Name: Michael
Skype:Mtursam (MineAheadTV)
Email: I don't really want to post it here
Skill: I'd say 7-8, check out my work and you can decide
Blender, Vegas movie studio 11
About me: I started animating almost a year ago. I began with mine imator but quickly grew tired of it's crappiness :P. I moved on to blender and have been using it since. I am primarily an animator, and I'm pretty good at that. My modeling kind of sucks :P.
Past work: check out my youtube here:
I also am working on episode 2 of my animated series, my profile pic is from that and it's a whole lot better than anything I've done before.
Just uploaded a new mini-series I'll be doing with a friend named "The Guy", we'll be playing a bunch of Minecraft Survival games over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out and enjoy the first episode:
To reply to whats going on, first off I retired from solisgamers a few weeks ago and someone else had taken control of the minecraft servers. Recently however the machine the servers run on was hacked and everything was deleted, meaning the entire community had to start over. The current owner "The Reaper" has scrapped minecraft from the community as a whole along with renaming it but if you wish to keep in contact with me, in a short while I'll be hosting a server on my own for you all to play on.
Yes and no, half races will be added to the new plugin being coded for races.
The offial lore of the new map will be posted on our wiki once I get around to updating it in the near future along with many detailed sections on dungeons, quests, plugins, etc. If you have any more questions please post them below! Thanks, Charles.
Accepted and Welcome!
Should be all fixed
Please add more to the backstory, more reason behind things,ect. Denied
Please add more to the backstory. Denied
-+- IP: -+-
• Teamspeak: •
In-Game Name: (Put your minecraft username here)
Did you read the rules?:
Why do you wish to join the server?:
Character Name: (The name of the character you will be playing, Please keep it original not things like LoneRanger)
Character Gender: (Male or Female)
Character Age: (Your characters age, not your real age)
Character Quirks: (Fears, things he dislikes and likes, things that make him stand out from other people)
Character Skills: (skills such as blacksmithing, gun-smithing,hunting, medicineman (if you are a native of the land),ect
Character Backstory: ( Post your characters backstory here. The longer the backstory the better)
How Does it work? you have 3 lives, die 3 times and you are temp banned for 48 hours
1.No Greifing
2.No spawnkilling
3.No Swearing
4.No Hacking
5.Obey the rules or be banned
6. Do NOT ASK FOR OP or you will be banned
Hardcore Mod application: (only fill out when you are well known by the admins and community)
Name: (what name you want to go by)
In Game Name:(minecraft username)
Age: (real age)
Gender: (Male or female)
Your Timezone: (CST,GMT,ect)
Do you have Teamspeak?
What experience do you have in being a mod/admin?:
Why do you want to be a mod on our server?:
How long have you been on the server?:
Why out of many people should we choose you to be a mod?:
How can you help the community?:
How often will you be on?: