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    posted a message on A honest Minecraft review
    Quote from DarthJiggles

    Perfect example of stating your self in a clear, composed, unbiased manner, guaranteeing your success in swaying others opinions.

    Implying it's possible to sway these mindless sheep.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on A honest Minecraft review

    Please do.
    You are all ****ing retarded.
    I hope every single one of you dies in a fire while you watch your dead hopes and dreams eat the children you will never have.

    Seriously how can people be this dumb.

    The video was right in every single criticism, but you ****ing morons can't see that through all of notch's semen in your face.

    I hope you all die.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Really you guys?
    Quote from serban25

    Ok how about Mojang removes the ending and add YOU WON!!!!!! then you go back in your world! I personally like this ending (the ending you say Notch is trolling us with)

    He is.

    He got someone on twitter to write a "stupid, over-serious, try hard" ending to minecraft.

    So it is a troll.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Really you guys?
    Quote from Inaaca

    An opinion with nothing to support it is referred to as an uninformed opinion. Even opinions are based off of something. Some train of thought led you to believe in said opinion. So there should always be something to back it up, regardless of how flimsy or solid the thinking is.

    That's where discussion comes in, the questioning of the logic behind people's opinions, and whether or not the logic holds up.

    I know.

    I was making fun of people who pull the "IT'S JUST MY OPINION" card.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Is the ending an act of laziness?
    Quote from auzura

    Right, okay. Guess I'll get the fact that I am 22, soon 23, and approaching my 4th year in college out of the way.

    I don't know why you keep going back to the writing quality of the ending, as I have, several times now, agreed that it is indeed not just opinion.

    Yeah, the people who praise the ending as a great work of literature are a bit off, but I have also seen people say they like it, not for any literary value, but because the concept appeals to them.

    Again, I am not arguing the quality - or lack thereof - of the ending. Just that some people may like it despite it's flaws.

    The concept is the most cliche thing I have ever seen.

    All it needed was an alien invasion to make it even more juvenile and idiotic.
    I don't see how an adult could find such a overused concept "compelling" in anyway. If they do, they are idiots.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Is the ending an act of laziness?
    Quote from TYTHERDGOON

    Everything you do in minecraft is meaningless anyway.
    You don't need to or have to build a house and mine, you choose to.

    I suggest people stop whining and just wait until the end of the credits and carry on with their minecraft world.

    It's not it doesn't make sense.

    It's the idiot that think it has some "deep meaning" when notch even said it was a stupid idiotic over dramatic ending.
    Quote from Scrag333

    You also don't run around calling literature a piece of ****, saying it's unconditionally bad, and that anyone who disagrees is a 15 year old.

    Just saying.

    I never called literature ****.
    It is bad and I've provided reason for my opinion unlike you children.
    Anyone who thinks you don't have to give reasons for an opinion is a child.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Is the ending an act of laziness?
    Quote from auzura

    You keep going back to the sheer quality of the writing itself. As I said, I agree that is not just opinion.

    But if something appeals to you, for whatever reason, that's not something you need to back up.
    In my opinion, blue is the best color. Are you saying I need to do extensive research and back that up with hard facts?

    With literature you do.
    I know this is difficult for the teenage mind to understand, but you can't just say "THIS IS THE BEST EVER AND MY OPINION MEANS NO ONE CAN ARGUE THAT I'M WRONG".

    That's not how it works.

    Writing that's good is good for reasons. Not just because everyone's "opinion" is that "One flew over the cuckoo's nest" is a good book.

    A opinion that can't be backed up with literary citations and proof is just projecting.

    Wait till you grow up kid, then you'll understand. Take a college writing or English class. If you tried your "opinion" crap there the professor would fail you and kick you out of the class.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Is the ending an act of laziness?
    Quote from auzura

    You say opinions need to be backed up with facts.

    Because in a mature community, such as a scholarly one who discusses GOOD literature, you can't just say you like something for no reason.

    When you get rejected from college because your essay was ****, you can't say "THAT'S JUST YOU OPINION".

    When you say a book is "A literary masterpiece" (as some have said about this pathetic "ending"), you can't just say "IT'S JUST MY OPINION".

    If you can't back your opinion up with fact, you are just projecting.
    Of course, since you still have a high school definition of opinion you don't understand this.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Really you guys?
    Quote from ClockworkHydra

    Most of Crunchy Shadows posts are simply disregarding everything or saying "Your wrong I'm right".

    I do not believe that as arguing, I call that being arrogant.

    BUTTT IT'S JUST HIS OPINION!!!!!!!1!11!!


    That's what people will cry.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Is the ending an act of laziness?
    Quote from auzura

    Something called opinion.


    You have to back up your opinion with fact.
    one can't just say "THIS BOOK IS THE BEST EVAR"
    Then someone says "ok prove it."

    You can't prove this is a good piece of writing.
    It's a cliched theme, or message, redundant, try hard, long winded and just plain idiotic.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Really you guys?
    The ending is the worst thing I have ever read in my life.

    If you like it, or think it has a "deep meaning" or some **** like that, you are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

    Shakespeare has a deeper meaning.
    This is no where close to Shakespeare.
    This is no where close to a third grade written short story.

    Notch himself even asked for someone to write a "stupid, over the top, dumb ending for minecraft" on his twitter.

    So there you go, notch even wanted it as a stupid joke.
    So any "meaning" someone manages to squeeze out of this ****, is just WRONG.

    Because all this is, is a poorly written, idiotic joke, that no mature person should ever think is deep of meaningful.

    Quote from Zorg

    I Would like to see an ending in minecraft:

    Basicly taking some aleatory pics of our worlds to rememeber our adventures.

    This is one million times better then notch's shitty ending.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Is the ending an act of laziness?
    The ending was the worst this have read in my life.

    I don't see how anyone older then 15 could like such a piece of ****.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Wow, what an ending.....A cheap one too.
    The ending is possibly the worst thing I have ever read.

    It was horribly written.
    It did not have a deep meaning (only a child who hasn't read many books or great literature would think this).
    It's redundant.
    It's overdone.
    It's just pathetic how people think this is "good".

    I'm glad we have proof that it was just a joke.

    All the people saying "2DEEP4U" are just stupid.
    Not said on his twitter he wanted someone to write a stupid, over done, idiotic ending for minecraft.

    So there is no "deeper meaning".

    It's just a stupid joke.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on [myth busted] Enderman can pick up ANY block
    Quote from Ovus

    NPCs taking apart your building

    Letting other mobs in to attack you.
    Making the game challenging.
    Sure sounds good to me.

    You wouldn't be able to grasp good game mechanics, you made flash games.

    Also, HTML isn't real coding.
    Neither is making flash games
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on [myth busted] Enderman can pick up ANY block
    I could see people not wanting endermen to take "heavy" materials like obsidian or bed rock, but making them only pick up stuff like dirt or sand is just boring and pointless and ruins any challenge.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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