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    posted a message on Savage RPG - [1.7] [Custom Bosses with over 250 Unique Abilities!] [Diablo Style Loot] [Dungeons] [Quests] [Classes] [Towns] [Pv
    • Your "IGN" (In Game Name) Nick7489100
    • Age 14
    • Have you voted for Savage Realms at all 3 sites mentioned below? yes
    • Any questions/concerns/comments? no
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Sry for the inconveniance but we are having issues with are permissions. the server is on but normal players cant do anything so we are going to try to get it fixed. ty for your time. btw if u know anybody good with permissions contact one of the staff.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Quote from MikeyP97

    Out Of Character:

    IGN?: MikeyP97

    Age: 14

    Sex (Optional): Male

    Have You Read All The Rules?: Yes, and I agree to follow all of them.

    Why Us?: This seems like a server that has great potential and would like to join to have some fun.

    How Have You Found About Us?: Minecraftforum.net

    RolePlaying Experiance?: i have had very little, but want to give it a try.

    In Character:

    Name: Andrei

    Age: 26

    Sex: Male

    Personality: Violent, Aggressive, Dangerous, Willing to fight.

    Race: Human


    BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): I am Andrei (Andrew) born and raised in a small town outside of Moscow. I have been in and out of jail since the age of 14, when i beat someone's head in, after he started a fight with me. I will not back down from a fight, and will not stop until its over. In my later years i join the Russian Mob, selling drugs and people to the highest bidder. I had not been out doing this long before I was hired as a hit-man to "take care of" a witness to a murder by another mob member. After 24 years in Russia, I was wanted by the government for too many crimes to count, I was forced to flee and would return when the time was right. The time is now...

    This backGround is to small and read the rules. once u do both things u can be accepted!
    -Builder nick
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Out-of- Character:nick7489100
    in-Character Name:tyler
    What Will The Faction Name Be? (Caps Sencetive):NRR (New russian republic)
    How Long Have You Been Playing The Server?:a few days sence its new
    How Active Are You On The Forums?:kind of active
    Why Should We Let You Have This Faction?:im a great leader and roleplayer
    How Is This Faction In Russia?:the name explains it
    What Is Your Factions BackStory? (Minimum 2 Long Paragraphs):idk if it already has a back story or not :P
    What Will Your Faction Discription Be?:idk
    What Are Your Factions Special SubRace's?: in the faction section
    What Are Your Factions Perks?:in the faction section
    How Did You Form This Faction?:the server formed it
    Do you understand all of the responsibilities and information of being a leader of a faction?:yes
    What will your faction Base's be like?:what ever u make it like!
    What Race's does your Faction Allow?:humans

    OK, you probably think this app is stupid but im signing up to be leader of NRR which is already above. idk if u have any certain stuff you wantt the faction to have so i didnt do anything for the background and that stuff. i hope u accept this leadership role :3
    btw: sry about my other post idk why it had all those numbers and stuff in it
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]

    OutOfCharacter Name:nick7489100

    InCharacter Name:tyler

    What Will The Faction Name Be? (Caps Sencetive):NRR (New Russian Republic)

    How Long Have You Been Playing The Server?:2 days lol

    How Active Are You On The Forums?:kind of active concidering i just joined

    Why Should We Let You Have This Faction?:i am a great leader/roleplayer

    How Is This Faction In Russia?:the name explains it

    What Is Your Factions BackStory? (Minimum 2 Long Paragraphs):

    What Will Your Faction Discription Be?:

    What Are Your Factions Special SubRace's?:

    What Are Your Factions Perks?:

    How Did You Form This Faction?:they formed it for me :D

    Do you understand all of the responsibilities and information of being a leader of a faction?:yes

    What will your faction Base's be like?:what ever they make it like.....

    What Race's does your Faction Allow?:humans

    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Fallout - New Russia [SpoutCraft] [Guns] [Heavy RP] [Whitelist] [Massive Map] [Massive Abandoned Cities] [Hidden Pre-War Vaults]
    Whitelist Application
    *Looks big but most questions are around 1-10 words*
    Out Of Character:
    Sex (Optional):male
    Have You Read All The Rules?:yes
    Why Us?:i love rp servers and this one sounds amazing
    How Have You Found About Us?:a friend told me
    RolePlaying Experiance?:ive been on a popular roleplaying server and made a impact in their lore.

    In Character:
    Personality:brave but can have a temper
    BackStory (Minimum 1 Paragraph): i was abandoned when i was younge, or thats what i think happend. ive been walking the streets for answers. i grew up starving and sleeping on the sidewalk. i lived on the food i could find in trash cans. when i thought all hope was lost a family took me in and gave me a proper education. i was well feed and was looking toward a better future. but thats when things went from bad to worst. a group of armed men raided are town. they killed all the men that fought back and captured all the women and children, including me. we were inslaved and beaten. it was very brutal, each day seemed to be worse. after a year of the slavery almost all the people ive gotten to know were dead or sent to another slave camp.
    they let me free and told me to never come back. i didn't know where i would go so i just headed west, or what i thought was west. i was dieing of thirst and starvation when i stumbled across a small camp they agreed to help me till i got better. they taught me how to defend my self with all kinds of weapons. i was surprisingly good with guns so they decided that i could stay with them. i was almost done with my trainging when the war broke out. we all seeked shelter and waited out the bombing. when we came back out the world was in ruins.
    And that where my story begins.
    I hope i get accepted :Pig:
    Posted in: PC Servers
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