Did you try what msyverw sent? That should work. You should not running the function in blocks that already have an area effect cloud instead of not display the particle in blocks that already have one
Additionally, you can setblock cave_air instead of summonning area effect cloud and fill replace cave_air later
Using redstone is a bad idea when you have access to commands, turning off a 2-block long redstone wire can cause thousands of block updates, you should use the area effect cloud method.
If you need even more commands for that method, you're doing something wrong, probably in the process of checking existing area effect clouds. It should take less than 1000 commands for a 6 deplacement points
1. execute as @e[type=item,nbt={OnGround:1b,Item:{id:"minecraft:beacon",tag:{Xray:1}}}] run data merge entity @s {Item:{id:"minecraft:white_stained_glass"}}[/i]
I would set the Xray tag of the glass to 2 so that I don't have to write it's ID whenever I want to detect.
4. execute as @a[nbt={Inventory:[{id:"minecraft:white_stained_glass",tag:{Xray:1}}]}] at @s run fill ~5 ~5 ~5 ~-5 ~-5 ~-5 stone replace barrier[/i]
What's the purpose of that command?
5. execute as @a[nbt={Inventory:[{id:"minecraft:white_stained_glass",tag:{Xray:1}}]}] run give @s beacon{Xray:1,display:{Name:"\"XRAY\""}} 1 6. execute as @a[nbt={Inventory:[{id:"minecraft:white_stained_glass",tag:{Xray:1}}]}] run clear @s minecraft:white_stained_glass{Xray:1} 1
I would simplified the 5th command: execute as @a[nbt={Inventory:[{tag:{Xray:2}}]}] run give @s beacon{Xray:1,display:{Name:"\"XRAY\""}} 1
And the 6th: clear @a minecraft:white_stained_glass{Xray:2} 1
7. execute as @e[tag=xray] at @s run fill ~5 ~5 ~5 ~-5 ~-5 ~-5 stone replace minecraft:barrier
That commands can be simplified too: execute at @e run fill ~5 ~5 ~5 ~-5 ~-5 ~-5 stone replace minecraft:barrier
9. execute as @a[tag=xray] at @s unless entity @s[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:beacon",tag:{Xray:1}}}] run fill ~5 ~5 ~5 ~-5 ~-5 ~-5 stone replace minecraft:barrier
Again, why do you need that command?
10. execute as @a[tag=xray] unless entity @s[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:beacon",tag:{Xray:1}}}] run tag @s remove xray
Another command can be simplified: tag @e remove xray
You forgot the end square bracket in the second selector in /tellraw command...
Moreover, your commands can be simplified:
Repeating: /execute as @a[scores={DMKills=1}] run tellraw @a ["",{"selector":"@s"},{"text":" defeated "},{"selector":"@p[scores={DMDeaths=1}]"},{"text":" in battle"}]
The tag minecraft:load works. Minecraft load datapacks before loading players into world, so any commands in functions tagged minecraft:load can't affect players in the first load. Try /reload.
Couldn't you also use minecraft.custom:minecraft.walk_one_cm? I don't think that the op needs the level of complexity to know exactly where the player is at when they moved, but simply whether or not they moved at all.
Well I have just mentioned a way to do that and there's many other ways.
Did you try what msyverw sent? That should work. You should not running the function in blocks that already have an area effect cloud instead of not display the particle in blocks that already have one
Additionally, you can setblock cave_air instead of summonning area effect cloud and fill replace cave_air later
Maybe you're resetting the score before setting the block so when the setblock command runs, the score is no longer 10 or more
Using redstone is a bad idea when you have access to commands, turning off a 2-block long redstone wire can cause thousands of block updates, you should use the area effect cloud method.
If you need even more commands for that method, you're doing something wrong, probably in the process of checking existing area effect clouds. It should take less than 1000 commands for a 6 deplacement points
I would set the Xray tag of the glass to 2 so that I don't have to write it's ID whenever I want to detect.
What's the purpose of that command?
I would simplified the 5th command: execute as @a[nbt={Inventory:[{tag:{Xray:2}}]}] run give @s beacon{Xray:1,display:{Name:"\"XRAY\""}} 1
And the 6th: clear @a minecraft:white_stained_glass{Xray:2} 1
That commands can be simplified too: execute at @e run fill ~5 ~5 ~5 ~-5 ~-5 ~-5 stone replace minecraft:barrier
Again, why do you need that command?
Another command can be simplified: tag @e remove xray
You forgot the end square bracket in the second selector in /tellraw command...
Moreover, your commands can be simplified:
Repeating: /execute as @a[scores={DMKills=1}] run tellraw @a ["",{"selector":"@s"},{"text":" defeated "},{"selector":"@p[scores={DMDeaths=1}]"},{"text":" in battle"}]
Chain: /scoreboard players set @a DMKills 0
/scoreboard players set @a DMDeaths 0
display:{Name:"{/"text/":/"Speed Boots/"}"}
The tag minecraft:load works. Minecraft load datapacks before loading players into world, so any commands in functions tagged minecraft:load can't affect players in the first load. Try /reload.
/execute as @a[team=Fire] if score @s FireDebuff matches 1.. run effect give @s minecraft:poison 1 1 true
Or just:
/effect give @a[team=Fire,scores={FireDebuff=1..}] minecraft:poison 1 1 true
So you're using 1.12.2, right?
I think it sort entities depend on their UUID. Not sure, need more test.
/execute @a[tag=Inlaser] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ packed_ice -1 /scoreboard players set @s onIce 1
<A command to set the hasStick score of players to the number of specific stick they have. Don't know what it is in 1.12>
/give @a[score_onIce_min=1,score_hasStick_max=0] stick 1 0 {HideFlags:5,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:"Pushy"},ench:[{id:19,lvl:10}]}
/clear @a[score_onIce_max=0] stick 1 0 {HideFlags:5,Unbreakable:1,display:{Name:"Pushy"},ench:[{id:19,lvl:10}]}
/scoreboard players set @a onIce 0
The answer is simple: you can't. Item's tag can only be used in recipes.
There are several ways to do that:
1. Use "Lock" tag (not sure if that's the right name). You can search for it online. You give the player the key when the condition is met.
2. Only fill the shulker block when the condition is met.
3. Place a block above the shulker block until the condition is met.
Well I have just mentioned a way to do that and there's many other ways.
Your commands here:
/execute if entity @a[x=-58,y=65,z=20,distance=..2] run fill -58 65 20 -58 66 20 air <Repeat, Unconditional, Always Active>
/playsound minecraft:block.piston.contract player @p -59 65 20 1.0 0.77 <Chain, Conditional, Always Active>
The first command block point to the second one.
Not sure about the second command.