In-game Name:mustcomeback1
How old are you?15
What is your timezone(GMT)?EST
What time can you guard? (Ex: 1PM-4PM)?6Pm to 9PM at the least
How long have you played on Killion?:6 months (i took a break for a while)
What is your current rank (Block)?C
Do you have experience with prison servers?:I have owned a prison and joined and become free on as many as i could, killion is last on my list, which i am on right now
Do you have experience guarding?:After becoming free i have applied to be guard and been accpeted most times and became Warden 2 times!
Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?:Yes
What makes you the best guard applicant?:See Above
Thanks, Must
This prison is not the only aspect to the server, we have towns separted that can only be accessed by the freed prisoners and the elite citizens, more information below. You will rank up to be the best that you can to try to be freed from the prison and develop a society outside of the prison. Guards will try to keep you in order but they may reset your goal in trying to escape or be freed. When the guards are gone teaming up may be the only option and take advantage of the other prisoners to get out.
Rank Information
- D Block:
This is the block that first introduces you to Hard 8. You will be given an axe and a pick axe to either mine in the stone mine or chop down birch trees.
- C Block: Cost: $10,000 - In this block you will be given two mines and an oak tree farm, the mines will be more valuable and you will be able to buy tools from the store. Cells will be larger so you can have more space to store your items freely.
- B Block: Cost: $35,000 - The is now only one netherrack mine that will have more valuables in it and less common ores. There is now no tree farm but there is a melon farm that you can sell cheaply but there are a large amount of them. The cells are even nicer and are stocked with a furnace crafting table double chest and a bed.
- A Block: Cost: $100,000 - This is the last block you will be in as a prisoner the snow mine is stocked with very valuable ores that will be optained by using many shovels. You have the largest cells in the prison and you can stock the cell with 10 x 10 x 10 blocks of space.
- Free: Cost: $250,000 - You will have a smaller advanced town that is far away from the prison. There will be houses and a small community with a bank that you can store all of you items in.
- Citizen: Cost: $500,000 - This is the first of our “prestiege” levels and the town is slightly larger with 2 story houses, 2 banks and a store that is stocks with almost every item you can obtain.
- Elite Citizen: Cost: $1,000,000 - This is our second “prestiege” level and the houses are now 3 stories high, 3 banks, and a store with some items that you cannot make.
- Senior Citizen: Cost: $1,500,000 - The most expensive and last money optainable rank 0. The prison has its secrets and this is the time you will learn them, the town has very nice and expensice houses, 5 banks, and a store that has every item in the game except bedrock.
- Minor Guard: Playtime needed: 2 days | This guard can only stay in D Block to patrol and make sure no one breaks any rules that are not in the chat. For a promotion you must keep riots to a minimum and prove yourself to the Sr. Guards and the Wardens. To get a promotion you must have no rule breaks for 3 days in a row and 1 weeks playing time. Will have access to the following kits; armor. If you quit you will be ranked back down to C block.
- Guard: Playtime needed: 1 week of Minor Guard | This guard can patrol C and D block and the courtyard. You have proven yourself to the Wardens but that does not mean you can slack off. You will monitor the Minor Guards and report to the Captain. To get a promotion you must have no rule breaks for 5 days in a row and 1 week of Guard. Will have the following kits; armor and bow. If you quit you will be ranked B block.
- Captain: Playtime needed: 1 week of Guard | This guard can patrol all blocks and the courtyard. You will watch over the younger Guards and report to the Wardens how they are doing and who should be promoted. For a promotion you must have 1 week of Captain. Will have access to the following kits; armor, bow, and potions. If you quit you will be ranked back to A block.
- ChatMod: Playtime needed: 1 week of online time | The moderators assist the Wardens by keeping the chat clean, assisting new players, and answering questions. More information about the duties of this rank are available below.
- Warden: Playtime needed: 1 week of Captain | This rank is the top rank that you can achieve and everyone will report to you and if there are any major problems you will tell the Sr. Wardens.
- Sr. Warden: You cannot get this rank.
- Donator: This will be determined and to donate contact Frogger1314.
Server Rules:
- No hacked clients
- No mods
- No 3rd party clients
- No x-ray texture packs
- No advertising
- No racist, sexist, or homophobic slurs
- No spamming
- No cussing
- No prison griefing or other types or griefing
- No using lava or flint and steel for griefing uses.
Prison Rules
- No Weapons - If a guard sees you with a weapon, you have 5 seconds to hand it over or you will risk death or jail.
- No PvP abuse - Hitting from a Non-PvP area, running into a Non-PvP area while tagged, and pushing someone out of a non-PvP area will get you jailed.
- No Camping - Camping player spawn and/or other Non-PvP areas will get you jailed.
- Contraband is not allowed - to view the items please see the display in the C Spawn Room.
- No dropping sand or gravel on prisoners - Will result in a 3 day ban.
- No using potions in Non-PvP areas - Will result in a 3 day ban.
Contraband Items:
These are only in effect inside the prison!
- Sword
- Flint and steel
- Lava Bucket
- Water Bucket
Guard rules
- If a contraband item is seen, order the prisoner to give it over. If the prisoner does not comply after a 5 second countdown - Jail if in non-PvP - Kill if in PvP. If a player runs, jail them, this includes running from non-PvP to PvP, courtyard plots, cells, and other blocks.
- If a Prisoner is purposely "trolling" you by pulling out multiple swords in a row - ask for them. Instead of counting down a fourth time you may jail for 10 minutes. Prisoners should not be jailed for complying to hand over "all swords".
- If two players are playing keep-a-way with the swords (trading the swords back and forth) count down for both of them and if they do not give it up jail or kill them both depending on the area.
- Contraband is allowed inside player owned plots and cells, however if a player steps outside their plot or cell with the contraband ask the prisoner to hand it over in accordance to the first contraband rule. Contraband is also allowed in NON-PVP areas outside of Mob Farms such as in A Block. However it is not allowed in the A Block PVP Area or in the Pumpkin Farm.
- You are allowed to kill anyone who attacks you or another prisoner. If a prisoner is being attacked but does not fight back, do not kill the victim unless he/she fights.
- If a prisoner hits you or anyone else and runs into a NON-PVP area, you cannot attack them when they leave unless you tagged them before they entered. This "tag" lasts for 5 minutes.
- If a player is camping jail them immediately.
- If a prisoner is hitting from a NON-PVP zone into a PVP Zone jail them immediately. If a prisoner is harming other prisoners in a NON-PVP zone jail them immediately if this continues contact a Warden or post evidence on the thread.
- If a player is pushing a player into a PVP zone or to their death jail them immediately.
- Standard jail time is: 10 minutes first offense, 15 minutes thereafter.
- When using /kit you must dispose of your previous kit entirely. Otherwise you will be demoted back to D-Prisoner Rank. No exceptions!
- Jail players with /jail name time reason. Time is in minutes. Jail players for spawn killing, camping, PvP abusing, & griefing tree farm.
- Do not jail players for infinite amounts of time. If the jail timer is working incorrectly keep track of jail times and manually unjail your prisoners.
- Under no circumstance is a guard allowed to unjail their alternative account. If you believe you were jailed wrongly, get proof and report the guard. Any guards caught unjailing themselves will be immediately demoted without questioning.
- Guards must remain respectful. No cursing at players, no calling players names.
- Do not use any 3rd party programs, modified clients, or hacks of any sort.
o Respect all players.
ChatMod Rules:
ChatMod are allowed to play the game like normal and do not have to join a particular clan but are expected to remain neutral in any arguments and un-bias based on person, clan, or any other conditions. They are expected to remain respectful of all players in global chat and in clan chat. They are also expected to monitor chat while they are online and assist anyone who needs it to the best of their abilities. Below are a few general guidelines on punishments to use if needed:
Offenses to mute for:
• Minor chat spam (Multi-line words)
• Excessive cursing (Continuous over-use of cussing. Multiple words in one sentence, multiple sentences, etc.)
• Excessive caps lock. (Entire sentences, 80% of a sentence, multiple sentences, etc.)
• Speaking about other servers
• Guard/Warden/Sr Warden disrespect
• Player/Staff harassment (Also report the harassment to a Warden) Offenses to ban for:
• Major chat spam - Permanent ban
• Racism - 3 hour ban first offense, 3 day ban second offense, permanent ban for third
Advertising - Permanent ban
In-game Name:
How old are you?
What is your timezone(GMT)?
What time can you guard? (Ex: 1PM-4PM)?
How long have you played on Hard 8?:
What is your current rank (Block)?
Do you have experience with prison servers?:
Do you have experience guarding?:
Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?:
What makes you the best guard applicant?:
In-game Name:
In-game Rank:
How long have you played on Hard 8?:
Have you ever been muted or banned?:
If so, why and for how long?:
Why do you believe you?re suitable for the Moderation role?:
Extra Information:
UnBan Request:
In-game Name:
Who were you banned by?
When were you banned? (Date and Approx time, use -5GMT)
What was the ban reason?
Do you admit fault?
What was your current rank (Block)?:
Why should you be unbanned?
Any other information:
UnMute Request:
In-game Name:
Who were you muted by?
When were you muted? (Date and Approx time, use -5GMT)
What was the mute reason?
Do you admit fault?
What was your current rank (Block)?:
Why should you be unmuted?
Any other information:
Transfer Application:
In-game Name:
Old Prison:
Old Rank:
In Game Name:mustcomeback1
Why Were you Banned?:Duping?
When weer you banned?:5:25
Who banned you? (If known):No Idea
Rank on server:Free
Why you should be unbanned?:I should be unbanned because i was on this server a lot before and i was just starting back up and i would really appreciate it if i could be unbanned Thanks!
Other InformationI dont know what duping is, not sure how to pronounce it but i was at a friends strip of land, frootloop343, and i wanted to know what he was doing there. I knew he was doing some glitch but he wouldnt tell me and i was tping back and fore between and i went away for a minute and when i came back i was banned... When i got back to the land i asked him over skype whatthat was and he said he found it, and i liked it so i hid it under a dirt pile and i was trying to figure out what Frogger1314 was doing and he wouldnt tell me so i went away and when i was back i got banned... PLease let me be unbanned
Welcome to the Hard 8 Prison Server... You have gotten in some deep trouble to get your self stuck in this dump. The only way to get out is to dig in the mines and pay off what you owe. Don't think about leaving too soon, your going to be here for a a while!
This is where you are going to start, the most violent and cheapest block in the prison, this is where the stone mine is, not many resources but enough to get you started, like I said, its free to get into.
Now its starting to get interesting, here you have more resources and higher prices for selling, get food from chickens and XP from them too, its not easy to get here, you have to work for 15,000 dollars to get here, you start getting used to being in the prison and time flies.
One step closer the getting released and getting out of the place, more resources and more higher places. Get XP and food from the pig and cow farm. You need 35,000 to get here, thats cold hard cash, probably will be covered in your own blood from protecting it. Now you are at home in the prison... Don't think about leaving just yet either!
Last block before leaving, everyone is looking up to you now and asking for money, you will be a fool to give it to them too. It costs 100,000 dollars to get into here, the most resources and the highest prices, Mob farms to collect XP against enemy mods and get a good look at nice mobs... You are almost there.
Congratz! You have gotten out of this place alive, thankfully. You are free to go
about the world and explore new things.... No prices, new cities to be build and new places to explore.. Happy Hunting!
Minor Guard
Here is our first rank of authority, partolling Cblock and the courtyard, this is where the beginners find out what it is like to be a guard. You must have an application for this rank and in the What experience do you have? section of the app you must say, Hard 8! Good luck to all!
Here is our second position of authority, patrolling the blocks daily making sure that nothing bad happens or else there will be bad consequences. You can be any rank to be this position and you will be chosen when the time is right
Here is our next highest rank, watches over the little guards and make w=sure they are doing their jobs while doing his own job. You get this position when a Warden or a Sr.Warden decides it is time to do so.
This rank is a quiet one, must have good punctuation and grammar and stop the use of caps, swearing, and offensive sayings on the server, the rules are below and on the server
itself can get this position by Applying below. Must say Hard 8 Prison server in your other section of the application.
This rank is a combination of both ChatMod and guard, doing both of the jobs at once, must know the rules and rights of both guard and ChatMod. Only a few will get this position that were both Guard and Chatmod and did it well. Will be chosen by the Sr.Wardens.
This is the most special position that you can get, Sr.Warden is a position that you cannot get, you have to have been all the ranks and been active as well as trusted with all of the Sr.Wardens and no one has proof of a way they can dislike you.
Talk to in game NJguy or message Marknic13 on minecraft forums if you are interested in donating! You will get your own custom block w/ private furnaces, a nickname of your liking and an extra title! Depending on how much you donate you will be given in game money!
(These will get you jailed)
Not giving an illegal item
Keeping a set of guard armor
Fighting too much in PvP
Using Splash Potions
Not replanting or replanting the wrong tree in the tree farm
Giving the wrong item a guard asked for
Camping outside a room in a PvP area
(These will get you banned)
Xray mod or texture pack
Hacked Clients
Glitching outside of the prison
No Spamming
No Bad Language
NO Disrespect
No Homophobic, sexual, or racist slurs
No Advertising
Transfers Open
Open from all prison servers just send a screenshot of your rank in chat and say what Prison it is from
You will be on one rank from what you are on that server
Guard Application
Rank on the server:
Do you have experience with prison servers?
If so, what experience:
Why are you the best choice for guard:
Other Information:
ChatMod Application
Rank on the server:
Do you have experience with other prison servers?
If so, what experience:
Why are you the best choice for ChatMod:
Other Information:
File A Complaint, this may only be about a staff on the server
Staff IGN:
What did they do?
How did this offend you or others around you?
Unban Appeal
Who banned you, if known?
Why were you banned?
Why should you be unbanned?
Other information:
Post your IGN to get 2k in game money!
Write a review or some improvements needed to be done to the server in your opinion to get another 3k!
How old are you?15
What is your timezone(GMT)?EST
What time can you guard? (Ex: 1PM-4PM)?6Pm to 9PM at the least
How long have you played on Killion?:6 months (i took a break for a while)
What is your current rank (Block)?C
Do you have experience with prison servers?:I have owned a prison and joined and become free on as many as i could, killion is last on my list, which i am on right now
Do you have experience guarding?:After becoming free i have applied to be guard and been accpeted most times and became Warden 2 times!
Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?:Yes
What makes you the best guard applicant?:See Above
Thanks, Must
Information about Hard 8
This prison is not the only aspect to the server, we have towns separted that can only be accessed by the freed prisoners and the elite citizens, more information below. You will rank up to be the best that you can to try to be freed from the prison and develop a society outside of the prison. Guards will try to keep you in order but they may reset your goal in trying to escape or be freed. When the guards are gone teaming up may be the only option and take advantage of the other prisoners to get out.
Rank Information
- D Block:
This is the block that first introduces you to Hard 8. You will be given an axe and a pick axe to either mine in the stone mine or chop down birch trees.
- C Block:
Cost: $10,000 - In this block you will be given two mines and an oak tree farm, the mines will be more valuable and you will be able to buy tools from the store. Cells will be larger so you can have more space to store your items freely.
- B Block:
Cost: $35,000 - The is now only one netherrack mine that will have more valuables in it and less common ores. There is now no tree farm but there is a melon farm that you can sell cheaply but there are a large amount of them. The cells are even nicer and are stocked with a furnace crafting table double chest and a bed.
- A Block:
Cost: $100,000 - This is the last block you will be in as a prisoner the snow mine is stocked with very valuable ores that will be optained by using many shovels. You have the largest cells in the prison and you can stock the cell with 10 x 10 x 10 blocks of space.
- Free:
Cost: $250,000 - You will have a smaller advanced town that is far away from the prison. There will be houses and a small community with a bank that you can store all of you items in.
- Citizen:
Cost: $500,000 - This is the first of our “prestiege” levels and the town is slightly larger with 2 story houses, 2 banks and a store that is stocks with almost every item you can obtain.
- Elite Citizen:
Cost: $1,000,000 - This is our second “prestiege” level and the houses are now 3 stories high, 3 banks, and a store with some items that you cannot make.
- Senior Citizen:
Cost: $1,500,000 - The most expensive and last money optainable rank 0. The prison has its secrets and this is the time you will learn them, the town has very nice and expensice houses, 5 banks, and a store that has every item in the game except bedrock.
- Minor Guard:
Playtime needed: 2 days | This guard can only stay in D Block to patrol and make sure no one breaks any rules that are not in the chat. For a promotion you must keep riots to a minimum and prove yourself to the Sr. Guards and the Wardens. To get a promotion you must have no rule breaks for 3 days in a row and 1 weeks playing time. Will have access to the following kits; armor. If you quit you will be ranked back down to C block.
- Guard:
Playtime needed: 1 week of Minor Guard | This guard can patrol C and D block and the courtyard. You have proven yourself to the Wardens but that does not mean you can slack off. You will monitor the Minor Guards and report to the Captain. To get a promotion you must have no rule breaks for 5 days in a row and 1 week of Guard. Will have the following kits; armor and bow. If you quit you will be ranked B block.
- Captain:
Playtime needed: 1 week of Guard | This guard can patrol all blocks and the courtyard. You will watch over the younger Guards and report to the Wardens how they are doing and who should be promoted. For a promotion you must have 1 week of Captain. Will have access to the following kits; armor, bow, and potions. If you quit you will be ranked back to A block.
- ChatMod:
Playtime needed: 1 week of online time | The moderators assist the Wardens by keeping the chat clean, assisting new players, and answering questions. More information about the duties of this rank are available below.
- Warden:
Playtime needed: 1 week of Captain | This rank is the top rank that you can achieve and everyone will report to you and if there are any major problems you will tell the Sr. Wardens.
- Sr. Warden: You cannot get this rank.
- Donator: This will be determined and to donate contact Frogger1314.
Server Rules:
- No hacked clients
- No mods
- No 3rd party clients
- No x-ray texture packs
- No advertising
- No racist, sexist, or homophobic slurs
- No spamming
- No cussing
- No prison griefing or other types or griefing
- No using lava or flint and steel for griefing uses.
Prison Rules
- No Weapons - If a guard sees you with a weapon, you have 5 seconds to hand it over or you will risk death or jail.
- No PvP abuse - Hitting from a Non-PvP area, running into a Non-PvP area while tagged, and pushing someone out of a non-PvP area will get you jailed.
- No Camping - Camping player spawn and/or other Non-PvP areas will get you jailed.
- Contraband is not allowed - to view the items please see the display in the C Spawn Room.
- No dropping sand or gravel on prisoners - Will result in a 3 day ban.
- No using potions in Non-PvP areas - Will result in a 3 day ban.
Contraband Items:
These are only in effect inside the prison!
- Sword
- Flint and steel
- Lava Bucket
- Water Bucket
Guard rules
- If a contraband item is seen, order the prisoner to give it over. If the prisoner does not comply after a 5 second countdown - Jail if in non-PvP - Kill if in PvP. If a player runs, jail them, this includes running from non-PvP to PvP, courtyard plots, cells, and other blocks.
- If a Prisoner is purposely "trolling" you by pulling out multiple swords in a row - ask for them. Instead of counting down a fourth time you may jail for 10 minutes. Prisoners should not be jailed for complying to hand over "all swords".
- If two players are playing keep-a-way with the swords (trading the swords back and forth) count down for both of them and if they do not give it up jail or kill them both depending on the area.
- Contraband is allowed inside player owned plots and cells, however if a player steps outside their plot or cell with the contraband ask the prisoner to hand it over in accordance to the first contraband rule. Contraband is also allowed in NON-PVP areas outside of Mob Farms such as in A Block. However it is not allowed in the A Block PVP Area or in the Pumpkin Farm.
- You are allowed to kill anyone who attacks you or another prisoner. If a prisoner is being attacked but does not fight back, do not kill the victim unless he/she fights.
- If a prisoner hits you or anyone else and runs into a NON-PVP area, you cannot attack them when they leave unless you tagged them before they entered. This "tag" lasts for 5 minutes.
- If a player is camping jail them immediately.
- If a prisoner is hitting from a NON-PVP zone into a PVP Zone jail them immediately. If a prisoner is harming other prisoners in a NON-PVP zone jail them immediately if this continues contact a Warden or post evidence on the thread.
- If a player is pushing a player into a PVP zone or to their death jail them immediately.
- Standard jail time is: 10 minutes first offense, 15 minutes thereafter.
- When using /kit you must dispose of your previous kit entirely. Otherwise you will be demoted back to D-Prisoner Rank. No exceptions!
- Jail players with /jail name time reason. Time is in minutes. Jail players for spawn killing, camping, PvP abusing, & griefing tree farm.
- Do not jail players for infinite amounts of time. If the jail timer is working incorrectly keep track of jail times and manually unjail your prisoners.
- Under no circumstance is a guard allowed to unjail their alternative account. If you believe you were jailed wrongly, get proof and report the guard. Any guards caught unjailing themselves will be immediately demoted without questioning.
- Guards must remain respectful. No cursing at players, no calling players names.
- Do not use any 3rd party programs, modified clients, or hacks of any sort.
ChatMod Rules:
ChatMod are allowed to play the game like normal and do not have to join a particular clan but are expected to remain neutral in any arguments and un-bias based on person, clan, or any other conditions. They are expected to remain respectful of all players in global chat and in clan chat. They are also expected to monitor chat while they are online and assist anyone who needs it to the best of their abilities. Below are a few general guidelines on punishments to use if needed:
Offenses to mute for:
• Minor chat spam (Multi-line words)
• Excessive cursing (Continuous over-use of cussing. Multiple words in one sentence, multiple sentences, etc.)
• Excessive caps lock. (Entire sentences, 80% of a sentence, multiple sentences, etc.)
• Speaking about other servers
• Guard/Warden/Sr Warden disrespect
• Player/Staff harassment (Also report the harassment to a Warden)
Offenses to ban for:
• Major chat spam - Permanent ban
• Racism - 3 hour ban first offense, 3 day ban second offense, permanent ban for third
Advertising - Permanent ban
In-game Name:
How old are you?
What is your timezone(GMT)?
What time can you guard? (Ex: 1PM-4PM)?
How long have you played on Hard 8?:
What is your current rank (Block)?
Do you have experience with prison servers?:
Do you have experience guarding?:
Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?:
What makes you the best guard applicant?:
In-game Name:
In-game Rank:
How long have you played on Hard 8?:
Have you ever been muted or banned?:
If so, why and for how long?:
Why do you believe you?re suitable for the Moderation role?:
Extra Information:
UnBan Request:
In-game Name:
Who were you banned by?
When were you banned? (Date and Approx time, use -5GMT)
What was the ban reason?
Do you admit fault?
What was your current rank (Block)?:
Why should you be unbanned?
Any other information:
UnMute Request:
In-game Name:
Who were you muted by?
When were you muted? (Date and Approx time, use -5GMT)
What was the mute reason?
Do you admit fault?
What was your current rank (Block)?:
Why should you be unmuted?
Any other information:
Transfer Application:
In-game Name:
Old Prison:
Old Rank:
Based off Killion post!
Why Were you Banned?:Duping?
When weer you banned?:5:25
Who banned you? (If known):No Idea
Rank on server:Free
Why you should be unbanned?:I should be unbanned because i was on this server a lot before and i was just starting back up and i would really appreciate it if i could be unbanned Thanks!
Other InformationI dont know what duping is, not sure how to pronounce it but i was at a friends strip of land, frootloop343, and i wanted to know what he was doing there. I knew he was doing some glitch but he wouldnt tell me and i was tping back and fore between and i went away for a minute and when i came back i was banned... When i got back to the land i asked him over skype whatthat was and he said he found it, and i liked it so i hid it under a dirt pile and i was trying to figure out what Frogger1314 was doing and he wouldnt tell me so i went away and when i was back i got banned... PLease let me be unbanned
Welcome to the Hard 8 Prison Server... You have gotten in some deep trouble to get your self stuck in this dump. The only way to get out is to dig in the mines and pay off what you owe. Don't think about leaving too soon, your going to be here for a a while!
Last block before leaving, everyone is looking up to you now and asking for money, you will be a fool to give it to them too. It costs 100,000 dollars to get into here, the most resources and the highest prices, Mob farms to collect XP against enemy mods and get a good look at nice mobs... You are almost there.
Minor Guard
File A Complaint, this may only be about a staff on the server
Staff IGN:
What did they do?
How did this offend you or others around you?
Unban Appeal
Who banned you, if known?
Why were you banned?
Why should you be unbanned?
Other information: