Ahh... I tried to use this with the latest (1.3.1 I believe) minecraft version and the game crashes, "ModLoader failed to initialize".
I guess this version of the mod isn't functional with the newer versions of minecraft and risugami's modloader.
Or did I just do something wrong?
Great mod! Looks somewhat similar to an old mod I made a while ago but then stopped updating; of course you've managed to do it much better then mine.
I put some links to this thread in the old thread for my deprecated mod.
I am sorry that you feel intimidated by proper use of the English language. Kindly get over yourself. Are you really so intimidated by the "scary big words" that you cannot simply accept the underlying concepts? I, personally, have no difficulty whatsoever in comprehending the OP's meaning, and frankly find it distressing that anyone who wants to be taken seriously would care more about an individual's selections in vocabulary than for their actual proposition.
This would be why the devs have openly stated that "Realism Mode" and more realistic behaviours are things they, personally, are interested in bringing to the game? Perhaps you would like to tell me how a pet cat's curling up someplace warm for a nap and getting in your way enhances gameplay?
This is tangential to the subject at hand, and I find your logic highly circuitous. The gameplay mechanics are correct...because they match the limitations presented in the game, as defined in its current form? You are, quite simply, comparing apples to oranges. How the materials behave in regard to the current game abstraction has no bearing whatsoever on how one might realistically expect them to behave outside of that specified context. Ergo, it has no relevance to how a system more closely adherent to factual properties ought behave.
Explain to me in what manner, exactly, a game mode that it is not mandatory to play can "require" you to do anything. If it is not a manner in which you wish to play, you do not play it.
I would think that, in a mode intended to be more challenging, that would be precisely the point.
Is anyone aware of any mods that decrease the cargo slots in player's inventories and in crates, and generally make it harder to move lots of stuff? The reason I'd like this is because it'd make minecarts a lot more useful and even necessary to transport large amounts of materials - There would be a much higher incentive to build rail systems in mines in order to extract very large amounts of stuff. Perhaps in conjunction to this would be a system which causes the player to lose stamina and generally move/jump/climb slower when carrying lots of stuff, further making minecarts more useful.
I made a mod that decreases stack sizes for stuff, but that was a while ago and I can no longer update it; and having less inventory slots would be better then having lower stack limits, since it can be kind of irritating to have to click and drag a dozen stacks of 8 stone each into a crate instead of just one or 2 64 stacks, although I think that the lower stack limit could be used in conjunction with generally smaller inventories well.
If a mod like this doesn't exist and someone wants to make it, I would be very grateful and would use and support said mod.
"Make it higher difficulty only" is the same as "make it optional"; it's not a real argument for your suggestion. It's a way to kick out haters without supporting your reasoning. It doesn't actually increase difficulty, only makes mining more difficult.
Seeing as how mining is a very large aspect of the game, I don't see how making mining more difficult doesn't increase the difficulty of the game. Some people prefer to play on creative mode, and some people prefer hardcore survival mode. I don't see how accommodating a greater variety of playing styles is a bad thing.
"You can easily make large structures without forethought and creativity?" That's most likely the least accurate statement I've ever heard. Simply because someone carries out a lot of stone from a mining trip doesn't mean they have a lack of creativity. Creativity is in the building, and if they wanted to, yes, someone could build a rail system to carry large amounts of stone out of the mine, or they could not. It's a matter of choice.
I think creativity there was something of a poor choice of words; what I'm meaning to say here is that building for example a massive stone fortress on the highest difficulty setting shouldn't be a trivial task; with this suggestion more effort would need to be put into simple logistics of construction, mainly as I've said the moving of large amounts of materials.
However, most of the features in the game are not forced upon the player. In fact, the only ones that are forced upon the player are wood cutting and farming if they choose to live above ground. Minecarts and rails are extra, they should not be "needed" in any way.
Yes, which is why this should be only on an optional difficulty setting.
You have a lose definition of what "end game" is; iron is the most used substance in the game, it is not end game. Gold, diamonds, those are end game, and those are rare
Gold and diamonds can be found in under 10 minutes of mining if you know what you're doing. As I've said, this should be on an optional difficulty setting for players who wish to challenge themselves.
Better world generation options are a big part of this I think.
You sound like you're trying to use big words such as "encumbrance" rather than "downside" or "significant incentive for the utilization of resource transportation infrastructure" instead of "a better reason to use minecarts" to impress us. While most of us do know what these words mean...it's not working, please speak like a normal human being. Detail and making your post not sound like "ADD THIS PL0X" is one thing, sounding like a pretentious smart alec is another.
I find your tone rather abusive and disrespectful, and I wish you would conduct your discussion in a less hostile manner. Furthermore, I'm sorry that you fail to appreciate eloquent use of the English language which I find is particularly useful and prudent when engaged in persuasive argument.
Realism, either as a separate gamemode, difficulty, or in general, is not a good reason. The game is not meant to be realistic, Gameplay > Realism, always.
It is my opinion that in this case addition realism increases the challenge of the game and hence enhances gameplay significantly. If your opinion is otherwise then you would be free to play on lower difficulty settings.
Each block is one meter. That means that "several hundred cubic meters" isn't that much in a larger mine. Combined with food and other supplies, the amount of ore and cobblestone (cobblestone especially) fills up the player's slots very quickly. Unless, of course, you're actually going down into caves without torches, sticks, wood, and food (the most basic supplies required for exploration, for light, more torches, more tools, spare crafting tables, and food, obviously).
My point was that you can easily mine out more then enough materials for large structures with minimal effort or investment of thought; I believe that doing such things should require more forethought and creative effort if the player so chooses.
Storage carts have their uses, and do not really need any more uses. They can be used to send up supplies from your mine without leaving your mine, bring down supplies to your mine from your home, ect. Simply because it's not used that often doesn't mean people should be required to use it, rails are just for fun. You shouldn't be required to make room for a rail system in order to stay in your mine for extended periods of time, you do so if you feel like it.
Yes, but I would like to need to use them in order to transport any significant amount of materials easily and in good time. Currently, as I've previously stated, you can transport massive amounts of material in one short trip, by foot. Minecarts as they are now are mainly used for personal transportation, which of course is useful as well as fun, but I would like to have them used as a practical method of transporting large amounts of resources as they are used in the real world. Also, to restate myself, this would fall under an optional difficulty setting which you certainly are not forced to play on, which I assume you've failed to understand thusfar.
Ore distribution is perfectly fine, and making veins more rare does not help the game whatsoever. It does not encourage exploration, it just increases the amount of work the player has to do in order to find iron.
It increases the challenge of the game, which I believe greatly enhances gameplay. I just find it to be too easy right now to acquire every single resource required for the endgame. For a more lengthy and full explanation of this, I shall refer you to http://www.minecraft...ces/page__st__0.
Stop talking big >.< we can understand you without it. It's fine to use a few big words, but... You are talking like an stuffy English professor from old movies. Oh, and that would be interesting to see, but It affects the base game a little bit much. It would be a great multiplayer mod though.
Maybe you should make a little effort to understand slightly more advanced use of your own language.
As long as they are placed so any given chunk has the resource (except for diamond and other rares not in most chunks), I like it. But what would happen if 2 huge deposits overlap or there are many huge deposits in a small area (too many for all the satellite veins they have).
That can be solved with clever coding on the part of whoever at Mojang would like to implement it; and yes, that actually was a significant problem with the mod I made, and my java skills are somewhat poor so I was not really able to overcome it.
For a while now I've felt that when playing Survival, construction and resource management has been much too easy. Resource gathering in particular I've found to be usually a very trivial undertaking due to how readily available they are, as well as how easily massive amounts are transported and utilized.
I feel that on appropriately optional difficulty settings that the mining and crafting aspects of the game can be vastly improved to impart a greater challenge on the player, which would provide a greater incentive for creative constructions and clever strategy to achieve one's goals.
For example; I can easily mine out several hundred cubic meters of stone and haul it back up to the surface within a few minutes, with no extra encumbrance for the swag being hauled up. On higher realism/difficulty settings I feel it would be prudent to significantly reduce carrying slots in the player's inventory; This simple change would make necessary more careful utilization of space and would make the use of minecarts for cargo transportation a much more practical and useful undertaking. The construction of infrastructure needed by the player for large scale harvesting of resources would further impart challenge and give more opportunities for the budding survivalist to express his or her creativity in a useful manner.
Following up on simple space limitation, the addition of encumbrance upon the player would further enhance the challenges of transporting large amounts of materials. As the player's inventory fills with heavy materials, running, jumping and climbing (Or even mere walking) could begin to sap his stamina and possibly slow him down, once again providing a significant incentive for the utilization of resource transportation infrastructure such as rail systems.
Another thing that would help with this would be the reorganization of mineral resources into larger but more scarce veins, in order to facilitate exploration and make resource exploitation a more strategical enterprise.
Just to reiterate, I do believe this would be best suited for addition as a higher and more advanced difficulty setting for those that would want it and I feel it would be a very good addition to gameplay.
I think I figured it out... the error is from your generate code trying to set a block in a DIFFERENT chunk than is currently being generated.
The problem is the point in the code where you're subtracting a random number, and if the number ends up subtracting from the i, j, and k that it's given, you're trying to manipulate a different chunk. The game frowns upon this.
Not to mention the fact that a negative y is possible with this code and that is impossible.
Do you know why
// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
// Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html
// Decompiler options: packimports(3) braces deadcode
package net.minecraft.src;
import java.util.Random;
// Referenced classes of package net.minecraft.src:
// WorldGenerator, World, Block, BlockGrass
public class WorldGenPumpkin extends WorldGenerator
public WorldGenPumpkin()
public boolean generate(World world, Random random, int i, int j, int k)
for(int l = 0; l < 64; l++)
int i1 = (i + random.nextInt(8)) - random.nextInt(8);
int j1 = (j + random.nextInt(4)) - random.nextInt(4);
int k1 = (k + random.nextInt(8)) - random.nextInt(8);
if(world.isAirBlock(i1, j1, k1) && world.getBlockId(i1, j1 - 1, k1) == Block.grass.blockID && Block.pumpkin.canPlaceBlockAt(world, i1, j1, k1))
world.setBlockAndMetadata(i1, j1, k1, Block.pumpkin.blockID, random.nextInt(4));
return true;
Will work and
// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
// Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html
// Decompiler options: packimports(3) braces deadcode
package net.minecraft.src;
import java.util.Random;
// Referenced classes of package net.minecraft.src:
// WorldGenerator, MathHelper, World, Block
public class WorldGenMinable extends WorldGenerator
public WorldGenMinable(int i, int j)
minableBlockId = i;
numberOfBlocks = j;
public boolean generate(World world, Random random, int i, int j, int k)
for(int l = 0; l < 64; l++)
int i1 = (i + random.nextInt(8)) - random.nextInt(8);
int j1 = (j + random.nextInt(4)) - random.nextInt(4);
int k1 = (k + random.nextInt(8)) - random.nextInt(8);
if(world.getBlockId(i1, j1, k1) == Block.stone.blockID)
world.setBlock(i1, j1, k1, minableBlockId);
return true;
private int minableBlockId;
private int numberOfBlocks;
Won't? I pretty much copy-pasted from the former. I don't see what I'm doing so differently then it, do you?
So it does... I guess I'm too used to looking through ChunkProviderGenerate or whatever class it is in 1.8 that alters the byte array instead of calling the setBlock method.
In that case, I'm not sure. You haven't changed anything else, have you?
WorldGenMineable is required for chunk generation, and you're requiring chunk generation for WorldGenMineable (By using the setBlock method rather than just defining blocks in the indices of the chunk array like the original WorldGenMineable).
But vanilla WorldGenMinable does use the setBlock method. Line 63.
So, I'm trying to update my custom world generation mod to 1.8, and after doing so, when testing it, every time I started a new world minecraft would crash. The compiler throws no errors. Here's the full crash dialog
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.
If you wish to report this, please copy this entire text and email it to [email protected].
Please include a description of what you did when the error occured.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT a1dce528 --------
Generated 10/1/11 5:16 PM
Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.8.1
OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1
Java: 1.6.0_27, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: GeForce GTS 250/PCI/SSE2 version 3.3.0, NVIDIA Corporation
java.lang.RuntimeException: Already decorating!!
at net.minecraft.src.BiomeDecorator.func_35881_a(BiomeDecorator.java:55)
at net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.func_35477_a(BiomeGenBase.java:177)
at net.minecraft.src.ChunkProviderGenerate.populate(ChunkProviderGenerate.java:406)
at net.minecraft.src.ChunkProvider.populate(ChunkProvider.java:158)
at net.minecraft.src.Chunk.func_35843_a(Chunk.java:865)
at net.minecraft.src.ChunkProvider.loadChunk(ChunkProvider.java:78)
at net.minecraft.src.ChunkProvider.provideChunk(ChunkProvider.java:88)
at net.minecraft.src.World.getChunkFromChunkCoords(World.java:397)
at net.minecraft.src.World.setBlock(World.java:437)
at net.minecraft.src.WorldGenMinable.generate(WorldGenMinable.java:28)
at net.minecraft.src.BiomeDecorator.func_35884_a(BiomeDecorator.java:240)
at net.minecraft.src.BiomeDecorator.func_35880_a(BiomeDecorator.java:260)
at net.minecraft.src.BiomeDecorator.func_35882_b(BiomeDecorator.java:71)
at net.minecraft.src.BiomeDecorator.func_35881_a(BiomeDecorator.java:62)
at net.minecraft.src.BiomeGenBase.func_35477_a(BiomeGenBase.java:177)
at net.minecraft.src.ChunkProviderGenerate.populate(ChunkProviderGenerate.java:406)
at net.minecraft.src.ChunkProvider.populate(ChunkProvider.java:158)
at net.minecraft.src.Chunk.func_35843_a(Chunk.java:865)
at net.minecraft.src.ChunkProvider.loadChunk(ChunkProvider.java:78)
at net.minecraft.src.ChunkProvider.provideChunk(ChunkProvider.java:88)
at net.minecraft.src.World.getChunkFromChunkCoords(World.java:397)
at net.minecraft.src.World.getBlockId(World.java:333)
at net.minecraft.src.World.isAirBlock(World.java:339)
at net.minecraft.src.World.getFirstUncoveredBlock(World.java:247)
at net.minecraft.src.WorldProvider.canCoordinateBeSpawn(WorldProvider.java:56)
at net.minecraft.src.World.getInitialSpawnLocation(World.java:211)
at net.minecraft.src.World.<init>(World.java:178)
at net.minecraft.src.World.<init>(World.java:116)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.startWorld(Minecraft.java:1205)
at net.minecraft.src.GuiCreateWorld.actionPerformed(GuiCreateWorld.java:145)
at net.minecraft.src.GuiScreen.mouseClicked(GuiScreen.java:73)
at net.minecraft.src.GuiCreateWorld.mouseClicked(GuiCreateWorld.java:202)
at net.minecraft.src.GuiScreen.handleMouseInput(GuiScreen.java:120)
at net.minecraft.src.GuiScreen.handleInput(GuiScreen.java:110)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.runTick(Minecraft.java:988)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:483)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 10bf16b9 ----------
I tried running a very simplified version of my code. Here's what gave me that particular crash message:
// Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8g. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
// Jad home page: http://www.kpdus.com/jad.html
// Decompiler options: packimports(3) braces deadcode
package net.minecraft.src;
import java.util.Random;
// Referenced classes of package net.minecraft.src:
// WorldGenerator, MathHelper, World, Block
public class WorldGenMinable extends WorldGenerator
public WorldGenMinable(int i, int j)
minableBlockId = i;
numberOfBlocks = j;
public boolean generate(World world, Random random, int i, int j, int k)
for(int l = 0; l < 64; l++)
int i1 = (i + random.nextInt(8)) - random.nextInt(8);
int j1 = (j + random.nextInt(4)) - random.nextInt(4);
int k1 = (k + random.nextInt(8)) - random.nextInt(8);
world.setBlock( i1, j1, k1, minableBlockId);
return true;
private int minableBlockId;
private int numberOfBlocks;
That one is pretty much copy-pasted from a pre-existing, non-crash inducing worldgen file in vanilla minecraft (WorldGenPumkin if you must know).
From reading the crash dialog, it seems to have something to do with the setBlock and/or the getBlockId functions. What I don't know or understand is why it's giving me trouble and not those other files.
Anyway, anyone know what's up here? I'm using MCP to decompile/test the mod.
I'm about at my wit's end here
I guess this version of the mod isn't functional with the newer versions of minecraft and risugami's modloader.
Or did I just do something wrong?
I put some links to this thread in the old thread for my deprecated mod.
Well put!
Perhaps in conjunction to this would be a system which causes the player to lose stamina and generally move/jump/climb slower when carrying lots of stuff, further making minecarts more useful.
I made a mod that decreases stack sizes for stuff, but that was a while ago and I can no longer update it; and having less inventory slots would be better then having lower stack limits, since it can be kind of irritating to have to click and drag a dozen stacks of 8 stone each into a crate instead of just one or 2 64 stacks, although I think that the lower stack limit could be used in conjunction with generally smaller inventories well.
If a mod like this doesn't exist and someone wants to make it, I would be very grateful and would use and support said mod.
Fair enough.
Seeing as how mining is a very large aspect of the game, I don't see how making mining more difficult doesn't increase the difficulty of the game. Some people prefer to play on creative mode, and some people prefer hardcore survival mode. I don't see how accommodating a greater variety of playing styles is a bad thing.
I think creativity there was something of a poor choice of words; what I'm meaning to say here is that building for example a massive stone fortress on the highest difficulty setting shouldn't be a trivial task; with this suggestion more effort would need to be put into simple logistics of construction, mainly as I've said the moving of large amounts of materials.
Yes, which is why this should be only on an optional difficulty setting.
Gold and diamonds can be found in under 10 minutes of mining if you know what you're doing. As I've said, this should be on an optional difficulty setting for players who wish to challenge themselves.
Better world generation options are a big part of this I think.
I find your tone rather abusive and disrespectful, and I wish you would conduct your discussion in a less hostile manner. Furthermore, I'm sorry that you fail to appreciate eloquent use of the English language which I find is particularly useful and prudent when engaged in persuasive argument.
It is my opinion that in this case addition realism increases the challenge of the game and hence enhances gameplay significantly. If your opinion is otherwise then you would be free to play on lower difficulty settings.
My point was that you can easily mine out more then enough materials for large structures with minimal effort or investment of thought; I believe that doing such things should require more forethought and creative effort if the player so chooses.
Yes, but I would like to need to use them in order to transport any significant amount of materials easily and in good time. Currently, as I've previously stated, you can transport massive amounts of material in one short trip, by foot. Minecarts as they are now are mainly used for personal transportation, which of course is useful as well as fun, but I would like to have them used as a practical method of transporting large amounts of resources as they are used in the real world. Also, to restate myself, this would fall under an optional difficulty setting which you certainly are not forced to play on, which I assume you've failed to understand thusfar.
It increases the challenge of the game, which I believe greatly enhances gameplay. I just find it to be too easy right now to acquire every single resource required for the endgame. For a more lengthy and full explanation of this, I shall refer you to http://www.minecraft...ces/page__st__0.
Maybe you should make a little effort to understand slightly more advanced use of your own language.
That can be solved with clever coding on the part of whoever at Mojang would like to implement it; and yes, that actually was a significant problem with the mod I made, and my java skills are somewhat poor so I was not really able to overcome it.
I feel that on appropriately optional difficulty settings that the mining and crafting aspects of the game can be vastly improved to impart a greater challenge on the player, which would provide a greater incentive for creative constructions and clever strategy to achieve one's goals.
For example; I can easily mine out several hundred cubic meters of stone and haul it back up to the surface within a few minutes, with no extra encumbrance for the swag being hauled up. On higher realism/difficulty settings I feel it would be prudent to significantly reduce carrying slots in the player's inventory; This simple change would make necessary more careful utilization of space and would make the use of minecarts for cargo transportation a much more practical and useful undertaking. The construction of infrastructure needed by the player for large scale harvesting of resources would further impart challenge and give more opportunities for the budding survivalist to express his or her creativity in a useful manner.
Following up on simple space limitation, the addition of encumbrance upon the player would further enhance the challenges of transporting large amounts of materials. As the player's inventory fills with heavy materials, running, jumping and climbing (Or even mere walking) could begin to sap his stamina and possibly slow him down, once again providing a significant incentive for the utilization of resource transportation infrastructure such as rail systems.
Another thing that would help with this would be the reorganization of mineral resources into larger but more scarce veins, in order to facilitate exploration and make resource exploitation a more strategical enterprise.
Just to reiterate, I do believe this would be best suited for addition as a higher and more advanced difficulty setting for those that would want it and I feel it would be a very good addition to gameplay.
Do you know why
Will work and
Won't? I pretty much copy-pasted from the former. I don't see what I'm doing so differently then it, do you?
But vanilla WorldGenMinable does use the setBlock method. Line 63.
What I don't understand is how the unmodified files get away with doing that, but I can't.
I tried running a very simplified version of my code. Here's what gave me that particular crash message:
That one is pretty much copy-pasted from a pre-existing, non-crash inducing worldgen file in vanilla minecraft (WorldGenPumkin if you must know).
From reading the crash dialog, it seems to have something to do with the setBlock and/or the getBlockId functions. What I don't know or understand is why it's giving me trouble and not those other files.
Anyway, anyone know what's up here? I'm using MCP to decompile/test the mod.
I'm about at my wit's end here