About Me
This account is pretty old: It's an artifact at this point: I doubt I'll be very active on it anymore.
I moved out with the rest of the DTG crew.
R.I.P. Brothers in Harms
August? 2014 - July 2015
It's been about 16 months since this ended and I'm thinking about doing a revival after Acolyte's done (which will be never in the near future).
- Destroy the Godmodder
- SCP-Foundation
- Minecraft
- Nuclear Throne
- Team Fortress 2
- Left 4 Dead 2
- Half-Life 2
- Garry's Mod
- Realm of the Mad God
- Forum Games
Undertale (who isn't?)- LISA (The Game)
- Starbound (Pre-release!)
- Warhammer 40k (Lore, may get into gameplay soon, may change since 5th Ed came out)
- Homestuck (Shhh!)
Profile Information
Minecraft Ninjatwist_ Steam Dolf Bones