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    posted a message on ★ AUSMC ★ - [US & AU SERVER] - AMAZING CUSTOM PVP
    Quote from Curtis100

    Amazing quality server, you honestly won't find better than this in Australia..

    You won't find better than this ANYWHERE. Once you come to this server you will see that it is literally the only good pvp server out there. If not for the great admins then for the awesome custom plugins, designed by pvp lovers themselves. Easy for anybody to start here, even as a one man clan!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Savage RPG - [1.7] [Custom Bosses with over 250 Unique Abilities!] [Diablo Style Loot] [Dungeons] [Quests] [Classes] [Towns] [Pv
    • Your "IGN" (In Game Name): mifbifgiggle
    • Age: 16
    • Have you voted for Savage Realms at all 3 sites mentioned below?: yes
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Any (10-13) kids who use common sense and are good at this game?
    Bottom line of this entire thread (derived from 90% of the posts):

    Every single person on this thread who says that they are mature, or indirectly references themselves as being mature by going off on some philosophical tangent about maturity, is in fact a member of a special group of people that I like to call the nonconforming conformists. I've put years of thought into this, and I'm sure that my perspective of this is not far from fact.

    A lot of this thought comes from my former partaking in such a group. Real life experience has led me to these conclusions. I was once one of those that I am about to explain.

    To put it simply: You have been quickly excluded from the general clique, and have joined one of minority, which would be those that openly (and often excessively) determine to act as what you see as superior to those who have denied you acceptance. For example, you will begin to learn things that others wouldn't, enhance your vocabulary, evaluate your writing to make sure it is immaculate, so that all may see you as an intellectual (I'm not saying you aren't smart, I'm just saying you are pretty obsessed with showing it, and have only achieved such intellect through your years of determination to prove your opposition wrong). Where you have failed once, you never tried again, and resorted to such practices that are looked down upon by an extreme majority, even more so than that of those that you see as inferior.

    "Everybody who drinks, does drugs, or posts slutty pictures is a douchebag and is immature."

    Completely and utterly false. I do none of these things, and determine to never for various reasons, but I can see clearly that it is not a way of life to be looked down upon. It's certainly not acceptable behavior in today's somewhat puritanical society, but nor was abolitionism in the early 1800s (no matter how extreme the example, it fits the bill). A lack of open-mindedness is the true downfall of our population, and such is practiced by members of both the hiphop/party/cool as hell clique and the group of outcasts who think they're superior to everyone else because they're generally viewed as smarter than others. A pothead does not a failure make, as does a 21st century "intellectual" teenager.

    Yes. I am saying that the true assholes of our society are those who pin such a title on others. The only group of people who I have ever seen as particularly intolerant of others are those who attempt to seem above-and-beyond the norm.

    Such beliefs are nearly, if not completely, eradicated by the High school years, and certainly beyond that. Literally, the only time I see this is in kids 8-14 years of age, 14 being a rarity, but a possibility. I believe that one aspect - and one of many, at that - of maturity is the ability to realize that those who are slightly less smart than the average person are not inferior at all. The nonconforming conformists try to twist the reality of situations to make it seem like they are being shunned from the loop because they literally aren't stupid enough. They actually feel that they are too smart and mature to date a normal girl or hang out with normal guys (many of which will experiment with alcohol and drugs: Do I find it slightly repulsive? Yes. Do I see them as complete assholes and failures for such actions? Absolutely not, because who am I to decide what is good or bad in terms of life decisions?), although if given the opportunity to become as accepted as they are at the cost of the same stereotype being imposed upon them, they would take it in an instant, consciously or not.

    TL;DR: How the hell do I explain this briefly? You are trying to look smart to have reason to believe that you should be accepted into the ranks of the elite based purely on your one skill of intelligence. This skill, however, is nowhere near as important as that of wisdom and experience, which is obviously nonexistent in your life.

    Hopefully, by writing this 700 word essay on the stupidity of 50% of nerds and geeks, I have influenced the views of a few people.

    I am NOT using "nerd" and "geek" as derogatory terms - I consider myself a HUGE geek (come on... I just posted on the Minecraft forum...)
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [PUZ][TWO-PLAYER] Coordination! (MC1.2.3 Compatible!)
    I'll give it a go and leave some feedback. I've played like every adventure map out there. Pretty much you name it, and I know it, for what my familiarity with good maps is worth.

    How's progress on "cooperation" coming along? If you haven't done so already, I may recommend using BUD switches during parts of the new map. If you don't know what it is, it's basically a redstone current triggered by a block update, including, but not limited to, punching redstone ore to make it glow, tilling farmland from dirt, opening a door, wheat growing from one stage to the next, and a furnace being lit with a smelting item. It allows for great inconspicuousness in puzzle designs. It opens the possibilities farther, without doubt.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on =Gloria=

    Very good map. I found the rhyming kind of weird though, not gunna lie =P
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [ADV] Eronev Mansion Adventure [1,000,000+ Downloads!] 1.9 Verified. The Classic Pumpkin Adventure.
    Got all 8 pumpkins, filled 4 levels of gold, no parkour, but I got 6 of the bedrock.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on ▂▃▅▆▇ AusMC - Hardcore PvP Survival - 1.2 with FULL inhouse plugins ▇▆▅▃▂
    Been playing for a year now. Best pvp server out there.

    Never gets boring with the frequent updates.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on ▂▃▅▆▇ AusMC - Hardcore Australian PvP Survival ▇▆▅▃▂
    Them people tryna take my chickens.

    Had fun beating the **** out of everybody on the server yesterday...and dying repeatedly.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Savage Realms - [1.7.x] [The BEST Server] [24/7 Lag-Free] [Towny] [Custom Bosses w/ over 250 abilities] [PvP World] [RPG/Dungeon
    IGN: mifbifgiggle
    Age: 17
    Any questions/concerns/comments?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Don't take our "ooh" away
    Quote from Saintbrutal

    They should bring back the "OOH" sound but for drowning, swimming in lava, touching a cactus, getting hit by a monster and falling a short distance. Falling a long distance and breaking bones makes sense the others not so much. The idea for a Male Female hurt sound is an awesome idea too. :biggrin.gif:

    I agree. I just want some vocal sounds. *I WANT THE OOH*
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Cool Machienes
    Piston elevator.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Don't take our "ooh" away
    This has turned into a debate on whether gender should be implemented :S. I just want that highly memorable and humorous ooh back :sad.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Don't take our "ooh" away
    Quote from Artezza Trigger

    The only two sounds I didn't like in the sound update are the lack of "OOH" and the weak, new arrow noise. I'd really like to see hear them come back.

    I like the realistic bow sound, actually. But i can say that "ooh" should be back :tongue.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Don't take our "ooh" away
    Quote from Floyd1990

    It's a frikkin sound just get a copy of the old .ogg file and copy into the correct directory and quit spamming the forums up with useless snit.

    It's not the same...If i'm the only one with the sound because i modded the jar, nobody else will hear it! And how am i spamming by making one thread?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Don't take our "ooh" away

    I hope that Jens or someone would bring the "ooh" back, the new player damage sound is not the greatest. And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the new damage sound used for something else?

    Not sure about that, but i know i enjoy the ooh
    Posted in: Discussion
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