Oh my goodness, this is perfect! Thank you! The hunger was the most obnoxious thing for me, thank you a ton for making this!
I'll play around with it for a few days and see if I come across any issues.
- mrbysco
- Curse Premium
Member for 13 years, 7 months, and 7 days
Last active Tue, Feb, 11 2025 17:47:26
- 650 Total Posts
- 70 Thanks
Nelonzo_Ironscale posted a message on Needing help with porting a fabric mod to forge.Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods -
Fobot_Malticus_Hiradora posted a message on Taking mod requests for simple to medium ideas (even porting mods)Posted in: Requests / Ideas For ModsGreat. Thanks. I can help bug test it, whenever you have a playable alpha version.
svennieke posted a message on Statues - Decorative yet functional statuesPosted in: WIP ModsThis mod extends the idea of the open blocks statues but with my own little twist to it
currently i am working on adding all vanilla mobs as a statue when i am done with that i will add statues for modded mobs, just give me suggestions of which mod i should add support for than.
Statue Core
Royal Nugget
Saturation: 0.1 Hunger: 2
Mooshroom Soup
Saturation: 0.3 Hunger: 6
Crafting Recipes
Tier one
Tier two
Tier three
Tier four
note any color of wool can be used for any statue
Tier one: Decorative only
Baby Zombie Statue*
Blaze Statue
Chicken statue*
Cow statue
Creeper Statue
Mooshroom Statue
Pig Statue
Rabbit Statue
Sheared Sheep Statue
Sheep statue
Slime Statue
SnowGolem Statue
Tier two: Musical
Baby Zombie Statue: Makes Zombie sounds when interacted with.
Blaze Statue: Makes Blaze sounds when interacted with.
Chicken statue: Makes Chicken sounds when interacted with.
Cow statue: Makes Cow sounds when interacted with.
Creeper Statue: Makes Creeper sounds when interacted with.
Mooshroom Statue: Makes Cow sounds when interacted with.
Pig Statue: Makes Pig sounds when interacted with.
Rabbit Statue: Makes Rabbit sounds when interacted with.
Sheared Sheep Statue: Makes Sheep sounds when interacted with.
Sheep statue: Makes Sheep sounds when interacted with.
Slime Statue: Makes Slime sounds when interacted with.
SnowGolem Statue: Makes snow sounds when interacted with.
Tier three: Musical and Functional
Baby Zombie Statue: Makes Zombie sounds and gives Rotten Flesh when interacted with.
Blaze Statue: Makes Blaze sounds and gives Blazerods when interacted with.
Chicken statue: Makes Chicken sounds and gives eggs and feathers when interacted with.
Cow statue: Makes Cow sounds and when right clicked with a bucket gives milk.
Creeper Statue: Makes creeper sounds and gives gunpowder when interacted with, and a nasty surprise too.
Mooshroom Statue: Makes Cow sounds and when right clicked with an empty bowl gives mushroom stew.
Pig Statue: Makes pig sounds and gives porkchops when interacted with.
Rabbit Statue: Makes rabbit sounds and gives rabbit hide, raw rabbit and rabbit's foot when interacted with.
Sheared Sheep Statue: Makes Sheep sounds and gives mutton when interacted with.
Sheep statue: Makes Sheep sounds and gives the appropriate color of wool when interacted with. (note as of version 0.7 there is only a white version, this will change soon).
Slime Statue: Makes Slime sounds and gives slimeballs when interacted with.
SnowGolem Statue: Makes SnowGolem sounds and gives snowballs and pumpkins when interacted with.
Tier four: Functional
Baby Zombie Statue: Gives Rotten Flesh when interacted with.
Blaze Statue: Gives Blazerods when interacted with.
Chicken statue: gives feathers and eggs when interacted with.
Cow statue: When Right clicking with an empty bucket it fills the bucket with milk.
Creeper Statue: Gives Gunpowder when interacted with, may or may not spawn a creeper with a short fuse.
Mooshroom Statue: When right clicking with an empty bowls gives you mushroom stew.
Pig Statue: gives Porkchop when interacted with.
Rabbit Statue: Gives raw rabbit and Rabbit hide when interacted with, and a low chance for a rabbit's foot.
Sheared Sheep Statue: Gives Mutton when interacted with.
Sheep statue: Gives Mutton and the appropriate color of wool when interacted with.
(note as of version 0.7 there is only a white version, this will change soon).
Slime Statue: Gives slimeballs when interacted with.
SnowGolem Statue: Gives Snowballs and Rarely a pumpkin when interacted with.
Eastereggs and how to get them
Tier one: Decorative only
Flood statue
King Cluck StatueTier two: Musical
Flood statue: Makes Zombie sounds when interacted with.
(note this will change soon)
King Cluck Statue: Makes Royal Chicken sounds, sounds like normal chickens.
Tier three: musical and functional
Flood statue: Makes Zombie sounds and shoots fireworks when interacted with.
(note the sounds will change soon)
King Cluck Statue: Makes Chicken sounds and gives Royal nuggets and old nugets when interacted with.Tier four: functional
Flood statue: Shoots Fireworks when interacted with.
King Cluck Statue: Gives Royal Nuggets and rarely Gold Nuggets when interacted with.
Why are they an Easteregg?
Flood statue: Reference From Mindcracker Docm77 Season 4 Base where he flooded the perimiter for his witchfarm, a baby zombie tracked a villager through a maze as a part from a rube goldenberg machine.
King Cluck Statue: Reference From Former Mindcracker BTC King Cluck shop in Mindcrack season 4
How to get them: No spoilers just clues
Flood statue: Place a Baby zombie statue on a block that appears to be water.
King Cluck Statue: Chickens are not royals, prove me wrong by placing them on a shiny block.
How to get them: be warned this one contains spoilers
Flood statue: Place a Baby Zombie Statue (tier one) Statue on a Lapis block
King Cluck Statue: Place a Chicken Statue (tier one) on a Gold Block
migueeel posted a message on Paying for mods to be backported.Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods1: Do not pay for "someone make this mod" or "someone do this". There's always going to be someone who knows how to code and will be willing. You don't need to risk your money for this.
2: Give info already. Having to ask you through PM without knowing anything about the mods is a recipe for "oh, sorry, that's too complicated, I'm out".
3: Careful with the backports. If the authors get angry, they can trash your backport (and combined with paying money, that's a bad bet).
mDiyo posted a message on DiyoTweaksPosted in: Minecraft ModsI stick to the rules by rewriting the rules!DiyoTweaks is my personal tweak mod that I've been using to make the game more interesting. Some things it makes harder, others easier, and some are just for fun.
As this is my personal mod, the version of Minecraft that it's for is related to my Let's Play series. Some of the tweaks are on by default; others are not. The defaults represent what I feel should happen on a regular server or in the game itself.
1.6.4 - 1.0.2
What can be tweaked?
Hunger - There are two ways you can go about this: Tweaking and Disable
* Tweaked hunger can set how much food is depleted for heart healing, maximum hunger bar size, regeneration level, and whether you always regenerate health or not.
* Disabled hunger is alpha-style hunger. It has a setting for the maximum amount a single food can heal you.
* An alternate crosshair is added for ranged weapons. It looks like a target and can be changed with resource packs. A list exists to add ranged items to it.
Classic Mechanics - Want to bring back that alpha or beta feel and still have your mods work? Now you (somewhat) can!
* Revert vanilla armor to protect based on the amount it's damaged. This only affects vanilla armor, not mods.
* Zombies drop feathers instead of flesh
* Fire will eat forests
* TNT explodes when punched
Mob Behavior
* Zombies have a few tweaks, including baby spawns, reinforcements, and whether they can set players on fire. This doesn't work at all with Zombie Awareness installed.
* Endermen won't pick up blocks
* Creepers will choose to go after an attacker if they're closer than the current target
* Mob can be jockeys. Slime towers ho!
* Nametags have a recipe
* Animals drop bones when slaughtered on peaceful
* Experience orbs drop from more things. Say... zombies burning in the sun?
* Alternatively, experience can be disabled.
* Animals drop minimum amounts of leather, feathers, etc
* In soviet russia, rotten flesh eats you!
* More items are stackable
* Poison damage interval
* Sugar cane height is configurable. Set it to 20 for towers of sugar!
* Extra durability can be added to items based on vanilla pickaxes. Say goodbye to armor breaking in under a minute!
* Fancy grass is forced on
* The HUD is altered for disabled hunger or experience
If you need pictures, here's a couple:
Q: Can I put this in a modpack?
A: Yes. Put it in all the modpacks!
Q: What's the license on this?
A: Public Domain
Q: How did you make this mod?
A: Source code is available on github.
Q: Why 1.6.4?
A: I wasn't planning on releasing this mod at first. It's my personal mod, and that comes with whatever version of Minecraft I'm playing on currently. -
Doctor_Wiggles posted a message on Grimoire of Gaia 3 (1.12.2) (1.7.1) (Updated 01/27/2020) - Mobs, Monsters, Monster GirlsPosted in: Minecraft ModsIt's been a while and a lot of work, but the port for 1.10.2 is mostly complete.
Right now it's mostly ready and working a-okay, with what I hope is only a few minor things to finish up.
As aforementioned you can pick up the alpha here and play around with it
Do mind that this isn't an official release, so expect weirdness and bugs.
Normally there wouldn't be an early release like this, but due to how busy the team is with other things there probably won't be a full polished release for several months in the least.
In the mean time I hope you guys have fun.
Doctor_Wiggles posted a message on Grimoire of Gaia 3 (1.12.2) (1.7.1) (Updated 01/27/2020) - Mobs, Monsters, Monster GirlsPosted in: Minecraft Mods
I've been playing around with it a little over the last few days, so far the change from 1.8 -> 1.10 seems pretty easy. Some of the basic things look like they work already, though it's still going to take us a bit of work altogether.
Jackiecrazy posted a message on Geochests (v1.2.3) - Take the world with you!Posted in: Minecraft ModsQuote from Chocolateblock»
Please can you add bigger geochests and maybe be able to grab blocks out of the geochests?
That'd be... OP. One of the things about it right now is that you can't, say, pull obsidian out of a chest without a diamond pickaxe. I don't think you'd ever need a chest bigger than 11x11 unless you're moving a town (I fit a castle in that dimension), and that's what chest chaining is for. -
Verlest posted a message on Advent of Ascension NEW TEXTURES!Posted in: Mods DiscussionLoving the look of the textures you've made! The shading and the detail is brilliant for 16x textures.
On a side note, instead of replacing all of the mod's textures by overwriting the JAR file, you could put the textures into a texture pack. It works just the same as in vanilla Minecraft. Here's some instructions if you need them.
- Take the assets folder out of the JAR and delete everything in it apart from the /adventofascension/textures folder.
- Empty the subfolders of /textures, essentially creating a blank canvas.
- Put your textures in with the correct names in the right folders.
- Put the /assets folder into a ZIP file with a .png called pack. This will be the icon for the texture pack.
Once that's done, your texture pack will be ready to use.
zohar101 posted a message on Damage Indicators for 1.9?Posted in: Mods DiscussionTo my knowledge DI has not updated for 1.9, but there are a few mods that can fill in for this like Neat which puts up nameplates (health bars) above the mobs and neutral entities. There are also a few UI mods like SAO UI which completely rework the user interface but among other things include unitframes for you and whatever you're looking at. Easiest is to go on curse, select maps and information category and 1.9 for version and that should give you a fairly short list to work with.
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Hi I'm Mrbysco and I'm the person behind Statues, Measurements, Just/Roughly Enough Professions, Instrumental Mobs, Structure Compass and many more mods.
I love helping people. The whole reason I mod is to give back to the modding community.
If you have ideas for me post them in the comments. Be sure to be informative, I can't look inside your head if you just say "More furnaces" You gotta be more specific.
I've also dabbled in porting old mods to newer versions but if you suggest me to port a mod make sure it's open source.
Need a server? Get 20% off your first month by using promo code "mrbysco"
For questions feel free to join my Discord.
If the source code is available I wouldn't mind taking a look at updating
Extends the idea of the OpenBlock Trophies. For more info check out the Curse page.
Ageing Mobs
This mod will allow certain mobs to age under certain conditions, when they reach this condition they will transform in to a different mob. For more info check out the Curse page.
Spell Checker
This mod compares what you type in chat with the selected list of dictionary words.
If what you type isn't in the list of dictionary words it marks it as if it's spelled incorrectly.
For more info check out the Curse page.
Durability Notifier
Durability Notifier is a small client-side mod that uses various methods to notify the player when there tool is low on durability. For more info check out the Curse page.
Mundane Redstone Ore
Replaces vanilla's shiny redstone ore with one that doesn't emit particles.
Loyalty Rewards
This mod adds the ability to give a player an item or execute a command if he plays for a specified amount of time. For more info check out the Curse page.
Loyalty Medals
This mod adds medals that you gain for playing. In collaboration with Iskall85. For more info check out the Curse page.
Slab Machines
This mod is all about adding slab variants of vanilla (but also modded) machines. For more info check out the Curse page.
Instrumental Mobs
This mod gives instrument to a select amount of monsters. For more info check out the Curse page.
More Cauldrons
This mod adds more cauldrons. For more info check out the Curse page.
Enhanced Farming
This mod is a revival of Better Farming. For more info check out the Curse page.
Liquid Blocks
This mods add liquid versions of blocks. For more info check out the Curse page.
Ultra Hard Coremod
A mod that allows people to create Modded UHC's. Inspired by UHC Blox. For more info check out the Curse page.
Time Stages
This mod is an addon for the GameStage API. This mod allows you to unlock/lock stages after a specified amount of time.For more info check out the Curse page.
Just A Raft Mod
This mod adds Rafts to the game. For more info check out the Curse page.
Rally Health
Rally, is a risk/reward combat mechanic from Bloodborne. After being hit by an enemy, you may jump back in the action and attack your opponent to quickly refill lost health. This mod was requested by Fobot_Malticus_Hiradora. For more info check out the Curse page.
The Cactus Mod (Modjam Mod)
Ever wanted to use cacti for more than just making green dye? Well now you can. For more info check out the Curse page.
Cobble Gen Haters
Ever wanted to stop the generation of Cobblestone/Stone when water is touching flowing lava? Then this is the mod for you! For more info check out the Curse page.
Unhealthy Dying
This mod reduces the players maximum health every time they die. For more info check out the Curse page.
Need a server? Get 20% off your first month by using promo code "mrbysco"
For questions feel free to join my Discord.
Want to support me?
I suggest updating to 1.1.1 as it fixes the health possibly resetting when changing dimensions. Now the mod should be ready to use
I just released 1.1.0 of Unhealthy Dying which adds the ability to make it so you have to kill X amount of a mob to get a heart back.
It will most likely take some time for Curse to approve it.Nevermind, it has been approved.
Direct link: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/unhealthy-dying/files/2641779
Here you go! I've created a spell checker for Minecraft.
Spell Checker
This mod compares what you type in chat with the selected list of dictionary words.
If what you type isn't in the list of dictionary words it marks it as if it's spelled incorrectly.
For more info check out the Curse page.
I'm interested.
Any particular languages?
Adds the "Youve been Gnomed" Gnome to Minecraft.
List of memes currently in the mod:
There are also some sound only memes, but too many to list.
Note: I'm not responsible for any damage done to your computer if you downloaded this mod from any other website then Curse/Curseforge
Mod Spotlights: