I don't really see how an iron stick would increase durability. Isn't it the "head" of a tool that breaks, so I don't see that working. If this idea were to do anything, I'd say it just make the tool break blocks a little faster.
Limestone, I have always supported as ocean floors. But I don't like the way you chose to obtain marble. I know it makes scientific sense (I think) but it just doesn't seem right.
I agree about the marble, maybe it can be found in caves like in Technic Pack.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Biome Overview 3. Forest
A. Overview
B. Mobs
C. Blocks 4. Desert
A. Overview
B. Mobs
C. Blocks 5. Plains
A. Overview
B. Mobs
C. Blocks 6. Taiga
A. Overview
B. Mobs
C. Blocks 7. Tundra
A. Overview
B. Mobs
C. Blocks 8. Jungle
A. Overview
B. Mobs
C. Blocks 9. Future Biomes 10. Future Items 11. Notes 12. Credits 13. Final Word
I know this has been suggested many times, but I just wanted to put my ideas of what should be in the biomes forth. I believe that in minecraft the only real difference in biomes are looks. There are only blocks that have a different look than the ones in other biomes, the mobs are exactly the same. There is nothing truly special about each and every biome. There is so much that could be added to every biome, even Oceans, Deserts, and Taigas.
Right now the forests mostly contain many trees, lots of grass and an occasional hill. What I think of is adding some mobs and blocks that you might actually find in a real forest. There are some small creatures (such as foxes and maybe mice) that could be added. The forests of minecraft don't need really any blocks but later on I may be able to think of some.
Foxes are small, but cunning creatures that, like spiders, are neutral at day, hostile at night. However, they can also spawn at day too, making them a little more common. They hunt in families, so that is to say, groups of 2-5. They hunt small mobs such as mice and some birds. They don't cause much damage, but, like wolves, hunt in small packs that will all attack you if you attack one. They drop 0-2 Fox Fur (ideas for crafting anyone?) and 0-3 Fox Meat. Fox Meat is exactly like Porkchops both raw and cooked.
Mice are very small creatures that aren't very easy to catch. They can't jump but can run up short distances (1 or 2 blocks). They are often hunted by foxes and medium-sized birds. They don't have much health as they are small. They are passive so they can't attack you (I don't think they could do much even if they could attack). They drop 0-3 Rat Tails (possible potion ingredient of some sort).
There are several different birds but most are small in the forest. They come in a variety of colors but mostly the same size. They live in trees (generally the bigger trees). The smaller birds (like the Hummingbird and Bluejay) are passive and hunted by foxes. They are all the same except look different colors. They drop 0-3 feathers and 0-2 raw bird (exactly like raw chicken). The Hawks are a little larger and more of a predator than the smaller birds. They, like foxes are neutral at day but hostile at night. They will swoop down either to hunt mice, or to attack you. They don't have much health, but they are hard to take down (and nearly impossible to attack at day-time) without a bow. They drop 0-3 feathers and something else (I haven't thought of it yet).
Stats E=Easy N=Normal H=Hard
Health: 10 or 12
Neutral during day, Hostile at night
Damage: E=3, N=4, H=5
Speed: Equal to Spider's
Health: 4
Damage: N/A
Speed: Faster than Spider's
Small Birds:
Health: 6
Damage: N/A
Speed: Medium Flyer
Health: 12 or 14
Neutral at day, Hostile at night
Damage: E=4, N=5, H=6
Speed: Fast-Flyer
There aren't any blocks yet, please suggest any you think of. For now this is just a placeholder.
Now the desert as it is is just a barren wasteland with some cacti. Mobs generally don't spawn here so its a harsh place to live. My ideas will, in some ways make it harsher, but in some ways make it easier. I intend to give some mobs and maybe the occasional desert paradise: an oasis.
Scorpions are little troubles that will make you want to take shelter for the night. They only spawn at night thankfully. They come in groups of 3-7 and can burrow in the sand. They can dig under you and come out to attack you. They do not do much damage, but that is easily made up for because they are in large groups and are poisonous. The poison will take half a heart (or 1 heart if you're on hard) a second and lasts for 5 seconds. Since they are so small they have puny amounts of health, but beware, if you punch them you get poisoned. They drop 0-2 Scorpion Venom, which may be used in some poison and other things.
Camels will only spawn at day at an oasis next to the water. They are passive and if you make a saddle (see crafting below) you can ride them. Riding Camels isn't much of an advantage, they travel at walking pace. But your hunger bar won't go down as quickly (as you are no longer walking), they have limited storage and won't be affected by quicksand (not sure why). You can store 5 items on a camel in the case that you don't need certain items at the time. The items will vanish if the camel dies, so beware of traveling in danger with a camel.
Crafting a Saddle ( =Leather
or it might be
Vultures are scavengers and will go after any meat on the ground. They will only spawn at night and are neutral unless you have raw meat in your inventory. They don't have a lot of health, but can take a few hits. They are generally are slow compared with other birds. They drop feathers and meat of any kind.
Cobras are extremely quick, deadly, venomous, snakes that are obviously hostile and spawns at night. Once they are close enough for a strike they will lunge at you incredibly fast. They are poisonous so you will take 1 heart of damage (1 and a half for hard) if it bites you. It drops Snake Fangs and Snake Venom (I don't know what I could do with these yet) if you manage to kill it.
Blocks in the desert are simple right now, sand and sandstone if you dig into the ground. I had some trouble thinking of blocks that could be in the desert, but I thought of at least one for now.
Quicksand is found in patches all over the desert. It is somewhat uncommon and looks nearly exactly like sand. If you get caught in quicksand you will slowly sink at first, the more you move the faster you sink. However, once you are a block deep in quicksand you will keep sinking if you are trying to move, but will slowly rise if you are remaining completely still. Quicksand isn't deadly if you don't move (but can suffocate you if you do), but will slow you down. So watch where you're going when traveling through the desert, even when chased by a mob.
The Plains right now are just a vast, grassy land full of animals. They don't contain anything special or diverse. I can think of a few mobs that would fit right into a plains biome. However, similar to the forest, there aren't any new blocks I can think of that would add to the plains. I also decided to combine plains with savannah because they are very similar.
Buffalo (or possibly Bison) roam around in a herd on the plains. They come in herds of 5-9. If you attack one they will either all run away in the same direction(75% chance), or they will all attack you (25% chance). Buffalo don't have too much health so you can take them down pretty easily with a sword or axe, but they are in a group so they all ay attack you. Also beware of being hit by them, they do 3.5 hearts on easy, so they're no laughing matter to take down if they attack. They aren't preyed upon except for cheetah due to their size and the danger of them.
Cheetahs are so fast and deadly if it wants you dead you are dead before you can say this sentence correctly. They are hostile at night, spawn at night, but are neutral during the day. They are the fastest mob so your only chance to survive it is to kill it. Luckily they don't have tons of health so it just takes a few moments of spamming your sword at the right moment. They drop claws (I need help with what they can be used for). These cats are the top of the food chain on the plains so they have no predators.
The Elephant is the largest land creature in the world living today. They are passive but are generally tough to kill. The spawn during the day and have lots of health. Nothing ever hunts an elephant (except you of course) due to its massive size. They drop elephant hide which could be used to make armor (not sure what to call it, maybe Hide Armor) that is stronger than leather but weaker than iron.
Health: 10
Damage: E=7, N=8, H=10
Speed: Fast
Health: 8 or 10
Damage: E=5, N=6, H=7
Speed: Extremely Fast
Health: 30
Damage: N/A
Speed: Medium
Like I said, I couldn't think of any blocks to go here so please help me out by posting in the comments below. For now this is just a placeholder
I believe the Taiga and Tundra aren't much different except that Taiga has more life, so I decided to put them together. The Tundra is an arctic desert, it is as simple as that, so there isn't much to do for it, though I'll do all I can. The Taiga on the other hand, is just a forest in winter, so its easier to make a few mobs for it. However, both of them don't have a lot of variety in landscape, so again I don't think I can do much for the blocks part.
Polar Bear
The Polar Bear is one of the few mobs found in the Tundra, however, it can also be found in the Taiga too. It is neutral at day and hostile at night. I t has a good amount of health, so it won't go down super easily. It is always alone, as it spawns alone and if any other polar bear appears they will fight to the death. It preys upon Penguins in the Tundra, and just about everything in the Taiga. It drops Bear Meat and Bear Fur (I need help with crafting for this one too). Nothing wants to be around the Polar Bear due to its size and power.
Penguins are small, passive, and many people say, cute. They move very slowly on land, but in the water you need a boat to catch up with them. They don't have much health and they are hunted by the polar bear. They spawn in groups of 5-10 and drop raw fish and fins. The fins can be crafted (in the shape of boots) to make Flippers. Flippers allow travel through water at half the speed of a boat, though make it so you only travel half as fast on land.
Health: 5
Damage: N/A
Speed: Land Slow, Water Fast
Like I said, there aren't any blocks to go here that I can think of right now, so this is just a placeholder for later on.
The Jungle is a lively place full of animals and exotic plant-life. Or at least that's my goal once I'm done with it. I already at the time of typing this have plenty of ideas of mobs and blocks to add to such a potent place. This will probably be the longest biome for me to type due to all the mobs and such that can be here.
Monkeys swing around in the trees and are passive. They have some health but not much, but that doesn't stop them from swinging away on a vine to safety. They spawn in small groups of 3-5 and usually stay in that group until death. They are slightly smaller than you but still are harmless. The only things that usually will go after a monkey are boa constrictors or plants, if a monkey accidentally slips and falls into the maw of the plant.
Boa Constrictor
This snake is really big, and won't let go till you die. It hides on trees and in bushes, then jumps out to strangle its victim and eats it whole once it's dead. It doesn't have too much health, but will slowly kill you if you don't get it off quick. You can get it off by fully submerging in water, but it won't stop there. It will keep trying to kill you until either of you is dead. Attack just before it reaches you to knock it back, keep doing it till it's dead. Nothing tries to hunt the Boa Constrictor so it has no predators. It drops on death something (not sure yet).
Health: 8
Damage: N/A
Speed: Fast in trees
Boa Constrictor
Health: 10
Damage: EN 1, H 2
Speed: Medium
Mud is somewhat common in the Jungle and is a block similar to Soulsand. It doesn't slow you down as much as Soulsand, but still has that effect nonetheless. It takes a little longer than dirt to mine with any tool.
Plants I decided just put in blocks because they don't move, you can put them in your inventory, and you can place them again. Plants a pretty much traps in waiting for any mob to come by. They will try to eat the mob by biting them repeatedly. These bites don't do much damage (only 3 (4 if on hard)), but you still have to get out of the trap fast, by either killing the plant, or mining your way out of the 1x1x2 hole. The reward for killing them is that you can pick up the plant and plant it somewhere else.
Future Biomes
These Biomes I have not added yet because I didn't have the time, or didn't think of it at the time.
Oceans (maybe)
Future Items
These things I haven't added yet because I didn't have the time, or didn't think of it at the time. The Biome in parentheses next to the item shows what biome it will be for.
These small notes are things you should know.
This List is incomplete, there are many things I need help with to think of good things to add.
If you think you could add to this please leave a reply and I will add it to the list if it's good.
If I make a mistake or you think I should change something, please tell me in a reply and I may change/fix what you said.
I can't do images or whatever of the mobs or make banners, so I'm sorry for that.
These are all the great people who have helped me with ideas and such.
Final Words
I think all of us know that not all of this will be added, we can only hope the things that really do need to be added are added. It took lots of work for me to type all this, so I just would like to say thank you for reading this, and thank you to my fingers for not dying after all the work I made you do.
I think it would make sense for the sheep meat and mutton at least because all of the other passive land animals (pigs, cows, chickens) already have meat they drop.
Also, I think the sheep milk would also be good to add to the game, because sheep right now, except for beds, have no purpose.
I believe in there you said you can carry it around when you have used it as a mobile light source, that would require Dynamic Lighting, which Mojang I believe has tried to implement without causing too much lag. If they had succeeded then we would probably already have torches you carry around providing light. So the only useful thing is the lighting mobs on fire which if you are at least half-skilled at running from mobs you can easily do with flint and steel. So this would be a no unless you could somehow use it as an ingredient for some potion.
So you're suggesting what? That meteorites should come crashing down from the sky sometimes?
If this were ever to be implemented into minecraft you would have to explain at least the basics of the properties of this.
I agree about the marble, maybe it can be found in caves like in Technic Pack.
1. Introduction
2. Biome Overview
3. Forest
A. Overview
B. Mobs
C. Blocks
4. Desert
A. Overview
B. Mobs
C. Blocks
5. Plains
A. Overview
B. Mobs
C. Blocks
6. Taiga
A. Overview
B. Mobs
C. Blocks
7. Tundra
A. Overview
B. Mobs
C. Blocks
8. Jungle
A. Overview
B. Mobs
C. Blocks
9. Future Biomes
10. Future Items
11. Notes
12. Credits
13. Final Word
I know this has been suggested many times, but I just wanted to put my ideas of what should be in the biomes forth. I believe that in minecraft the only real difference in biomes are looks. There are only blocks that have a different look than the ones in other biomes, the mobs are exactly the same. There is nothing truly special about each and every biome. There is so much that could be added to every biome, even Oceans, Deserts, and Taigas.
Right now the forests mostly contain many trees, lots of grass and an occasional hill. What I think of is adding some mobs and blocks that you might actually find in a real forest. There are some small creatures (such as foxes and maybe mice) that could be added. The forests of minecraft don't need really any blocks but later on I may be able to think of some.
Foxes are small, but cunning creatures that, like spiders, are neutral at day, hostile at night. However, they can also spawn at day too, making them a little more common. They hunt in families, so that is to say, groups of 2-5. They hunt small mobs such as mice and some birds. They don't cause much damage, but, like wolves, hunt in small packs that will all attack you if you attack one. They drop 0-2 Fox Fur (ideas for crafting anyone?) and 0-3 Fox Meat. Fox Meat is exactly like Porkchops both raw and cooked.
Mice are very small creatures that aren't very easy to catch. They can't jump but can run up short distances (1 or 2 blocks). They are often hunted by foxes and medium-sized birds. They don't have much health as they are small. They are passive so they can't attack you (I don't think they could do much even if they could attack). They drop 0-3 Rat Tails (possible potion ingredient of some sort).
There are several different birds but most are small in the forest. They come in a variety of colors but mostly the same size. They live in trees (generally the bigger trees). The smaller birds (like the Hummingbird and Bluejay) are passive and hunted by foxes. They are all the same except look different colors. They drop 0-3 feathers and 0-2 raw bird (exactly like raw chicken). The Hawks are a little larger and more of a predator than the smaller birds. They, like foxes are neutral at day but hostile at night. They will swoop down either to hunt mice, or to attack you. They don't have much health, but they are hard to take down (and nearly impossible to attack at day-time) without a bow. They drop 0-3 feathers and something else (I haven't thought of it yet).
Stats E=Easy N=Normal H=Hard
Health: 10 or 12
Neutral during day, Hostile at night
Damage: E=3, N=4, H=5
Speed: Equal to Spider's
Health: 4
Damage: N/A
Speed: Faster than Spider's
Small Birds:
Health: 6
Damage: N/A
Speed: Medium Flyer
Health: 12 or 14
Neutral at day, Hostile at night
Damage: E=4, N=5, H=6
Speed: Fast-Flyer
There aren't any blocks yet, please suggest any you think of. For now this is just a placeholder.
Now the desert as it is is just a barren wasteland with some cacti. Mobs generally don't spawn here so its a harsh place to live. My ideas will, in some ways make it harsher, but in some ways make it easier. I intend to give some mobs and maybe the occasional desert paradise: an oasis.
Scorpions are little troubles that will make you want to take shelter for the night. They only spawn at night thankfully. They come in groups of 3-7 and can burrow in the sand. They can dig under you and come out to attack you. They do not do much damage, but that is easily made up for because they are in large groups and are poisonous. The poison will take half a heart (or 1 heart if you're on hard) a second and lasts for 5 seconds. Since they are so small they have puny amounts of health, but beware, if you punch them you get poisoned. They drop 0-2 Scorpion Venom, which may be used in some poison and other things.
Camels will only spawn at day at an oasis next to the water. They are passive and if you make a saddle (see crafting below) you can ride them. Riding Camels isn't much of an advantage, they travel at walking pace. But your hunger bar won't go down as quickly (as you are no longer walking), they have limited storage and won't be affected by quicksand (not sure why). You can store 5 items on a camel in the case that you don't need certain items at the time. The items will vanish if the camel dies, so beware of traveling in danger with a camel.
Crafting a Saddle (
or it might be
Vultures are scavengers and will go after any meat on the ground. They will only spawn at night and are neutral unless you have raw meat in your inventory. They don't have a lot of health, but can take a few hits. They are generally are slow compared with other birds. They drop feathers and meat of any kind.
Cobras are extremely quick, deadly, venomous, snakes that are obviously hostile and spawns at night. Once they are close enough for a strike they will lunge at you incredibly fast. They are poisonous so you will take 1 heart of damage (1 and a half for hard) if it bites you. It drops Snake Fangs and Snake Venom (I don't know what I could do with these yet) if you manage to kill it.
Health: EN=2 H=4
Damage: E=1, N=2, H=4
Speed: Zombie's
Health: 14
Speed: Steve's
Health: 10
Neutral at night, unless you carry raw meat
Damage: E=5, N=6, H=8
Speed: Slow-Flyer
Health: 12
Damage: E=3, N=4, H=5
Speed: Medium-Fast
Blocks in the desert are simple right now, sand and sandstone if you dig into the ground. I had some trouble thinking of blocks that could be in the desert, but I thought of at least one for now.
Quicksand is found in patches all over the desert. It is somewhat uncommon and looks nearly exactly like sand. If you get caught in quicksand you will slowly sink at first, the more you move the faster you sink. However, once you are a block deep in quicksand you will keep sinking if you are trying to move, but will slowly rise if you are remaining completely still. Quicksand isn't deadly if you don't move (but can suffocate you if you do), but will slow you down. So watch where you're going when traveling through the desert, even when chased by a mob.
The Plains right now are just a vast, grassy land full of animals. They don't contain anything special or diverse. I can think of a few mobs that would fit right into a plains biome. However, similar to the forest, there aren't any new blocks I can think of that would add to the plains. I also decided to combine plains with savannah because they are very similar.
Buffalo (or possibly Bison) roam around in a herd on the plains. They come in herds of 5-9. If you attack one they will either all run away in the same direction(75% chance), or they will all attack you (25% chance). Buffalo don't have too much health so you can take them down pretty easily with a sword or axe, but they are in a group so they all ay attack you. Also beware of being hit by them, they do 3.5 hearts on easy, so they're no laughing matter to take down if they attack. They aren't preyed upon except for cheetah due to their size and the danger of them.
Cheetahs are so fast and deadly if it wants you dead you are dead before you can say this sentence correctly. They are hostile at night, spawn at night, but are neutral during the day. They are the fastest mob so your only chance to survive it is to kill it. Luckily they don't have tons of health so it just takes a few moments of spamming your sword at the right moment. They drop claws (I need help with what they can be used for). These cats are the top of the food chain on the plains so they have no predators.
The Elephant is the largest land creature in the world living today. They are passive but are generally tough to kill. The spawn during the day and have lots of health. Nothing ever hunts an elephant (except you of course) due to its massive size. They drop elephant hide which could be used to make armor (not sure what to call it, maybe Hide Armor) that is stronger than leather but weaker than iron.
Health: 10
Damage: E=7, N=8, H=10
Speed: Fast
Health: 8 or 10
Damage: E=5, N=6, H=7
Speed: Extremely Fast
Health: 30
Damage: N/A
Speed: Medium
Like I said, I couldn't think of any blocks to go here so please help me out by posting in the comments below. For now this is just a placeholder
I believe the Taiga and Tundra aren't much different except that Taiga has more life, so I decided to put them together. The Tundra is an arctic desert, it is as simple as that, so there isn't much to do for it, though I'll do all I can. The Taiga on the other hand, is just a forest in winter, so its easier to make a few mobs for it. However, both of them don't have a lot of variety in landscape, so again I don't think I can do much for the blocks part.
Polar Bear
The Polar Bear is one of the few mobs found in the Tundra, however, it can also be found in the Taiga too. It is neutral at day and hostile at night. I t has a good amount of health, so it won't go down super easily. It is always alone, as it spawns alone and if any other polar bear appears they will fight to the death. It preys upon Penguins in the Tundra, and just about everything in the Taiga. It drops Bear Meat and Bear Fur (I need help with crafting for this one too). Nothing wants to be around the Polar Bear due to its size and power.
Penguins are small, passive, and many people say, cute. They move very slowly on land, but in the water you need a boat to catch up with them. They don't have much health and they are hunted by the polar bear. They spawn in groups of 5-10 and drop raw fish and fins. The fins can be crafted (in the shape of boots) to make Flippers. Flippers allow travel through water at half the speed of a boat, though make it so you only travel half as fast on land.
Polar Bear:
Health: 14
Damage: E=5, N=6, H=7
Speed: Medium
Health: 5
Damage: N/A
Speed: Land Slow, Water Fast
Like I said, there aren't any blocks to go here that I can think of right now, so this is just a placeholder for later on.
The Jungle is a lively place full of animals and exotic plant-life. Or at least that's my goal once I'm done with it. I already at the time of typing this have plenty of ideas of mobs and blocks to add to such a potent place. This will probably be the longest biome for me to type due to all the mobs and such that can be here.
Monkeys swing around in the trees and are passive. They have some health but not much, but that doesn't stop them from swinging away on a vine to safety. They spawn in small groups of 3-5 and usually stay in that group until death. They are slightly smaller than you but still are harmless. The only things that usually will go after a monkey are boa constrictors or plants, if a monkey accidentally slips and falls into the maw of the plant.
Boa Constrictor
This snake is really big, and won't let go till you die. It hides on trees and in bushes, then jumps out to strangle its victim and eats it whole once it's dead. It doesn't have too much health, but will slowly kill you if you don't get it off quick. You can get it off by fully submerging in water, but it won't stop there. It will keep trying to kill you until either of you is dead. Attack just before it reaches you to knock it back, keep doing it till it's dead. Nothing tries to hunt the Boa Constrictor so it has no predators. It drops on death something (not sure yet).
Health: 8
Damage: N/A
Speed: Fast in trees
Boa Constrictor
Health: 10
Damage: EN 1, H 2
Speed: Medium
Mud is somewhat common in the Jungle and is a block similar to Soulsand. It doesn't slow you down as much as Soulsand, but still has that effect nonetheless. It takes a little longer than dirt to mine with any tool.
Plants I decided just put in blocks because they don't move, you can put them in your inventory, and you can place them again. Plants a pretty much traps in waiting for any mob to come by. They will try to eat the mob by biting them repeatedly. These bites don't do much damage (only 3 (4 if on hard)), but you still have to get out of the trap fast, by either killing the plant, or mining your way out of the 1x1x2 hole. The reward for killing them is that you can pick up the plant and plant it somewhere else.
Future Biomes
These Biomes I have not added yet because I didn't have the time, or didn't think of it at the time.
Oceans (maybe)
Future Items
These things I haven't added yet because I didn't have the time, or didn't think of it at the time. The Biome in parentheses next to the item shows what biome it will be for.
Crocodile (or alligator) (swamp)
Bear (Forest)
Bees (Forest)
Viper (Jungle)
These small notes are things you should know.
This List is incomplete, there are many things I need help with to think of good things to add.
If you think you could add to this please leave a reply and I will add it to the list if it's good.
If I make a mistake or you think I should change something, please tell me in a reply and I may change/fix what you said.
I can't do images or whatever of the mobs or make banners, so I'm sorry for that.
These are all the great people who have helped me with ideas and such.
Final Words
I think all of us know that not all of this will be added, we can only hope the things that really do need to be added are added. It took lots of work for me to type all this, so I just would like to say thank you for reading this, and thank you to my fingers for not dying after all the work I made you do.
Also, I think the sheep milk would also be good to add to the game, because sheep right now, except for beds, have no purpose.