Made a fort, mainly too kepp the mobs out. I have pics, tell me whats good, what to add so it can be better.
Everything is legit except 4 the moat. and the flat area needed to build.
Please rate out of 5 on defence and looks, design.
The look over the fort. You can see the walls and towers.
the look at gate has a drawbridge, port and porticullis. They all function with the mod controllerblock
The snake thing at the front
Inside the fort
The innocent looking room
Inside lays a button....hmm
Look, with the pistons mod i was able to make a slidy thing!
this leads to a hidden trapdoor...
Which leads to a bunker that opens and closes. with controllerblock
Here is the industrialroom... nothing in cuz IC aint updated.
Da storage.
and the bedroom
Yea im not much of interior desginer looooll
Outside we got a farm
And a treefarmzzz
So rate what you think about its defence, and look and tell me if its good or not and what i should add
Hey guys today i made a video about my secret door using the pistons mod that leads to a bunker
Srry bout the backround noise my mom is speaking nigerian.
Prowne i get this error on modloader txt when i am installing the mod moreweapons
can you please help?
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at ModLoader.addMod(
at ModLoader.readFromClassPath(
at ModLoader.init(
at ModLoader.AddAllRenderers(
at sd.<init>(
at sd.<clinit>(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:282)
at Source)
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3424
at to.<init>(SourceFile:242)
at to.<init>(SourceFile:256)
at BlockSpikes.<init>(
at mod_MoreWeapons.<clinit>(
... 15 more
1-May-2011 10:22:36 AM ModLoader AddAllRenderers
FINE: Initialized
Would this also detect ores added by mods? I have a mod called blackdiamond it adds blackdiamond ore and i put it in the cfg file, and when i open game it says that the custom needle was loaded (id 1256:r:g::cool.gif:
Would it detect it cuz im not finding it. (i am digging under layer 16 where its supposed to ve)
Pretty mediocre.. But not terrible. :wink.gif: also, why don't you put yourself out there rather than making excuses for your poor house, awkward voice, tell people to **** off it's who you are, man.. No need to make ******** excuses about your retainer or that you "don't play much it's getting boring", even if that is the truth..
Just sayin'.
Thanks, but i do have a retainer and ill admit i do play kinda strechted the truth about not playing much,myabe an 1 hour a day. But seriously my voice is messed cuz i have a retainer. yOU can ask any of my friends.
Thanks for feedback.
My friend one day sent me a file on MSn and it was those fake virus notepad things. He told mehow to do so i thought it would be cool to make a vid of it. Its completely harmless
1/5 House is pretty boring, and your voice...*shivers*
Thanks for feedbakc, and about my voice i got a retainer like 2 days ago an my voice is really messed up and im tryig to get used to it so u cant blame me much.
thats a mod called black diamond. No hacks except 4 the moat and the flat area needed to build.
Everything is legit except 4 the moat. and the flat area needed to build.
Please rate out of 5 on defence and looks, design.
The look over the fort. You can see the walls and towers.
the look at gate has a drawbridge, port and porticullis. They all function with the mod controllerblock
The snake thing at the front
Inside the fort
The innocent looking room
Inside lays a button....hmm
Look, with the pistons mod i was able to make a slidy thing!
this leads to a hidden trapdoor...
Which leads to a bunker that opens and closes. with controllerblock
Here is the industrialroom... nothing in cuz IC aint updated.
Da storage.
and the bedroom
Yea im not much of interior desginer looooll
Outside we got a farm
And a treefarmzzz
So rate what you think about its defence, and look and tell me if its good or not and what i should add
Srry bout the backround noise my mom is speaking nigerian.
can you please help?
Would it detect it cuz im not finding it. (i am digging under layer 16 where its supposed to ve)
Thanks, but i do have a retainer and ill admit i do play kinda strechted the truth about not playing much,myabe an 1 hour a day. But seriously my voice is messed cuz i have a retainer. yOU can ask any of my friends.
My friend one day sent me a file on MSn and it was those fake virus notepad things. He told mehow to do so i thought it would be cool to make a vid of it. Its completely harmless
Thanks for feedbakc, and about my voice i got a retainer like 2 days ago an my voice is really messed up and im tryig to get used to it so u cant blame me much.