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    posted a message on Post your age
    17. although in dog years i am 119.
    do those count?
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Time, what is it?
    i was trying to remember if the future is predetermined or not while making that up but just sort of went with it.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Time, what is it?
    i recently had a paradox theory related to the splitting timelines. there are an infinte number of alternate universes, meaning as time progresses, the timelines open and infinite anmount of more possibilities. an example could be that your hand could have moved 2 atoms to the left instead of another direction (im not even considering other factors like skin pigment of your hand, atomical makeup, etc.). that being said, you have an infite amount of universes but at the same time have an infinite amount of more universes being created at the same time. i thought it could maybe be explained as infinity times infinity, but that's where i hit a paradox, because you cannot have anything above infinity. there might be some loopholes, but i'm pretty sure there's a solid theory in there somewhere.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on lolbrb
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Learning to program (Hopefully)
    i agree with deps, visual basic isn't really used as much as it used to be and there are plenty of better languages out there.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on minepedia logo
    Quote from Quatroking »
    Uh, yes, we do read the wiki subforum. It just doesn't have a lot of posting activity.

    I like the logo, but its pretty bland and doesn't really have anything to do with minecraft. I mean come on, its a block, nothing more. Could you perhaps add some texture to it?

    sorry, i just thought i would get more critique if i posted it somewhere more active. as for the textures, what did you have in mind? i was sort of thinking of doing a different block texture for each side.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on minepedia logo
    since absolutely no one visits the wiki subforum, i'll post this here. i made a new logo for minepedia, but it's still in it's early stages. the logo idea is by animator. i'll be working on it for a couple of days and i'll be posting the updates in here.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on lolbrb
    oh, well now i guess i'll be the squinting guy instead of the smiling one. thank you everyone :3
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on lolbrb
    took a short break from minecraft to participate in real life. i'm really happy i'm back and can't wait to see all of you again. HOPEFULLY NO ONE FORGOT ME /wrists <3

    i was holding my neice while i was on the computer around last week and she knocked over a coke can onto my laptop keys. She had a runny nose so i took her to the bathroom right after she spilled it not knowing what she had done and it set there for about a minute or so while the computer was on. i looked at my applecare warranty and it said it didn't cover spills dsfjfdekzsbdd. i looked for some advice online and found out that they sometimes fix the laptops even if there was spill damage just because it was undetectable and or the people fixing it were lazy. i took my laptop to a computer shop and he said it's pretty much dead, but gave me the hardrvie. so that means he opened up the computer (under applecare warranty, they void opened computers). he put it back together and now i'm taking it in to the apple store to see if they will replace it. if they don't accept it, then i'll have to wait a while to get a new one. just writing this to tell you i didn't just disappear again lol. all of my **** is on that computer >:sad.gif:

    tl;dr - neice spilled coke on laptop, not sure if they will replace because of voided warranty
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on The Begging Thread.
    Quote from setveen »
    Quote from moogle »
    merry christmas, setveen :smile.gif:
    also, no need to give back anything, just felt like you deserved it.

    Yesss... i love you, but you sure you dont want me to make you something?

    it's kay. i haven't really been around lately, so i might have to take a raincheck at the least. maybe on the next multiplayer update or something.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on The Begging Thread.
    merry christmas, setveen :smile.gif:
    also, no need to give back anything, just felt like you deserved it.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Signature Series
    the font doesn't fit with the theme
    Posted in: Arts & Creativity
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    posted a message on Photography?
    Quote from Janitor.Master »
    First day i had my D50 :biggrin.gif:

    I HATE YOUUUUUU. i really want a d40, but SLRs are just so damn expensive. right now my dream camera is a rebel XSi (great photo btw, never really been able to play around with long-exposure).
    Posted in: Arts & Creativity
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    posted a message on Weird Dreams
    i guess this is why they call this forum random XD

    yeah, errr i practice lucid dreaming, and so far i've gotten pretty good at it. the only problem i have with it is that sometimes i'm too tired to lucid dream and usually fall asleep. i use the WILD technique, since the MILD one is sorta inconvenient.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on On the subject of hacks and griefing (yes, I know, another one)
    whyyyyyy do we need another one of these? its all the same stuff over and over and over again. if you have anything new to contribute, please post in the one of the other threads.
    Posted in: Discussion
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