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    posted a message on Minecraft Survival Games /w The Guy

    Just uploaded a new mini-series I'll be doing with a friend named "The Guy", we'll be playing a bunch of Minecraft Survival games over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out and enjoy the first episode:

    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on SolisGamers 1.8 Vanilla ~oOo~ Family Friendly Server ~oOo~

    To reply to whats going on, first off I retired from solisgamers a few weeks ago and someone else had taken control of the minecraft servers. Recently however the machine the servers run on was hacked and everything was deleted, meaning the entire community had to start over. The current owner "The Reaper" has scrapped minecraft from the community as a whole along with renaming it but if you wish to keep in contact with me, in a short while I'll be hosting a server on my own for you all to play on.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ♛ ChivalrousCraft ♛ ⚔Medieval Role-play Server ⚔✡~Custom Map & Generation~✡ ♚Fantasy Races♚
    Quote from Balthjr01»

    A question in regards to races, are half breeds allowed, like half elves?

    Yes and no, half races will be added to the new plugin being coded for races.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ♛ ChivalrousCraft ♛ ⚔Medieval Role-play Server ⚔✡~Custom Map & Generation~✡ ♚Fantasy Races♚
    The server Release/Update will be postponed until Saturday February 21st, This is due to the server being behind in workload and many things being unfinished, the old version of the server will also be down for the time being as I am attempting to connect the new server to the main hub, During this time there will be a no-white list Vanilla server for everyone to play around on which will stay there for everyone to play on and is permanent. For those wondering about lore, and applications, Past applications on the white list will be automatically moved over to the new server map and if you wish to make a new character feel free to post one below, This thread will be kept and updated for the new map during its release and all past members can post new character bios here.

    The offial lore of the new map will be posted on our wiki once I get around to updating it in the near future along with many detailed sections on dungeons, quests, plugins, etc. If you have any more questions please post them below! Thanks, Charles.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ♛ ChivalrousCraft ♛ ⚔Medieval Role-play Server ⚔✡~Custom Map & Generation~✡ ♚Fantasy Races♚
    Quote from TheSilenced»
    IGN: Silen (Or TheSilenced1, the previous name, I don't know which one you should add to the whitelist)

    Character Name: Alfredo Sìleni

    Character Race: Human

    Character Age: 42

    Character description: Alfredo is a quite strong man, though he doesn't look really muscular. He is 1,85m tall, and quite of a normal size. He has got a scar on his left shoulder, as an arrow cut through it. He also has a large scar on his abdomen, he has been wounded by a sword in his first battle. He has dark brown hair and eyes, he's got medium size hair and beard.

    Character Quirks: He always feared spiders and insects in general, but also bears. From when he came to Aldeiron he started fearing of being stabbed in the back, he always watches his shoulders.

    Homeland: Rhodokian lands


    He is a man of Rhodokian origins, indeed, he came to Earth in the village of Sìlen. At those times, Sìlen was a little village, with wooden walls, a bunch of trained paesants to guard them and many fields. The village was founded because the King needed more resources and food, and, as the Sileni were narrow friends of him and loyal fighters, he decided to make them a noble family, and assign them the village as a little domain to manage, that's how the House of Sìlen is born. The father of Alfredo, a honorable man called Aldebrando Sileni, before being a vassal of the King, was a veteran knight fighting for him, he came from a good family but still from humble origins.

    The mother, Mary Sileni (she took the surname from her husband), was as humble as the father, indeed she used to work as a tailor. The parents of Alfredo, even if humble, came from good families which could allow them to get instructed, indeed they can both read and write, they taught Alfredo to do so. His childhood was really hard, but educational, he learned a lot when he was a child, and he knows what the hard work is, indeed he always used to help in the village, and he knows how to work the land.

    Alfredo grew calmly, the life was a routine, and as the village was situated near the rhodokian coast, nothing used to happen for many years. There was no city or castle near Sìlen, that's why it was one of the few villages that had a militia: it was trained by Aldebrando, as he was an expert warrior and he found himself capable of managing some troops. Over the time, the village and the militia gradually became bigger, and as the village was pretty isolated, every resident of Sìlen was loyal to the family, everyone had a little house, food and a bit of coins. When Alfredo was 16, his father found him old enough to start teaching him his knowledges, Alfredo, from when he was child, he always practiced with swords, but not in a serious way... His father so, started teaching him the movements and the tactics in individual fights, and with the years passing he became better and better.

    Aldebrando also taught his son how to hunt with the longbow and how to fish, almost every week they went in the nearby forest trying to catch some prey, indeed the archery became one of the favorite interests of Alfredo, as well as sailing.. in fact, fishing made him want to learn how to sail, and he started doing that with little boats, he loved it. With the time passing, Alfredo became a young man of 20 years old, but the Kingdom was about to fall in a tremendous war: The King declared war to Swadia and gathered all his vassals, included Aldebrando and his now big militia. He left a little garrison at Sìlen, to defend his family and the village.

    Aldebrando fought many battles, and the years kept passing, but yet no one attacked the village. While he was away, Alfredo was controlling it, expanding it and training more militiamen, learning more on how to manage soldiers everyday. Five years later, Aldebrando lost his first battle during a siege to a castle, no one heard of him anymore, but, once the notice arrived to his family, they thought he was dead, even if Alfredo kept believing in his heart that he was still alive. Alfredo was in agony, he loved his father, and he was missing him a lot, but this fact made he think more about what Aldebrando taught him for the whole life, and for the first time, he took his father as a real example, a honorable man that does that did the right choices.

    It wasn't all though, one year later his mother died of natural death, and he was more and more in pain, he loved her as his father, but more responsibilities waited him, as he had to become Lord of Sìlen and of the House. As he was Lord for his first time, he started doing what his father was, and he used his knowledges to manage the village. Sìlen in those years became a lot populated, mostly because it was a very safe place from the war, and so Alfredo expanded it, making more houses and fields and recruiting more militia. In a year it became a big village, surrounded by fields over fields, so he built a little stone wall around the village center, to protect more all the houses and the shops. When the King knew of the improvements, in a later year, he called Alfredo in war with his troops, so he assigned the management of the village to a loyal friend of the House, known as well as the village elder and he left half of the militia in the village.

    He started fighting many battles, but he will never forget his first one: He had 50 men with him, against more or less the same, he thought he would lose but he used the tactics that his father taught him, and won the battle, but at the end, while watching his men fighting, he turned and got slashed in the abdomen. After all, he was still an inexpert. Meanwhile Alfredo was in war at the Swadian border, defending it and not letting anyone break through, the life at Sìlen was the same as before, just as Alfredo wanted. The village elder, as the residents there, was really loyal to him, and he managed the village how he wanted, hoping that he could come back one day. After some years, the King died, and another one had to be elected.

    The candidates were 2, Lord Graveth and Lord Kastor of Veluca. The King had to be elected by the council in a no-man's land, without any weapons, but while the council was deciding, Lord Graveth appeared wielding a sword, saying that a Swadian raiding party was on its way; and he would leave the council to their fate if they did not elect him King. After he became King, he defended the council from the swadians. King Graveth, in Alfredo's opinion, is a horrible man, who has no sense of what is good and what is not and is only a tyrant, at least this is what he started thinking after what he did at the elections.

    After the elections of the King, Alfredo lost a battle with his now 40 men against 90 of the swadians, that day everyone of his men died, but this time he didn't lead the charge with them, he knew the battle was lost from the beginning, but he could not do anything, the militia was too slow and could not run away. When everyone of his men died, he mounted on his fast white horse, and ran away to Sìlen, but while galloping an archer hit him with an arrow, cutting through his left shoulder, the pain was much but he made it alive. He wanted to go tell his people the notice. If the old King was still alive, he would forgive Alfredo for deserting, but Alfredo thought that King Graveth was a cruel men, and he knew he was not going to do so.

    While travelling, he quickly stopped into a tavern, to get medicated and to eat some food, then he kept travelling to Sìlen. When he arrived, the people was more than happy to see him, but then he told them what he did and why he was there. He said that the Elder had to run the village, and that he had to leave and travel to a far land.. Aldeiron. He has chosen that land because it was far enough, to the North, just what he was looking for, plus it was situated on the border between to factions and, if one of the two decided to respect the rhodokian King demands, it would be easy to go from a faction's land to the one of the other faction. He said also that King Graveth would never forgive him, as cruel as he is, and so he asked his soldiers if they wanted to remain there or come with him. Some soldiers didn't want to come, but 30 of them decided to travel with him to Herrafell. Once King Graveth knew about Alfredo, he condamned him to death, but when he did it, Alfredo and his men were already far.

    Accepted and Welcome!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ♛ ChivalrousCraft ♛ ⚔Medieval Role-play Server ⚔✡~Custom Map & Generation~✡ ♚Fantasy Races♚
    No problem, we'll be updating to 1.8 in about a week or two.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ♛ ChivalrousCraft ♛ ⚔Medieval Role-play Server ⚔✡~Custom Map & Generation~✡ ♚Fantasy Races♚
    Quote from FraserHill2K»
    My IGN is "keaton9011",
    no caps

    Should be all fixed
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ♛ ChivalrousCraft ♛ ⚔Medieval Role-play Server ⚔✡~Custom Map & Generation~✡ ♚Fantasy Races♚
    Quote from KonamiCodeFTW

    IGN: AChick01

    Character Name: Alexandra Baker

    Character Race: Human

    Character Age: 24

    Character Description: A Young Girl In A Leather Outfit. She Is Rather Attractive, With White Skin, Big Blue Eyes, And Brown Hair.

    Character Quirks: Shy, Hardworking, Skilled In Combat, Novice Miner. Searches For The Best In People.

    Homeland: Arcania

    Character Backstory: Born During A Time Of Turmoil, Alex Lost Both Parents In A Grand War At The Tender Age Of Five. She Spent Her Childhood Alone, Isolated From Human Contact. Life Continued This way Until She Met Nicholas Baker At The Age Of 16. After Taking Her Under His Wing, Teaching Her About Society And How To Act Civilized, She Began Developing A Fondness For Him. The Duo Became Lovers And Decided To Stick Together, Through Thick And Thin, No Matter What. Alex's Natural Talent For Surviving Has Helped Her On The Journey To This New Land, Where She Will Meet Up With Nick And Start A New Life.

    Please add more to the backstory, more reason behind things,ect. Denied

    Quote from Killmachine26


    Character Name: Ally Fischbach

    Character Race: Elf

    Character Age: 18

    Character Description: 5'2, Blue-Eyes, Wavy-Brown-Hair,

    Character Quirks:Friendly to almost All, very mysterious


    Character-Back-Story:Grew up in the Country always loved the outdoors and interacting with people. always loved learning how to use a bow, Moved away at 13 because she couldnt take the pain of ordinary life anymore and has lived in the woods for the past 5 years living amongst the wolves learning their habits and what they do with their lives everyday.

    Please add more to the backstory. Denied

    Quote from CRiiS

    IGN: psyc_wife
    CharacterName: KiAndra FlameBreaker
    Character Race: Dwarf (healer/warrior)
    Character Age: 120
    Character Description: shy, innocent, but has a dark side to her. loves nature. She has redish hair with a long braid with blue eyes.
    Character Quirks: nature lover that is a warrior and healer.
    Homeland: The dwarven kingdom of Grundin
    Character Backstory: KiAndra was born into a noble family, she was the only child. Her father taught her how to be a warrior and her mother taught her to be a healer. She was in the tavern one night when she meet a young man named DoNell who was a warrior and asked for KiAndra to travel with him to track some Orcs that killed his family. They ended up finding the Orcs and killing them. They fell in love when they had returned to their homeland. They got married and had three kids. One day KiAndra went to visit her parents and found them mauled in their bed. She vowed to find who was responsible and kill them in vengeance of her parents. She returned home to find her husband and kids where missing, with blood on the floor. She set out to find out who killed her parents and who took her family.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ♘ The Tavern MC's: Wild West ♘ • Unique & Custom Roleplay Experience • *Custom Plugins & Generation with New Biomes* ~Guns, Dyn

    -+- IP: mc.thetavernmc.com -+-
    • Teamspeak: Ts.thetavernmc.com



    In-Game Name: (Put your minecraft username here)

    Did you read the rules?:

    Why do you wish to join the server?:

    Character Name: (The name of the character you will be playing, Please keep it original not things like LoneRanger)

    Character Gender: (Male or Female)

    Character Age: (Your characters age, not your real age)

    Character Quirks: (Fears, things he dislikes and likes, things that make him stand out from other people)

    Character Skills: (skills such as blacksmithing, gun-smithing,hunting, medicineman (if you are a native of the land),ect

    Character Backstory: ( Post your characters backstory here. The longer the backstory the better)
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on The Tavern MC, *3 Life Survival* *Hardcore* *no whitelist* ≈ Custom Plugins ≈
    The Tavern MC HardCore server †

    IP: mc.thetavernmc.com:25563

    How Does it work? you have 3 lives, die 3 times and you are temp banned for 48 hours

    1.No Greifing
    2.No spawnkilling
    3.No Swearing
    4.No Hacking
    5.Obey the rules or be banned
    6. Do NOT ASK FOR OP or you will be banned

    Hardcore Mod application: (only fill out when you are well known by the admins and community)

    Name: (what name you want to go by)
    In Game Name:(minecraft username)
    Age: (real age)
    Gender: (Male or female)
    Your Timezone: (CST,GMT,ect)
    Do you have Teamspeak?
    What experience do you have in being a mod/admin?:
    Why do you want to be a mod on our server?:
    How long have you been on the server?:
    Why out of many people should we choose you to be a mod?:
    How can you help the community?:
    How often will you be on?:

    Teamspeak: ts.cataclysmicgamers.com
    Site: Cataclysmicgamers.com
    Posted in: PC Servers
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