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SG2: Antique firearms with survival in mind (Coming Soon) >>
by nerdboy64
50 9,322
[1.4.6 - 1.5.2][FORGE][LIST] nerdboy64's Mods - SimpleGuns and Adventure Kit now for 1.5.2! >>
by nerdboy64
105 119,603
Mapmakers! What do you want in a "Mapmaker's Assistant" mod? >>
by nerdboy64
45 4,058
[SOLVED] How do I force a chunk update? >>
by nerdboy64
5 9,343
[Solved] Can't connect to Planet Minecraft >>
by nerdboy64
13 7,064
Recipe image maker for modders? >>
by nerdboy64
1 1,151
1x1 Downward Power Transmission in 13w01b >>
by nerdboy64
4 899
[Java] double click to open a file with java program >>
by nerdboy64
3 2,669
Good motherboard for $100? >>
by nerdboy64
3 528
[SOLVED] Custom Workbench Crashes Game >>
by nerdboy64
7 1,060
Athlon vs. Phenom >>
by nerdboy64
7 621
Cleaning corrosion from a calculator >>
by nerdboy64
11 17,041
[1.3.2][SMP][FORGE] nerdboy64's SimpleGuns - OLD THREAD >>
by nerdboy64
488 227,508
[SOLVED] Zooming the camera without modifying vanilla classes >>
by nerdboy64
0 768
[FORGE] Choosing block texture based on tile entity >>
by nerdboy64
0 705
[HELP] Damaging an entity in 1.3.1. >>
by nerdboy64
1 290
[Java][Help] Running an Applet as Standalone >>
by nerdboy64
0 882
[HELP] Looping Counter Circuit >>
by nerdboy64
2 1,302
Redstone Repeater 5-Clock Help Plz >>
by nerdboy64
11 2,787
Help with CPU problems? >>
by nerdboy64
4 335