Pokecube is a pokemon mod for minecraft!
Current Features:
- Supports 1.15.2
- 800+ pokemon!
- Working PC
- Working Healer
- Pokeball Crafting
- Real Time Combat System
- Pokedex
- Trainers
- Traders
- Leaders
- Badges
- Berry System
- very rare Rare Candies
- and much much more!
If You need help, Please join this discord channel: Pokecube Discord
Official Forums:
List of Pokecube Controls:
Key Controls
Spawn Commands
Contact me:
You can easily contact me at here in #Pokecube on irc.esper.net
You can also contact me here in Discord
Wiki Link (Video Links)
Wiki Link (Pure Text)
Current PokeCube Servers:
Suggestion Modpack: 1.12
Modpack Installation Guide:
Go to here: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/pokecube-pack
And click the white button that says "How to Install"
Manual Downloads: 1.15.2
Manual Installation Guide:
- Download the mods above for your version of Minecraft.
- Install Forge for the Version you Choose (Install for Client)
- Drop the .jar file into your mods folder (For Vanilla Launcher %appdata% then .minecraft
- Start Minecraft make sure you see forge on the bottom left profile. (You can edit profile to allow more or less ram)
ModPack Permissions, License, Contributors:
You can put these mods in whatever modpack you want.
I would like if you credit this thread, and make a post here saying you added it, but that is entirely up to you.
Most of the sounds come from french pokepedia and textures are inspired by the artworks they use.
License: http://creativecommo...s/by-nc-nd/3.0/
Pokémon™, and all the names used in this mod belong to Nintendo. I'm just a fan of the game and Pokécube is a nonprofit organization.
A banner to add to your signature if you want to support:
<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/450194-pokemob/"><img src="https://sites.google.com/site/minecraftpokemob/home/bande-forums/pokécube_bande.png" alt=""></a>
Contributors: (If you contributed but are not listed, send me a pm to remind me to update!
Manchou - Original creator, currently inactive.
Thutmose - Current main developer.
Badge Sprites:
Translators (Names are github usernames):
Pokecube Revival adds Compatiblity for the following mods:
Mod Compatibility:
Just Enough Items
With JEI, you can see the recipes for the Splicing Device, this shows what fossils can be revived.
Just Enough Resources
JER can show what each pokemob drops.
different pokemobs, such as unown, will spawn in ruins made by the Ruins mod.
there is a thaumium pokecube for infusing, and pokemobs have various aspects based on their types.
WAILA will display the number of that pokemob captured/killed, as well as the type.
If you have a very old graphics card and some mobs appear white, use this:
I also suggest setting moveAnimationCallLists in pokecube.cfg to false if you need this texture pack.
Here are some more models and updates. I had a lot of problems these months but I think I will be able to do the models again.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/cxccbq5n4ptnlc1/Pokecube Models New.rar
Finally finished the initials line, the download is here:
http://www.mediafire.com/file/5l4k9f1ophltq2j/Pokecube Models Sun e Moon up.2.zip
Wow, I was not going in and is already preparing the sun and moon update. Do not worry because I'm already finishing the starters, I miss the second evolutions, but I'll send the download as soon as possible.
I created some legendary Pokémon and made a model for the machine fossil if you want to use:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/pqjfs3p4u4bwb8v/Pokecube Blender.zip
Here are more models: http://www.mediafire.com/download/rzls4ikt3459jm9/Pokecube Models 3.rar
some are the sun and moon wanted to leave prepared for when the game launches
and one question: how to use the new function of pokedex, to which was added in updating these days.
I tried to model one of the Pokemon that is in Pokecube-Models list.
I do not know if it was good :|
If you have been good, I can try to model the other Pokemons