- I am seriously considering a request to add metal nuggets for all the standard SimpleOres/Netherrocks/Fusion ingots, for compatibility with other mods that expect metal nuggets. (Sadly, AOBD doesn't seem to be a thing anymore). They would be the standard 9 nuggets = 1 ingot as vanilla gold and iron nuggets. I'm not yet sure if they will be in the 1.11.2 version or wait until 1.12.
- I will be porting to 1.12 Real Soon Now, as I have figured out the quirks of porting. It's going to be a lot of work, because the new recipe book JSONs are almost as annoying and tedious to write as the 1.8 model JSONs were.
Hows the port coming and hows the nuggets going as well?
I open the launcher and click play. It'll load up then crash with a log. I'm not seeing anything obvious so I'm wondering why it won't run. I just installed recent version of Java 8 since pc didn't have it before.
Would it be possible to add nuggets for the metal types? Playing Better With Mods with hardcore ores on (smelt ores to get nuggets instead of ingots). I didn't get nuggets out of it and after tweeting beeto he said it needs to come from the mod or it defaults to ingots instead of nuggets.
Have you or are you working on re-implementing mobs wearing armor again? That was something I really loved about this mod as it helped make mobs slightly harder plus a chance of getting it early game to help you out.
It seems the Ruins mod doesn't like your Shadow Fen biome. All the ruins are floating in the air. Not sure if its your mod or not. I'm using Ridiculous World 0.4 and Ruins 15.2 which are the most recent versions.
I did read it. What am I looking for cause apparently its not labeled clearly.
"control setup" {
B:"Allow Danger in Rainbow Forests"=false
B:"Allow duplication wand to copy TileEntities"=false
B:"Always Respawn EnderDragon"=false
B:"Auxiliary Fragment Acquisition"=false
I:"Chest Generation Tier"=4
B:"Crystal Plants May Drop Shards"=true
B:"Delete End on Unload"=false
I:"Dimension Structure Difficulty"=3
B:"Disable Pendant Particles"=true
I:"Duplication Wand Max Volume"=1000
B:"Dye Block Particles"=true
B:"Enable Ball Lightning"=true
B:"Enable Biome Painter"=true
B:"Enable Ender TNT"=true
I:"Ender Forest Biome Weight"=10
B:"Ender Forest Coloring"=false
I:"Ender Pool Density from 1 to 3"=2
I:"Energy Buffer Overlay Location"=0
B:"Generate Anti-Taint plants in Rainbow Forest"=true
B:"Generate Pylons in MystCraft Worlds"=false
B:"Generate Some Pylons as Broken"=false
I:"Guardian Stone Range"=16
B:"Guardian Stone is Full Chunk Height"=false
B:"Lamp Noises"=true
B:"Liquid Ender Effect"=true
I:"Lumen Relay Range"=16
B:"Make Pylon pathfinding attempt shortest path - can be intensive"=true
B:"Make ThaumCraft integration require ThaumCraft progression"=false
I:"Max Accelerator Lag in NanoSeconds"=1000000
B:"Nether Crystals"=true
B:"Pylons Chunkload Selves Once Used"=true
I:"Rainbow Forest Animal Density"=6
I:"Rainbow Forest Biome Weight"=10
D:"Rainbow Leaf Gold Apple Drop Percentage"=0.25
B:"Rainbow Trees Spread Rainbow Forests"=true
B:"Reload Handbook Data on Open"=false
B:"Run Worldgen in Superflat Worlds"=false
B:"Spawn with CC Lexicon"=true
B:"Use reduced-size Pylon Aura image; only enable this if you get a full-screen color washout"=false
B:"Use vanilla keybind system for ability selection GUI"=false
I:"Vanilla Dye Drop Percentage"=100
B:"World Rifts Chunkload"=false
Is their anyway to change the control for mouse wheel click? Its pretty annoying when I use the pick block function in vanilla when placing blocks and I have a menu popping up.
I have a mod, in my pack, that I wish to remove. "EndPlus".
It has added a lot of "Cavern Stone" underground, that I want to ungenerate before removing the mod.
So far I have run /CraftingManager
on the resulting dialog I disabled all mods except EndPlus, that I set to Ungenerate, and toggled "Regeneration" to enabled.
generationmanager.cfg was saved like this.
I have exited and re-entered Minecraft. I have flown 200m away from my base and back again (should be far enough for the chunks to unload) but the EndPlus CavernStone is still there.
Thank you so much for this post. I had no idea what 0,1,2 meant in the configs since it wasn't in the first post. CreativeMD please not this in first post and in config in the future please. Glad I got it to work since retrogen doesn't work or doesn't have one in some of the mods I've added later.
I would hate to buy it again plus I only own a PC. I would hate having two separate minecraft worlds just cause there on different platforms, its already bad enough having to transfer the files from PC to Laptop and back again constantly.
Hows the port coming and hows the nuggets going as well?
So this is what you wanted? Hope the information helps. https://pastebin.com/U0BwmnB5
I open the launcher and click play. It'll load up then crash with a log. I'm not seeing anything obvious so I'm wondering why it won't run. I just installed recent version of Java 8 since pc didn't have it before.
Would it be possible to add nuggets for the metal types? Playing Better With Mods with hardcore ores on (smelt ores to get nuggets instead of ingots). I didn't get nuggets out of it and after tweeting beeto he said it needs to come from the mod or it defaults to ingots instead of nuggets.
Just wondering if your going to be updating this at all to 1.8.9 or 1.9 or 1.10. I really like the biomes and mobs it adds.
2.16.0 for MC 1.7.10 The Altar broke instantly with my fist. I think you should fix that so its not possible.
This mod doesn't seem to fully work. I can get the refined Iron but cant make refined tools. I'm using MC 1.8.9.
Could we get a link the the github instead of the download so we can keep up to date?
I have the same version. I wonder what the github one has to offer over it? I know theirs the multiple book eating bug but, other wise seems fine.
Danilus made a spotlight for this mod.
Have you or are you working on re-implementing mobs wearing armor again? That was something I really loved about this mod as it helped make mobs slightly harder plus a chance of getting it early game to help you out.
It seems the Ruins mod doesn't like your Shadow Fen biome. All the ruins are floating in the air. Not sure if its your mod or not. I'm using Ridiculous World 0.4 and Ruins 15.2 which are the most recent versions.
Thank you!
I did read it. What am I looking for cause apparently its not labeled clearly.
"control setup" {
B:"Allow Danger in Rainbow Forests"=false
B:"Allow duplication wand to copy TileEntities"=false
B:"Always Respawn EnderDragon"=false
B:"Auxiliary Fragment Acquisition"=false
I:"Chest Generation Tier"=4
B:"Crystal Plants May Drop Shards"=true
B:"Delete End on Unload"=false
I:"Dimension Structure Difficulty"=3
B:"Disable Pendant Particles"=true
I:"Duplication Wand Max Volume"=1000
B:"Dye Block Particles"=true
B:"Enable Ball Lightning"=true
B:"Enable Biome Painter"=true
B:"Enable Ender TNT"=true
I:"Ender Forest Biome Weight"=10
B:"Ender Forest Coloring"=false
I:"Ender Pool Density from 1 to 3"=2
I:"Energy Buffer Overlay Location"=0
B:"Generate Anti-Taint plants in Rainbow Forest"=true
B:"Generate Pylons in MystCraft Worlds"=false
B:"Generate Some Pylons as Broken"=false
I:"Guardian Stone Range"=16
B:"Guardian Stone is Full Chunk Height"=false
B:"Lamp Noises"=true
B:"Liquid Ender Effect"=true
I:"Lumen Relay Range"=16
B:"Make Pylon pathfinding attempt shortest path - can be intensive"=true
B:"Make ThaumCraft integration require ThaumCraft progression"=false
I:"Max Accelerator Lag in NanoSeconds"=1000000
B:"Nether Crystals"=true
B:"Pylons Chunkload Selves Once Used"=true
I:"Rainbow Forest Animal Density"=6
I:"Rainbow Forest Biome Weight"=10
D:"Rainbow Leaf Gold Apple Drop Percentage"=0.25
B:"Rainbow Trees Spread Rainbow Forests"=true
B:"Reload Handbook Data on Open"=false
B:"Run Worldgen in Superflat Worlds"=false
B:"Spawn with CC Lexicon"=true
B:"Use reduced-size Pylon Aura image; only enable this if you get a full-screen color washout"=false
B:"Use vanilla keybind system for ability selection GUI"=false
I:"Vanilla Dye Drop Percentage"=100
B:"World Rifts Chunkload"=false
Is their anyway to change the control for mouse wheel click? Its pretty annoying when I use the pick block function in vanilla when placing blocks and I have a menu popping up.
Thank you so much for this post. I had no idea what 0,1,2 meant in the configs since it wasn't in the first post. CreativeMD please not this in first post and in config in the future please. Glad I got it to work since retrogen doesn't work or doesn't have one in some of the mods I've added later.