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    posted a message on (REALEASED) MythiCraft, The Most In-depth RPG Mod To-Date (WIP) Alpha 0.1, for 1.2

    Here is a video showing what we have been working on lately!



    Adds a Mythical amount of new, well....Everything, to your Minecraft World!

    In MythiCraft new weapons and blocks will be added, you will be able to get quests, fight dragons, level up, and become a God of Minecraftia! In this mod there will be dungeons that spawn, massive Acropolis's, hidden tombs and ruins to explore, quests, a level up system with paths, classes, races, spells, abilities, powerful weapons and armor, new mobs, new blocks, new items, new realms, new biomes and terrain, hidden chests, Hidden Cities, and EVEN MORE!!! I plan on making this mod change the way players play Minecraft! If i can get people to help me, a team, then this mod will skyrocket to the top in no time! if you come across this mod idea and say to yourself you can't wait for it to come out? then please, go out, find a Coder or Modeler, hell even a Texture maker if your not one and help me start this mod...if not for others to play, for you! spread the word, tell friends who play to support me...in no time i will have beta up and running and ready for testers! Down below are some spoilers of some ideas, but i won't put much because I want it to be a surprise! in fact i intend to make this mod quite realistic. say you have your backpack starting out, (only can hold 2 rows at the start) you get one extra block of space per point in strength. then the more stuff you have in your backpack the slower you go (one stack of 64 dirt wont slow you, but 5 stacks of 1 will, it depends on how many blocks are taken up, not how much are in each stack)




    We will try to live stream every day, or every other day, come watch us work, and give us ideas :)


    now, here are SOME of the creatures I want to put into MythiCraft...

    1. Chimera (Chimeras' are 3 headed monstrosity's! Chimeras have a goat head, a lion head, and a drake head on a griffins body with a dragons wings and a snake for a tail. Chimeras are the most powerful creatures in MythiCraft, they can shoot fire, ice, and lightning and can poison you with a bite from its tail. if you manage to do the impossible and beat one then its body will drop and harden into pure diamond blocks!)
    2. Dragon(s) (dragons are one of the most destructive creatures in MythiCraft, if you some how manage to beat them they fly to there cave to lay an egg and die. If you fallow the dragon back you can hatch its egg by setting it around constant fire for 10 minecraft days. These eggs will hatch into full dragons, unlike drakes they can be ride-able and are able to fly! dragons can only be hurt by diamond weapons, or must be hit on a soft spot....there belly. they shoot fireballs (TNT on fire, explodes shortly after impact))
    3. Sea serpent (wingless and limbless dragons that search the ocean for squid to eat, most Sea Serpents dont attack people, but if you get to close they will grab you and drag you down to drown you, you must hit them a few times for them to let you go. like a drake, if you kill them the will instead become loyal to you, letting you ride them in the water making you quite a bit faster than a boat. wile riding a Sea Serpent and diving your air lowers slower then on your own.)
    4. Kraken (Gigantic massive squid that eats boats and is the protector of the lost city of Atlantis, rumor has it that if you defeat a Kraken it drops a device that leads you to Atlantis!)
    5. Hydra (Nine or less headed wingless dragon, must cut off each head to kill it, if one head lives after 30 minutes it regenerates one every minute. either lives in water, or in caves or on plains)
    6. Minotaur (if you can, have massive underground mazes, or have them ONLY spawn in strongholds, since they are mazes in a way)
    7. Centaurs (roam in herds, peaceful unless provoked)
    8. Basilisk (giant snake that constricts you and if you look at it to long your health starts to drop fast)
    9. Phoenix (immortal, but if you kill it you get a special item, after 5 minecraft days its reborn)
    10. Griffin (Griffins are giant bird like creatures. Griffins have an Owl like head, a lions body and a birds wings. Griffins are fiercely territorial, and spend most of there time flying around the edge of they're territory calling for a mate. if a Griffin spots you in your territory it will sweep down screeching loudly and scoop you up, after rising in the air a bit it will drop you to do damage. if you feed a griffin a certain number of fish dependent on the species it will befriend you. Unlike most pets once griffins are yours they fly off and guard your home. you can create a Griffin whistle, if you use it the griffin will come to you and land, ready to fight for you, or ready for you to ride. if you don't take care of the Griffin it will take off, not before mauling you.)
    11. Merfolk (Merfolk are a intelligent race of half people half fish. Merfolk live in a vast underwater city called Atlantis, which they guard fiercely. Merfolk are generally nice, even willing to trade with you for "land goods." you can find Merfolk swimming in deeper oceans, and if you pay one a few gold bars it will take you to Atlantis, a city both Merfolk and human can go in without needing air, inside are massive buildings and powerful artifacts. deep within Atlantis is the treasure room, filled to the brim with gold, iron, diamonds, advanced weaponry and armor, and something special)
    12. Hipogrif (Hippogriffs are a gentler more magical, island dwelling species of Griffin. Hippogriff's have eagle heads, bird front body, horse back body, feathered winds and a horse tail. Hippogriffs are able to do advanced magic, such as, heal wounds, call storms, walk on water, invisibility, and more. Hippogriffs can be tamed with an amount of fish dependant on there species, if a Hippogriff is trained it will guard your house, it can be called with a Hippogriff Whistle. Hippogriffs can also enchant your armor and weapons with powerful spells, at a high price.)
    13. Cockatrice (a chicken has a 1% chance to hatch it, and it can fly and shoot small fires)
    14. Goblins (little 3 foot tall green guys who hunt in packs and steal your stuff)
    15. Giant Island turtles (possibly controllable by throwing wheat into the water where you want it to go, big enough to live on top of its shell, which sticks out of the water and has grass and dirt blocks, even trees!)
    16. Leviathan (massive whale that only lives in the deepest parts of Minecraftia, like a gigantic blue whale but eats anything, can swallow your ship and you, and you are teleported into "the belly of the beast" realm, where there's water and skeletons but massive amounts of treasure, and a time limit before he spits you out)
    17. Tame-able Dragons (unlike most other dragons these are smaller drakes that you can ride on and fly with. if you defeat one in battle they will become your pet, even shooting fire at your enemies)
    18. Mantacore (Mantacores are vicious lion like creatures with human heads and a scorpion tail covered in deadly poison tipped spikes it can shoot at you)
    19. Sphinx (The Sphinx is a cousin to the Mantacore, it has a human face, lions body and tail, and eagle wings. The Sphinx is less brutally evil that its cousin, and has an amazing intelligence level. Sphinx live deep in caves an lie in wait for explores to stumble upon, one caught the Sphinx will give the person one riddle to solve. if the person outsmarts the Sphinx and solve the riddle the Sphinx will let you go and teleport away in shame, if you fail the Sphinx will attack you violently, and will not stop until you are dead! once killed it will steal your goods and you must go back to its cave and solve another riddle to get your items back, but it will be considerably harder)
    20. Titans, or Giants? (massive people that cause the ground beneath ever step to crush flat, doesn't really care about smaller things, more of a reckless idiot. maybe if you kill it you get 2 stacks of diamonds/gold/iron mixed together?)
    21. Garmozoa (giant floating island jelly fish, big enough to build a house on top with tentacles that reach the ground, it slowly floats across the sky grabbing and pulling up any food its tentacles touch)
    22. Ghast (if in a swamp, or by a gravestone (randomly generated) a Ghast might appear on a new moon, if you fallow it, it will lead you to either treasure or a trap)
    23. Giant Scorpions (Giant black scorpions with neon blue pulsing veins all over them, these Scorpions rise out of the ground to attack, they are as big as a house)
    24. Blink Hound (a wolf/hound with the ability to teleport out of danger and a ability to walk through some walls)
    25. Owl Bear (imagine a giant bear with an owls face, half wings for arms and giant claws!)
    26. Siren (lives on islands out at sea, they sing a song that makes your screen warp and flip, trying to make you crash, and when or if you do, she comes to eat you!)
    27. Faeries (magical little creatures about the size of half a block, they come to saplings and crops and make them grow quickly, but only when you are not looking, if you look directly at a faerie (cursor has to be on her) she is forever indebted to fallow you as a pet and help you as you ask. But, they are almost impossible to spot, and almost to fast to get a good look)
    28. Imps (mischievous little devil like creatures the size of faeries. Imps use magic to start fires on crops and make you sleepy or hallucinate vividly (like seeing a creeper come up to you and ask you out to a cup of coffee) they also can move blocks and place them. if you see an Imp then they, or any other imp, must never do anything to harm you, and you can tell that imp what to do, such as shoot fireballs at pigs and such)
    29. Gods!

      ~The Male God of Power, and Deity to the Dwarves~

      Kynraahl was the first male child born of the Universe. Kynraahl was born with four arms and covered in scars. Hes chest was open, and where his heart should have been a bright red flame burned inside, powering Kynraahl's anger. Kynraahl is the pure creation of power, and the Creator of the Dwarven Race. He used the fire burning inside to create the stars in the sky, and his four arms to forge the foundation of our world.

      ~The Male God of Honor, and Deity to the Elves~

      Eildarin was the second born son of the Universe. Eildarin was born without any facial features, from eyes to mouth there was nothing but smooth skin. Eildarin was born with perfect physique, and 8 white wings. Eildarin used his wings and covered our world, when he removed them there was a cooling molten rock where the star Kynraahl had once created stood.

      ~The Female God of Order, and Deity to the Humans~


      ~The Female God of Chaos, and Deity to the Orcs~

      Asailia and Xeridiana where the third born of the universe. her and her sister, Xeridiana, the god of chaos, where born in the same body. Kailoura's body was split down the middle, one side was black with a white eye, the other white with a black eye. the two sisters fought for control constantly, the two sides always at a struggle to take over the others. there two brothers saw them fighting endlessly, and there world was not going to be created, so they each grabbed the arm of one fo the sides and started to pull. the sides began to split peeling apart into separate people, until they became separate beings. each was apart from the other, they where fully separated, other than they shared the eye color of the others body. Xeridiana's body was doomed to never stay one form, always changing, wile Asailia was doomed to one. Asailia used her new powers to forge the goodness in our world, creating the soul, the trees and the plants, she used her hands to forge the boundaries of the universe, to give it order. wile Xeridiana used hers to cause chaos on our world, creating poisonous plants, and natural disasters.

      The world was finished, but there was nothing but plants growing across it. So, the four gods, Kynraahl, Eildarin, Asailia, and Xeridiana began to create life. Kynraahl wanted to create a race of strength to worship him, so he created the Dwarves from the fire within him. Eildarin wanted a race of honor and respect to worship him, so using the feathers from his wings he created the elves, beautiful in his image. Asailia wanted a race with order to worship her, so, from the soil she molded Man. Xeridiana wanted a chaotic race to worship her, so using the darkness in the souls of the other races, she created the Orcs.

    New Cities:

    As you already know I plan on making massive Acropolises spawn in MythiCraft. These Huge cities will be as far as the eye can see, just like a real Greek or Roman city, and be filled to the brim with shops, NPC's, and soldiers ready to be hired. These cities will have a few Main building which should be of special interest to the player, each able to provide new things. In these great cities almost everyone you see, you can talk to, allowing you to find out the up-and-coming weather, time, shop deals, local politics, stock and trades, or just how there family is doing. These cities are not just for show either, they can help the player in more ways than one, in fact, a player can begin buying and selling homes, shops, and stall with his gold coins, each of these provide revenue for the player, filling his pocket even while not playing! Once you buy enough of that towns building you can become King! But being king isn't all fun, you have to pass laws, make sure your citizens have enough food, raise and lower taxes, build armies, take over other cities and expand into a great and vast empire! The world is yours for the taking!

    Buildings of Interest:
    • Kings Court:
    • The Kings Court is a massive building, normally in the center of the city. the Kings Court is where the King himself lives with his family, and passes judgment on those who have committed crimes. The Kings Court is where you must go if you would need to buy real-estate, you must go to the king and have him sign your charter, allowing you to go out and buy and sell buildings.
    • City Hall:
    • The City Hall is where the chancellors gather to discuss and make laws, as well as a gathering place for feasts and parties. The City Hall is a place of interest due to the fact most chancellors need a job done. there being 12 chancellors all willing to pay heavily for a quest done right, but don't rule these quests as easy, most are hard and take time, such as tracking, finding, killing, then stealing the egg of a Dragon. these are not for the ordinary adventurer, and all most be done before you can become king, as they prove you worthy.
    • Inn:
    • The Inn is literally a bar with sleeping quarters on the top floor. then why is it interesting you ask? because inside of the inn is a Bounty Board! this Bounty Board holds all the quests and jobs the citizens of the city need done. most are mundane, such as milking cows, harvest chicken eggs, or feeding pigs, but they pay, and are a good way to get in good graces with the towns folk. every once in a wile there will be a red bounty, a red bounty is only for hardened adventurers, and normally includes hunting down a giant basilisk, or bringing back the heads of a Hydra! each day new bounties will appear on the board, as new people need jobs done, most are the same as yesterdays, but they give you a constant work flow.
    • Coliseum(s):
    • The Coliseum is for only the mightiest of warriors! The Coliseum is a massive oval battlefield surrounded by walls covered in spikes, which holds up rows of thousands of cheering fans. The Coliseum is a place a player can go to to earn money for killing monsters. The crowd cheers you on as they watch you fight Owl bears, Mantacores, and of course your fellow man. You can Bring in up too two other hired soldiers into the ring with you, but be warned, that dosen't mean that it will be easier. As you fight the crowd cheers and laughs at the bloodshed, in fact, the crowds cheers decide just how much money you will get from a fight. the louder the crowd gets, the more gold will be waiting at the victors table.
    • Market Place(s):
    • A Market Place is normally located in the town square, and it is also packed with people ready to get a good deal. the Market Place should be of interest to the player, because as they push and shove there way through the crowd prices on all goods change rapidly around them. one minute you can buy bread for 2 gold, another its 8. The Market is a wonderful place to buy and sell goods you don't need for sometimes more than they are worth.
    • Shops:
    • Shops are buildings scattered around the town selling different items. Most shops sell a specific type of goods, such as weapons, armor, spell scrolls, potions, and so on. Shops should be the top of a players priorities, most have good deals and wonderful new things for you to buy and use. in fact every shop holds at least one Masterwork or Legendary item ready to help you defeat your foes! every day shops get new inventory, and new items ready to be bought, the more items you bought from the shop the last day, the more new ones will be there today! all items not bought from a shop have a 25% chance to still get randomized into a new item.
    • Black Market:
    • The Black Market is a secretive place, it is hard to find and only a few people can lead you to it, for a price. The Black Market is an interesting place that sells all items normally you cannot buy from other places. items such as Dragon Eggs, Mythril and Adamantine ingots, and powerful artifacts such as a Bag of Holding! The Black Market is quite expensive, but then again the things they sell can be found almost no where else. The good thing is you can Haggle the shopkeepers, possibly lowering the price, or if you make them mad, increasing it!
    • Guild Halls:
    • The Guild Halls are places where the 3 main guilds reside. These Guilds are powerful, and you are able to hire there soldiers to fight along side you, or fallow and protect you. There are 3 main guilds, the "Fighters Guild", the "Mages Guild", and the "Clerics Guild". each of there guild members have they're own strengths and weaknesses, the Fighters have powerful melee attacks, Mages can shoot devastating spells, and Clerics are essential for there healing powers and protective Auras. you can join a Guild by talking to the Guild Master and doing the Initiation, once you are part of a guild all others will shun you. You can still hire there guild members, but for a steeper price. the benifits of joining a guild is that you unlock new skills and powerful abilities as you rank up, and all guild members of the same guild cost half as much to hire, if not nothing.
    • Blacksmith:
    • The Blacksmith is a god-send for a miner, or a fighter. The Blacksmith is the only person in town who you can give armor, weapons, and tools to, to fix them for a price. it takes a wile for him to finish, but once done your things will be fully healed, and it only costs a few gold. you can also become a blacksmith's apprentice, allowing you to learn the art of blacksmithing. Once you become an apprentice blacksmith you can build an anvil and tool hammer, letting you plop the anvil down and fix your things on the go, although they wont be fixed fully and it takes longer than normal, it is still better than breaking and remaking tools over and over again. once you become a Master Blacksmith you can plop an anvil down anywhere and fix your things fully, and quicker, but it costs one ingot or block of what the tool, weapon, or armor is made from.
    • Apothecary:
    • The Apothecary is a wonderful shop able to brew potions and healing remedies. The Apothecary can create quick batches of potions for a price, the price depends on the effect you want the potion to have. You can also become an Apprentice Apothecary, allowing you to make slightly stronger potions than normal, since your skill in it has increased. once you become a Master Apothecary your potions strength doubles. The Apothecary can also bring you back from death, after being in the town at least once and talking to her you can make a deal. The deal costs quite a bit, but its worth it, every time you die she will come to get you and revive you back at her shop, but she will also grab as many things you dropped as possible before leaving.

    New Ore Blocks:

    1. Mythril ore,
    2. Mythril is more rare than diamond, Mythril ore is a pearlecent ore that glows white and gives off white particles. Mythril was created by the good gods in an attempt to protect there people against the powerful demon steel, Adamantine. Mythril makes the strongest armor in Minecraftia, it is nearly unbreakable and strong enough to absorb 5 creeper blasts going off at once without doing damage to you. 50% of damage done has a chance to deal it back to whoever damaged you!
    3. Adamantine Ore,
    4. Adamantine ore is more rare then diamond and it makes the strongest, deadliest weapons in Minecraftia. Adamantine is a pitch black ore with veins pulsing with the blood of innocents webbed across it, it gives off a red light and drips blood. Adamantine, also known as demon steel, was created by the evil gods to cause bloodshed and death by the hand of those who wield it. Adamantine is nearly indestructible and the steel drains the life of those hit into the wielder!
    5. Gramantine ore
    6. ( a man-made fusion of both 2 Mythril ingots and 2 Adamantine ingots, makes 2 Gramantine ore. Gramantine ore is indestructible and anything made with it is as well. Gramantine is a silvery gray ore that gives off feint gray light and gray particles (only in ore block form.) Gramantine weapons kill in one hit and Gramantine armor can take any amount of damage without it hurting you. Gramantine tools never break and can mine, chop, dig, and hoe in the blink of an eye.)
    7. Steel Ingots,
    8. Steel ingots are refined iron ingots, steel is stronger than iron but weaker than diamond or gold. Steel ingots are created from Iron ingots, after getting Iron ingots from a furnace you must put the ingots back into the furnace to get Steel. creating steel is delicate work though, so it is quite slow and had a 25%, or 1/4 chance of failing and giving you nothing, and a 14% chance, or 1/8 chance of giving you 2 ingots. Steel is quite strong and can make deadly weapons or tools, steel can also mine or break anything an iron tools can.


    these are the races you will get to pick from while your world is being created. each race is diverse from the rest, some only able to effectively use certain weapons, some small enough to crouch into one block spaces. and some too tall to fit into 2. most races have a preferred class they will get bonuses in, and the other classes will get minuses. Each race gets bonuses to certain stats dependant on their physique, if your tall and buff you will have bonuses to constitution and strength. if your short and thin you will get high bonuses to dexterity and a low bonus to intelligence and a minus on con and strength, it just depends on your playing style. a character begins the game with 6 upgrade points, after that each level up will give you additional upgrade points depending on your Wisdom plus two. as you level up you get Skill points as well, skill points, as there name implies, are for spending on getting new skills. every other level you get 1 skill point plus your Intelligence skill point bonus to put into your skills. each skill will do different things, but are normally better than the one before it. your skill tree depends on your class, and each class will have 1 Beginner paths, then 4 Advanced paths depending on your beginner path, then 3 Master paths dependant on your Advanced path. Making a total of 24 different paths a players class can take, and each path will have about 5 skills, making a total of 51 total paths and 95 skills in total, but you will only see 15 skills. and there will be about 3 beginner classes, 12 advanced classes, then 36 master classes

    Here are what each stat does and represents:

    Strength: Strength lets you hit harder and break blocks faster, strength represents your physical amount of muscle. high strength, your a body builder, low strength, your a lightweight. strength gives bonuses to melee weapons and how fast you swim, it also increases how much you can carry in your backpack without becoming encumbered.

    Dexterity: Dexterity allows the player to run faster and jump higher. Dexterity represents your ability to move your body quickly and effectively. high Dexterity: can dodge an arrow at point blank range, low dexterity: cant dodge an arrow from 100 blocks away. Dexterity increases your chance to dodge an attack and lets you pull your bow back faster and farther, and move quicker when aiming

    Intelligence: Intelligence allows the player to increase your Mana and the damage of your spells. Intelligence represents your book smarts, high Intelligence, memorizes every spell you have ever learned, low Intelligence, barely remember your training.allows him to cast spells quicker, lowers spell cool down time, and increases the amount of experience gained from killing, and the amount of Skill points gained every other level. (you get half your level in intelligence in Skill points, Rounded down)

    Wisdom: Wisdom allows the player to craft more out of resources, and have a higher chance to get more items out of each block. Wisdom represents your street smarts, High Wisdom, can mine a ore block effectively enough to get 5 drops a block, low Wisdom, forgot how to craft planks. Wisdom increases the players ability to grow plants faster, Wisdom increases your ability to get critical hits, and increases the amount of Upgrade points gained a level up. (you get half your level in Wisdom in Upgrade points, Rounded down)

    Constitution: Constitution allows the player to take a hit and increases your max health. Constitution represents your physical health, High Constitution, creeper blasts tickle a bit, low Constitution, zombies kill me...in one hit. Constitution increases your ability to regenerate health, increases how long you can sprint, and lets you hold your breath longer underwater.

    Charisma: Charisma allows the player to attract followers and allows the player to get better deals at stores. Charisma represents the players beauty, high Charisma, has a mob of women fallowing you at all times, low Charisma, people run from me....screaming. Charisma increases the chance that animals will fallow you, It lets you break, and ride animals easier, and lets the cleric deal more damage to mobs with its spells.

    And here are the Basic Races


    humans are the standard race, they are able to be skilled in almost anything due to there diversity. humans are of normal intelligence and are good for any class, since Humans can learn almost anything they put there minds to. Humans are moderately strong and moderately quick, and are able to use any weapons without negative effects or bonuses. humans quickness to learn new things allows the player to pick one extra perk at first level.

    Bonuses to stats: no bonuses, but the Human race gets bonus exp on everything that gains it.



    Orcs are strong and powerfully built humanoid creatures. Orcs are brutal fighters and can tear a man in half with his bare hands. Orcs are primal creatures that run off of instinct and have a low intelligence. due to this lack or smarts Orcs are only smart enough to use melee weapons, but they get bonuses to them. Orcs can only were leather and iron armor. and prefer to be barbarians. Orcs can see in the dark, as though lit by torches, but only up to small render distance, and only black and white (if i can pull it off). Orcish Lineage, Orcs take the extra damage from any weapon that has Bane Orc.

    Bonuses to Stats:

    Strength: +2
    Intelligence: -2


    Dwarves are short stoutly built humanoids. Dwarves are master miners due to the fact that they can crouch and fit into 1 block high spaces! and are quite strong for there small size. Dwarves are powerful and vary healthy, they have the ability to resist poisons and most magic. Dwarves are slower walkers but can sprint a bit longer but only in a straight line. Due to Dwarves living underground most of there lives they cannot swim but can hold there breath for quite a bit longer than any other race. Dwarves have Dark-vision, allowing them to see in the dark at a distance of tiny, but in full color. Dwarves are natural fighters and tend to pick fights and start brawls, though Dwarves are careless, there are master warriors, they prefer to be fighters and excel at the crossbow.

    Bonuses to Stats:

    Constitution: +2
    Charisma: -2


    Elves are nimble, intelligent humanoid creatures. Elves love the forest and anything it holds, and are master archers and melee users making them lethal warriors and rangers. Elves have the natural ability to ward off enchantments and curses. elves have Low-Light vision, allowing them to see twice as far in torch and moon light. Elves love of bows allows them to use them masterfully, making them do a bit more damage.

    Bonuses to Stats:

    Dexterity: +2
    Wisdom: -
    Constitution: -2
    Charisma: -

    Dark-Vision: dark-vision applies to darkness underground, or pitch black darkness, unlike during the night time above ground.

    Low Light-Vision: low light-vision applies to above ground darkness, such as in a forest with the moon coming through the leaves, but not a caves.

    Basic Classes:


    Extremely useful information below!

    Here are the Beginner classes, these are the vary basic paths that give an example of what will lie ahead. each Beginner class has its own strengths and weaknesses, but i do my best to even them out yet make them unique. each Beginner class branches into 4 Advanced Classes once you have fully completed your Beginner skill path. once you have finished your Skill Path for Advanced class you unlock the Master Classes. luckily, for you all who funnel in all of your skill points into strength and constitution for the fighter, then realize as you have unlocked the Advanced paths that you want to be a scout instead, every time you unlock the next set of classes, EVERY LAST ONE OF YOUR UPGRADE POINTS RESETS, that way you can spend them in the way you like for the new class. now, when you unlock the next set, you do not lose anything you have gained. you keep all skills, spells, feats, abilities, perks, or whatever...they ALL stay but from then on are untouchable, you cant add points into them, you can't decide "oh now i don't want that one anymore"....they are frozen at there skill level and they will stay that way. each class will have a max skill points before next set unlocks, and it is always less than the total amount to Level up each Skill to max. lets say you have 5 skills, each with a max of 5 points that could go into them (25 skill points would be needed to Max out them all), but you could only spend 15 before they freeze and you move on. that way you must pick wisely on what you chose, you could dabble in everything skill, but intern each would be weak (15 level 1 skills, making you diverse but not specialized), or focus on a few skill and have them be extremely powerful (3 level 5 skills, making your abilities to work with narrower, but each of the few highly trained)... it could make or brake you in the big picture. I hope you all put a LOT of thought into your characters, to survive MythiCraft you need more than just powerful spells and a big sword.


    The Apprentice is a beginner mage that can grow into a powerful arcane caster. it is a weak class with powerful subclasses capable of destroying entire villages with one spell. The Apprentice class and subclasses need high Intelligence and due to low constitution starting out it would be best to put some in that, also it needs high dexterity to help fend off attacks. Apprentices are only allowed to wear leather and Mythril, and can only use ranged weapons because melee gets dangerous with low health. later sub-classes can use melee and other armors, but at the price of stronger spells.

    Starting Stats:

    Dexterity: 4
    Intelligence: 8
    Wisdom: 8
    Constitution: 2
    Charisma: 4

    The Fighter is an all around combat class, that can specialize in ranged and melee attacks. The Fighter's class and subclasses all require a high amount of strength, dexterity, and constitution. wile fighters require high amounts of strength and constitution, the scout and thief need high dexterity and intelligence. Fighters are master melee weapon users and are are quick on there feet. Fighters are all around combatants and can subclass into specialized classes, or stronger fighter subclasses. fighters can use any weapon or armor but later sub-classes will limit this, but at the gain of bonuses.

    Starting Stats:

    Strength: 8
    Dexterity: 8
    Intelligence: 4
    Wisdom: 2
    Constitution: 4
    Charisma: 2

    The Cleric is a Divine spell caster capable of healing itself and destroying evil creatures with a look. The Cleric is a natural healer and a pacifist. due to this the cleric will only use blunt weapons, and wear leather armor. later The Cleric can sub-class into righteously good Paladins and sadistically evil Anti-Paladins, each able to use blades and wear powerful armors. The cleric is one of the harder classes to use, but if survived can become one of the strongest. A Cleric relies on its Charisma and Wisdom because those let its "Turn Mobs" spell deal more damage and increase the amount of times it can be done a night, but with a low Dexterity and Constitution it is best to put points into those stats.

    Starting Stats:

    Strength: 4
    Dexterity: 2
    Intelligence: 4
    Wisdom: 8
    Constitution: 2
    Charisma: 8


    these are the advanced classes, each of which are better than the beginner classes, and have there own strengths and weaknesses. Most Advanced classes increase the powers of your beginner classes, some letting you wear armors, and use weapons you couldn't before. each class adds additional bonuses to stats depending on its new strengths and weaknesses. Hopefully you get to test them all, it might take a long time, but each should be unique and enjoyable in its own way. each of the Basic classes can keep going down the same, yet more powerful, class up to rank III, the rest can only go up to rank II because you start out basic, then specialize later into those, like being a soldier in a war and fighting, then realizing your amazing with a bow and arrow and becoming a scout, but you still have the past of a fighter, so you wouldn't have as much experience being one unlike someone who was a scout from the beginning (impossible, just hypothetical), but if you kept going as a fighter you have past experience that helps and you would be able to get more ranks...normally, the more ranks the better, but it all depends on the player and its style, a ranger (scout II) could still beat a General (Fighter III) if in the right hands.

    (Pictures will be up soon, its hard skinning them ALL by myself)

    Mage Advanced Classes:

    Wizard (Mage II): A wizard is the more advanced, more powerful version of a mage. when a Mage chooses to go on as one and keep training in his arcane arts the Kreed knights it as a Wizard, one of the most powerful, and respected of the Arcane users. This new Wizard is then able to train and use new spells that were off limits, giving it immense new powers. like always the Wizard is a slow caster, but when the spell goes off no one is left standing. The Wizard learns spells like "Fire Ball," "Chain Lightning," and "Earthquake," each able to destroy entire mobs of foes. The Wizards advanced learning now lets it wear an iron chest plate with its standard leather, and also let it gain vast amounts of new knowledge, though its long hours of sitting and studying have made it a bit more frail

    Changes to Stats:

    Strength: -1
    Dexterity: -1
    Intelligence: +2
    Wisdom: +2
    Constitution: -1
    Charisma: +2

    Sorcerer: The Sorcerer is a Mage that strayed from the path of normal arcane magic. A Sorcerer is normally discovered, through some twist of fate a Sorcerers lineage is related to Dragons themselves. Like Dragons Sorcerers inherit the ability to cast spells at will, with almost no charge time, but at the price of the most powerful spells. The Sorcerer is somewhat of a spitfire in nature, and in spells, most, like "Magic Missile II", can cast within a second or less and shoot off a mostly weak, but quick bolt of energy. The Sorcerer can learn Devastating spells, like "Missile Swarm," "Fire Wave," and "Inner Dragon." The Sorcerers blood line also gives it some supernatural abilities such as jumping, they can jump about five or so blocks into the air, and quick step which lets them move faster on there feet. The Sorcerers wild and uncanny nature let them use any weapon, and armor, but noneffective. There lack of training and guidance has effected them, but their freedom and new bloodline traits make them quicker, healthier, and more hansom.

    Changes to Stats:

    Strength: -1
    Dexterity: +2
    Intelligence: -1
    Wisdom: -1
    Constitution: +2
    Charisma: +2

    Magus: The Magus is normally a person who read a demonic book from the restricted section, and due to an already tainted heart they will do anything for power. The Magus is a unique type of Mage that gives up its Arcane magic, for Demonic Magic and Curses. They are usually outcasts and shunned upon, due to the fact they house a demon within them. The Magus meticulously studies, trying to increase his power in any way, including dabbling in forbidden magics. The Magus can cast spells quicker than a mage but slower than a Sorcerer, and about the same with damage. Most spells a Magus does are Curses or Black Magic. The Magus can cast curses on enemies, each doing a different thing, and each stack-able, letting the Magus quickly weaken you, slow you down, and drain away your health within a minute or two. The Magus is odd, it only regenerates Mana at night, or in his Sacrificial circle. The Magus can cast powerful spells such as, "Eldrich Blast," "Vampiric Mist," and "Dark Touch." The Intense training the Magus puts itself through pays off, and with a demon inside his strength has grown. The Magus can't use any weapons but can use up to diamond armor

    Changes to Stats:

    Strength: +2
    Intelligence: +2
    Wisdom: +2
    Constitution: -1
    Charisma: -1

    Alchemist: An Alchemist is a Mage that is intrigued by the powers of potions and Transmutation. Alchemists have the power to use their spells and infuse them into potions. They also know how to transform objects into new forms, like turning dirt into stone. Alchemists must use red stone dust as a catalyst for creating there magic shapes, then activate them to transform whatever is just below and above the circle into what they prefer. Alchemists using Transmutation can quickly and effectively create many glass bottles and fill them with water without needing to craft them. They can then use Transmutation to put spells in these potions, allowing them to make exploding potions by infusing fire spells, paralyzing potions by infusing lightning spells , or just simple healing potions by infusing food, Quickly and without crafting. Alchemist can wear medium armor and use staffs, light weapons, and light shields.

    (HOW TO TRANSMUTE: To Transmute something you must put the materials on the ground, such as a glass block and a bit of water close by, then make a circle of red stone dust around these objects. By right clicking the red stone dust a pop up shows the items you can transmute out of these materials, then you select one and the transmutation activates, a bright flash occurs and in the circle will be the item you transmuted. Sometimes part of the circle will be destroyed, but most of it will stay, allowing you to pick up the dust when finished. To transmute a block into a new block, do the same, place it into the circle, on the same level as the circle, then right click it, once again a pop up will show you what it you can turn the block(s) into, once selected ALL blocks inside will change to that selected block, and use an amount of Mana equal to the item transmuted and the amount of them. Blocks can also be transmuted into items they drop.)

    Changes to Stats:

    Strength: -1
    Dexterity: -1
    Intelligence: -1
    Wisdom: +2
    Constitution: +2
    Charisma: +2


    Fighter Advanced Classes:

    Captain (Fighter II):





    Cleric Advanced Classes:





    Abilities, and what they do: (these used to be called Skills, we changed then name due to confusion)

    Below are a list of the Abilities your player can strengthen through doing certain tasks. Abilities will level up as they gain Experience (EXP), and in turn, level your character up aswell. As your character gains Levels in his abilities, your character will begin to level up, every 5 levels you gain in total throughout your abilities, you gain 1 character level, so if a character has a Total of 20 Ability levels (example, 6 Woodcutting, 4 Mining, 3 Swordsmanship, 4 Crafting, and 3 Smelting, totaling 20 Ability levels) then that players Character level will be 5, (20 divided by 5 equals 5, (20 / 5 = 5)) each character level will give you points to spend in your characters Main Stats, such as Strength(STR), Dexterity(DEX), and Wisdom(WIS) Not only will you gain character levels, every level you gain in an Ability will give you Perk Points (PP). Perk Points can then be used to buy certain upgrades for you, most are Ability specific, such as "Eagle Eye - You zoom in 20% farther while drawing your bow back - costs 100 PP" This is how most will look, but, you cannot level up your Mining Ability, just to gain levels and PP to spend on that Perk, most perks have Prerequisites, such as Eagle Eye's, "Pre-Req.: Archery: 10" Meaning you cannot buy this Perk until your Archery is at least level 10. some perks could have up to 5 prerequisites. Now, Perks normally cost a lot of PP, and you only gain a small amount every time an Ability levels up, some Perks could do a small thing like Eagle Eye's, and cost little points, or you could save the PP, and spend it on something that gives a lot of powerful bonuses, but costs substantially more. Since you do have a level cap (to be determined at a later date) on your Abilities, you must decide if you want to get many mediocre Perks, or a few powerful Perks. And since there will be hundreds of perks (hopefully, if you guys have any ideas on Perks that should be added, please post, giving ruff estimates of the costs, pre-req's, name, and what it does :) ) you must decide which ones your character will take, as it will define them as a party member, and with hundreds to choose from, almost no two players will have the same character in the end! MythiCraft is striving for diversity in the player base, most everything will be randomized, or have hundreds of choices, so that each player can create just what they want for there character, and be unique, so the character you play represents who you are, and when people play with your character, they wont meet another one like you ever, so that no two parties are the same. because of this, clans can also start, if your faithful, you can accept the clan leaders guidance on what perks, skills, and abilities you should choose, so that your clan can work together smoothly, and you can overcome others easier. there are just SO many possibilities with this mod, i just cant wait to see it finished (which will never happen....we will never stop adding on ;) ) i hope you guys enjoy what we are going to make, and if you have ANY ideas, complaints, whatever, just post it.

    ______________________________Survival Abilities_______________________________

    * Name - What it gains EXP from / Description of Ability

    * Mining - Anything a pickaxe is effective on
    * Woodcutting - anything an axe is effective on
    * Digging - anything a shovel is effective on
    * Crafting - building certain things in the crafting table
    * Forging - Creating weapons and armor on the Anvil
    * Cooking - Creating food products
    * Smelting - Smelting ores into valuable ingots, and blocks into other things
    * Fishing - Catching fish with a Fishing Pole or Net
    * Farming - Growing Crops, like Wheat, Potatoes, Carrots, Rice, Cabbage, Leeks, Tomatoes, Onions, and more
    * Herbalism - Picking plants and herbs not specified in Farming (a lot more plants are going to be added)
    * Construction - Building things in the world
    *(maybe) Fletching - The ability to create Arrows, and Crossbow Bolts
    * Domestication - Your Skill in taming animals (once you have fed an animal its breeding food, you tame it, and it wont de-spawn or try and leave its pen)
    * Hunting - Your skill in hunting animals for food (including killing domesticated animals)

    ______________________________Fighting Abilities_______________________________

    * Magic - your skill in Casting powerful spells (Mage only)
    * Prayers - Your skill in Praying for Divine Miracles (Cleric Only)
    * Combat Techniques - your skill in using powerful specialized Combat Maneuvers (fighter/ranger only)

    * Archery - your skill with Ranged-Piercing weaponry
    * Swordsmanship -Your skill with Slashing Weaponry
    * Macemanship - your skill with blunt weaponry
    *(maybe) Arcane - your skill in Learning magic's (is there a difference between this and the "Magic" Ability?)

    * Blocking - Your skill blocking Enemy attacks
    * Throwing - Your Skill with throwing Ranged-Slashing weaponry (throwing axes/knives)
    * Heavy Weaponry - Your skill with Heavy weapons ((mostly)2 Handed Weapons)
    * Medium Weaponry - Your skill with Medium Weapons ((mostly) 1 handed Weapons)
    * Small Weaponry - Your skill with Small weaponry ((all) 1 handed light weapons)
    * Unique Weaponry - Your Skill with Unique Weaponry (all oddly used weapons, like, whips, Dwarven Urgosh, chains, elven curved blade, etc.)

    ______________________________Specialized abilities __________________________

    (I need more ideas)

    * Haggling - Your skill in bartering for prices or goods
    * Speech - Your Skill in speech, and the ability to use your words to manipulate others (only effects NPC's, its just up to your own silver tongue to effect players ;) )
    * Alchemy - Creating potions
    * Enchanting - Adding Enchantments onto items
    * Athletics - Skills in Jumping from a tall height and living, and Sprinting (would this be in Specialized, or Fighting Abilities?)


    Here is a GIGANTIC picture of the classes paths you can take, the beginning classes, mage, fighter, and cleric all can branch off into advanced and master-classes, each better than the ones before.

    New Biomes:

    In MythiCraft I am adding a few new Biomes to the game. These Biomes will be challenging to conquer, but add mystisism, and fun to the game.

    *(the images below were found on google, i picked the one closest to what we have in mind, but the skyhigh forest will be more like a giant jungle biome, with trees 5x ~ 10x that size, i was just picking the only one i could find :\ )
    1. Lava Fields:
    2. Difficulty: *****
      the Lava Fields is a Biome as big as any, but with the surface covered in obsidian, cobblestone, and gravel. splitting the landscape like a web are rivines a few blocks wide, at the bottom, rivers of lava. Lava Fields to the eyes look as though massive pillars are shooting up from the core itself leaving a cracked pathway through the dangerous terrain. these pillars are filled with gold, diamonds and other valuable resources, but to get them you must mine above the raging inferno beneath them.
    1. Floating Mountains:
    2. Difficulty: ***
      The Floating Mountains are a huge Biome scattered with craters, above them are cookie cotter peices floating high in the sky. The Floating Mountains are an amazing sight to behold, as the islands float through the sky, small pieces of the earth below them. The Floating Mountains hold wonderful ruins scattered throughout the islands, most with treasure ready to be plundered, and monsters ready to be fought.
    1. Skyhigh Forests
    2. Difficulty: **
      The Skyhigh Forest is literally a massive forest normally inhabited by the elves. Skyhigh Forest is filled with trees, which trunks are 3 or 4 blocks in width and leaves touch the clouds! some say a monster lives in the forest, one meant to guard it from intruders. if you go deep enough little cities will do the tops of trees and bridges will stretch like a web to connect them. up in the trees the Elves live, protecting the forest, only they alone know where the beast is, and how to control it. (i am raising the sky limit JUST for this biome, most likely to about 250 blocks instead of just 127)

    Gift for Support!

    If you would like to support my mod it will not be without rewards. ALL those who help my mod through testing it, helping create it, input an idea that gets accepted, helps make models for it, help make code for it, and put the Banner in there Signature will unlock a new Race Made Specially for those who help! The race is one of the most powerful in MythiCraft, and anyone using it should be givin great respect, for they are the ones who will bring you this mod!

    Here is a sneak Peak at it...

    Modding Team:

    ~ Askaholic - Head of Code for MythiCraft~ (he's ultra busy with school, and other work, so i only get to talk to him every few months now, and all the work thats been done in the mod, he did....without him, i have nothing :'( )

    JaxFrank - Weapons Design and Implementation
    Mahonri - Director of Modeling and Creature Design (he hasnt contacted me in almost 6 months)
    Gjgfuj - Web Master of MythiCraft.net and Head of Alternate Realms and Portal Creation (havent talk to him in 6 months either)

    if i have forgotten you please contact me and tell me what you do to help create MythiCraft. I'm sorry if i have, there is quite a bit of people on our team and its hard to keep track...


    Hello to all my fellow minecraft players, I have put this "Donate" button on this forum so that you all, if feeling generous, can donate any amount of money to help support this mod. You see, MythiCraft is my life right now, I am in a wheelchair and have a crippling disease called, JRA, or Juvenile Systemic Rheumatoid Idiopathic Arthritis, a disease that makes my bodies own defenses, my white blood cells, attack me. For some reason my white blood cells think I am the disease, and attack every organ in my body, from my skin to my heart, and all of my joints swell and fill with fluid causing unbearable excruciating pain that spreads through my body. Being wheelchair bound I cannot get out vary much, so I use MineCraft to explore the wonders of the world I cannot on my own. By delving into fantasy and video games I can forget about the pain and enjoy life, even if only for a little bit. I understand that you all don't care too much about my story, and most of you will most likely take it as a pity party, or a lie to get you to donate. You may believe whatever you like, but know I am telling the truth. I thank you all for supporting me, it has motivated me to take this mod and run with it until I cannot run any further. All of your wonderful posts and great ideas keep me wanting to wake up in the morning and get to work, even though i would rather sleep and skip the pain. You are all great people, and I thank you so much for everything you have done, if you wish to Donate, click the button below, any amount will help, even if everyone just donates a dollar or two it will stack up.

    Thank you all once again!


    People Who Have Donated:

    JaxFrank - $10
    Jimboguy - $20


    These are some towers we were working on, i dont quite know if these will be implemented yet or not...

    Here is the anvil, not finished and upside-down, but here it is, ill see if i can get some better ones later

    These next 6 pics are of a Tavern / Inn, i have a different texture pack on, im sorry, but i swear it looks good...


    This is a circle made of seperate wall segmants, makeing them able to make a wall around ANY city of any size or shape...the next 4 after that are the inside of the wall, and above it...

    This next one is a prototype of a house we were designing...

    These next few are of a market, with stalls made of different colored wools and aligned sparaticly to give the player an idea of a medieval market place...

    Below are screenshots of the quest button and some basic prototype quests that work and give rewards...




    • MYTHICRAFT ALPHA 1.1 FOR 1.2.- (adf.ly)DOWNLOAD (mediafire)DOWNLOAD
    • New mob healthbar
    • Player healthbar system
    • New health system in general
    • New spells
    • Names above mobs heads
    • New menus ;) (hit 'E' and explore)
    • RPG MODE- (adf.ly)DOWNLOAD (mediafire)DOWNLOAD
    ________________________________OLD VERSIONS______________________________
    • MYTHICRAFT APLHA 1.0 FOR 1.2.- (adf.ly)DOWNLOAD (mediafire)DOWNLOAD
    • 30 New Weapons
    • 3 Finished Spells (waaaay more to come)
    • Unique Spell Casting System
    • Questing System (not working atm, just shows what we are going to do)
    • Mana Bar
    • Casting Meter
    • Spell Cooldown Meter
    • RPG Mode
    to download "RPG mode" click this link - (adf.ly)DOWNLOAD (mediafire)DOWNLOAD
    it adds a new way to play the game, and makes it feel morel ike an authentic RPG


    1. Install modloader
    2. Install Forge
    3. Drag files from "put in jar folder" into minecraft.jar
    5. ????
    6. PROFIT!

    First off, if anyone would like to make an installation or spotlight of the mod, please message me directly, if we have enough done in the mod for it to be worth it, then we will let you, please ask before hand though, i dont want 10 videos showing almost nothing, and making MythiCraft look "lame" or bad, so please, ask before makeing it. :)

    This is an Spotlight, AND Installation video made by a youtuber by the name of EndermanCo. hopefully soon we will work to make a more up-to-date spotlight of the mod, maybe make him the eclusive beta tester, who will constantly show the things we add and change, as we do it.


    Here are Banners you can use to support me!


    Legal Stuff:

    This document is Copyright ©(2011) neonscorpion's and is the intellectual
    property of it's author. Only Minecraftforum.net and Mythicraft.netau.net is able to host any of my material without my (neonscorpion's) consent. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. If you mirror this mod page or anything I've (neonscorpion) made on any other site, I (neonscorpion) may express my angst at you in the form of a lawsuit.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on (REALEASED) MythiCraft, The Most In-depth RPG Mod To-Date (WIP) Alpha 0.1, for 1.2
    Quote from RyoFang

    Make sure you contact him before you borrow his work

    the guys showing you how to build them block by block...do you think he'll really care if i just fallow his instructions and it comes out how his looks? i doubt it :) and sorry guys, IRL stuff happening to me too, were just waiting on school to be out to finish the mod :) we havent done enough to do even a small release yet though...sorry ^^;;;
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on (REALEASED) MythiCraft, The Most In-depth RPG Mod To-Date (WIP) Alpha 0.1, for 1.2
    Quote from thegentelmen

    Hey Neon! I am kinda new here so im just gunna ask a few questions to get up to date on the mod and sorry if im asking stupid questions. ok so first, why is the mod still in 1.2.5? second, is there a currancy system yet? and thats all i really have to ask so i really hope to hear back from you soon.

    ok, for your first question, its only for 1.2.7 atm, because i was in the hospital for 5 months, and my coders left thinking i died, so up untill a week ago i have had no one to help code the mod, as i am only an artist :) and no there is no currecy YET, but were adding that very soon :)
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    posted a message on (REALEASED) MythiCraft, The Most In-depth RPG Mod To-Date (WIP) Alpha 0.1, for 1.2
    Quote from beatbox

    hey neon, just checking the progress on the mod and how is your health going? ^^ i see you are soon finished FINALLY xD, but if i remember well you will add a lot of tamable animals and i was wondering if they would have different varieties which are gotten part from there biome and breeding and if you could actually sell them to people =3, i really wanted to make a griffin farm ad like selling them with the actuall currency of the mod. (in a server) THAT WOULD BE EPIC.

    peace, hope to get some news of you ^^

    yea man, there will be many many many tameable animals, and like in Mo' Creatures mod by DrZark they will have many many different types of each tameable mob, and each with its own properties and special traits. also, you will have to take care of your animal like in real life, providing it with ood (each one, depnding on its size) has a different amount of a certain type of food it needs each day, like a griffin might need 10 fish, while a dragon needs a whole cow or two :) they will also drop dung (poop) after eating, that acts like bonemeal, but you put it on the crop before planting, you put it on the tilled soil, and that plant you plant of that soil will grow faster, and produce more items when harvested. :) each animal will also have its own personality, there iwll be many mood types, and personality types, deciding how the creature acts to different things, so a clingy griffin might be super eeger to fallow you, even if you tell him to stay, you have to distract him by throwing fish and running, or cage him, clingy griffins will also try and fly to you even if you didnt call them, makeing them hard to cage as they normally find a way to get to you, whilst grumpy griffins might lie arround all day, and ignore you, not eating unless your not looking, staying away from you, or even attacking you a little if you him off to much, so you will have to be a very good tamer to be able to keep, and breed mobs. mobs will also have stats like players do, the best ones have the highest stats, one of the things i also wanted to do, was alow you to put markings on your griffin, like blue paint stripes, or a lightning bolt on the forehead, stuff like that, letting you personalize it, and most rideable mobs will have armor they can wear as well, and they will all have pros and cons, such as, sure a griffin can fly, but if you or it is in armor while it flies it fliies slower, and if you carry to much it wont be able to fly for very long, or you can have a giant Sabertooth tiger mount, that has way higher attack, and can lunge at enemies, but cant fly, and like the griffin, moves slower if you or it is in armor, and cant lunge if you carry to much. so yes, to answer your question you can tame, breed, and sell your own mounts :) and there will be in game currency, Copper, Silver, Gold, and Platinum Coins, each higher in value then the one before, like this:

    100 Copper (cp) = 1 Silver(sp)
    1,000 Copper(cp), or 100 Silver(sp) = 1 Gold(gp)
    100,000 Copper (cp) or 1,000 Silver(sp) or 100 Gold(gp) = 1 Platinum (pp)

    so a very wealthy player might have, 3,000pp, while a poor one would have 250cp ( 50cp & 2sp)

    so depending on the strength, and type of each tameable mob, the price will vary greatly :)

    which, reminds me, each city will have a player/NPC made economy, say you steal all the wheat crops right, well now the farmer cant sell his wheat to the baker, which in turn means no bread or cookies, or cakes, meaning now theres less food, meaning the city might go hungry, and people might die, not only that but those people lose money they could have made, and the prices due to the drop in food will go up, and people wont be able to afford it because you took there wheat, which they sold so they had money to get food, so you need to be careful about what you just take (or give, if you give a farmer 1,000gp, he might decide to move into a mansion and stop farming and live a life of luxury, but now there's one less person to farm foods, and the process go on) in a city :) that also means if you start farming, and sell your goods at the market, then bread and wheat prices might go down due to an over amount of food, bringing prosperity, but in turn you might drive the cities farmer out of business if yours are too cheap to compete with, many many many things effect prices and lively hood within a city, so you must be careful, and think fully about your actions before just takeing some wheat ;)
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on (REALEASED) MythiCraft, The Most In-depth RPG Mod To-Date (WIP) Alpha 0.1, for 1.2
    Quote from jaxfrank

    Neon you have access to all the code still as well as the dropbox. And the code was very outdated so about a month ago I started over with the PlayerAPI and Minecraft Forge but I got frustrated with PlayerAPI so I haven't worked on the mod since then.

    but i got a new coder, FoxNews, and he said he needed our old code so he could update it, but he said it wasnt in the dropbox anymore, what folder should i tell him o look in, and jax, could you help on he mod any :3 plz plz plz!!! ive got some great ideas, and im constantly building on my world with all the buildings for the cities. wait a sec....dont we have askaholics code for adding the buildings still? i wonder if we could actually add some buildings :) like override the village spawned building with mine, so at least villages will look cooler than what they do, and will be populated with NPC's just like in the game, cuz all my buildings have doors, it should also spawn the NPC's depending on the ammount of doors like before...what do you think? is there a way to replace the buildings they aleady have in villages with ones ive made? to spice things up? ive made all the new buildings and farms and libraries and homes and towers and walls, we could replace them with mine :) and jax, what do you think about just restarting because how outdated the code is? btw EVERYONE! what part do you want us to update first? i was thinking the GUI's i made for the new inventory, character, quest, perks, and skill tree GUI's, code them up so they work, and the stats work, as well as leveling up making you get points to spend. then later i was thinking of making the GUI for the race selection when you start your game, it will show the four standard races in black boxes with there base stats and quick descriptions below, and the race will be like the guy in your inventory, where he looks at your mouse when you move it, so you can make him look around to get a better look at em :) it will be four black boxes with the races like this==>
    " [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] " then when you mouse over one it will blow up bigger with the stats and info like this ==> " [] [ ] [] [] " (the middle one is the box with the mouse over it, it will show the race with a box below it showing stats and info, including best class for race, base combat stats, and where they live, and some basic flavor text about what the elves/orcs/humans/dwarfs are and what they believe in "nature/battle/honor/power" so on... ) What do you guys think??? :) :) :)
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on (REALEASED) MythiCraft, The Most In-depth RPG Mod To-Date (WIP) Alpha 0.1, for 1.2

    this just came to me when watching a video on youtube. i was thinking, when you lose blood in real life, you get foggy, and dizzy, then pass out....what if in minecraft, we did the same thing. as you lose health you will begin to limp, and cringe, your vision will slowly go blurry, and it will be hard to keep our camera straight, then when you die, you fall to the ground, roll over to look at the sky, and your view fades out, then the "you died" screen appears.....i just thought it would bring some added realism to the game. what do you guys think???
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on (REALEASED) MythiCraft, The Most In-depth RPG Mod To-Date (WIP) Alpha 0.1, for 1.2
    Quote from RyoFang

    Definitely don't give up, this looks like an awesome mod, and I would be willing to make some models and stuff for you.

    Quote from CMMC

    Could i make a spider queen for you guys? 2x the size with 4 legs in her back and more detail?

    ive already made a spider queen, and i make all models for the mod. the spider queen wil be about the size of the turantula model, but with a bigger abdomen and different color, she will be slower then some spiders, but every 5 seconds or so, she lays an egg, which wil hatch after 5 seconds, realeasing one of the small cave spiders, or i might make it a random hatch, makeing it lay an egg of a random spider type, cave, normal, or turantula, to make it harder to fight. eggs can be destroyed, dropping what the spider inside would have dropped on kill, but if you destroy the eggs, the mother spider could become inraged, moveing alot faster, and doing more damaged. the mother spider herself moves slowly, and does okay damage, but im thinking about giving her the ability to shoot web :) now, you know how fun it is to throw a fishing pole out to a random animal, then sling it towards you.....imagine literaly that, but no fishing pole. this will allow for players to not just stay out of reach and work around her slowly moving body. when she does this, her abdomen will point up into the air a bit, then she will make a chattering sound with her teeth, and then she will shoot the web with amazing accuracy. the web, on hit, will not harm you, but will pull you closer to the mother spider, who will proceed to harm you.....slowly, and painfully.... but, once your caught in the web, you can swing your sword over and over to break out, the faster you slash, the faster you get free. now, im trying to be as realistic as possible, so when the web hits you, even your Skin changes! once it has grabbed hold, an overlapping skin will make you appear to be wrapped up, infact, with alot of things, your skin will change, we were working on making the night vision spell make your eyes yellow, like a cats eyes. anyhow, i pretty much just spoiled one of the bosses were adding in ^^;; tell me if you guys like it ok? :)
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    posted a message on (REALEASED) MythiCraft, The Most In-depth RPG Mod To-Date (WIP) Alpha 0.1, for 1.2
    Quote from Zurxees

    This is just a list of races I think should be playable:
    Dark Elves(forgot their name)
    Some sort of creeper <insert race here> hybrid
    Dark Dwarves(Forgot their name too)
    Spirit Bear/some other animal(They would have cities underneath of the canopy of the forest biome you added)
    Half Elf
    Half Dark elf/Elf
    Notch(1/100 chance when spawning as human)
    Hcton("Dark Notch"[1/100 chance when spawning as orc])
    Herobrine(1/1000 chance when spawning as anything)

    I think you should also spawn in a city dominated by whatever race you are, if they have cities.

    we are adding more than just the 4 races listed, those are MAIN races that dominate the world, and yes, if your an elf you spawn in an elven tree city, if your a human you spawn in a village or city (we are replacing villagers in general with our interactable NPC's, so it will look like you started in a human village) if your an orc you spawn in a orcish incampment, with house-burrows and wooden structures, and if a dwarf, you spawn in a dwarven cave city, (like a massive ravine to bedrock with houses built along the sides into the walls, and bridges connecting them, dwarven cities have a high chance of spawning with "abandoned" mines connected to them, where the dwarfs go to mine there ores, other dwarven cities are massive dome like caverns, with hanging buildings from the cieling like stalactites) for the cities, so far i have maybe 25 buildings for the humans finished, includeing 3 ruins that will spawn in the wild with chests filled with random goodies, i have made an extra wall segment, for connecting straight and diagnol wall pieces
    ( like this ==> --/ ) and have made 4 Sewer tunnel pieces, that will run under the cities streets, in the sewers giant rats will spawn, and slimes, they also have "man holes" allowing players to use the sewers as a hideing place from gaurds, or as a secret passage way for thieves! the list of human buildings finishes is as fallows, and most races have versions of these buildings for there culture
    1. large home
    2. medium home
    3. small home
    4. cow farm
    5. sheep farm
    6. chicken farm
    7. pig farm
    8. wheat farm with windmill
    9. melon farm
    10. stables
    11. enchanters observatory (enchants your weapons and armor for a price)
    12. alchemists labratory (you can buy potions, cauldrons, and potion stands, or, for a price, have her transmute meterial for you)
    13. cloth and clothing shop (for a realistic feel)
    14. butchers shop
    15. forge/blacksmith
    16. a marketplace platform (market stalls will randomly spawn on this platform, facing different directions, and in un-even places, like real life marketplaces)
    17. big marketplace stall
    18. medium marketplace stall
    19. small marketplace stall
    20. tiny marketplace stall
    21. gaurd tower
    22. kings court
    23. Tavern/Inn
    24. Church (one for each god)
    25. tower ruin (small)
    26. building ruin (small)
    27. fort ruin (big)
    28. Straight wall piece ( ___ )
    29. Turn wall piece ( _| )
    30. diagonal wall piece ( / )
    31. diagonal connector piece ( _/ )
    32. straight sewer piece ( ___ )
    33. turn sewer piece ( _| )
    34. connector sewer piece ( + )
    35. "T" sewer piece ( --| )
    36. straight street piece ( ___ )
    37. turn street piece ( _| )
    38. connector street piece ( + )
    39. "T" street piece ( --| )
    40. THATS IT SO FAR!!!
    i have made the elven city tree, a massive tree that goes past the clouds, literaly, with houses build on, and into, the branches, its amazazing!

    I have also finished a few creature models, and the crossbow model :3 and im working on the best mobs of all!.......DRAGONS!!!! im adding 5 dragons, Red, Green, Blue, Black, White, each live in a respective biome and are rare, in order, mountains, jungles, deserts, swamps, tundra, and there breath weapons are as fallow, respectivly: Fire, Gas, Lightning, Acid, Ice ... so far the red dragon model is finished, and i warn my mob coder in advance, he is DETAILED... many MANY parts, infact about 40-50 ( neck and tail in small segments to make movement look fluid, like an ender dragons) and all dragons WILL be this way, they are the mob everyone wants to look good, and are expecting to be awesome, so i want you to code there animations and AI better than any other mob, i dont care if it takes a week or more, these babies have to be MAGNIFICANT! :3 i would even do each seperate animation for its claw attack, breath attack, landing, taking off, movement when standing (i hate mobs that stand PERFECTLY still when just sitting there) for you, if i had a program that let me without needing to know code as well...i heard Techne has an animate feture, but i cant find it on mine or i would.

    Anyhow...i hope you guys can at least get SOME work done before im back, i know schools started, infact im at my colledges computer lab right now...TALK TO YOU LATTER GUYS!!! cant wait to see the bandits when i get baaaack!!!

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    posted a message on (REALEASED) MythiCraft, The Most In-depth RPG Mod To-Date (WIP) Alpha 0.1, for 1.2

    for all those who dont read the posts, YOU CANNOT PICK YOUR RACE OR CLASS IN THE CURRENT VERSION! this has been stated numerus times, for now that class allows you to use some stats and see how they change the in game machanics, the race is that way for the same reason, now, for spells, THOSE ARE NOT THE CLERIC SPELLS! JUST BASIC SPELLS TO GIVE EXAMPLES OF SPELLS TO COME! this mod is still being HEAVALY developed...in no way is it close to being close to what we have in store, if you have a problem please read some other !!!UPDATE!!! posts, and just general chat between me and the team and all of you, it will help answer quite a bit of your problems...now, i am SOOOOoooooo sorry for being gone, i have been very sick, and in the hospital, i might be going back soon, a lot of stuff is going on, and its compounding to make my healing process slower, so im sorry if im gone for an extendent period of time, hopefully my amazing team can work without me for awile, i should HOPEFULLY, be back sometime soonish, ill try and check in often...

    Thanks Guys!

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    posted a message on (REALEASED) MythiCraft, The Most In-depth RPG Mod To-Date (WIP) Alpha 0.1, for 1.2
    Here's my ORIGINAL ideas on how the 2 mythical diseases, Vamperism and Lycanthropy, would work...with pro's and con's to everything...


    Method of Contraction:
    1. Bite from aggressive Vampire through combat
    • Quickest way to get Vamperism
    • No responsibilities to a Coven
    • No bonuses from being in a Coven (that's a big deal)
    • Your Vamperism wasn't a "Gift" so its weaker than the "True Blood" form of the disease

    2. Join a coven, and earn there respect

    • Bonus Spells and abilities as you gain ranks ( they are VERY cool)
    • Coven mentality, they will take care of you (equipment, place to rest, etc.)
    • Must obey Covens laws and rules (Rules depend on the Coven)
    • Quite political, you need to get Elders to like you to go up in ranks, or start feuds between them to open up new positions, etc.
    • Must work hard to get the "Gift" from the Elders, and become a "True Blood" vampire


    Method of Contraction:
    1. Bite from aggressive Werewolf (wolf form) through combat
    • Quickest way to get Lycanthropy
    • No responsibilities to a Pack
    • No bonuses from being in a Pack (that's also a big deal)
    • This is only HALF Lycanthropy, you weren't "Gifted" it from an Elder, so its harder to control, and is a lot weaker

    2. Join a Pack, and earn there respect

    • Bonus Spells and abilities as you gain ranks ( they are VERY cool)
    • Pack mentality, they will take care of you (equipment, place to rest, etc.)
    • Must obey Packs laws and rules (Rules depend on the Pack)
    • More savage way of advancing, the strongest rule, the weakest die,you must spar with your Pack mates to stay on top, beat stronger members and gain there rank (Sparring is a sort of "practice" fight, not to the death, just until the other person is unconscious)
    • Must work hard to gain the Pack leaders trust, and have him make you a "Pure Blood" werewolf

    so that was some of my ideas for how Two forms of each disease would work, "Half Bloods", and "True" and "Pure Bloods".
    "Half Bloods" being the weaker version, more like thralls to the more powerful version, and are normally looked down upon by there betters, but its WAY easier to become them, then to work just to become a True/Pure Blood, but they lack the benefits of True/Pure blood, and having a Pack or Coven defending them.

    tell me what you think,
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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