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    posted a message on MineCraftWorlds Realistic Server [Bukkit] [FREE BUILD]
    MineCraftWorlds Realistic Server

    The MineCraftWorlds Realistic Server has a friendly community and a 60 person player cap. Our server runs based on user created towns which are protected. To join a town simply contact the town mayor and ask for build rights. You can choose to venture off into the wilderness where you can build without worrying about acquiring permissions to build. We have a handy warp hub to go the towns and a nearby one that will teleport you to different un-protected biomes. Our economy runs on gold and automated shops which use gold. VIP's have access to the movecraft plugin!

    -No Griefing
    -No disrespect to others
    -No fly hacks or x-ray hacks
    -No spamming the chat
    -Have Fun!

    Default: most players are default. Defaults have access to commands such as /sethome and /home. They can also build freely.

    VIP's: Vip's are players who have donated to the server. Their added perks vary based on what level they are.

    Mods: Remember to respect moderators. They are here to help you with any problems you have

    Admins: All powerful the admins are there to help you and run the server

    Server ip: game.minecraftworlds.info:25565
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Worlds Italia! [whitelist] [1.5]
    Il server italiano di minecraft worlds!
    English: Welcome to the minecraft worlds italian server. Feel free to join (maybe learn some italian?)
    to apply visit it.minecraftworlds.info
    Italiano: Benvenuti al thread per il server ufficiale del minecraft worlds italia. Noi prendiamo applicazione a it.minecraftworlds.info!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Builders (Whitelist) (Join now!)
    EDIT: The server is back up and running
    I would like to notify you all that there is a mysql problem going on with this server. Please note that we are providing this server free of charge for testing and that things like this may happen. We are offering the free testing so we can prevent these types of problems in the future. Thank you for being patient and we will notify you when the servers are back up and running.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Searching for Hoster
    Hello I can host you a $5/month (about 3.06 gbp) server which is also located in Canada. 10 slots and I will give it to you free until the end of April so you can try it out. dbkservers.com/panel/ (website is still getting set up) but servers are available. I do run one or two servers for European costumers and they report no problems with lag. You can pm me or email me at [email protected] for more information
    Posted in: Other hosts
  • 0

    posted a message on Need free host
    Sent you a pm I would host this server
    Posted in: Other hosts
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    posted a message on Minecraft Builders (Whitelist) (Join now!)
    Quote from macattack1459 »

    also a suggestion, cut off the whitelist at like 20 to keep things more manageable.

    Thats not a bad idea. Right now the player cap is at 10 maybe increase the player cap if you get above 20 people applying?
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Builders (Whitelist) (Join now!)
    I approve of this server! Also I made a siggie for you guys.
    It is basic but will do for now. If the server grows even further I will make a much nicer one!
    add this code to your signature:
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on The Art of Griefing and How to Avoid It
    Quote from Focnr »
    This is good, I must say, but it's extremely obvious you've posted this here to get traffic on your site..
    very sleazy of you.


    sorry if it seems like that would it be better if I post it directly to here?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on The Art of Griefing and How to Avoid It
    Quote from Lunarkitty »
    I thought it was very useful, I'll start using some of these strategies next time I build something on the server I go on :biggrin.gif:.

    Thanks for the feedback!
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on The Art of Griefing and How to Avoid It
    8 views and no replies did I put this in the wrong section?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on How can i stop people from using hacks on my server?
    no way to stop a texture pack sorry.
    You can teach him a lesson and take away his build rights for a day or two
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on dedicated servers
    okay I have a few,
    Ones I have used:
    dbkservers.com (not fully launched but if you use the contact us page they will sell one to you)
    I have experience with dbk (my current host) they do quick and easy set up. They will host a website for you free of charge, they let you decide the max slots you want. They will set up pigmaps for you and specialize in minecraft servers. an example of pigmaps: http://minecraftworlds.info/map/ and give you full ftp access and gamecp access with excellent support. I had my map frozen since it was on a temp world but that gives you an idea of what it does.
    ktgameservers.com I use dot think this was great but really isn't. Its run by a college kid using virtual machines and doesn't offer dedicated ips like the others. Doesn't really know his way around bukkit so your confined to kmod
    Ones I haven't used:
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on Help! My Server Is Slow
    Ever checked your upload speed?

    How many players do you allow at a time on the server and how many play at once usually?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on The Art of Griefing and How to Avoid It
    First off,
    If you know me I am always scared of posting something in the wrong section so please excuse me if I do. However, I feel that this is relevant to server admins and server players. One of the authors on my site, bohtauri, has recently completed an extensive guide into how to avoid getting griefed. He outlines preventive measures to be used without the use of mods. He does give some tips to server admins that reduce griefing and can make your server look more appealing to newcomers. Please take the time to read his Art of Griefing and How to Avoid It and give us some feedback either here or by commenting on the site.
    link: http://www.minecraftworlds.info/?p=327
    Thank you and sorry if this is in the wrong section.

    For those of you who want to read it directly from here, here it is:
    The tables did not come through here so it may be a little hard to understand at some points
    We all know how it feels to login on in the evening after work, or morning to find your little house on the prairie or house in the tropical cove torched by a huge fountain of lava, or your cathedral you and a buddy made and you turn up to find a hiroshima project was tested in your basement… well… where you think your basement… or city… was?


    Lets face it, Griefing is here to stay, Humans are all immature and griefing cannot be a thing of the past, just like burglars, anyone can break into someones house if they really want to.


    Be smart. Dont leave your keys in your front door if you dont want that 5,000 dollar tv to suddenly disapear. Make it more effort to grief than their personal satisfaction can afford. Heres the maths to help you out:

    Math Fact 1: There is a direct correlation to the speed of the grief to the personal satisfaction of the griefer. So if something take 5 seconds to grief, you have a very happy griefer. If something takes 5 hours to grief then you have a very happy builder. What kind of griefer would spend 5 hours to grief when so many people on so many servers build smaller houses?

    Math Fact 2: Its takes 1% of total build time to destroy something than to build it. So the longer it takes to build the longer it takes to destroy

    Location, Location, Location

    Yes, your real estate location has and will always be a major influencing factor of what the griefer will target. Follow these strategies to help avoid your real estate’s location to the beeline for griefers.

    If it can be seen from spawn/warp point, it has a 90% higher chance of being greifed.
    It it is located N, S, W or E of the spawn/warp point you have a 60% higher chance of being griefed.
    If it is within a 3 minute walk of the spawn/warp point you have a 50% higher chance of being griefed.
    Why all Related to the Spawn Point?

    Well, do you think that a majority of griefers are those that are regulars on a server for months that already know their way around? or a newbie that just landed here for the first time? Griefers get banned, they arent welcome so they move from server to server to deal the most damage. Servers who get regularly hit by griefers tend to end up not being griefed as the regulars will smarten up with their building strategies. You may not notice already but when you teleport/warp or login somewhere you dont know, you always look up at the sky if your on the surface to help find your bearings?

    Strategies with Choosing A Location

    This is going to be your hard work and pride so its best not to build in the easiest spot.

    Griefers tend to go in straight lines so they can find their way back easier, to grief more and enjoying seeing their destruction, if the griefer walks around randomly they will get lost so griefers tend to stick with the compass points. Build your creations to the NW NE SW and SE.
    Person with the high ground wins the war right? well lets win the war against griefers, build on top of cliffs, have a hidden route up to make it look impossible to reach and the griefer will continue along their way.
    Building near the spawn may mean new visitors will marvel at your work first, but it will also mean they can grief it the fastest and leave before you even have a chance to yell at them.
    My recomendation

    Why build near the spawn point anyway? thats the same as putting instructions at the spawn point saying “come to XXX and grief me” Server admins, create a no-build zone of 100-200 blocks around the spawn point, lets users marvel at the expanse and they’ll see the cities in the distance and then choose which direction to go. This would also allow more things to be seen by visitors than the skycrapers people build right next to the spawn.

    Popular Griefing Strategies


    TNT is by far the griefers choice, it can be used to makes the blocks literally disapear, meaning the builder has to put in more effort than is needed to repair the hole/s.


    Lava is second favorite choice, Burnable & tall buildings are top targets. Wide and tough to access buildings are not.


    Fire can be a favorite for a small few griefers. A wood house next to a forest is an easy target because of the “run-away” effect is what those kind of people like


    Something easy to pick up is something easy to grief. If you login and find your torches and sand missing, you know what I mean.

    So How To Build Wisely?

    Anti-TNT Indestructible Create your building out of Iron Blocks or Obsidian, they are impervious to destruction by TNT,Lava and Fire.
    Build Cheap Avoid grief by TNT by avoiding using precious metals and materials in/around your structure. Griefers will make a beeline for your statue made out of diamond and gold blocks. 10 seconds of planting TNT and when you return, all your rare materials are gone… forever!
    Build Thick If the walls are 3 blocks thick, you would turn up with a giant hole. Reduce the blast radius of the TNT by increasing the amount of blocks they have to blast though. A middle layer of Obsidian can also protect the inside of your house from fire damage if they torch it from the outside.
    Anti-Lava Tricky Accessibility. Griefers need to get on top of your building to pour that lava over your building. Dont make an obvious path to on top of your building.
    Build Wide Very wide buildings made out of non-burnables are not popular targets due to needing a lot of buckets of lava to cover it.
    Build Tough Lava can burn objects. Building a lighthouse out of wool can be an obvious beeline for griefers, plant some lava at its base and poof, gone in seconds of griefing.
    Anti-Fire Spacious Building Create your “burnables” with a reasonable distance between each of them. This will avoid the desired “chain-reaction” griefers are looking for.
    Stone houses survived the london Blitz They survived the citywide fires too. Building wooden houses have their major drawbacks.
    Anti-Thieving Smart Chest Placing. See the next section for this.
    Build Cheap Ok, that redstone circut that took you 3 days to make may look awesome, but is it gonna be just as nice when you have to rebuild it? if you feel like you cant rebuild something thats expensive, build it elsewhere.
    Build Many Yay, you put up all 12 torches again… and tomorrow and tomorrow… Put up thousands, even if a few disappear it wont matter. Im using over 8,000 at the moment.
    Build Tough Block that take longer to dig up will be stolen far less by a huge margin. An obsidian house griefed is far rarer than finding a 1,000 block diamond vein underground.
    Build Hidden What cant be seen, cant be stolen. Create hidden rooms, hide valuables in secret chambers, create those delicate treasures somewhere only you and those you trust can find them.
    Building The Perfect Hidden Chamber

    This I have to point out can be the most well hidden chamber ever, below I will describe the steps and process to build. I guarantee that no one will grief it unless they specifically know where it is and is fully equipped with appropriate gear.

    Build a giant underground chamber
    Start by placing an obsidian block floor 1 block above the ground level.
    Fill the lower layer below your floor with lava
    slowly build the walls and remember to full the outer part with lava
    Before closing off the room set your /sethome to this room.
    Cover the roof with lava, then complete filling up the overhead cavern with lava.
    This room is now grief proof, unless a griefer has god mode and knows exactly where it is and really wants to get into there. I use one myself for my special gear.

    Protecting your Valuables

    So, that covers strategies to help avoid your building to be griefed but who every carries everything they have dug up and not used? almost no one. So your chests that store your valuables are also targets to being griefed. Use these formulas to help strategise how to avoid your inventory

    Build fake Chests Chests arent that hard to make, far harder to destroy than to make. so build a huge room full of them, and have a system where you use a certain few ones. Griefers wont spend 20 minutes searching every chest to find the right one, they’ll move along.
    Build Obvious Chests Build chests into your house, in the floor, in the walls, then have some built into the corners or under the floor layer, so each time you need to access it, u just lift up one floor board and tada, your favorite chest.
    Build Hidden Chests Build them under your floor, inside the walls, in a hidden cave 10 blocks away from your house. Almost no griefer will start digging randomly to find your chests when so many ppl keep them in plain sight.

    So What does Bohtauri do?

    I build to the Northwest, not even most of the regulars have seen my projects until i explained how to get to it.
    I build big giant megaliths at least; every time. It may take 1% of the total time to grief a building, but when it takes 300 man-hours to build, no griefer will spend 3 hours to destroy it.
    Well I use the fake chest strategy, my house is full of over 800 double chests, i only use two of them…
    Sandstone is my favorite material to use. Easy to collect, Easy to Dig Up, Doesnt Burn and Easy to keep things hidden under the floor
    My house has over 500 different rooms, and a few are hidden from everyone except me
    Out of the hundreds of manhours I have has 1 minor incident of over 50 torches gone. When i am using several thousand, they were not missed at all. The forest fire though was probably from my own fault of miscalculating the lava lol


    Build things with the question of “How would a griefer grief this?” and build accordingly. Don’t leave the game expecting to see it the same in multi-player. Minecraft although is simple is a truly dynamic game and anything can happen. If a griefer really wants to grief something specific, they will find a way. just sigh, learn and move on.

    A Small Guide Note: This guide is about how to avoid griefing without plugins, there are plugins you can use to avoid anonymous griefing zones and regions but there is no true grief-proof server. Build smart and enjoy the lower chance of being griefed. Plugins don’t have to be the answer. Check out Bohtauri’s other projects at his website. http://www.bohtauri.com

    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
  • 0

    posted a message on Flan's Mod 5.5.2 Update : 1.12.2, 100s of new Skins! : Helicopters, Mechas, Planes, Vehicles, 3D Guns, Multiplayer, TDM, CTF
    Great Mod! This is probably one of my favourite mods and I have reviewed it on my website.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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