Or, the gods would get a good laugh at the foolish mortal ponies and then some other pony would fix it.
That sounds more like ancient Groman Mythologologicly.
And that sounds like something Pinkie Pie would say when confronted with the words "Greek and Roman Mythology."
An infectious Love Spell that can be cast on anything, that immediately makes anyone who looks at the host of the spell to fall in love with it. Drives an entire town insane over a doll. Imagine what it could do if it affected an actual sentient Pony. They would be able to subjugate the gods.
When you're rife with devastation There's a simple explanation: You're a toymaker's creation Trapped inside a crystal ball
And whichever way he tilts it Know that we must be resilient We won't let them break our spirits As we sing this silly song
When I was a little filly, a galloping blaze overtook my city So they shipped me off to the orphanage. Said, "ditch those roots if you wanna fit in" So I dug one thousand holes and cut a rug with orphan foals Memories are blurred, and their faces are obscured, but I still, know the words to this song
When you've bungled all your bangles And your loved ones have been mangled Listen to the jingle jangle Of my gypsy tambourine
'Cause these chords are hypnotizing And the whole world's harmonizing So please children stop your crying And just sing along with me
This picture just makes my Crack Reactors think of them planning Discord's release all along.
Actual Cultists Cutie Mark Crusaders.
Anyways, has anyone noticed that Sweetie Belle's hair color is the same as the G1 Smooze. And then there was the part in FiW during the summoning day Sweetie almost caused an earthquake...
Maro's avatar is so much yes. I felt like I was the only one who knew about the Chzo Mythos on the forums.
Cabadath/The Tall Man was around before Slenderman, interesting fact.
Mistress, play the Chzo Mythos games, or watch gameplay. They're free and have an amazing story line, villain, and are incredibly original. I think you'd like them.
I heard they were made by Yahtzee.
But yeh, I'm going to watch and play some of them.
As the fight continues, some history records are brought up about Drudges.
Drudges were the result of an advanced I.S.1.S beign isntalled into machines, these drives come from an anomaly located in the sahara desert called the "Omega". Another one of these "Cores" was found, this time called the "Avanari"When the enrgy from both reacted, it created the Is1s. Which was then used to create the first Drudges, known s the Synth-Marines.
While crude, they functioned as perfect soldiers for a long time before Humans got greedy and created more Drudge types, until there was well over thousands of different types. What interests us is that near the Omega, there was a Drudge, similar to the standard Fighter Models present throughout the world. It was black and had crossing blue lines all over it.
The fight then continues.
Every time you look into lore, you get one free command of your own choice, what do you want to do?
> Insert command
I know Notch has the right to take his game in whatever direction he wants, but I personally dislike the idea of Minecraft becoming more like a game. For me, the entire appeal of Minecraft has been that it's unguided except by the player themselves, and that you create whatever you want out of the game instead of it giving you objectives to accomplish, as well as the fact that you can do anything from the start (as long as you have the materials) rather than waiting to level up enough to do one thing or another. I'm hesitant about playing after this.
I'll have to get another then.
In the name of 12 year old Necromancer avatars.
> Laughing Gods
An infectious Love Spell that can be cast on anything, that immediately makes anyone who looks at the host of the spell to fall in love with it. Drives an entire town insane over a doll. Imagine what it could do if it affected an actual sentient Pony. They would be able to subjugate the gods.
When you're rife with devastation
There's a simple explanation:
You're a toymaker's creation
Trapped inside a crystal ball
And whichever way he tilts it
Know that we must be resilient
We won't let them break our spirits
As we sing this silly song
When I was a little filly, a galloping blaze overtook my city
So they shipped me off to the orphanage. Said, "ditch those roots if you wanna fit in"
So I dug one thousand holes and cut a rug with orphan foals
Memories are blurred, and their faces are obscured, but I still, know the words to this song
When you've bungled all your bangles
And your loved ones have been mangled
Listen to the jingle jangle
Of my gypsy tambourine
'Cause these chords are hypnotizing
And the whole world's harmonizing
So please children stop your crying
And just sing along with me
This picture just makes my Crack Reactors think of them planning Discord's release all along.
Actual Cultists Cutie Mark Crusaders.
Anyways, has anyone noticed that Sweetie Belle's hair color is the same as the G1 Smooze. And then there was the part in FiW during the summoning day Sweetie almost caused an earthquake...
I heard they were made by Yahtzee.
But yeh, I'm going to watch and play some of them.
I never really was on your side.
As the fight continues, some history records are brought up about Drudges.
Drudges were the result of an advanced I.S.1.S beign isntalled into machines, these drives come from an anomaly located in the sahara desert called the "Omega". Another one of these "Cores" was found, this time called the "Avanari"When the enrgy from both reacted, it created the Is1s. Which was then used to create the first Drudges, known s the Synth-Marines.
While crude, they functioned as perfect soldiers for a long time before Humans got greedy and created more Drudge types, until there was well over thousands of different types. What interests us is that near the Omega, there was a Drudge, similar to the standard Fighter Models present throughout the world. It was black and had crossing blue lines all over it.
The fight then continues.
Every time you look into lore, you get one free command of your own choice, what do you want to do?
> Insert command
MLP is a cool show and I love it.
But it's not a religion.
So I agree with Creeper.