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    posted a message on Villagers, Can they trade what i want them to trade? 1.4.2
    There is an MCEdit filter that lets you modify villager trades and accomplish what you want. I can't find it, you'll have to do some searching.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Capes
    You can take off your cape and craft it with another one to make a leather shirt for armor uses. That is what the second cape is for.

    Or fancy hats. Maybe capes got too boring.
    Posted in: Minecon 2012
  • 1

    posted a message on What fuel do you use for your furnaces?
    Definitely Blaze Rods. Smelt 12 things and are easy to harvest. I farm blazes. Grow them and then cut em down. And get tons of XP. Lots of it.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Some help with understanding snapshots.
    1. Because snapshots are full of bugs and potentially game destroying glitches. They are for testing and receiving feedback only.
    2. No, you download a minecraft.jar file and replace the current one with that one you downloaded.
    3. Your worlds might (but very unlikely) become corrupt from the various bugs. You can however, play on your world and have all the features. A new world is not required.
    4. No drawbacks except potential glitches, like I explained above. I don't know what you mean by the second part.
    Posted in: Future Updates
  • 1

    posted a message on Idea to stop the herobrine arguement
    You are just adding to the Herobrine spam that is everywhere on the forums.

    This should go in the "Suggestions" subforum anyway
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 9

    posted a message on The stupidest religious propaganda I have ever seen.
    After watching that, I feel that this is absolutely relevant:
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
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    posted a message on Need help installing mods, thanks. (:
    There's a feature that comes with McPatcher that allows for very easy mod installation.
    1. Force Update to Minecraft by hitting options and 'Force Update' on the launcher, then login.
    2. Start McPatcher (If it says it is already modded make sure you did step one correctly. Also make sure you have a current version.)
    3. Click the little "+" symbol near the bottom of the window
    4. Click on the ZIP folder where the mod is. Do not extract this zip folder, MCP does this for you.
    5. Click Open/ok
    6. Click OK
    7. The mod should be added. Click the "Patch" button (the big one at the bottom) nd the mod will be added for you.
    8. If the mod has any extra things that need to be added specially, you need to do them manually. Most mods have diretion on how to do this.
    9. MCP will remove META-INF for you.
    10. If mods are incompatible with each other, try it anyway. Sometimes mods work together even with conflicting .class files.
    11. If your game crashes, just uncheck one of the mods that were incompatible and click "Patch" again.
    I think that will help you.
    Posted in: Legacy Support
  • 1

    posted a message on A very generous Island Seed 1.3.1[Now with Updated Pictures!]
    Your seed got on this website. http://www.minecraftseeds.info/ I think it's the only good seed website.
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on It sounds wrong!
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on What do you do when you're bored at school?
    I think...and end up missing everything that I was supposed to hear.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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