Thanks, but after going through the problems, I narrowed them down to just five. All to do with mod_Panda. So once again, here is my recompile.bat:
*** Minecraft Coder Pack Version 2.12 ***
MCP 2.12 running in C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\mymods
Compiling Minecraft
sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ cannot find symbol
symbol: class BaseMod
public class mod_Panda extends BaseMod
sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable ModLoader
location: class net.minecraft.src.mod_Panda
ModLoader.RegisterEntityID(EntityPanda.class, "Panda", ModLoader.getUnique
EntityId()); // without this code , your mob wont spawn !
sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable ModLoader
location: class net.minecraft.src.mod_Panda
ModLoader.RegisterEntityID(EntityPanda.class, "Panda", ModLoader.getUnique
EntityId()); // without this code , your mob wont spawn !
sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable ModLoader
location: class net.minecraft.src.mod_Panda
ModLoader.AddSpawn(EntityPanda.class, 3, EnumCreatureType.creature); // th
is is the spawn rate for exmaple if you put 3 the mobs is very rare to spawn,The
EnumCreatureType is what type of mob it is , mobs that you want to spawn in wat
er are "waterCreature", enemies are "monster", and animals are "creature".
sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ cannot find symbol
symbol : constructor ModelQuadruped()
location: class net.minecraft.src.ModelQuadruped
5 errors
Compiling Minecraft Server
=== MCP 2.12 recompile script finished ===
Press any key to continue . . .
And here is my
package net.minecraft.src;
// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
// Jad home page:
// Decompiler options: packimports(3) braces deadcode
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map;
public class mod_Panda extends BaseMod
public mod_Panda()
ModLoader.RegisterEntityID(EntityPanda.class, "Panda", ModLoader.getUniqueEntityId()); // without this code , your mob wont spawn !
ModLoader.AddSpawn(EntityPanda.class, 3, EnumCreatureType.creature); // this is the spawn rate for exmaple if you put 3 the mobs is very rare to spawn,The EnumCreatureType is what type of mob it is , mobs that you want to spawn in water are "waterCreature", enemies are "monster", and animals are "creature".
public void AddRenderer(Map map)
map.put(EntityPanda.class, new RenderPanda(new ModelPanda(), 0.5F)); // this one just assign the mob to your game and make it readable, just like RenderManager , the 0.5f is the shadow size of the mob you can make it bigger like 0.8f or smaller like 0.2f
public String Version()
return "| [1.5_01] Begginers Mob Making Tutorial 2 The Modloader Way!"; // Put here anything you like after that it will show up in the modloader logs.
no problem im going to update the tutorial , and the person thingy will be fixed after the update ill write it now
here is a baby tucan :tongue.gif: do you want that ? it was a fast work though if you want a better one just draw an example :biggrin.gif: cuz im not very ideastic
i sent you the decompiled one by train and zepilin mod
Functions names in you'r aren't deobfuscated, so you need to (somehow) deobfuscate them or rename them in (rename 'addBox' to 'func_27610_a', 'setPosition' to 'func_27612_a' and 'render' to 'func_27609_a').
ok did that , now i get :
*** Minecraft Coder Pack Version 2.12 ***
MCP 2.12 running in C:\Users\Nadine\Desktop\MCP Modloader
Compiling Minecraft
sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ func_27610_a(float,floa
t,float,int,int,int,float) in net.minecraft.src.CustomModelRenderer cannot be ap
plied to (float,float,float,int,int,int)
arm1.func_27610_a(0F, 0F, 0F, 8, 18, 8);
sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ func_27610_a(float,floa
t,float,int,int,int,float) in net.minecraft.src.CustomModelRenderer cannot be ap
plied to (float,float,float,int,int,int)
arm2.func_27610_a(0F, 0F, 0F, 8, 18, 8);
sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ func_27610_a(float,floa
t,float,int,int,int,float) in net.minecraft.src.CustomModelRenderer cannot be ap
plied to (float,float,float,int,int,int)
body.func_27610_a(0F, 0F, 0F, 16, 18, 8);
sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ func_27610_a(float,floa
t,float,int,int,int,float) in net.minecraft.src.CustomModelRenderer cannot be ap
plied to (float,float,float,int,int,int)
face.func_27610_a(0F, 0F, 0F, 12, 8, 1);
sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ func_27610_a(float,floa
t,float,int,int,int,float) in net.minecraft.src.CustomModelRenderer cannot be ap
plied to (float,float,float,int,int,int)
leg1.func_27610_a(0F, 0F, 0F, 8, 10, 8);
sources\minecraft\net\minecraft\src\ func_27610_a(float,floa
t,float,int,int,int,float) in net.minecraft.src.CustomModelRenderer cannot be ap
plied to (float,float,float,int,int,int)
leg2.func_27610_a(0F, 0F, 0F, 8, 10, 8);
6 errors
*** minecraft_server.jar was not found, skipping
=== MCP 2.12 recompile script finished ===
Press any key to continue . . .
please explain for us how do we use the custom model renderer in order for the the textures to resize!!!!
Well, you need CustomModelRenderer and CustomTexturedQuad classes. These classes are mod components (like ModLoader), so they aren't present in vanilla Minecraft. I don't know who wrote them (sorry!), but you can find them in Train and Zeppelin mod
ya but it seems that i need the sources , will he give them to me ? or i just decompile the mod?
Hey Nadine I am hoping the mod will work this time it should. Anyways I was wondering would you mind doing some requests? Salamander
The ones by Fire Hazurd. If you dont have the time its fine I was just wondering if you were making them :biggrin.gif:
i have time and i will make them :biggrin.gif: im waiting for fmc modeler or techne to support higher resolutions because the mob resolutions is big :smile.gif:
no problem im going to update the tutorial , and the person thingy will be fixed after the update ill write it now
so ill make mom & baby ^^
im recreating another one , a papa xD
cool then , im going to improve it :smile.gif:
do you think the tucan is good ? i think its bad im going to recreate it
ok did that , now i get :
k ill do it now :smile.gif:
my modelmagman:
ya but it seems that i need the sources , will he give them to me ? or i just decompile the mod?
i have time and i will make them :biggrin.gif: im waiting for fmc modeler or techne to support higher resolutions because the mob resolutions is big :smile.gif: