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    posted a message on Editable mob spawners in vanilla minecraft
    I've never liked that the mobs inside spawners can't be edited in minecraft without the aid of a mod or an external program, which is why I think you should be able to edit them with spawn eggs. By simply right-clicking on the mob spawner with a spawn egg (creeper for example) you would make it so that the spawner spawns creepers. To give the mob items, you would right-click on the mob spawner with armor or some sort of weapon. Since creepers can't wear clothes or hold weapons for obvious reasons, when you right-click on a creeper spawner the spawner will deny your request. However, when a mob such as a zombie spawns from a zombie spawner, he will have all of the equipment you wanted that spawner to spawn zombies with. I think a feature like this would be a very useful edition to minecraft, especially for novice adventure map-makers who don't want to go through the trouble of installing mods or downloading programs. What do you think?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Farmable Apples
    Farmable Apples

    :-( ): :-( ): :-( ): I've always found it odd that apples don't actually grow on trees. After you've finished collecting your wood you MAY find an apple that has dropped from the decaying leaves... But most likely not. Besides the ability to use them to make golden apples, apples don't have much significance to them. They only fill your hunger bar by two and they don't have a very high saturation level. This makes the discovery of a fallen apple utterly unremarkable. This is why I think that apples should be able to be farmed in a similar way to how cocoa beans are farmed. First off, oak trees would not suddenly be full of apples, but would rarely drop them from their leaves as they do now. However, after you obtain an apple you can then put it in the crafting table and get three apple seeds. Apple seeds will only grow into apples if they are placed on the sides of the leaves on an oak tree. The apples grow only a little longer than cocoa plants and will go through four stages during its growth: a pink apple blossom, a ripe apple (completely green), an almost ripe apple (red & green), and an apple that's completely red and ready to eat. You can get the apple from the tree when it has reached its full maturity (the previous two stages will only yield apple seeds) or if you are impatient or like pink you can hit the apple blossom off of the tree and put it in the furnace to make pink dye. You could also make an apple pie by putting an apple, an egg, and sugar in the crafting table. An apple pie will only heal the player by four hunger bars; the same as the pumpkin pie... But who could resist apple pie? ;)

    Please share your thoughts, questions, and ideas down below.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Rabbits
    Rabbits are a rare mob that could spawn naturally throughout the plains and ice plains biomes in small underground mazes of 1x1 tunnels to act as their burrow. In each burrow there would be 7 rabbits; 2 adults and 5 babies. Rabbits would be able to jump 2 blocks high and run at twice the speed of the player.

    If killed, a rabbit would have a random chance of dropping either a carrot, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, cocoa beans, a potato, or wheat. If you wish to keep the rabbit as a pet, all you need to do is feed it some of the items listed above and it will be yours. You can then let it follow you or hold it (right click it to turn it into an item then right click while holding it to turn it back into a rabbit).

    To breed two rabbits together all you have to do is feed them carrots, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, cocoa beans, potatoes, or wheat. They will then make 5 babies which are about the size of baby chickens.

    Unlike dogs and cats, a rabbit would not teleport since it is not a very powerful ally to have in a battle. However, when a rabbit is held you can sprint and your hunger bar will still decrease at the same rate as if you were walking.

    Please share your thoughts, questions, and ideas down below.
    Any feedback is welcome!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Decoration Blocks to Come; MineTV Episode 5
    Decoration Ideas:

    Chairs and Tables - They could be made like Iron Golems; the chairs would be made by placing down a stair block and attaching 2 signs to it, this would then turn into an actual chair block that you can sit in if you right click on it. While sat on the chair, you could possibly regenerate a heart every 15 seconds, but sitting would not replenish your hunger. A table could be made with a fence and pressure plate. Placing multiple fences and pressure plates would make the table block larger. You could then place food and items on the table.

    Larger Flower Pots - Flower pots placed next to each other would form together to create a large flower pot.

    Fireplace Blocks - Fireplace blocks would be created by going into the crafting table and putting flint & steel in the middle surrounded brick blocks. Once made, the fireplace block could be placed on whatever opaque block you want. Multiple fireplace blocks could be placed next to each other to create a larger fireplace. The maximum size of a fireplace would be 2x3 and fires could only start in front of the opening of the fireplace, making this method of creating a fireplace much safer then the traditional method.

    Bridges - Actual bridges would look much more aesthetically pleasing then ones made out of stairs and wood. They could be crafted by putting a row of wooden planks in the center, and a row of string on the left and right sides.

    Vertical Half-Slabs - With the addition of being able to place stairs upside-down, half-slabs on the upper half of a block, and horizontal wood; I think the ability to place half-slabs vertically would help in creating complex, intricate structures and could also look very nice.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on New mob idea: Mimik
    Health Points: 50 (heart x 25)

    Attack Strength: fist-3 hearts
    weapons-same as player + 3

    Spawn: Anywhere (except water) when it is raining

    Drops: Whatever it last held in its hand before dying
    When a Mimik first spawns it has white skin as blank as paper and eyes as black as night, all of which appear on the same model as the player. But once the player has come within 5 blocks of the Mimik, the Mimik will immediately change it's skin to the player skin. Unlike any other mob, the Mimik is also able to switch to the same item the player has held in their hand (Example: when you switch from a apple to a bow, so will the Mimik). The Mimik is 2 blocks tall, 1 block wide, and 0.25 blocks thick.

    When a Mimik is killed, it will drop whichever item it held last in it's hand. Because of the Mimik's ability to change the item in their hand to the one that is currently being held by the player, you could kill the Mimik while holding a diamond and the Mimik would drop a diamond. But If the player is holding a stack of 25 the Mimik will still only drop one of that item.

    A Mimik is a rare souless creature who's only purpose is to steal the identity of the player, then kill him/her. Mimiks can only spawn when it rains/snows. Once the player has been seen, the Mimik will relentlessly follow the player until it gets within 5 blocks of him/her. The Mimik then transforms it's skin into the player's and will attack. After it has changed, if the player is holding a weapon, the Mimik will be able to attack with that weapon, which will deal the same damage. However, if the Mimik isn't able to get within 5 blocks of the player, it is defensless. This makes bows a very efficient weapon to use against the Mimic if you don't mind getting nothing in return. In SMP, if the Mimik spots two or more players at the same time, it will choose to turn into and attack one of them randomly. If a Mimik kills you, when you respawn you will have the default skin of the Mimik. There are 2 ways to reverse this effect: 1-Kill the Mimik which originally killed you. 2-Let another steal your skin, which will replace the Mimik skin you currently have with you original skin. 3(Best Way)-Get a block of soulsand and hold it while standing within 5 blocks of the Mimik that originally stole your skin. The Mimik will copy the soulsand that you have in your hand and will be given its own soul, thus turning into a villager and giving you your skin back. You can then be able to trade with the villager.

    Combat & Defensive Measures:
    While Mimiks may sound like something from a nightmare, they can be easily dealt with. To keep your house safe and Mimik free, just make sure that there are no holes or ladders which could lead them to the inside of your house. It is also recommended that you make a platform where you can shoot them with a bow from a far distance. If you want to, you can also surround the house with things such as lava and cactus. Both you and a Mimik take damage from the same things. If you find yourself in the middle of a fight with a Mimik armor helps greatly, since Mimiks are unable to copy your armor it can give you a much better chance. In SMP fighting a Mimik with friends can be a very good strategy. While one friend distracts the Mimik by holding a diamond the others can kill the Mimik. This yields one diamond for the friends to share.

    Please vote and share your thoughts, questions and ideas below down below. Any feedback is welcome! :)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Trading with other players like villagers
    Since the ability to trade with villagers has been added to minecraft, I think we should be able to trade with players.

    By pressing M on your keyboard, a screen resembling the villager trading screen will pop up. You can edit what you want and what the person trading with you will get by first clicking on the input(s) (what you'll get) and choosing what you want from a list of all the obtainable blocks and items in the game, and to change the the output (what the other person gets) you simply drag the item your willing to trade to the output. To get out of the trading screen you press Escape, or M again.

    Like villager trading, there are two inputs and only one output. But unlike villager trading, you can trade 5 things at a time, with each output only able to go up to a stack. This means that the person trading with you doesn't have to trade with you and then wait for purple swirls to form above your head before they can trade with you again. The only time someone won't be able to trade with you is when your inventory is full, since you would have nowhere to store your new things. Once the item in the output runs out, it will be deleted from your trading screen.

    To trade with someone you right click them, which makes their trading screen pop up. While you scroll through the 5 items they are trading, the person you clicked on can roam freely where ever they want and you will still be able to trade with them as if they were right next to you. Once you have finished the trade with the other person, you can both walk away joyfully with your new stuff.

    Vote on the poll, and if you have any questions or comments please respond below:)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Different dog breeds when tamed
    Since ocelots change into one of three different cat breedswhen tamed, I think that wolves should do the same. Tamed dogs would all be about the same size (no chihuahuas, Shih-Tzus, etc) and would behave exactly the same as wolves other then the different skin. Please vote on the poll and share your thoughts below :)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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