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    posted a message on can you wreck bed rock
    Here is your answer my good man. Search no more for this is the solution to your issue.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Single Player command spawn bugs
    Quote from TheMrMan

    Item 36 is a block moved by the piston
    Mob spawners do the same thing if you spawn them with TMI
    The stems glitch when you get them with any mod or in game
    Half doors are from doors counting as 2 blocks joined together is a strange way
    119,120 are End items that you can't get ingame, and 90 is Nether portal block,which you can't get ingame
    Potions and Enchanted items are most likely a glitch, and gaint mushrooms I don't know what you are talking about.
    Perfectly said, nicely done.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Will the Minecraft XBLA have the F3 Screen
    I think it should, and it possibly could, but I have a feeling it won't. It's a debug screen, and despite us wanting it. It's not an actual feature of the game. It has just been left in there and the community would be in an uproar if it was removed, so not and jeb left it in.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft 1.2 LEGO PAK
    Stop Advertising on the update discussion. /reported
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Hmm, looks like I'm early to the 1.2 update threads...
    And you're not helping the problem at all. /Reported.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 2

    posted a message on Damnit Damnit Damnit!!!!!!!!!!!
    Looking at your post tittle, and name. I would say someone is a bit crabby :D
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
  • 11

    posted a message on Strange Mayan Ruin! Vanilla world!
    I say fake, a building like that (if it were to be added by jeb) Would be made from all three kinds of blocks, not just mossy.
    Posted in: 1.1 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Default Lava Help
    When in Mcpatcher just don't click the custom lava & water options, then it will go default. (I think)
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on [16x] [1.7.3] Checkercraft 1.3
    [b]Info on this pack:[/b]
    I was bored one day, & while looking in the texture packs on the forums, I decided to make one myself. Since its my first pack, I decided to make it simple.

    [size="3"][color="#FF0000"]Update:[/color][/size] I haven't touched this pack in a while, but I may pick it up if requested to. It wasn't that hard to make in the first place.

    All the main blocks.
    A view of the main menu.
    A shot of the nether & all its glory.
    Some of the tools.

    As you can see, its very boxy.


    [*]Button's color changed to a darker color
    [*]made the pumpkin blur look much better
    [*]Mojang starting logo
    [*]Mc title screen
    [*]Achievement screen
    [*]Added a skin to pistons, fixed the beds & cake.
    [*]weather (rain, snow)
    [*]health & item hud
    [*]pumpkin blur
    [*]dots that you see while under water
    [*]Particle effects
    [*]Forgot what I changed on this one, the site went down & it had my changelog on the last thread
    [*]Initial release

    :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone:
    [b]Todo list:[/b]
    [*]Ladders (the are ugly :biggrin.gif: )
    [*]Possibly alternate textures for blocks & items.
    [*]stuff from beta 1.8
    [*]stuff from 1.0
    [*]stuff from 1.1
    [*]stuff from 1.2 as well......

    :Diamond: Download: (if the download has problems let me know) :Diamond:
    [url="http://www.mediafire.com/?64j5k2j3h333pzc"][color="#2E8B57"]Its so checkery![/color][/url]

    [b]Note:[/b][color="#0000FF"]It has its own lava & water textures,[/color] [color="#FF8C00"][url="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/232701-611-update173-compatible-mcpatcher-hd-fix-210-02/"]the HD Patcher mod [/url][/color][color="#0000FF"]is what you need.[/color]

    I threw two together quickly, so enjoy!

    If you have an concerns, questions, complaints, suggestions, or trollings, post it down below.
    I enjoy feedback! Just please keep it constructive.
    List tags are malformed.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 1

    posted a message on Google Picture War
    Posted in: Forum Games
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