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    posted a message on generator rex mod idea
    okay, so i saw a post a while ago for a "generator rex mod". i loved the show, but the post for the mod request was absolutley terrible, so i am doing a version of it here.

    STORY: the world is infected with micro-machines called nanites. they can give you incredible powers, or turn you into a rampaging E.V.O. monster! one is able to controll his nanites, and create machines, and cure the evos! this one is you. the generator.

    nanite tank:
    the only way to use most of the mod is to stand in a nanite tank and give yourself nanites. any mob you can get into the machine will have a 75-25 chance of either doubling its health, or mutating into a bigger, more violent version of itself.
    if you stand in the chamber, you get the ability to create machines and cure the other evos.

    your main ability is to create machines. you contoll this with "blueprint mode", witch swaps your item bar with a bar showing your machines. you start off with:

    smackhands-giant fists that can knockback your opponents and send them flying
    BFS- sword that deals the same amount of damage as 3 hits from an iron sword
    slam cannon- ranged weapon that can fire off blocks from the ground as ammo
    boogie pack- a jetpack that lets you fly
    punk busters- metal legs that let you kick with the smae knockback powers the smackhands give you, plus
    no fall damage
    literider (formally rex ride, name no longer applys)- motorcycle that damages mobs by running them over a
    travels faster than running

    you can then create the blueprints for a new set of machines, including sheild hands, a grappling whip, giant axes, electric nunchucks, and more, check out this link for a more in depth look at these! ""
    OTHER items!
    goggles- rex's goggles, they let you see if a mob is infected with nanites so you know what to cure or kill

    providence gun- a ranged weapon that does the same ammount of damage as a stone sword

    providence suit- same protection as iron armor, but with a 1 minute charge of "stealth mode" that makes you invisible to mobs

    bobo gun- bobo's gun, does damage of an iron sword, from up to 25 blocks away!

    katana- agent six's katana, can pull metals from cave walls and does same damage as a dimond sword (would require a dimond sword in crafting)

    meta nanite- craft 5 together and you cure everything around you, and unlock all your blueprints

    and there is that, credit to whoever made the first post for giving me the idea, crafting recepies to come later on, ect.

    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on making an lp adventure map, need help
    hey people, i need a bit of help, im making an adventure map type thing on a bukkit server and need some help? so, who wants to kill me like a hundred times?

    hamachi: name: killfang100times

    oh, and also, you need my skype as well :mrfang2
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on need some one for a lets play tonight.
    Quote from JThompson1993

    hey i am interested what time were you thinking

    nows good, skype me at milo.yarnell
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on need some one for a lets play tonight.
    hey, i need someone for a lets play on my server tonight. requirements: skype, minecraft, non profanity in game name, sense of humor. and building skills would be nice too.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on need help with adventure map
    ok, im making a machinema and i need some help. im no good at redstone, and i need help making some scenery type things too. the maps story goes like this, i am an explorer who finds a star ship (toonami's absolution) crashed, broken, and burryed under an abandoned island. the core warp engine is dammaged, and if not fixed soon, will suck all of minecraftia into subspace. i will travel through mazes of hallways, get through defence systems, and fight through the hoards of zombies created by a prototype spawner locked away in the ships hull. in the end, of the story, we find toonami tom in a stasis pod, and, after escaping the ship , we shut down the core and save the world.

    i seriously need help to build all the stuff for the machinema. if you help, you will be added in the credits and in a "backstory" scene. please, i realy need help this time, pm me with your info and ill give you the way to log in, it is a hamachi server though.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on MCX360 Updates, Scrolls Alpha Arriving Soon
    tom toonami skin ftw! you can see his helmet on 1 of the characters!
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on wolfcraft underground server. need help to create a world, also some people to play in it!
    wolfcraft underground server. need help to create a world, also some people to play in it!
    full creative mode to build, and survival to live and mine, just don't grief! or you will be banned!

    i need people who can make it look good, have hamachi, and preferably have a skype

    no pics yet cuz i don't have anything

    please help me out
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft Creative Server 1.2.4
    can i join?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.0.0] In-Game Texture Pack Changer v1.3
    Quote from Sunday13

    If this works in multiplayer, "it could be a veeeeeeeeery minor serious griefing tool". (What game was this reference from?)

    portal 2. minor case of serious brain damage
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Minecraft machinima Ep 6
    weres episode 1 and 2? other than that, good show!
    Posted in: Videos
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    posted a message on land of oOo mod idea
    1:well no one complained about the portal gun mod, so i think this would be ok as long as we clearly state that the concept itself belongs to cn.

    2:your right, maybe just the same durability and strength of an iron sword, i know even that seems a bit much, but it is implyed to be kinda magic, so it should be kinda strong

    if annyone wants to help make this mod, plese speak up!

    also, can this be moved to the moding ideas and sutch area of the moding forum? i put it in the wrong place
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on land of oOo mod idea
    hey guys, i need some help. i have an idea for a mod, but i cant do anything with modding.

    so heres the mod, a new option in the "world type" area of the menu that says oOo on it, to get an adventure time based world.

    biomes: there would be a few new biomes and some expanded ones.

    new: candy. the candy biomes would have a special feature, if you place any block from one onto your crafting table, it would become an edible object. it would be mostly pinks and reds, as seen on adventure time.

    expanded: ice. snow biomes would be modded to feature mountains made of ice

    new: fire infinatly on fire vesion of the grasslands new block, "charred grass." that is grass, but allways on fire

    new: treelands. around the outskirts of forest biomes would be grasslands, with giant hollow trees in them. that would provide an easy "starter house" area for players.


    finns back pack, lets you hold double your normal inventory

    marcalines axe: a large, double sided axe that is also a guitar, as stron as an iron sword, as dorable as a dimond pick, makes a guitar struming sound when you hit somthing

    finns hat: basicly, a wool helmet, dosnt protect mutch, but looks like the one fin wears in the show.


    ice kingdom: 1 ice king spawns in a holow mountain dungeon type area, along with penguins. shoots snowbals, when kiled drops 64 ice, a full map, and some blue wool
    penguins spawn all over the place in the ice kingdom, right click to ride one, they dont attack, but if you kill one close enough to ice king, he will burst out and attack you

    candy kingdom: candy cows are like mooshrooms, except they drop candy. peppermint butler drops peppermint.

    firelands: flambos are like wolfs, except they need to be fed coal to like you. if you hurt them, they do the same attack a ghast does.

    treelands: just the normal stuff, but in some of the trees there are "beemo"s who just walk around, dont attack, and when killed, drop 3 random records
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Does anyone wanna make a HUGE treehouse?
    ill join up, i can do the house but not the actual tree part
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on QUESTION!!what should i do with my survival map?????
    yeah, i guess, i mean, minecraft is no fun if it ends, so, why not
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on need actor/ player for series
    hi, im mrfang 2.
    i need some help with a series, it is called builders union and it will be sorta kinda scriped sometimes, but mostly just a lets play. i need somone funny, good at building and redstone, and with hamatchi and (non-required) a custom skin.

    my skype is milo.yarnell

    please help me, i can give you the server info over skype or a pm
    Posted in: Let's Play (and Live Stream)
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