Wow, just wow. I haven't been on minecraft forum in several months and I came back and was looking around and spotted this again. My god has it gotten good. I remember way back when it first started out and I thought it was good then but wow! Well done Jawnson well done.
I'd think over world tools wouldn't work because you'd be turned into code basically so things like that wouldn't work anymore, just my thoughts, sorry, video game physics are my specialty
Sorry this is late but I do agree with you, I would prefer the better looking one over just blocks, I t it's quality before faster release and I do have be thing to say though, maybe if you're having a tough time, make them blocks just to make sure they do everything you want them to do then make it what you want it to be, just a suggestion, you by no means have to do it.
I just need the hate to stop, if you don't like something, don't act like anyone who likes it needs to go die, I respect others opinions but yelling at people and doing things just to cause problems doesn't not like someone, they want to be a problem for that person's fans and quite frankly, if all you did was read the first post, then please, read all the comments so you can understand that A: this topic is dead and B: I've said how to make the language pack, if you want it then you can make it and yes, I already knew there were other skydoesminecraft language packs, I was bored one day and decided to make it, please just lay of on the please add download link and this guy sucks spam
I'm gonna say this right now, it's not that hard to make one of these, if you want to do it download notepad ++ and edit the eng.lang I believe is what the file is, wow, suddenly supporters, who would have thought
i have thought about making a bit but i haven't made a decision yet. is the Light Glider the backpack wing thing.... if so then yes i plan to. light copters ive thought about and probably will make but not sure if it will be a large helicopter or a small THX mod like personal helicopter.
Is more of a personal light copter with guns like the light jet and yes, it's the backpack thing. Also, would you consider making light disks be able to mine tongs like wood and first and maybe even cobble stone at the speed of maybe gold because the light disks have been used to cut through things, just an idea.
Wow, that's so cool, I did watch the show (when they still made episodes) and I guess that works, I'm curious, are you thinking of adding a bit as a craft able or tame able pet? Also, what about the light gliders or the light copters? Not sure if you knew about those but just thought I'd throw them out there.
Wow, that's cool, as for the light trail, my friend suggested maybe giving it the properties of lava so it would break the light bike but also go away after a while
Same, anyone know how to fix this?
Is more of a personal light copter with guns like the light jet and yes, it's the backpack thing. Also, would you consider making light disks be able to mine tongs like wood and first and maybe even cobble stone at the speed of maybe gold because the light disks have been used to cut through things, just an idea.