No offense, but I think the guy above is right. You really should've looked into those mods before starting to make your trailers, then the amount your charging per trailer would be worth the work the person would be paying for.
We are a new and strong upcoming Survival (and soon to be skyblock) server! We are going to be having custom builds, custom plugins and custom Gfx and other things as well. We are in development, yet to be released into the BETA stage. This is the official recruitment thread for Skyland-MC and here is where we will be asking all people willing to help the server put to apply at. We are actually currenly looking for talented builders that have the slightest bit of sense as to how to build. We are also looking for developers expreienced with java, that are able to code plugins with ease, and for free ;D .
We are mainly in search of builders, developers (that can make plugins), and talented gfx designers that can serve double roles as a helper/moderator on the server and do gfx for the server when needed. But, we will be willing to take other applicant requests
as well.
We are looking for sophisticated staff members willing to take their role seriously when needed and to also have a decent and controlled sense of humor.
You can also register on our official website using the link below!
Name: Ella
Ign: Ella5192
Do you have skype?: yes (but I don't have a mic but I'm saving up for one)
Skype Username: Ella_street
Have you registered on the website?: not yet but will soon
Why do you want to be staff?: to help people with any problems on the server and help the server grow aswell and I think I have alot offer to the server
What are you applying for?: builder or moderator
Skills in the position you're applying for?: I think I can build quite well and I'd like to show people my building skills and with moderator I can just help people with any problems they have
100% Recommend Ruben, love the way he works! Quick, simple, and easy is the way he rolls! He got me my requested artwork in less than 30 minutes, for anyone looking for quick, professional, and easy art, I recommend Ruben
1. $1 for one block? Your kidding right? Like honestly... Jeez.. I really just have NO WORDS for how bad of a ratio that is, like Jesus.. That is TERRIBLE
2. You copy materials from other artists and use them in your own work to base and build off of... Honestly not worth i
3. THE PRICES ARE TERRIBLE. Look at other artists and come back here and compare their prices to yours.
4. Website building.... Really?
5. Plugin configuration can just be done for free.. Why pay $10-$25?
And many more completely obvious reasons..
This is constructive criticism, not starting flame
No offense, but I think the guy above is right. You really should've looked into those mods before starting to make your trailers, then the amount your charging per trailer would be worth the work the person would be paying for.
Hem... You can't... Uh.... You can't connect to a single player world unless you guys are under the same roof (and connected to the same wifi) .-.
alexljn5, you don't need to do this
0-0 Again?!
, my luck runs with you
(Btw, I do do powerball, no luck there, no luck in my math grades either
Alrighty contacted on skype.
:0 he's not originallllll
100% Recommend Ruben, love the way he works! Quick, simple, and easy is the way he rolls! He got me my requested artwork in less than 30 minutes, for anyone looking for quick, professional, and easy art, I recommend Ruben
Alrighty, so, couple of things I wanna say.
1. $1 for one block? Your kidding right? Like honestly... Jeez.. I really just have NO WORDS for how bad of a ratio that is, like Jesus.. That is TERRIBLE
2. You copy materials from other artists and use them in your own work to base and build off of... Honestly not worth i
3. THE PRICES ARE TERRIBLE. Look at other artists and come back here and compare their prices to yours.
4. Website building.... Really?
5. Plugin configuration can just be done for free.. Why pay $10-$25?
And many more completely obvious reasons..
This is constructive criticism, not starting flame
First Order free huh? I'll take it :3
IGN: ItzMCTrollers
Could I be holding a diamond sword? Thanks