riften that lived 100 years before. It explained in detail the war in which Ulfric Stormcloak Killed the High King and the beginning of the rebellion. Rhaegar then knew what he must do. He bought an axe, a shield and some armour and started out towards Windhelm.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 1

    posted a message on [Surv] Posthistoric Survival 1_6
    Hi, I haven't played the map yet, but I think you put all the map data in with the intro and map and stuff. If i was helpful, please press the green plus button.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 0

    posted a message on Need people for Yogscast-Type series!
    Minecraft username: oldspice666
    Building skill (1 to 10): 7
    What you are good at: Medieval buildings and interior of any kind.
    Posted in: Video/Series Help
  • 0

    posted a message on Terrorvale | 24/7 | Towns | SMP | Bukkit | Whitelist | Iconomy |
    IGN: oldspice666
    Age: 15
    Summary of why you want to be whitelisted: I just want to be in a server that has good community and I have never played on an economy server before.
    Building a town or joining one: Joining one to start, then building one when i am established.
    Do you like economy servers: I'm not sure yet
    Did you read the rules: Of Course!
    Hours played a week: Varies from 7 to 40
    Greatest building: Giant sandstone wall encircling town in desert
    What is the last bullet in the rules: -steal wheat, break into peoples houses, and greifing is an autoban. Experienced builders only
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on Ancient Rome
    *IGN: oldspice666
    *age 15
    *location: Australia
    why do you want to join? this sounds really interesting and i haven't played on a roleplay server yet.
    other?: Something about a flower?
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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    posted a message on mod idea
    you've got some pretty good ideas, check online, i think some may actually be made.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Snowwys Survival! New server!
    Hi! my username is oldspice666 and I would love to be an admin on your server. I have never griefed anyone, don't pester people with pointless and stupid questions, and I am a competent builder.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Favourite Tool
    True, but picks only have one use, wheras axes have 2
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Favourite Tool
    Doesn't matter as in the original tools. Besides if I put in swords and flint and steel, then every destructive person that plays minecraft would just choose them.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Favourite Tool
    Hey everybody, thinking i might get comments like "What about swords and shears and flint and steel" but swords are weapons, and flint and steel and shears have only the durability of iron tools. Just curious of what peoples favourite tools are.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on technic pack videos
    Posted in: Videos
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